West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jul 1936, p. 3

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S S ; ;.jn»# JI50 Marin« SPECIAL ■*i- -,'T* -- -- > ■"■".. ............................................................................... . "n I i,aW,î A-̂ -̂ -.:'/'̂ 'y"̂ i : f- . < u I-- .^ ' ' ^ -_ ^ I- ' .') I >■ ■* ■ < > «*'« -̂ -ir ,- .. .1 r , .. ......... ,, - ,.j ̂ -V< - V.J^J»'S,-'»S.-<̂'*'*->*«n"4Lir:4S,is;Si-i«siMS»Si»#ii#«WiWWW'6t;W:M%>Wsfe*S:«?**S«5*?k3S*'!»S*,̂wMii>iiwiwMWMiWiii><pi.miiwww»>wŵ |i"iiniiiiiigwî II .114 I ' ' W«A -T̂ 2 dozen...... S6o; 1 dozeĵ L ...̂ ...dOe, 86c SUNKi^t : VALENCIA ORAKCfiS 1 dozen 25c. 80c 8UNK1ST SEEDLESS CRAPEFRUIT 2 dozen lUNKlS 6 for 26c SWE 7 for 86e; SOI 5 for 26cj Tom Brown of Brown & Mun- Next Sunday night tpn .̂-is .b»(dc.At«huaineBs,. after.. Vancouver ni«nt.. on - 'thfi„]fJo*n.e spending a holiday at Craig'a Gas Program. Crossing, Vancouver Island, f o l - ' l! Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, 2U1 Bellevue'^ w h lv e ^ e f t f :^ c; 5 for 26c; 4 for 25c SWEET SEEDLESS GkAPEFRClT ■4, w u , 8̂ for)i®®i*'!f,R4 5foil̂ eiNS' SUNKIST JUICY LEMON Medium size............. 1 dozen 16c. SVVEirr BING CHERRIES .................. ........ ............ $WEKT SANTA ROSA PLUMS .e lbs. 15c W ATliIRMKrillKf 7 ̂"f , I , .. ■ >4?'. 7̂, *.'v' * I HONEYDEW and CASA] owing an operatton^ Mr, and Mrs. Creelman and Duncan, ]^.C. ' " * ^ fam ily 'of Saskatchewan, have . moved into the Athony house at Mr. and Mrs., W. G. hjprfltt, ,...2 lbs. 25c...2 1 20th and Fulton Avenue. ............ ........................................ , i « i *fnf i ft > 4 j-'*'*. 4 J hAui uAxĵ £> ................................................ ......... ..................b.iD8. 4oc ;■ A lert Bsy, B.'C;,,has rc tum ed to Dr. W. C. Reid a ̂ I»4i»4.i4i4jlu« Xtifi >̂S '■ *4 u Tv̂l* £|» "M# * '* Jki ' im.mt KELLOGG'S . ......... (Witli"every throe packages; a free Bbopping bag) plie^ 7%c each 26th'and iBoilevuOs A^ moved to North Vancouver.. =; m Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McNair r .♦ . ij have moved into a house at .2466 ■ Norman Macpherson, 26th,and Bellevue, Avenue. . Marine D i ^ e ; lett ;on: Monday .* f. t i Ar. * • ; ' i / v c t / / for.Camp, , - •. M ilk, KalJillfen . 'V̂ Tenniotlii'«, of , ' 5 - * ",»■('> mf: ......... iiHZiwiiiwiiiipiwiiiiiZWiliwiiiipyiiiî r j T -4 -- THE DELICIOUS WAY -- A slice of Palm Ice Cream betwoen Christie's ' Biscuits, makes an Ice Cream Sandwich ■,i ( r 1S88 Maiine D̂ fita ' West 8r..or, .IWiSii;kor Eatergeaev P̂haae Weil * a ll (AfMrlOp.ni.> , Sife® |;|sa®;yiii| l i i i J t* H', ft 4*̂ S ,4 » f i 1̂4:4. ̂ Ain rBESH VBOterABLES local n ew Potatoes . ......'...;...... .