West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Jul 1936, p. 1

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. !,/ ,;..v f\ ... . \ 'I'iV r'-.' f'l-" if i'.".uV.f< O'i.v'rj A'( i'A ,,i'; V . I'ljf /tjllil-.j' 'V'.'.l'l. •• ' l' Ĵ !̂ n !- js;, f-'- vV, 0;r' W']„»Y V I li. '.il 1 j. ' 'i 'll'fMl.' %̂'V̂ '>K?* I I" 'i,. .M : liMi""' FOR JUB« I, * I J I * ' ) I ' I. I T K' * ' '<'1 ? I ,' ' V'lk' 'VJf'tftt'* toeip c6lpiy fttwWsfttitkidil* ̂ * 'i" yiTiiif® ....vvv . ' i i l i ' " I'rt'* iif'W'i" ' tVt? ' Ml '**"'A* mW . •'" *r ,'f'J/ "COMING EVENTS«vv ■"/ 'y,' 4ii2 f f; v ' ' M l '•'•■•'.A"<(« / I M 'l| .iWJ 'i'" ■" JvV'.M >4„,i a i i I 'M U/;Mf" ' C Friday, August. 14th> ^ Legion ' 1, ' , \ Annual Picnic at Eagle Har- , \ 'h . V'- ... 1 /'7l ' i; -'.M i ,1 , ,' ,.'i "! irtiVfii .WATW ' ' 1̂ 1 ,JUNIOR MATRICULATflON - i ' tCwpUJjJcs ̂ ̂ t Results .^leased by the Be- : " ■'P'aj*tihbnt bl/'BJdhcationUt'Vib*y i'. ^311 >?it m ' i' .M.i'te' i 'i '\ M 16y» ' * ,i'i M t'V ICO. •■ ' iM V I ' (' SJ2L ' Shellard, Maureen" E .'S K e ^ M ^WnJmAra 'A-udrey Todd; Patricia Wallace, . S t o s " ' K ! r t 8 ^ e e . S ty le In the North Shore ph^tn. . '" 'r piohship events: MauWce iAnfl'., , ^ u • : ,' . erson.wbn the.M en's 1 0 0 ;ya?d«., hia class a p d ^ w iU jb ^ ^ r e - , ;Eree 7 S ty lc .fo r ;th e , „ iv-iir 'k̂i M If runningivthus. a.MurmK.pe^p^^- S "P®." ®*cPr ?̂ -̂ 'enrpossesslon"at '1;h|ra;P;0iBi.r . . TropV The' Gisby T̂ ophjff f# ■ the • 50. yards' Free Style, ib.dye ™®i*« ®" .fhe bhsjs, tftat the re- . ; under 17. wa4 alsb v/on outilght ÛI continue to. a- higher ; by Jud Armstrong, as was : the institution of learning, In case ' f I*. v ' .r-. fkT'VAVttvaifVM T ltA nufQ viH ■urrttilri trnIan Brown Tropby by • BudfKis- of reveraionihe award would go -jichuin^theume-oirAhre^ to Anne,.Clegg who .was second Diving, boys niider 15. Jimmy âî bara McIntyre who was i Fraset-'-as clown putIon ;̂8ohie-- Ruth Williams was succ®ful" rr¥ ^West Vancouver; Homes . elusion' dr the races the -prizes- "W;®™. . . , : were presented, on.-the .steps ;ot, *date hadjoeomplet^^^ , .thdC&haii:-by'Mrs;'W;-Dickin-*' eimmiinatjons t w o f whiolj.were . " j ' M . .3;' ,1 ^ '3 P^i^icularacf-thekwinners are.' Elizabeth L a ^ Moulton, " aS'fbUows*' Gerald, ' Vincent Howard ' <;irUiiTi*flpr 10*.:25varda Frep Passed all the subjects in which 1 Tnnp ^ ' th-ey-wrote examinations ih-their- .Boys under 10; 26 yards,JVee, "^Edith^M ^el Shenoard (rf Gmde^ x r n f^ se d r - i.̂S.i and at 10 burn JJall be held day, when' thW;/Si^a^^e^1wiIl be J/softball fans should^enjby them- ti'um ipoints otner tnan ureaier under 14; 50 yards Freel " Lopateckl-r-Johncox ' H. L. HuhtV Tuesday it"'S;;pjmr't;sdlvcs on this occasion,as all the 1 Vancouver .will be J entertained - Style (Gordon Gray-Trophy) prayer arid Bible-rst'udy., subj^t. .players will be out'to wiii; . wi 'Abrahan^M4'?Iriiircede .̂|it ̂ -sf- ^ ' ,in' ^ C O R R E S P O N D E N C E , . ' TTTTITW T7»TO""'m  T<~rC1 ' XXT^ Ant* AAVrAQ- ̂ • w ith a four-hours', trip by f p r r y e : .^ Martin; 2, Dian? cj,urch' o f S t. Prancis-inith'e- ,', and bus through theffm onlcipal-. . ^ top m an ., ' _ _ _ ,. Woods, Caulfeiid, iast Saturday The wedding took place in' church' of St, Francis-inM , ,*..