.............~ t' ■■ •■ ■ » «' ...................... .. ■M̂ V* >•••-■' .... ^ ^ f , , t ' '̂ r"' ' f '^ ...................................................... ....... t - - . , « . , i« „ , ff. - . - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - . . - .-/t^-W W V A W M B W B r - - ■'■_____ ' - svd cxan ^ ^ and bai.ib ' 25r l! , . j y j j , _________ .... ^jesful T3ea and -- ------ gale w as held la st ^ ^ l l i i t i i to r ^ ^ i ie ̂ home *of -Min#"'* ̂G ^ i imder the auspice o f th e S t Stenhcn's-Inglew ood i 1 .^«4' C O JFJ^K ed A Vf kiU B fpd , , ,*1 HBM̂O >••#*« «<MI #*#*«» *4 1 i». tin iSe ' I 1 J ^ OBAPB-WUTS PLAKB8 , pM. «e BlSCOira A«ortol,'., : r \ ; i C . t 0At|||Wlcll M A 4 » o « # * • « * * * 4 i t 2i« ritUIT JIUICBS Lfm«, L̂ mon MAYONNAISB....... 8 we, Boitl* $0t^ B<»t Food#......... 16 Of. Bota* $7« FI3H l»ASm Pritt«o'»,.........Un 9t Tun®, Cr«t Salmaflu PICKLES. Happy vale. Sweet or 6 Of. bottle 12e TUNA PISH, Nal^t „y|titi».i iftci SARDINES, Bruttswitk....2 tina 8e SAIGON, RC. Red Spring, 2 tine 18c **^y,'*' ,r-strictly Freeh, Bulb........... .lb, 16e PEARL WHITE SOAI»......4 bare Ise. ORANCES-SmaU ..... ...I doxeii 28c ORANOEŜ med, elxe.......itdfen 27c ORANCES--lorge elxe.....doxen 87cValencias ■Satiig)iiqr^JimeiCTtliriaiidr̂ 7ttF̂ ' Eapsiur.'and Mrs. 0, C. '>f*:;;/;vl;d*JEa««i»i, ei^'O f whom was pre-mt seated .with a.heautiful corsage of roses, Tea-̂ was served at . M eata ̂ . , Phone Weiit'iaVe'; ------ -------------------------- s w i r r s PREMIUM M iU H ) h a m ' ' he l« « n , " <» 3 -- pNabeb ' P**" **»•.............................. dwnng the afternoon, small girls O r iw f t W o t h t t ' l l4 i.jT i^ H B R 'S SPICED ̂ wlthja^^^ o f c a n d y d p i I ......... 8 ox. Bottle 8 6 c* 85c cu la ted am on g the g u ests . A pleasihgprogram was presented* , . ^,ic. to 14c. the' iK ls t s ' - b e in g '"Mrsi'̂ ^̂ GAINERS' COTTAGE ROLLS, lb 24e M rs. M ^ g m y 0arke. Miss JTessie PICNIC MAMS. iMir Ik ia„ ■ s H a m s - : - I **«»» -:- B I W ■ 'i i : • v 2 * .Z - .C 0 m M E iA 3 S 4 ) E A h ) ^ |® I E .^ ^ 1 Store a t Hollyhium^Vnfeki^rr^ PHOJ ia i» P,3 . ■■,.-":'"-rrr'*i. j-t. i .:. . . . . . . . . . . . .and-aiy,'®:,. PICNIC HAMS, per Ib..... ;----- - 16c payies. Miss' Eleanor Murray id ^ ^ th leeh Colllnson. TheCHOICE LEAN BRISKET,:... lb. 7c anu *»w * WP.TONGUE adul̂ artists were presented with per ID. ...................................2U bouquets of; flowers while the i i ! 4 , . m -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r « w p w f r f ■ ■ ' SAUSAO^.™ !!^!^!™ .^^!,* youngs, ones rMejyed dainty W EST V A N C O U V l® ■I < 4 ^ jXMan .aCMS 1 1? aai i' CHOICE POT ROASTS from Prime 0 ̂cattdy. Little Kathleen Steer Beef, from per Ib....... izy,e CollifiSon recmved a large old- BEEF - PORK -- LAMB ~ VEAL fashioned bjouquet of candy. The , of t> Very. Fineat Quality ^ , . attractive, home cooking table A ----- was in charge:of Miss Almas, as-GRAPEI-RUIT- by Mrg. Batchelor arid. Phone West 115 ̂ \i' i ̂ ' 5, ^ FOR REAL SATISFACTION i - C O . LTD. . le Drive California Seedleaa. 4 aisted by Mrs. Batchelor and.,4 Mrs.Littlefdrd; Mrs: H. E. Nes- 2®̂ bitt^ president of the W. A., re- " j u b i i e e & ' J ^ T oW * Winncrs.0f the valuable G^S^d W t h " ^ by JUBILEE STAMP s l o g a n . -priM list will be selected from Mra; Jackeom.' cuxNiiiiSi .weekly winners -during the -- .-...:----------- ̂ ? period of the contesit; and an- . LEOi<)N W. A. ' \ . l C L A S S i p ; E D / . ; ! A © ' $ The rate for Claasified Advectbrnmeiita -lâ 2 cepti per wwd. minimum 25 centa. Except in the case of Uuwe, havinf regular. acconatS, all cIbr? fieda are payable strictly in advaACe.