•.....,....1........... ......:..;.....:.io ib». 26o .1 LO CA h -fOK '10c.j' local celery *«*4»i4i«i4«.ria*»«*ii*4i««««H»«bk«tia»»*t*4th«4«A4*i«4*i>i>«4«4k>h««4îBi«*>keaoh 10c CUCUMBERS' ........................... edch 5c; 8c; 10c IIOTHOUS^T^ T-. Dessert ..................*..*.*4....2 lbs. 25c 11 l '̂oCAL C A U L I P L O W E k .Z r ;3 3 nnd"each l(k . . . . . . r m n i , I ' I ' . . . . . . . . her home at 1198 Jefferson Ave- "New W estminster^haye .moved nue fori the .school holidays. into a house at 2643 ' Lawson , I It e ' e ♦ (t * .* "A,venue. * '*' '* Stratton's ' ' 1 • ' ♦ ®,' .uft: I . S Vi-!'The I'Sohrisa '̂J' made her last ' trip as one of the fe iw . fleet E. H. Husband has .'moved when she left Ambleside Dock at from ' Vancouver and- has tmceh 8:49 a.m, lon̂ Monday for the a house at C5aulfeild for the slim- city. She was gaily beflagged mer. ' , * for the ckjcasion, Captain Ronnie '* * ♦ ̂ ̂" * 4', t> h " >#, ; IS IIIII^ '*'*!*■ " 11 ni'-'il14,' •'« A *t LOCAL GREEN PEAS , y«, 4 W© also carry Tobaccp and.,Cigarettes,"©tc. 6 lbs. 25c I Jackson being-iii'command with Mr. and Mrs. S: H. Hainm itt J. ,C.?L; Hunt in charge of the of Va F ̂ A* *f. . --^-.............-:..i.-/̂ .4.;:-:..L,...:.fti i ' ifft' . t V' .. .r- 'p '.....TT,rr------ r 1 1 J . 4*. 1 J ■ V ** . V* 1 '.'J 1 1' , ( ̂ V 1 f / Hiengines. ' W*. • ' ' '.t «*' ttr' T»Mr. and Mrs. R.'W. Baker and. I_4k'.':' vS*l/SPfpV .viagr̂ ib̂«A ' T^mJihvw t I',.;-,'" '.\i.'"'". :1T • 'V s'"'" f ®̂ 'for the^lummer of Vancouver, have moved into a house at 2576 Bellevue Avenue Ginnamoh-Buns Variety of Tea Bi^eadfl, Fresh every morning • ' ■ S m , , *1 " » f *14 >,i ' • <*•) t i \ ' I < ® • \ ̂ ♦ fi *( M I f[/ H Note Addwss 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West !?? / 'In t a ̂44 i4 * '"'I 'S S 4-1 109 - lil-P IR S T ST. W E ^ NORTH VANCOUVER >. WE BUY Bottles, Sacks, Rags ̂Furniture, Stoves, Etc. A phone brings ^4 • ^ l A f r * ' ^ 4. ' *.■» 4. » V l * V , / M r . » ' '> ' 4 . ^ ^ *' . i . the man to yoiir door with the cash; ' ,,.: Z .\ , 4 4 „ V ,t 4 t ,4 * ̂ ' PHONE NORTH 43V/Day or Night (Reverse Charges) ----.1 " . ■■ ...... ............ -fa......--'i.-...! 1 -- j j,,,.--'?.,.*.. .,.?* ■ ■■ left to, take up permanent.! resi^ and Marine Drive, have returhpH dence in Victoria. from a short visit tO Victoria^; \:A' loud;speaker has been in- '" C; R; SWinden^hal moVedf^b^^ s|mled at the Clachan and the the city into the Jones house at . . . ------ u.. - n C y p r e s s Park for the surnmer.radio music, can be heard all over the 'beach, and, Dpndarave Pier. 11*̂ "•"•I't I,) 1 "4 ' 4 )// 'i* '■ ■*} ;' )> jt 4"'i ...... ...I.....I..... ........ I..... '**' " ' ■ "■ •' 'Li, *n; > . i'l'T,"'* w T) noivin anH -M rs.'Christie, i25th and Mar- Vancouver and ,is occupying A "So torspend-A - house:at,-1200;. I^lew6()d;.;Ave- eip? What's your .trade?" night for Shore AcTes .on a two- visit a t Koseaaie^f^^..'^^ Didn't Belong Mr. and Mrs.' VI w I J ,'2 ^ ^ ' Z , y R. H. Birch has .moved, from. /nueiTiS"'• y' " Ti "p Sn ter?h T ' s S i f f Mrs.., Parkhufj|t has moved Mri: Glen Bennett and'littlp L .r r w L r : u 7 vou ? S d b e S e ^ ^^to a suite at'Appleton Court. ' son of Bellflower, California, Jbr- -visiting .Mrg. T t e m ^ n . ' 2 6 t h "Two dollars an hour." ' / ' 'T\vo. dollars' an, hour? .Why, I' I 4,TTr 11 -r ̂ V ' ii.- ' Hon. R .'B . Bennett Will reply. , , , nb- - ... . . . f̂'■ r Lf ,4 y,,%' '\'i fi" ' V 4| ' THURSDAY, FRIDAY. AND . SATURDAY MATINEE July 2nd, 3rd and 4th ' lew ' A Y R E S . ] ' '£' ' .V." -i""!;!;- " The Leathernecks' also , * 4 A ■ '• . JShort Comedy, Cartoon^-Etc.- . ■f 'r ed at a brystal shower on M dRy, SATURDAY- EVENING AND MONDAY July 4llit and. 6th, ' , * JEANETTE McDONALD . 'MM V ^ News,' Cartoon; Etc, n n tn m A tr i f t t Jane- "Yes mum it was mv mis ivionaay < ^ , - W ce-I mLe' his p'oriidgb of bird- ^ 'O p tic ia n ̂ geed»i . . „ . . - * - . _ ecki presided at the tea-table Mr. and Mrs.? H^" Thwaites which was decorated with pink_________ 1 ". . j _________________ __ ' j , TUESDAY And WEDNESDAY. | 4. July 7th and 8th - ' . t - ,! 1, . 'V.-v , ,4.. 4 10.80 a.m. to 4to4 .] ® .. ■ 1 1. . have moved from the,Hollyburn And w h ite 'stream ers and white m Wednesdays"; 4 , -prim e la easier, than.work, bu^ Block into a. house a t . 14th and ' bells, th e centre-piece being a f '.j622.Martoe.Lve ' - I " «lewoodAv,enue. ., , ■ ■ ..............................■ . « youisit-and-long-for a o m e th in g ~ - ^ r ^ ------- -- DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY 4 U Ik j_ id Z V ^ i ̂ I , " I if: ■ - EYES EXAMINED CLASSES FITTED|•...;̂ 1|•|^ îl' iaiii4i'4ilii».»ibif.a--do4*,».vn»t .'li"iawiil«ji<l,ii.i'46»yiii 4 - ■» . JSvM' ta do. •Am tf'- ■' Mrs. A. R..Peacock, 650 11th invited, guests were Mrs.^ V; Street, has." as her „guest,~„her^„F. Johricgx, Mrs. K. V. Lopatecki, sister, Mrs. Johnipaton of Los Mrs, H, F.'Breckenridge, Mrs. V; Angeles. > ; ̂ R. China, Mrs. J. B. Leyland, * * Mrs. N. Hampton. Mrs: A. S. bowl of. pink roses and silver c a n d le ^ n ""pink~hoIders7"^he" i,̂ T •* W ' r ' iv ' (Once only af .̂8:2p) 4* I-also M i % Lr>j'! ...̂ 4 Sp̂ uF»«.Ki*-'.'-L̂>tLr.,jRa_?»Vtn»-5rij;4r4=e.2eWn«=.Ar.rY».rs r« «. J ' ^HOLLYPURN R . B . M O R lS O lf vy. M *; h"' 'J C eneralC kH itracitor 1129 ESPLANADE , / -oit' rn.it. 1 M IS S D. H. l iQ R lE Phone W est 3«iX 1890 M arine West 583 ."BLACK SHEEP" , Pi-e^S tocktaking SALE! -- o 44" ■" < ■* . * * ,1 ' ' ' •'i'. 