West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jul 1936, p. 4

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.p ,1 f »* :r"' 'I .rVi I ' I* ' > »' «. ,M f«nM • iit*' ;> I'l 1 I ' • i t f'lH ' I ti • 'i nuil (• 1 ft \Vi y s«;i 'iV/ ' i i i i f « 1 II ... If • C'V rt 1/ ♦ :r- y% fin i - - ' W3-V- IP' H r l i i If :h ii fi') I w '-- ' VAN NEWS mS l « t Phone Weet 469 ' £ WHITE . Phone Weet.4ii Sm iih'WGrocerg m m B t m m o N L m c a s o n Friday and Safiirdiy * July 3rd and 4 p ...J fikimtt IHe U HIIKEDOED WHEAT 100% C«iia4J«is. TOMATO j u i c e ; t« rg« 10 ox, Hit Itpd & WJiH#firanil«" " *-'* ' '« n TBA--Aunt M»ry'» F«ially Elen4 I lb. o k t . ...... ........................ . 1% JEtUY FOWOER^, A«Morl«4 Fltvorg Rpd & While Brand......6 pki$, 2»e CUSTARD POWDERS.......6 pkt», 2»c .1, Nabob -- Standard -- Vanilla -- Chocolate. FLOUlt--Red & White Brand to lb. Hack ............................... It.4 a 24 Ib. Hack ........... ................... 70c 7 Ib. Hack '.................... ........... 25c BAIUNC POWDER-- Red & White Brand... 2</; lb. tin 55e 12 ox. Un 17c BAKINO SODA--Ited & White Brand I Ib. Puckel ■:................................ Oc , Vt Ib. Packet...'...................... 6c . SAI.T--Ited & White Brand PLAIN SHAKER ...... ..... ..T....... "7c IODI7.ED ..................................... Sc JIP (With Cup and Saucer FREE) Packet .............. ................... .........• lOc M esite Phone W est 370 VIRGINIA BAKED MAM, Fi lb. 25c FLFrrCllEIPS SPICED BAKED HAM, pî r Ib, ....66c CORNED IJRlSKET, Sweet Pickled per Ib. 8c. to 14c (lAINERB' COTTAGE ROLLS, lb 24c PICNIC HAMS, per Ib. ............... 19c CHOICE LEAN BRISKET,.... lb. 7c PICKLED BEEF & CALF TONGUE per lb.......................... 2 lc I II), TInR SHAMROCK COOKED . HAUSAGB...........................each 29c CHOICE POT ROASTS from Prime .Steer Beef, from per lb.......... 12</]C June. ^Sth, the teacheiTi'^ room at Pauline John- a delightful presentation lunoh- eon for Principal Brealey on the joccaaion. of .hla.retlrem ent .The tables were tastefully decorated with bouquets of Van F'let roses. Miss Mabel Macfie made the preentatlon .-- a carved blood­ stone signet ring. Besides the Pauline Johnson staff, those present included Mrs. E. I. l^n e , Mrs. A. Stevenson, the Misses M. Macile, B. Currie, M. McFad- yen and M. Wil.son, and Messrs. D. Davidson, J. Condon, J. R. Mitchell, W. D. Kirk and E. I. Lane. JEFFERIES' 11* .t, 00vernnMHht?hi9|wtiNi**(Ci|l^ HAMS LAMB BEEP ■^^( '̂POIre;.f%^•'VEAL , . , , . .C Q L D M E A T S .O F ^ A L L ja N D 8 .jj^ _ ^ ^ t<3 ̂ i.< 1. >. 1 store at Hollyburn^ w i s s T . F : ; '■ • LUMBERand all XEGION NOTES Pilgrimage Wreath To Bo Presented, 6c"HAIR DATES ..... ..................... Ib. Frculi ■-- Ta»ty. 1'RUNE.S--M«d,'«lxe....',......2 lbs. 14e JIJM n o CARBOLICBOAP, 2 bars 7c CLKANSKR--Rod &'White Brand ■2 'I'iiiH ...................................... 16c FLORAL FESTIVAL (Continued from Page 1) Class 25 -- Perennials, 4 vari­ eties -- 1, Mrs. R'. B. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. A. H. AJbin. Class 26 -- Delphiniums, 8 spikes -- 1, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes,; 2, Mrs. Hammond. Class 27 ~ Iris, 6 spikes, Jap ­ anese T~ 1, Mrs. Green; 2, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. Class 28'-- Iris, 6 spikes other than Japanese -- 1, Mrs. W. M. pickinson; 2, Mrs. R, B^Rhodes.