- ; ®" ' Remember ClaaaiSeda in the West Vaa News get Imaimllata Veaults an4-i,M..4n,. T. nni-u . . . . . 'a '■ Pvriuu o i H ie eujitesii', a n a an - nouncement will appear In this _____ MnnwJlw "with paper next week., ; The Legion W. A. will hold Souv^ir S to n a of their; regular meeting at 2:30 '"® continue to be on sale at stores p.m. next Monday in the Legion "Y?" the. city, foi.the"benefit jiau, a good'-attendaiice is re- '■ . K - A » s S ; _______ : ■ S' iS' FOB BUILDING - Concrete WOrky BOOM & BOABD - N e ir Ferry. , l « i - H»»"fc°e>hni;-;B.an.. .■ Weet m - ? . LANDSCAPE GARDENING, Ix>ts ^ ^ u n S lo wasr'.a'a-i.ss; y- Broughton St., 12 cans PacificL ...... CUB-NOTES™^-------- .,..-.„U:Une aotn, a t ,ine. nome w tiie___Association-.has spveral mpti aviik 1st West Vancouver (St. 7 able Who^are anxious" to work/ofi Co. Ltd., 1226 Homer Street, Steohen's! Wolf Cub Pack went 2660 Dundas Street, Van- odd jobs.by the hour day or week;H Pri9«* W Ravrlal^v, OJ TTVIL v/uu jTttt.iv wvnt • wrlittn " A Nr.,, p.i+h Plaflr reasonable waere.Kindlvf'ommiini- A pretty; summer wedding took place (Thursday evening, JpneJ 18th, at the. home ^ thê INSTALLATJONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J, H. Paterson, W est 108. WEST VANCOUVER D.V.A.-- This Association has - several m en, avail- LAWN, jBOWKSSiSMRPENED - . SpeciJ. machine;.;R^»it8. parli _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = h in ,S h o p . ,4« ntr- 7'V': reasonable wage. Kindly communir cate with Secretary, W est 395-X .. , Q«,4 o 1 * «7 T> ^ btephen's) woit Cub Pack went rf i'3rd Prize : W. Barkley, c/o Die- on a hike on the. King's horth- «>uver, ■ when, Alice Ruth Clark abled yste, 404 Homer St., .day. After games, and weiner °f Mr. ------------------ box of Assorted Wngley's feed twelve boys were awarded Harold d^ker , Tompson only MABCEL SHOP - Therinique Stawii Gum and Aromints, donated , their first star by the Cubmaster Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Perman t̂s. Only best materials o L ' } ^ ' " - ^*4, (Rev. F. A. Ramtey). The boys ^ompson, f^ c r ly of West ^ed. Expert oMratMs. Phon 862 Gamble St. . , were Wiliiam Baker- David Vancouver. ' .Reverend Aiken- West 304, Royal Bank Building. . and-------- SHO:HBEFAIBS£:;.Ciifrtii^^^^^ met ^ a ^ ^ a a n d U p at Pox'a FOR R ^ T ~ Furnished house on , .W aterfronti m odem , ideal location, July and August. :;Welit 655-R, Phone FOR SALE -- Garbage Burner and ' Electric R ange. Phone West G m -.-w Iefe . position i«..eacn,_,£o-- Maciv.ay.,,Bfiter J-ay-,-Cla-y-ton-JoI--- «J"»-^way- ( Mrs. 0 . S. Batchelor, 1041 Rob- iptte, Hugh Doherty, Sonny Bos- was erected ? S 5 . 1" ?"„4 ai^®*- Jam es M cDonald. P h ilip room cen tred 1461 EAflf oOnH AvAnii/, Skoet. th ree bclls "" '̂ G. L. WARNER CO, Ltd. Building Operatiems Financed Specification^, Estimates and Information free of cost., Con-» sultations welcome, any time. • Building several houses in West..VBric6uvei- and other parts of-Vancouverproper;------ -------------------- - TRINITY 3478 - 3479 in marriage by-her brother, Mr. Harry Hill, wore for the oere- try way. . .Guaranteed. Bricfc-^and stone repairs. Palm er, CapilAno, North 811-R-2. - * - Xr *'"60i ' lumiLure, stoves, etc. North Shore Junk , Go.. North 431. ■ " 'i ' J . m--iwmdnyiii f , ■■--> y ---- mony a smart beige lightweight for sale ~ 4 rboni bungalow on wool tailored suit with blouse.- And lin t rif vttllfiw Wor* F>nvaonnck Bay, nOar bu?