'vi'j-H-' Mmi ! Ambleside JsS 'X « ' i , .M * "i. ■% ■' V" ' -■ Picnic Grounda, Tennis Courts, L. SPECK. W o rk s »* Proprietor . , , , > Bathing,- Bpating,\ Fishing, Tea-rbpins,.-Sandy iBeaChes,. Cottages for ren t by Month or M > v<V** Miss Simpson of^WestJBay, is Lana Mrs. j; j£. Clarke, Mrs. R. | ' , ' Ranges. Oil Burners . I. Sherrlff,-Mrs. I. C. Welsh, M rs.' 1 . Washers , SS Mrs. R.: ̂ 'AH S*' JohncoafV^ a?a®f -from. Vancouver and the Missesf-;>1 66 Lonsdale THANKSGIVING . Adelaide'. 'Lopatecki, Frances:, - Easy Terms ' _ j U S i fNorth1\> «r X ----- 4 Vancouver iW ests? , North.525 1 w*̂ S*rv.:t;*,.;Ayehue !f3raraia©;BEfSS:ffl;fIi;i3il3;f iw*/; rl 1574 Marine Drive ,A ,.f '•> L - -- Phone West 186 Invocation by Rev.^Cahori d'Eas-; ̂ * f <- ( V- 'JVOpp.fU'si2bsj -SLABS ■ :'i- i-~ b&hiNGS,' Inside Bir; - . , NORTH 1 3 5 9 ' ■ m t ̂ " X' J"tt '■'* ■*>.•*" I y" 4 r f "f <S:'" L*-M C' t.T j'.A « 1. .... Jr M ' ̂ 4 -at' SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES/..:.'.:.-.;:...;..... 2 dozen 45c;' dozen 28c,* 35c SUNKIST JUICY'LBMONS'.:...:.:...-.Medium size 18c;-Large: s ize '28c I SUNKIST;GRAPBFR^ITl:l::6Tor'25c;'" Large size 5 for.25c;:^,4 for 25c 'j ̂ NICE RIPE dANTALbUFES.::l...:i:^^^ .3 f o r ^ c f HONEYDEW........-i:...'.:....'....:...... .................................2Yor 25c; each 15c j FIJI BANANAS ....:.....■ ib s ; '^ i l AUSTRALIAN GRAPES-^.:i::...":...:.:.....:r..L:..... _____ .:'......____ t lb. 15c | g o o s e b e r r ie s '...... J..:.:..................................................................5 lbs. 25c watermel6n <:.4::.I..-.̂ ' > • - a local NEW POTATOES __L................... '..'......-..lO lbs.'25c g local NEW "BEETS __ ........................ :.....>.-..5 bunches 10c ** local NEW. GARRO.TS' ,um : Hymn , Soldiers Lesson- . r; McKay. A nthem 'by choir. Prayer , SolO"̂ R Address .Pringle Hymn Benediction--Rev. Canon d^Eas- ii S ̂ f ̂ ̂ I* " --rv® glass of hot water ^ould - " as welll" .i- field TO M A Sm l?S:;:r^^ local HEA!Drl3ETTUCEXr-~' um; ,f .'hV /a \I -f ' '.:¥ ib;xi4fer, tiJiiftiurjLJEm-UlAlfi ,r.__ ______ ______ ...2 for^hcf t?2 Tot'^BcT J^CAL CAU LIFm W ERS ::....;:....Cl..:.:::;ji.....^^^^ Y f o t lS c local GREEN- PEAS; : . . . . . . ....„...;„;......:...;..„.6 lbs. 25c- local celery <*■ >■ eb yn,3 *i«f« 5-,̂.. i -S3?" 't ̂ ij- :f V Mi . J t jT-r'- ,<-'V " •'• '-gj 'ti.' f5«- • :" !t n>V"'EXPEp^Cl^ei-feiiWV »RBPAIR|NO.<#C V'" A - . , . I • MtJim ■'M'-'-.M >' T 'a> r fv <■ j,**l i. .. ■'•MMiV". i ' Q'li Li "t * ' I t u " " i f 4 ■/ v-v-i .. "e4i,1^n^a./\Y,ci " -*̂ v'^sultations welcpiiae,:ahy. tim̂ e:' b '= M :-:7 A M I'M ' ̂ t gsM >■ '■f ̂ /MM'7' 7 " »• ' -A" -- *4-(rs 'T;f . X-: