West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Jul 1936, p. 3

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} Jttly IWSf-lS .»• ̂ ;ê ^̂4., H . I I I H C f ^ i ^ t i i t 1 ^ I4.-.0 M*ria» Brinv A«WmM*. rtc« Sdlnary ,.-. f l» u W<M 77 S P E C M ^ L " g | ^ i i a y % S a t i ; ^ & A u g ; 1 : ..... ii.r»...«>.«lyi.»lW«IU.<i*...»«l̂ ,..,.lll...I.. jî ..,,mvii.|.Aim,,ii4 SUNKIST VA SUNKI '" ' ' V . J ipc. m , m . , SWEET J I H O f |# l | |® 0 t o r i ^ y ; 1 4 for p « • * ̂ ' fUICV EES4C|jN̂E»' l ali6#»M<*fc»..î jijii»'M«*.».|»..M*....*.<ioiK©n 40® j* -- -- t "'i g g "is"s z r ! r s '"' ."!■-- r r p T ^ j L j p c a l a n d f t o i l y le f t t o m , O r e W # -- -w.., --4. ,. K m ' Jill " ̂ V wa jWkitt dl>ii!h tflll jMfe ' y i s L L o W m S l K l S S ^ S G ^ K S s ^ ^ ' i s CAL. BARTLE?TT BEARS, liftrgo^flizo , ,̂J.u....;«......,.j;...,.......... dozen 36c i "... ....................................s ibai 251;-: Bnd'" s t ^ ^ ^ y s - 1 t t ^ ^ < » d 8 . MraJ-Walali brCybwsBS' W lt i "■ A u g u s t / . ; r f T • ■' >»S.J »*fT,,r „n,u, » y i We iriiU#Mjlli>1EihiFu>n 3f 4.W. i m s .1 <7Wl** ̂ J* ̂ ̂ ^ W<0 ll* ft * S*W*,P? nf. V.f!̂ »yX* f ^ vy 4~ *" Sm allw ood appeared in th e l is t ' ^ .A ^ w e d d in a 'w * ̂ es w ho - .^ t ^ t o d lc p lace n fu l in ,p assln ff dunior M atricula- J u ly 21st, a t 8 p .m , a t th e h o ^ t ib ir a t K its ila n o H ig h 'S c h o o l. • o f th e B ev . and m r ^ l t e i y S h e is a W e^t V ancouver g irl E llis , 4746 W e s i^ ix t h A fe h u e , ........................... c ity ̂V ancouver, wh^iT J Birthday, Births, W eddings, Anniversary, Sympathy, .., ................... The prices are ii^rlslngly low. Gemmiirs Drug Store . The Storo of r 1586 Marine Drko Wcat 87 or Weat 607 Emerfoncy Phono Woat 821 (After aOp.m.), FRESH vegetables ̂ • y «»• "18*|lts. '25,c.' No. 1 ho; IIOTHOUt OKANAGi .2 lbs. 26c )ESSERT.TOMArrOES ........................ 2 lbs. 16c j-'fWTinr.ni'TftlW-ATlYRfl ' - . * ■« O ihs. IKe ̂.«_w__ _ r l«v aafO*,,, 4.uv , OUTDOOR CUCUMBERS^ Large size-..It........ ............................ each t5c,, LOCAL GRBEN'Atid RUTTER BEANS .... ...,::.... :.....;3 lbs. for 10c jjOCAL JNFi'VV'î 'B'ErEiTS.'t and* 'l̂ El̂ Ŵ, 0 'AiRROTS....'. .̂........ ......... 7 bunches 10c. VEGETABLE;"MABltQW 7 s i * ? ".y UivXlI/A l V r • :Q*dUV" k*4»f«<ttt««»t*M«**tt»«>'"*"'***««<*n*«'**a**"*'̂ ***"***̂*̂ *̂*/' ' " V*'.' CLOVERDALE LETTUCfe...8 for 10c; ^HUBBARD. SQUASH... lb. 5c. b r o a d ,BEA^,S:i ; . ; / lOci, :»OAL:CABBOGfi....2 lb,.. Be carry TobaccOiandgp g a^^ L ast Sunday t t M ies:,vcar- ' * 1 ra tra A *i t .ried 3,341,;paBsen|er̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ,V":,,i The W est - V ancouver^' B oys' Band are c h ie f t im in g , ,'the Cal­ gary Boy0 Band a t a picnio.t.oday . 'at E a g le 'fHaTbdr^'f̂ ît'̂ "?f'̂ "*'̂ '*""""̂ ". N - * ii, ( III * '"'4 < i ■■'■l/'! ■• t J ' . »' / ' , '♦•Uisi'.i; <'*'11* * •*"m .' ' ' n , gfe IhjEillll YCSi!%Nr *' 'ML*- ll#,JW6liflS.JIwliflI4l,;Tt',, » G eneralG olitractor ' '. ■nzu&PUNADE 1'. •..' ■ /v.esrfAoi'...