*nd stores,a n a n a t Ot y e llo w . H e r c o r s a ^ quick sale ?I,700 cash. W est 340 or was yellow talisman rpsebuds 143. , - and ferns. Miss Margaret John- ----- --̂ P O R ^ A L E - J l^ g iis lt baby buggy; perfect conditi6n;\ .cheap. Phone W est 335-R. , v . : : , n r-5 n* t i t" V - 4 ' i i v FOB SALE-'^/Cii^gine built .» trailer, - suitable - for buzz saw, $1,500.7 . Apply 2624:Nelson. ston as bridesmaid,, wore an - mason»<5 t Xvt - morrhid tAillAiiv wifVi wliittt a n - ®stimate on your set. No charge for British- ir i •- White ac- this service. J. L. PettW w, West__ Properties; 136i_hoursi_drive.cessones, and,-corsage of pink .145. ̂ ^est 612 . ̂ : ~ . rnafthllds Mr C^nrira Tix̂ nV «««_ ------------------------------------------ ----- :-- ----' ---------------------- porSd the^^^(S^^an(?Mrs^^D DRESSMAKING and all kinds of sew- HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442V ^V X \ ^ V a AA C l r A l ^ A U . X O f '* X . / » l l l f f Clarkê -- p̂layed - the---wedding^ 244-Y. march; Mrs. *M-vCkatwin' and F e r r i e s Mrs. b. Clarke, aunts of the . Hr? ^-----V--. r-- , mattress, table, two chairs. 'Phone __ Marine--̂ __ -- =- .̂--- --iStationeryr Sheen and Silk Spools, all colors. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic- rtor,̂ 144Y ;Mitone,7 inornings; ilO Hastmgs.St., ;Seym6ur 4199. after- bride, presided ̂ at the bridal" table with its, pink roses and ------------ ----------------------------- tapers centred with a three light services or fier weddinsT cake - I_,atpr 'the .Companion to lady in return for̂ Spokane where they s will reside. Married woman w ants work thirteen, would mind children. Box 17, W est Van News. FURNISgE^l^iJONEUftNISHBD Housea to , Rent^^Houses, lots, and ?«€Ago fo r -s a le 7 John Lawson, I7th and^Maripe. Phone. West 55. IteWMiMi-- ? " V. ■ V-V , H a l f H o u r l y S e r v ic e Leave AMBLESIDE -- 6 a,m, andteveiy Half-hour till 11:80 p.m. ',-5' ' ■; .< , Leave CITY -- 6:30 a.m. and every,H^f-hour till 12 midnight. . Buses nieet allBoa^. - « H , ^ Bring YourfFriends7to the' "-'-757 ,s. PJ>.Q. Cafe for Dinner on pbminipn pay." 7 1512 Marine ' West 616 7" S a tu r d a y b e tw e en - Murch^s and Greenwood's;* please phone Miss .Bafiiott, WestY290-R. Reward. ' . r WANTED - Six ro o n ..h o 5 se3 iid en .. Close in, fumishM. yearJrOiriid; good tenant. C. J. Archer Ltd.,"tVest 225. -All Popular . r-7 --&;»*w»vvs» dind'Tobaccos; also Fislung Gadjedtjsrfor.local wat- ers.-VAjnbleside;,Tea Rooms. P R IN m o all kinds oi pnntm g.7:phbhe:7^^ Van r "i ^ GUARANTEED R A D IO R E P A IR S Ez^eritnee In$ur*s^Satis/aetton, ' BROWN &; MDNTON 1542 Marine W est 366 Now h the time to ^ your bins at siimmW rates. Products of 7M. B. King Lumber Co.■ - - "■ WANTED TO LEASE X ' 4 or 5 room• r « * - * * f c u / * ^ " •» V a */*6 i v U l U . . ' house; between 25th St. and West Bay; tp occupy A ugust pr^Septem- ber. Phone W est .23-L-S: - - tr la l-fer your next shoe reifiiirs. 2468 M arine Drive. . L ^ D R B j l ^ t AGT no*'® -- Rangesi 6-hp|e,Fawcett $14.00; -upholstered--se te e ; $3.50. Phone West'220^L. •' "' - 11®* 4 of :BlocVXof District Lot 1493, 6 :1 , N.W.D., Plan 2103 ------------------------------------------------ ^ E l ^ S ^ ^ l i b s s of Cer- ROOM FOR RENT -- M eab optional Ko. $3231 - I " to the Apply 2423 Marine D rive, W est 610 iffhds issued in the1 ■'.V F U E L S U P P L IE S c , '•> v * 't I / » ' J -WOOD - COAL . TRANSFER^ r V - . i Inmde .Mill Fir..:.$5.50 per cord " ih-Fir.-..:$5J56' per cord . - - - - SIaba.0.$8.76.: .. ' '? C p r d s ^ ^ l l .Q b 7 ■ "̂4 ' "Spedal bn Fir Bark j < (Limited Supply) 1M.00 per cord SpMial Trices,on-Alders and! ̂& d Growth F ir \ i o r ■ Summer T W t e * , q ^ l l £ . ' XV f V - . r T^h^ p W ANTED or five r o o m s ---------- - „„ ̂ feet or more, not over $1,500 cash, no agents. Box 5, W est Van News ,.,,j lleMStratt ■ Concrete ' .£*tP®®l^-SSiewaIk%- TEAROB ASON, 1483!