n«*Jtouu ■ "^m * i f« I ' 4,iS iX"- -H . t m MMHm îkH '̂'iikw0 iSmUÎ ^ S P E C iA L - F r id a y & S a t u r d a y , J a n e 2 6 & 2 7 p-,-. ̂ .̂ L,'. ' "' -"̂ -n•ip IT -w * '„ -V*.. SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 1 30c, 36c, ' dOc ^̂ .' SUNKIST VALENCIA ORANGES 1. doaon...........*18c, 23c, 20c SUNKIST SREDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Medium uize^^ . . 0 for 25c; Lari^ a iu ....... 5 for 25c NO-NEEOA-SUGAR GRAPEF'RUIT 7 for 26c; Lar̂ ê size,. 6 for 26c, 6 for 26c SUlrfKIST JUICY LEMONS ^ ' FuMliy. ii»t^„..«,;;.....dos«iii iSc*' >, * . 1 SWEET SEED EESS GRAJrESt*..*....l.w,,. .̂,» ,̂ya,,v,.ai«^ î,*iM..i».»,s'i,f<...,'.M; HONEYDBW and CASABA MELONS.'.;......,.:,.....;..... ..................*.... Jb. 7c lUPE CANTALOUPES........................................2 for 16c; and 3 for 26c BRITISH SOVEJ^IGN STRAWBERRIES Ij^al...^........ ;,3 boxes 26c SWEET BING OHERI^ES :....................... .................... 2 lbs, 26c FIJI BANANAU....... « ..,„ 6 lbs. 26c , GOOSEBERRIES ..........6 lbs, 26c ̂ SWEET PLUMS ............3 lbs. 25c W ^ERM BLONS ....:,..........lb. 4c lb. 20o FRESH VEGETABLES , , l o c a l n e w P O T A T O E S ......................................................................8 lbs. 2Bo GREEN B E A N S......... ....... 2 lbs. 16c HOTHOUSE TOMATOES, 2 lbs 26c LOCAL GREEN 2Bc CUCUMBERS..... .each 6p, 10e,;:i8c LOCAL NEW BEETS o r 'TyRNIjPS...........::..:;...i.....;......;..:...4 b*uhchea"10c' CLOVERDALE LETTUCE ....................................................... 2 for 9c LOCAL NEW . CABBAGES ....:...............;............ ......... .....................3 lbs. 10c l o c a l C E L E R Y .-- . N ew season ...............................;...,..each 6c, 8c* 10c LOCAL OAULIPLOW ER ...:..................... ......■...................... e^ch ;6c, 8c, 10c VEGETABLE MARROWS --- Large size......;............................... ....each 10c CALIFORNIA CELERY : ............ .,.............. ;..:............:.each 1,0c, 16c _______ We also carry Tobacco and digarettes, etci , NORTH SHORE JUNK GO. 109 * 1 U FIR ST ST.'W EST, NORTH VANCOUVER ' WE BUY B o tS ^ -S a c k s , Rags, Furniture, Stoves, Etc. A phone brings the man to your door w ith the.cash. , PH O NE NORTH ,43l\» L ay 6v N ight (Reverse Charges) . Mr. and. Mrs. Stewart The West^ Vancouver ,High -have-movo^Ffnoln the* city'; into School; students'- are; holding" a Mrs. W. M. Blair, 1627 Gordon v, Tommy Cauham of Nort.. ~ Avonue, haa deft to visit her ' Vaaeouver^-wee* drowned - laat brother in Salt Lahe City, Utah, Sunday afternoon or evening; off going by motor. - «^fhbl«aide Beach. He was aged • .* • , 18;yeara and came to the beach P.H, Merrin of Vancouver, i s e a r l y in the.afternoon with a having a new;,home built for friend, .who was apparently .the himself a t Gleneagles, last to see him. His absence was , .* * • ' not noticed until his parents re- Dr, and Mrs. A. C. McQuarrie ported to the West vancouveSr have moved from Vancouver and rollce during the nights tha t ha are occupying a house a t Caul- had not returned* This led to the feild for the summer xhonths: discovery of his clothes , on the ' * ' beach, the body of the deceased .A son was born last JFriday, a t being found about 11, a.in; Mon- St. PauTs Hospitel to Mr* and day, near th^, float as * the Insult' Mrs., T. F. Had'win; (hee Lilian of dragging operations conduct- Monk), 1206 Duchess Avemie. ed by the police. ' . Mr., and Mxs. J. J l. Townaend Mrs. W. Reid and her d k g h - 5?