̂ ,,̂ ,,,,, ■H} < J. ,B reht/fb f;.4V ancouver^ ^ h a g ^ , , ,> . Vv o+" 1KK«.' \ >moved . in fo , h ou se at:' .1558 ,' Duches§;Aye^ue;.:,5:'v- 7 »'■ r,'A/ ' ,v K' "i. ,- ' . Picnic), Grounds,--Tennis .Courts, Bathing; Boating, Fishing, ' .Tea:ri)^nts,iSai\dy BeacheSr • Cottage^for rent fby-Month or. ........... --'--------------- > I. J I ' 'i. i.-i'jT i s r >1"'*'fv'* ' « f 1 ".̂'̂4 /,3. O pticihSi ^ C ' ' I 1. J 4 T '%i?- >>,'■' iS^ i '-'c: '40;3(4Aim;--,tb:4:r';4; ;cr-??pir 1622'Marine Drive.< ♦ t M. ir i f 'y V»vT̂"7i ^ %>- ) EVES'EXAMINED - ' I - / ' .-'...^CLASSES FITTED ,V/ '̂'V' 14'43'Marine-Eirlve- ;AniMeside ,, , Phone West 340 EveningEb West 143 '. m /k m ,, J, ̂ i>t'f 'j 3 ^ j:/:_ListinssJlfaliteil ' ^ ,. ,i f -.* 4̂, tt * ' vv \ '(if ̂ "t i. ' ; .."..I ' -t' *̂' I". J ,1 *.,/►( i f,5& ^ '5'f u-;rf ,' ̂ ' r* '. •" I L '.,*'v-"'» I'Tf n ̂ / f3Bi0iH!0!B;aiS!ra;BLaEtlsMli who transferred to the city .Vancouver, w h ^ ^ u lie t P l w s , schobl this spring. ' ' ] elder daughter of Mr.^nd Mrs. , j , r - ; , #■" ♦, .;• - - - H.'E/gphnsdh/M arlhc-ftrW be- Miss Peggyi Redden was a came the bride of Mr, Frederick luncheon hostess on Friday at Rex Wefts, son of M r,-A."F. her home jri; Caulfeild, when Werts, Burnaby Street, Vancou- covefs were, laid for twenty. ver. Her sister, Miss Geraldine . r , ̂ ,* , ♦ * Johnson was her sole attendant, ' Mrs. Stuart .gameron of* Caul- the., groom. berng supportfd- by ■ feild ,. has .as; Ker guest Mrs. J. Ws brother; Mr. F; H Werts L'.' Pavidsoh Of Vancouver. The bride, leaning on the aim of . ^ I n, >.,!. > * ■ ' ' , her father, looked charm ing,ns Mrs; Newland has moved from * she, descended the • cafpeted West Bay. into a house at 27th . steps ornamented with huge jar- and Ottawa Aveiiue. ' dimeres of pmk roses and passed , 4, ' * ♦ ' out into th e ' garden, IA to- the Cards of invitation have been- s ta in s .'£ " 2 S ' S S f e S £ S " ' 4i;*i ♦ ' 4i , . . the. Rev./W", Ellis. T'he^^bride James Vincept, 2464 Haywood ' wore a white embroidered Chin- Avenue; -has* moved to Amble- ese silk gown, made ompnneess in a large bow at the back, .the ww ...... i w siia itsp Stratton's BAKERY l l ^ , A i, .,U.I ̂^ Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage 'Rolls, Banbury-Cakes, . . , , Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning ' I Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 */' -* turni g t yancouve . pink roses, lillies of the valley, /j. -J - ,. ,. . ' wlvi+o ■'/>,Qi»vio'finTio on/l inoiflon ■ ; Sir's-.E: i^Kinread and daugh- wM*® tPT. P,<.Tipe.' of ' Seattle. ' motored hdir fern. w itM owing streamei s' fkv ' rtf ' Seattle ■ motored b̂ i** w itM owing streamers ■ ta W ^ iv k i^ o U ^ e fa . of pink. The bridesmmdVgnwn ;,vimt ' her ,:br6ther-in-law' and w a| of soft pmk triple sheer, - sister 'Mri'Md Mrs. W. Kissick, , hef^white picture hat waS'band- ' i . ed with pmk fprget-me-not^ and ' THURSDAY, FRIDAY A N D , SATURDAY MATINEE July 30th, Slat and August 1st GEN̂ "̂ HUTRY "TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS" lalso- "LIVING DANGEROUSLY" MjudAvenue - . *.