I 9 .Mmf I' ';'S li I ."■« '»d t J f if., jj. >ul ' ' 'ii>1 * Iii V S'. is* ::. iff !"':iSi it il '1':'̂ ji l i . /- % f 5 f'.KS P i P -'*'i i}% \] 41 m«,- w5 .,v^5 I fM -^m BoUdte ̂ 1 t t )•' u/t *i r- m . t, Vour confidence for a furlher term a« Councillor 1932-33 the bandit would have to give^up hi» trade* owing to the fact that««««<«iiMii II ■"■■• liJfli v,a«HJvie V W III |j IM HiVf ***"^j*'*, ^ Aocordingr<^0 n ~B.UnP.-dee--" he rnight-€«capeHfmm4iis-vict^ Lance S. Garthorne N- Aaka you to aupport him *for a* 8ECON0 TERM \ , ' . •■ • ' ' 1 as COUNCILLOR patch acientiata are now di»r but not .from "the enraged dtl* agreed on the burning question zenry^' in the vicinity* however as to whether the ancestors of bad shots they would sure to be. the human race were Chinese or The words in inverted commas African apes. No respectable are distinctlygood, and J a™ ape of any bree<i, much less his ' proud of them, for the spectacle descendant man, wouhl^ waste of stout old gentlemen' in door time on such "futile discussibh^ ways blindly potting themselves . W herefore I rise to remark that and bandits would be better 1 :.am chiefly interested as to than a nfovie, providing a W'hether these scientists are de* cement trucldwas handy to hide scended from the Asiatic or the in. However, joking apart, it African ass. I t is no wonder our remains the only feasible solu- ancestors used to burn scientific tion of the difficulty, even if men on 'Sight. Imagine an old also private quarrels were occa- baron being requireil to have as sionally settled out of court. If his ci^st a monkey, rampant-- the revolver does not appeal to ape, baboon, or what have you, the public .taste, what about the il makes no diUVreiice. There dagger or rapier? They both was an occupatioji wc all had to have their points, engage in in the trenches. None H o U y liiin i of us ever did it willingly. A , monkey spends most of his time at it, and thoroughly enjoys it. '"^rhat by itself kills all monkey thedries,' , ' . Candidate for COUNCILLOR I «»VOTE THUS respectfully asks for yoiir support on his record'of 1926-27 votinciJ. , PL4TF0KM . ^ • i'frUo evoryth.lnjf pojiBible to brinif ybhut the buiklinjf of the P 'irs t': mrfxiWH Uridtfe and ro-oponiuif yf the Second NarrowH Hridjrc. Againat any tnercase in taxation. reducti<,n of tax penalty and , ^xtenHion of time of penalty to a is t of .July instead of JiOth of June. , mi 0('<)nomy except as regards, unemployment relief; -I. ̂he enlargement ofJbuHinesH scope in West Vancouver. -------- ^ f). Improvement In transportation system. • piliy work of permanent nature being done, to be distributed equally iiinong local men nceditjg work. I-'avors each ward receiving its. full tth'we of all expenditures. - If Transportation is desired, phone W, 105 Punch during the Russo-Jap anese war publishod the solilo- (liiy of a Russian admiral, which started as follows: "Togo, or to g(k „ That is the quosCion. . For, if.tQ>stay be.'Togo, to.go* may be Togo, So there's the nib." All the world .at this begin- ■Ĵ LUig. pf;:j.-932ds:ggkiu same question. /I'li^'o^is a large faith in impcyiding disaster, and in little .else!. I am buttonholed •â every corner when I walk a- long H astingsS troet by'friends y whb ask me as a journalist what I think will happen. I tell them I ani not . a prophet and-I-don't ride on a donkey, and remem bering tha t Balaam vV?is reprov- ed'by'hfs ass, r have nothing to say. Silence is golden . these " days^ even if .the gold standard - is going. The Aberdonian walked at the tail of the funeral > procession. "Are you one of the mourners?" asked tlio undertaker. "Am I no?" was his reply. "He