c J.«w rL 2® JI£ f I A t - , r ^ !ŝ , < V? ̂ -> r a r W W . 'V A N NEWS pam»awiwww»»aa<w*^^aiTO#HiCT.wwgft!̂ !gywBeBaffiiB̂ ^ WEST. VANOOOtto CBOBAI. SOOBW To help Welfare Funds of West Vancouver Churches will be held in UNITED CHURCH>,...̂V ■0̂..w,< , r J | - t « » . s ■> MONDAY, JANUARY iStli, at 8:15 p. m Admission 86 Cents y o u k s u p p o r t w il l b e m u c h a p p r e c ia t e d pielse nolc the phan«:e from the High School Auditorium to the United Church <a ■MfikiktuMWCt' CLASSIFIED A D S r j j f i ****VJ»p!lKr*aaaS^^ Van n«wh ^et immedlata raauliics ........... - -.........- ■ ......... .... ' ' r I" " ........... . FOU 8A L B ~Pair real Harrla T w »^ icoU . panU, iu?w,» ahna 38 bJ. 4D' Offer. Phone Went IHflY. ______ Take Carneffie*a advlra and |l«y U u re CAPABLE tilHL WANTS WOItK * RxAfcrlont'ed with housework and Aercmre Itt a place with a future. Actviigc in gooil locations from $50 Jo'up. Apply John I.awson, W*̂ est S5. children. Phono West 077Y. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave -- 10'/* Bhlo durliiK January. Phono West ;J9. ' ' ____ _ PAINTINtJ, KALSOMINlNll AND ,.PAI'KH1N(» -- Take advantage of ctu'iipor winter prices. Phono Wosl WANTED -- Have two rtHsilMmslble mrtica wanting u home on ivntal , lUHiH, One Would like a four-room " jungalow, and" the Other a homo with three bedrooniH. A largo lot preferred in each eaae. ,1. T. W alt, Illume West 141. _____ __ FOU WENT--('om for tabic and.attrac* live little nouKe, modern, furniahed <*r partly furniahed, $15. Phonw Wi'st 0L't)L. MAJICKLLE SHOP -- Mnfcclla, 50 eenls; re«el, :)5c; linger wave, 75c. INione Mra. King,, Woat 304. Ihllar Miss Mariiifaret McIntyre who will "give a violin solo a t the Choral Society's concert ftext Monday 'evehing in the United Church. FOR SALE--White King und^llomcr pigeouM. $1.00 pur pair. Phono We»l.201X. I'AUIiliY Buya and ScIIh Furniture-- Kfpairing an d ., polishing, Painta, oils, a'ialna, glasrs'. Phone Wesr'ViY." C. J* BRODERICK--Photo Finlaher, Developing, Printing, Enlarging, Coloring and Copying (Sagara .Store) 1522 Marine i)rive. __. A LI. THE BEST BrnndH of Clgara, Cigarettes ami Tolmceua. Also Ex- i'liange ,l"i)ker IIuiuIh .ami Consol l aids Free. Amlileslde Tea Ruomn. •o DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOIR CONCERT SUCCESSFUL TO RENT--5 room inodorn houiiei Good garden, Numbut* of good fru it . Ireofl. , Convenient location; $20.00. Apjily John Lawson. West 55. if you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month .t) There was a large attendance in the Inglewooci Auditorium last Saturday evening - on the occasion of "A Night of Gilbert & Sullivan," put on by the Dun- darave Ladies' Choir, under the FOR SALE or EXCHANGE for West Vancouver Property -- .100 acres dyked land with good building at P itt Meadows. Apply John Lawson ...W est-55............................................... '■ direction of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, assisted by male singers and a :< male chorus, and an orchestra under Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, The pretty costumes ' and stage work, for which Mrs. A. J." Gleam was responsible, as well as the scenery in charge of J. E. Durbin, with the assistance of T. McCulloch, added very.greatly . to- the success of the evening. - Tlie norchestra, under Mrs. ' F. Kfiigkt-Hodge, and Mrs. J. E. Durbin as accompanist, also ably assisted the artists. The various choruses were cohsistently well r e n d e r e d - a i i d T - ^ v H i i ^ l e - t h i e - a o l o i & t s T WE HAVE TEN OF THE CHKAP- EST LOTS^in West VuncoUvor -- ■Srnnd-dnsrrinr in near future. John Lawson, We.st 55. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS idence Phone West 241K. Roa- BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15th and B ell^ue, near ferry. Hates ut- ti'uctive. I^dncv-West 458L, Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC Established 1912 ■ ■ - -------------------1 REAI. ESTATE AND INSURANCE --uhoie-<iu-A<̂ reage-Hind--HoiupHlUm- ut Attracfiviv Ibices- MONEY TO 1.0AN ON MOH'J'GAGES 1405 Marifte Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour'1260 . Evenings West 204 X WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. , FOR SALE--̂ Italian velvet Krohler davenport, $50. Cost .$180. Phono .West 457R3. . THE.CORI»ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER did not do equally _ well, their West 36 Service _at your door 1BettttyiM[aiitiers~ Lady: 'il w ant' some kid "A man tried to kiss me last gloves for my ten-year-old night." daughter, please." ̂"Did you slap his face ?" ~61erk: "White"kid7" T'" "Yes, in d e ^ --as soon as he efforts" in eabk humloer m et with the hearty aoproval of the audi ence. The difficult number, "Poor W andering One," was very well Sling by Mrs. Willoughby, with the assistance of the choir, as FreslY and Sin oked New Laid Eggs Dressed • Poultry Lady: "Sir, how dare you!" got through.' TlflERM CTS was the quartette, "Strange Ad venture," by Mesdames Wil loughby and Stevens and Messrs. Holt and Froud. Mention should also be made of James Holt, whose voice was heard to ad vantage in several numbers. ^ M rs ;-- F .