____ *__________ ̂ ...... ^ . .r ' - '* * ' ^he carried a shower be . ^ 1 A r* pl^k caTnations, blue delph^i- ■ urns and sweet oeas. with pimf-M-rTWd-l^s^^^^ urns ahd 'sweet peas, with pn streamers.anct .-tnree adugnwjta, maiy, q+Y.pov«pva - . f - W h i l e Vhe-register was being S a a m e iK M a t e r e ■ I J ,"~̂l A.•A','A'.'-"- - a. 'Wp îhlutftbn Vrp'^cunvihff one ;WHile the . register was being ■ - K c o t o g e T b f S I a R e ^ ®oyd sang, i f w L = o .w r7 v M b5 "O. Perfect Love," affcompamed ■ M a c G K g ^ S v ^ ^ ju " WtiJSed by Miss Beth Emery who also ' -from lirfw-York, Vhere ih e has Plaved the wedding marches. ■Jbeeii attending , -the-'Juillard The toast, to the bride was, 'School S f Music.. Others occupy- -very fittingly replied to, by the s me her cottages are Mr. and - groom, the bridesmaid serving I TSfrsVJ.'D.'Hatdh.ad sohT»t-Van---the-bTidB^ke-wma-TO^^ three-- a '* 'i\yrA.a n-nmno-fi ' tifirfid. - The bride s table was ' .a in ,v' ■-.A' ■V' » / A f 1 -vv 'ii ' 'I ' , . . . " , < C ,T" ̂\ r >'r i' r fia" ' V 0 a. '•n ^ ,'■-. i-tT ...V w i.*̂ . ' ssSS#/iSiii!';aa '"//A, :••.-*)' / ■ a' ' '• .7i's >V.̂V I . ^ I V. I|v //»« *v f| J- ^ " - A , ~ J7 < ■̂' ■>V irtiSAfeS; fo r 40C, North Vanc6uver, rf. ^ ^ ^ f REFRIOERATORS FOR SALE .. , . ' : '1^ -" -W z-V ov'+ i:. Ic^ B oxes FO]̂ sale^pr • Rent Elro'se, Saskatenewan,* mr. anu pupji»^ xugicyvuuv* xxieAr Mrs. E. Rv Davi^and family of Mrs., Johnson mother of the./ ' New Westminster, 'Messrs. R;' S. bnde, and Mrs.,W. Ellis, presided o,r.A5. 1 . %\/r;i,̂ r.v.v,o-rvî V flt fhP. nrnq whilA assisting as coiiver, Mr. and Mrs. .G: Grange , tiered. • The bride's table was . ■and son of Vancouver, Mr; and artistically arranged' with a , Mrs- p; F ^aLhorn of Vancouver., centrepiece of pmk rose buds jn '. . SAT. EVENING and MONDAY August 1st and 3rd RONALD COLEMAN « * A T A L E O F ; e - W O - C I T 1 E S ' ([from Dickens' celebrated novel) News, Cartoon, etc. ■" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ̂ August 4th and 5th WARNER BAXTER " U N D E R T H E ■•f I (Once only a t'8:20 p.m.) FAY WRAY- JACK HULBERT . . '̂ALIAS T O ljtpbG DRUMMOND" .'If ̂ 0.rA.XV̂l,A\Ak>7 , iVAAVv i . ̂̂ - . ' ̂ ' During the reception'Mr. Boyd'^ Mrs; P. Q. CMpman, King.'s-' sang other numbers, while Mrs,;:jj Avenue, has left fof a few days' Thomas. Anderson of Kerrisdale, visit to Pentictom where ^ e w ill . also,ssang accompanied by Mies ;; . 1.'_'TvTVi/v'̂ ô rn fVirfx. T>/̂ 4■'U Tl'-rviftwir vvrliv\ rvovT/u vl/ilirrlrtfill 1 9 3 7 MAGIC iSHiLL VOICE ht / RCA Victor Radiot NOW ON DISPLAY. * f- V' 66 LonsdaleA r t ) ' Nq̂ , 4 ___4'*lbs. 1,0c ..................... iflp OPTDOtaB.CDOPtIBgRS ;....... ................... -•• Z...:"l..3,for UOc ..%..each, 5e, > fOc | ' W atch an d ; .aocfc BEPAJRING' \ z T. CHRISTl^SON : ; * -(formerly -■"- L. J. T, London, England,ZZC«"A ' '5 . 1 " '►iW'-'fc-"I?" ' ' ! * f - ' w' - ' •] ' /R^resenting the B n% hiP^ific Properties Ltd. ' ' ' W "•'"'v- ̂ /Ticketsf^^ktee^^^^ / " , i ' y '- " on sale at B.C.E.R. S t o r e s West .Vancouver,^ i . ' - ' ' . / Tickets limited ;td 800. ̂ > - bb6@v( r~7"f ̂ ^ A -#4'r Z 1 v̂ y-