West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jul 1936, p. 1

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^ W |Sil f '■> i V 4 ' -J,', -'- * gi4t mSi»̂ R I 1 V.' - * ■*■ §W £ te ̂ i»"--/i' ^ y i . 4 "SW J'̂V ^̂ /*. '*'* i». N I J f' ' *1• «*-S|I • •r'im w_ . •*f* Circuiating in the District o f West Vancouver .̂ >. I ■ . rmmsswuw fiSB».*lmS8'* '. ' . * » ,■» ^ '-; .S'* -v.'"'„ , ,i>M̂ f,, ^ H )fii * / P , f - ................... ............................................... .... , Dunddpaitic"*■ j s w » per copy «t BewMUndi. S'S8pp -Hi ' *• ( :, iS il Vol. X I H p t L Y B U R N P .O . . W E S T V A N C O U V E R . B .C ., T H V R S D A Y , J O E Y / S ! ^ , 1936 THE UBA6UB AND SANCTIONS . . , ^ ' ' ' . ' i f ' . ' ' ' . . N o . U' !■«■' '-. 1 '̂ . I. H The fa te of the League is in the last analysis inextricably 3 e members'do n For to suppos'e that, such an organization ca;i be contmued as . a kind of very/expensive super^ebating^ society or merely / a world clearing house.fo r measures Hke the suppr^sipn of . i the dri ' ............................ ■ foreign m oretl . . ^ Actually th e life o r death of the Iieague which has shown f to ^ the. g rea test illusion of m ^ e rn tim e^ is of n6 , i m | | | | |itself portance whatsoever. But?sanctions are in a h entirely; dif- i ; ■» ;1 i>, i, i (.« pi-'4 " •' ,"V* » ' ■ ' ' ' -Vi * '*/!( .̂ 'i"u. liM 'S I /■"I ; ; , V > v b fc V > U '« / | ni..-.T> Jt .1 n II.' .>- V / i-Amu ■ ' ' ' '■ I v ', y /..<,4lV̂ •̂̂ •̂ ».i *. ♦»* >*.v» .. " A* v*;sAw \4f!* 4 ■ '• 'SyWi CHabmaiii;, :,';;:;'̂ "£; ,' ,.' ,A I. ■ ' ' '•* J '. 1̂1'̂ "* 'J/h. Mussolini' Is at. the ^ d of his sanctions will Very shortly wreck him and at ■ N S rm ^ d lC 'S n T th e r^ ' Jubilee is m e 'issu an ce .«!■ Lucky Pbunles wjiich __ , _ . obtained'for a nominal. . ■ .-'f-'j! S L - ju m J ro m -W -a c c re d iM ^ S*'-salesman.:,, Durin*,, 1jke:;,-Ju1>|e«J/, :',<rtO;5 £ Theslargei lecLthe-AnnualiMofal/Tlestivarput____g a s s S y s Roses,̂ Bed --̂ 1; S. W een. Ambleside,Dock aniii Point on la^t Saturday afternboh .and H .^nTist; 2 ,'W./G., *r A tkihsonv/at aih avew ^ T ^ s ; ICnight^3I^fe evening by th e .W est/Vancouver / Class . 7 ^ Boses, P in k ^ L S. . or. 11.6lknots per hour; ahd^later ' ,m piano ahdc violin JHortlcuLtuiiaUSocietyi;atjvIngley'~Bpydr'2rS74L-Tnis^ : - "ir^had Herr ~compass.^.-adausted.Ti~^humb.ers.with.eare, wood School testified to the,w isf„; /Class 8 - r 3 Boses, W hite o r yC aptain yince,^superihtend- feeling/ , g ivm g. horn ofi the directors "in holding ..Creaha ,1;. Mr; D yble;. 2, Mr. eht,'W as in charge hiid. Captains .'p leasu re to th e ir many heai - . , » - - - . i.r it thW year in thedarger/bu ild - Guest. . J /W a tso n and B:: Jackson h lso «.T?wo special-features o^ th'fi/m eeting.; A fte r the s e ^ \ | i [ ing The quality o f the'Exhibits ' ^ ^ t r T̂ ,riu;«̂ __ o>»*aw wavo > n fwn «inn^ rtiWin r« .n;f v^froklimoii+fl ,Miofl Rinin«nTi ' ll¥ was uniformly good; particularly in the rose section//and" t h e r e - N >r show spoke the drawing for th e lawn Our residents they have their boulevards and-ib :m ve;arir; Triis^; . _ _ opportunity to 'Wih thb China, Class 15--Specimen Bloom- breakfast. set dpnated'Jby " - Association. for th e / hesldb vard cleared between-September 1935 and Septemher 1^36 "" M _ *1 1 x . ^ i _ V were. If ̂ r t h e n i f l a n d / /This article is* well 'worth ;'f reading and can be obtained to- next show will take 'p lace^ on September 1 2 th ,' Following is. winners: Flower Garden land Trophy R. S. D. Dyble;- ' .dr H> -V p J? f * ̂ 1 { Class 3--6 Roses; di eties--1, S. H , Trust.; Nunn. jr»Ti . t., i'** ' tx̂ r _ .T ,