~ i? b ~ H o d g s o n -- g a v c T ^ a - spirited rendering ' of "When HOLLYBURN Barber Shop̂ 16th & Marine E X P E R T S E R V I C E E. MARSH, Proprietor Is hereby, given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Cor poration of the District of West' Vancouver, B. C.j that I j*equirc the presem-e of the said Electors :_a t_Ui o_C_o.unc.iL_Ch amber, ,-Munir^ cipa] Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY" COMMUNITY PLAYERS IN "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" the IJth day of January, 1932, a t 12 o'clock noon, are busy- rehearsing their next Our G ^ n t Norman Foes," and production, "Three Live Ghosts," for the purpose of electing per- . .../ions_t,o_ repre.s_enL .thenuas JReeve- the s o ^ , "On the Day When I W asxiVedded" was very>̂ well given by Mrs. A. J. Gleam. "For the Merriest Fellows Are We," by Gordon Gray and a mixed chorus was received with vociferous a'pplause, while th 'e duet, "I Have a Song to, Sing-0," by Miss Edna Walker and Nor man-Sewell, is deserving of jnep- "tion7"^the~former's"""dictidn aria Concentrated Heat general rendition of her part' be ing particularly good-_________ which is t o 'be given for three nights in the Jlollyburn Theatre,) on February 15th, IG.th, and' 17th, under the. auspices of the Canadian Legion. The produc tion is in the hands of Mr. Guy Desmond and the cast contains all ouî -{ oli^ favorites of this clever band of players, including Mrs. Guy Eastman, who is play- i ng- -the -p a r t--of-- '-Old--S wee t- heart," the ' part tak en , in the picture production by Beryl Mercer; ;We"sL"Vancwvef~is" tO"' and Two Councillors and electing three persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per son to represent them as a Com missioner of Police. The ^Mode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows; -The Candidate.s shall be nom inated in w riting; the. writing .shall be subscribed by two elec tors of^the Municipality as pro poser and. .seconder, and shall .be delivered to the Returning Of- £ g G -SIZE-N U G G ETS of simppy, long- flamed heat--th a t's Therm ets. Made from carefully processed B .C coal apd pressed into' concentrated form. N o black sm oke!--no soot!--n o clinkers!-- less a s h ! T hese features m ake T herm ets the . ideal fuel for furnace, range o r fire place--an d jio easy to handle.. . Variety was given the eve- . , . , , . en terta inm eiitby a dance ed on having .such by Miss Mollie E dw aris and by ^ players,whose__ _____i.1______ productions and performance, selections from the orchestra. perform an (_ . , , rank equal with any amateur. During the evening a basket productions in the whole of fleer a t .any time between the ■date of the notice and 2 p. m. of -the-day of-pominaiien^ The said writing may be in-.,the form num bered 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elociions Act," and shall state the names, residence ^ flowers was presented to Mrs. Canada. As one critic remarked and occupation or description of' each person proposed, in such F. X. Hodgson and a bouquet to Mrs. Khight-Hodge, g ifts also being received by' Mrs. WiL loughby and Miss M argaret -Rahkihe-. afte r seeing their last produc-' ' J®. lion, "The 13th Chair," that it candidate; and in the . . . a pr«1uctj.n worthy o f ooy S V i j U ^ a t l te $ 1 1 o o Under test, Thermets have proved th ^ - ^ ^ v e s t o 'b e ~ t t ^ B ) i p e i i o r j t n o r e - e e o n o m i c a l - PER TON fuel Ybu try a ton--if you are hot satis fied, gladly refund your money on the unused balance. theatre. So don't forget and keep qpen this date and you will be sure of " a n ~ e x ire l lC T t^ o iH 5 iiy :;fT [ ls y ]^ ~ b y a talented band of West Van- SATURDAY, THE 16TH DAY ____ (ICUANIIARY,_L952,- i: V ' 11 ■ ■ 1 and sold ■with n money-back guarantee Legion Notes FUEL departm ent Vf e s t 1 0 1 b e tw e ^ th ^ hb b'clbck couver talent and produced in a a. mj^-and 8 o'clock p. m, of said manner worthy o f - a , first "clafis day a t the New Ambleside Hhll, theatre. All the proceeds in aid corner of 14tĥ treet̂ ^̂ ?̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ of t̂he Canadian Legion. ine Drive, West Vancouver," B.C. Arrangements have been inade of which every person is hereby for the J)undaraye Ladies Choir required to take notice and kov- to ̂ present , their Gilbe,r_t & Sulli- , en ib im self accordingly. _______van evening a t the Shaughnes.sy__- - Given-Jjndei^invJhand-at the The Canadian Legion, West Military Hospital on Friday^ "M unicpal Hall, District o f̂ West WmaS m M Vancouver Branch; is "giving a whist drive^ and Social tomorrow (Saturday) evening, a t 8 o'clock, for members and th e ir -wives and !-piembers of the Legion W. A. There will be no charge. January 22nd. you marry me.He; "̂Will dearest?" She: "Certainly.- Comj^nion- ate, trial or fight-to-a-finish?" Vancouver,, th l^ S O th ' day of December, 1931. HoIIyburn, B. C., 30th December, ,1931. WMrJJERRIN, Returning Officer. I