-- Class 29 -- Peonies,'3 blooms' -- I, Mrs. D. McTavish; 2, Mrs, R. B. Rhodes. Class 30 ~ Antirrhinums, 6 sp ikes- ^ 1 , -Mrs. D. McTavishf-- Class 31 -- Campanulas, 6 spikes' -- 1, Mrs. S. Gisby i 2, Mrs. G. Robsoru , Glass 32 -- Canterbury Bells,. 3 spikes,-- 1, Mrs. D. McTavish; .2,_.MrB._GlRQb8QlL____ ::________ Decorative Section (lass 40 -- Ladies' Spray and Gentlemen's Buttonhole -- 1, Mrs. Kerrison; 2, Mrs, R. B. Itliode.s. ('!laHs 41 -- Most effective dis­ play oi' Garden Flowers, arrang­ ed on square yard -- 1, Mrs. H. J\ Allen; 2, Mrs. A. H.'Albin; Class 42 -- Sweet Peas, Bowl The 'm x i general meeting of the branch, wiij be held a t 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in the Lemon Hall. " Reeve J. B. Leyiand at 9 p.m. will present* the Pilgrimage W reath from the Municipality, which is to I be taken to Vimy. Members and their friends are -cordially invited. Refreshi^ents will be served by the ladies of the W. A. , iii4;f,||ii>!A Ls WEST VANCOUVER tO M S| | fi® LTD. ---- iFOK KEAL SAT^SFAOTtON^V»'•F:4^ • ' Phone West 115 ^ Drive CLASSIFIED-.-fA®'S': The rate for Classified Adrertisements i«,2 teMte per ,^®rd, minlmutn 25 cents. ^Except in the case of tho«e baving, regaljiur..' accoiints. all fieds are p^able strictly in advance, . , ; - v Remember Classifieds in the West Van, Newa fel\lm)n<idl'ate results FOR RENT--Cosy furnished house, RECITAL OP PIANO PUPILS OP MRS. CHAS. BURBRIDGE doso to bus and beaches, 2 or 4̂ , , good coSitterov^^CStTsS^-^^ /months. West 207-L.____________ , * ........ ........... ..- ' ̂ ■ FOB SAI.E - Upright Fiano. Apply m h 'a;3 2496 Mathers Avenue. bridge were heard in recital last ""'class PI -- Bmmuet of Flow Thursday afternoon at her studnC.iass 43 -- Bouquet ot blow- ggrd and Marine Drive. The pe WANTED -- Good girl or ■ woman for. (M'.s, other than Roses -- 1, Mrs. f t a r i f f e d from* children n p'PVin/iflu.o Tvyryc Tratv1tYl/̂ n/q lormers rangea irom ennuieii general housework. Sleep in. 8343 WILL'THE PARTY-who fonnH Marine Drive. - ?a« »„ li, L. Rhodesj^2,.Mrs. Hummpnd. young- '■1 ' I* ■ ' • i 'Cla.ss 44--^Be.st arranged Bowl fWfoon -n^rladies. . In thirteen piano per- 4 ROOMED COTTAGE--2 Bed Rooms Kitchen and Living Room on Lot̂ , 52'xl32'. (xood Location. $800 cash. C. J. Archer Ltd..-AVest 226.' ' TW Ambleside Class 38 -- Pansies, 6 blooms --1, Mrs. Satterfield; 2, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; Class 84 -- Violas,'6 blooms-- 1", Mrfi. D. McTavish ;_2,_Mrs. R. B. Rhodes.. .. . « Class 85 -- Poppies, I vase -- 1, Mrs. D. McTavish; 2, Mi-s. R. B. Rhodes. . Class 86 -- Diimihus, One vase --1, Mrs*. R. B. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. Hutchison. ̂ , , Class 87 -- Aquilegia, 6 spikes -T,--MrBT^9T-MeTjivish-;-27^1^^^^ ol' Nasturtiums; any foliage 1, Mrs. S. Gisby; 2, Mrs. R.. B. Rhodes. ('la.ss. 45__ -- Basket of Cut Flowers^-- 1, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. A. H. Albin.,, Class 46 -- Flowering House Plant -- 1, Mrs. Johnson; 2, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. ' v Class 47 -- Foliage House ■J'lant -- T, Mrs. W. M. Dickin-- formanoesj most of them being of two pie6es. each, there was rendered a most pleasing varia­ tion of composers and style. The two duets played by Barbara Wyatt, and Joan Sparrowe -- difficult numbers by Wagner and Brahms --7 were played with skill and spirit by the two girls, -and--wiih--sueh-perfeet--s)̂ ^mpa- DO YOU KNOW thqt we sell a .very , useful line of fishing tackle? Craw­ ley & Barker, 1644 Marine Drive.' T cellem wape, 'cheap.for cash. 1339 'Marine ,Drive.-- - --- * '> It. » . i < ̂ ̂ t FOR SALE -- Electric Rarigette,. , nearly new, $24.00. 2531 Bellevue; Perry, rig.Housekeeping Room. West 288-Y. FOR SALE -- Ice refrigerator; first class condition; cheap. Phone West 101. . < - MASON'S TA^I ....-.'Day and Night .Passengers fully insured. West 512 son; 2, Mrs. Hawkes. (To be continued) LEGION W. A. thetic unity of rhythm and ex­ pression, as was hiost pleasur­ able to listen to. Most impres­ sive was. the exceptionally good "finger__work":i.and. ^the enjoy- LANDSCAPB g a r d e n in g . Lots cleared and laid out, lawns, rock- -eriesr--=plans--and--est4mates-7fre€ Hallmark, West 861-Y; L W N m o w e r s SHARPENED - .Machine; ^Repairs, Parts. West Vanc^uye.j;Jlfachine-ShMarine.'-'.'h'-' n - 9 % .., - INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson, West 108. SHOE BBPATKS th, bci B.P The last meeting of the season of the Legion W.A .was held last " " Monday afternoon in the Legion ** Hall. A large number of niem- WEST VANCOUVER D.V.A: -- This Association has several men "avail­ able who are anxious to work' on T^.Piilhished house on - Waterfrontj "Inc^emj -ideal location, July and, August.- West 655-R. That Mrs. Burbridge has hers were present and good re„ ports were received. such a, musical traim ng was evi- odd jobs by Ahe'hour day Tor week, .HIGHEST PRrrwa da Vr, r f, xa, reasonable wage. Kindly communi- * PRICES PAID for Bottles, cate with Secretary, West 395-X. dent in this truly enjoy£^ble re- ■ " i ' 1 " 1 * J 'j 'l ■ X ■ ' ■ J .• 1 R. B. Rhodes. Class Ro -- Sweet William, 6 XIEE^AyjN-GLDEMONSIllA.;_ij^^Ji-I!?^lli5i^®-4o?y^rpjQj^ ofTMarge^ry R., Clarice, ^ d e d zesC ' • • to the program, with their very r, I « T h p e will be a free demon- well rendered recitations, - arid _ V Mrs, G, Kobson; 2,' str&tion at Ambl^sidG Bcaoh were sl crrGat cr6dif to tlioii* , next Sunday at 3 p.m. also next teacher. ^Mrs. lam ilton-Sm ith . vl*^ss 39 Any other variety, Saturday at the formal opening was immensely enjoyed in . her, o W i^erm ere Pool in Vancou- inimitable, rendering of musical 2, Mis. Hammond & Mrs. Preti- ver. The public are cordially ' monologues, th e music to the <>us, ' • .invited to attend both^ displays. "Bells of Is" being selected .by MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents.,. Only best; materials used. Expert operators.P hone West~3047~RoyaFBaTik. Buildirig.~ sacks, -rags,-furniture, stoves, etc. North Shor&.^Junk Co., North 431. T - A N N ' SHOP, 2442 Marine-- Hardiware,'f̂ '-pNotio"ns, Stationery, -hheen; andTSiH^SpopIs,-all-colors.