*vk -- ------ - ---, - -- .IT---. . . . Woods, Caulfeiid, last Sattirt,«,r 'itvand'the holdings of the Brit- - Boys under 14; 50 yards Free', at 2:30 p,m„, of Vc;ra Mae, eldest , 'Wo would remind our _corres- .. Transnor:" Style (C. .Ross Tate Trophy)' daughter of Mr, hnd Mrs. V,. F. -- m m i -.I,' > Hr I u' i l[tlr •// t'P\ Piece Orchestra; ^^dmission B5c. ' rib,circumstances is-ever ----- •/; --j) . :' r for. obvious' reasoihs; JUBILEE FLOATJCOMMITTEE Ramsey „ officiating. ên. in marriage by her ', the bride was wearing silk net over satin, white net picture hat and carrying yelr m .' 't if•2l 'Mi,"ll.1 <s juxju£i£i r JUvrAi:.iLFuri.uiyiAA xjK£ii . ̂ cuuvci A meeting of the-^Iubilee'Float ' k?i k i .-NEW POST QFFICE ̂ School___ HI •v*'"., -V -V. _' ' - " . . A - . v i r i l l - ' ' K / k TlAl/l-fYn ' J - ,T < *' ' 'i! 1 ti minute 11 4/5 seconds. ; .green,taffeta, with green net hatCommittee will-be heldMon side. Fier and the..;city docktonight (T h u rsd ay i in tWCouh-'k^^Wednesday, A-ugust 12th, .which ^hile the Rovers-*'will act as, , J""------ i and carrving rainbow sweet oil C h a m b e r . g u i d e s t o t he vieitore/ . M - - .gM^S^E K v f - ! M a S ^ a , S ^ M i s s S S e S I -that the constrn6ti6nv'.'df?.'thê ̂ with the erection , -------- i-- es-- (B.r.O.E. rrophy) l , Maurce ^ 4̂Anderson; 2, Bill Turniy. Time'. |99W."- sister o f ,.the groom in ' " peach silk net over peach taffetamodel of the-;.Firsjt:k iSraffo%̂ ̂ the new Hollyburn*-Post CITIZENS' JUBILEl^.-^^.* _ Bridge'is well ad^ah^dll'Arkftill-,;ffice: Furth^^ , ' - - * . . . ' :B-^Q UET ? , .^ i t h matchin^^ . Boys under 12, Breast btroke peas. The little flower girl, Patricia Johncox, niece of the bride, was. in mauVe silje net. over taffeta aiid carried S t s t r k j i f . f e t ■.•i-ij-" '*r,B l v-m- By Resblutipiv of afid iti' accordance with Sec. 183A'bf th e^ u n lc ip ah A ci the aftemoon-of W eifeesd ay* A u g u st 1 2 th August 12th, being'West Van- Boys under 17; East ys. West, ̂ colonial bouquet i sWeet peas. couver> Jubilee Day, .when-a 200 y ^ s , , J^ndersim was supported by number of dutmsfmshed gĵ ^̂ - Khi s brother,' Mr. Eugene Lopa- uray, .', .jphn M. Mailleue. Mr. J. U. A. aPGovernment, and Mr. A. J. T, strong, Jim Love, Tirne 2 m n . . played the music for th e' Taylor of London, England,; rep- 3 4/5 sec, / > ■. . . serv ic /h 4 iitifiillv , resenting the BriHsh'. Pacific * Girls under 17; East vs. West, ' a A « n t*ApATttA at+Vip wnfi^r Properties Ltd. Tickets a t $1.00 200 yards Relay (Copeland S a r e now on sale at the-B. C. Trophy), -r-. .1, East--Marion,. front home of the Electric -Store here/and; as the Curry, K.' Simpson, Diana Me- Reeve Leyland and seating capacity-;'Ijs :. limited /Donald; 2, Westry-Audrey ^ -̂ve, , A. R a i^ ^ strictly td three huhdfedrthoseJanet Thirkill, .Diana Chapman. -__i:«« Vvii nvAaPYiaf. aViJMiid ' nr<iwMr4 AT, fi/R aan ' .left fOT. a honeymooH, the bride Vi -intending to be pr^enst-should Time.47 3/5 sec, ,rt*av Hraaa purchase their t ic l^ ; early,;.', ,, ,^.Bay.s un4w m w j Metre ̂ taavelltag^m^a^M^^^^ ̂ ̂s^ ' ■ ' § ^' itKhi * 'h •!<_ ' wl'l