owed, me twa pounds." THEATRE Friday and Saturday ' " IT'S A WISE CHILD" with -MARKON DAVIES He (politely): .."Won't you take off your things and stav awhile?" y ^ h e : "S ay! What do you think I am ?" "What is the most outstand ing contribution tha t chemis try has given to the world?". "Blondes." S c h o o l T r u s t e e S : O ia ir in a ii- .o £ -B o a r-d -4 -9 J © - ,3 i 'Sr : ' 1 ' .S e e k s R e - E le c t io n ]1931 S chool T a x R a te L o w est fo r Six Y ears, I t is nice to read from the pen A. H A R V E Y S M IT H invites ,your support of his candidature for C O U N C I L L O R for the year 1932. .p£, .a UniledTpress staff cpri'es pondent how Germany spent the millions she borrowed in luxuri- .. es, and-as a. result-cannot pay her debts. And now vve are . ...asked to be kind to The perj ured waster, and give her the kiss of forgiveness, and pocket our los ses, also to be international in __our-'outlook, JeAt-anothei^-^Vorid- war--comps upon us. Thus the kind of tosh the League of Na tions teaches. Tfnp'dace jcan be ■ maintained on this earth, the only league capable of doing so is tha t commonwealth oT nations _Mipwn „as_the_^nHsh--Empire.^- But th a t means,_4 .oo, the old- fashioned kind of patriotism, which gave short shift to obvi ous traitors like' Ghandi and similar disturbers „of the peace. There was never a time when we so needed a map of the cali bre of Cromwell or Kitchener. Trustee Mrs. P. Masterman . • ■ • • .t . f respectfully solicits your vote and influence For SCHOOL TRUSTEE for 1932 PLATFOiRM---Efficiency and Economy. ' y l i : WEEDEN -- JHispect-f-u lly--solicit'is~youi'--support ' for~ PO LICE COil/Af/SS/OjVE/? 'it A humorous man, being suli- poenaed as a Witness, on a trial for assault, one of the coun4 l. who wjis notorious for brow beating witnesses, asked him what distance he was from the 7par-tieS" Wbeir-the~assault"ihap~ , The large number of holdups recently on this continent has started the old question again concerning revolvers. The au- suggestion is put forward that, their sale "should be en- ̂ tirely forbidden oiL_atJeastlso_ i^stricted that the average citi zen could never possess one. As was pointed out ,bŷ one of the laigest. a n d . most- reputabrler U. b. magazines, in repljr to this suggestion when the discussion laged in the States some j^'cars would only result in citizenry being unarmed, aim the thugs armed, fo r th e ' latter will get these \yeapons willy niliy ,so long as they are manufaetured. That i^vQlver«_ >yiil be manufactured goes with- VOTE FOR T. E.-BATCHELOR for School Trustee PLATFORM Economy and the maintenance of a high stand ard of efficiency by perfect cooperation between _ the School Board and Teaching Staff,, this in spite of reduction in the governmen_t_grant. announces his candidature for S C H O O L T R U S T E E Your support respectfully solicited pened._ He answered, "Ju st four feet, five-and a half inches." "How came you to be so ,very exact?" asked the counsel. "Be cause, I expected some fool or other jvould ask me," said he, "andWo T measured it." -out^saying so long as they re -mmti-a we«apon of war. A certain number of geijtle- Ghai'tists~raised con siderable Cain in England-dur ing the Victorian era. They were squashed by every man in Eng.and becoming, a special con- stabie, because an armed band of tough citizens can handle the police force quite nicely, but they can t tackle a ' nation in arms. ̂Herein is th e : true solu tion to the holdup ^questipn. If everyone carried a revolver or W .JS f, M e D O N A L D wishes to announce his candidature for -------V -- / . • - , ■ School Trustee and asks for your support. '»■ f