__i WE BUY--^Anything of Valu6 ; high­ est prices paid for"̂ bottles, Sacks, rags, furniture, metals, e'tq. Just phone W est, 91 and' we - will call. Burrard Junk Co. ' ' GORDON ROBSONy^'Barrister, Solic- itor, 1447j Marine, mornings; 510 ■Hastings St.,̂ , Sesrinour 4199. after­ noons. , West 91 P A T R O N I Z E Y O U R 1 . 0 C A L M E R C H A N T I I IN K " » W e b u y e v e ry th in g " of v a lu e Stoves, Furniture, .Bottles, Tools, Rags,.Sacks, etc. Phone W E S T 91 w dw ew ill^ail Nothing too smalt Nothing too largeBURRARD JUNK GO. Mrs. Burbridge; who. also played the accompaniments. CHIMNEY SWEEPING ~ Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed.-rBrick and stone repairs. Palmer,. Capilano, North 811-R-2. • ' FiyiNISfilBbA^^^ Housed .to -R ^ ^ ';,, Houses, lots, and acreaflr0::::'fb!pJv̂ al6ji> - JnhTi liAWRon.'JQjjn Lawson, 17th and„Mafjhe.vPhone West 56. Foolish: "Did you miss the last train?" • ' _ Commuter:' yNo, I didn't like to see it around so I dashed dovm the track." ■ ' F()R SALE ,4-room bungalow on large lot all in'garden; garage, view ' of English Bay, near bus'and stores, quick sale. $1,700 cash; West 340 or 143. ■ - ■ ' HEADQUARTERS for All Popular ̂ Brands of Oigarattes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat- ers. Amjblesfide Tea Rooms. GIVEN AWAY FREE! SIX 1 » 3 6 AutomobUes RADIO REPAIRS'v-- Let us make an ̂ estimate on your set. No charge for this-service.. J. L ..Petti^ew, West . , 145. - . r kiiu printinjgclr̂ phdne:. West News, West 863-- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF YVEST VANCOUVER ROOM FOR RENT-- MealsOptional Apply 2423 Marine Drive.. West 610 GIVE W£B^*j3%/t^aI for your next Drive. TENDERS ~ Range, 6>hp1e Fawcett, $14.00; -upholstered .setee^ $3,50 Phone West 220-L. - ' LANfj reg istry ACT Re; Lot 2, "of■ Blabk'3l h f District Lot .1493/G. f, :N.W;P., Plan 2103 Closing date for first awai^, Midnight, Saturday, July 4 . \ Buy. ̂ Your Admission Tickets Now and Participate in the Above AwariJs/ TENDERS are hereby invited for the supply of materials and labor for the construction of lavatories adjoin- the Clachan Hotel, Dundarave. - Plans may be seen, and specifications ..',e^®^®KE;AS:;prbof.-of loss of Cer­ tificate of'Title'Np. 83231 "I" to the above, mentioned -lands -issued in the obtained aUhe Office of thTMunlS*^ Y iw V - lEnmeer, Hollyburn; -B. C., '■ to cry and . the grpom She Wanted Privacy'" - The bride and grooih arrived at the • _______ swell hotel on their, hdne^oon . The 'Of-^AMUELIhEASM^ rOoni they occupied was beautifullv ' ^©4' in / t h is , office, Notice is furnished with a nair of twin ffiven^thaf .1 'shall, a t the ex- ̂ onermonth from the datemg them, the bnde immedi- of the first issuethe first; publication ̂ h r̂eof, issue a Prpyisibnal^LCeriificate p f Title in VOTE for your WEST VANCOUVER QUEEN CANDIDATES...ELECT HER AS "MISS B C." : GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIRS WILLIAM HERRIN, . Municipal Clerk. going to have a room all by our­ selves," ̂ ' ' * ' * * * ^^P^tneeUnsurts Satiifattion -- b r o w n MUNTON------- 1542 Marine ; West 366 June,'A;D:5l936:fe^.ir . . y Regisfâ r- BUILDERS S U P P L IE S Concrete Walls'& 'j|̂ lbbi5 8 ,,̂ ' Lily Pools, Sidewalk^ . ' Foundation Wort; P ek ing. . ^ "S O N , - , - i 4 S l ® f e - : D r f v e - f hone .. W E S T ? ^ l i ^ ^ |K I GI s