™ wtum ed .to their hon;ie.at ter of Appleton Court, have'deft ^ke Be,v..&ancis J. Nash^son i t Is expected -th a t the netv ?L5^V®1^ ° l ferry. "Hollybum!'JwiaJia.ve..her . J8.3J. Mariho Drlye. wm ordained official trial run ever, the week- to the priesthood last Sunday end. ; ' miornirtg a t the Cathedral of the ♦ s Holy Rosary^ in Vancouver by , Mr. and Mrs; J. G. Hogg, 2372 His Exc^lenc;^ T^e Most Bev. ■ HaywoMl Aveniie, are moVingoii .W. ,M.^puke, ,p^D. kfeny from . Saturday into the Cojiddh. house West Vancouver ^tended the at 1766 Esquimalt Avenue; fona service. The.;Itev. Father Nash couole of months ̂ • Will celebrate his first solemn « « * < ' j - ,R.., .Douglas •• of - Winnipeg,.': is in St. Anthony® Chut-ch. • , K . S ito n , Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McDonald Marine, Drive, ; M'- «"d Mrs.. Waldroii'-and the Lloyd house, a t S an^ , ^ v e . jjp jj,g_ j,_ Miorton, All of D r i .Q f c . l8 B ird ey O n B few le in ' It 11 Orange Jutdc!, Sugar and Water. I c e G o l d H e r e 5 c . M s B rag S to n Thf Stole of Sorrioo. ' '... 1686' Matliit *' D dn i! ;" ' > Woot 67. or Wool 607 Emergoncy Phono Wool 861 ̂ (Aftor 10 p.nu) Min . - 1̂.' S t r a t t o n 's B A K E R Y Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday! Christening and WeddingCakes - Meat Pies; Sausage Rolls, , Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Biins Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every m ornir^ Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive, ' Phone West 27 a house at 24th and Ha^wobd' S r S o K K " ^ a t .Avenue,,;- r . „ A 'pA, vei^" fine Aurora BbreiWis soa;A K. W. Savory :S c h o o l 'o iM d ry S i n T ■" from the northern horizon to theHarfbn Bros. Ltd. -zenith. ' 1443 M arine Drive ------AmUeside- Phone W ^ t 340k t h V Evenings, W est 143 Finance . ■ Mrs. Thos. -tV._-, Carlile and - . . - . * » » - . ' smaD daughter, Connie, of Court- - Sidney Trust,. ,1471 Duohess m« w r;ii;« i>.+a„ enay. B.G.,. are ' ̂ e s t s of to s . , Avenue, put in a ndn-cbmpetitive AinJeles'^a £^Biti£?*£Sr f i,+ £ ..-.diapky^ferosCsU ast-EH day-at--rp ..H . Johnson, 1836 ^ultoii Aye- . the June pprloi- show of t h ^ K i tT ^ r t ,* ' fTPeacoCk, 6S0 11th . silano Community Horticultural. * , ,Vj • ^ d a s ' -d"e i m ^ ' ^A d ju tan t -M arg a re t,.S t^ ttn ,acted as o. e^of tK rm ^ e s . Regina, is spending her annu- ! . T h e > e s t Vancouver ^Laim a M s ° " j '^ M , berry- carnival at the bowling ' * ' -* ♦ * gi^en on Saturday,June 27th. . j j , . Mrs. Davidson of V«i- couver, have moved, into a house nOLLAR LUMBER . ̂ ,WOOI>i all s izes; - SLABS '-ED G IN G S,Tnside Fii',- "™T _ SAW DUST^, , r N O R T 4 ^ i S S 9 Hollybarii Theatre THURSDAY, FR ID A Y A N D , SATURDAY M ATINEE ' June'25th | 26th and ,27th HARRY CAREY 4(f r e s h m a n LOVE"' SATURDAY EVENING A N D MONDAY, . . . - . June 27th and 29th . 4>ICKJ?OWELL^ ANN DVORAK 'MhanllCs A .: Million^^ -(A-Musical-Comedy.1 and-consid- ered Dick Powell's b est) . - R. B. MORlSW>Nf G e n ^ a l C o i i t r a A o e U 29 'ESPU N ADE > . . Phone W est 361X H O L L Y B U R N ^ ^ r fe e t F it & Style Guaranteed ;J IIS S D. H. HORIE, W est 1890' Marine Drive ,Miss, Lulu Ray entertained at 2512 Haywood Avenue. Friday evening, at tho ̂home of . ♦ ♦ ♦ __ her parents, a t ^ .brtdg^ - - M r.-and M rs .^ B a rc la s^ T lT " m hon/or. of ̂ Miss ^^Mary, Genis. Bellevue Avenue, are leaving to-' The invited guest?(were: Mrs. G. morrow for Duncan, B. C. ■ All^n, the Missegi H attie Young, . - " __________ _ ^ Ethel Roberts, Mary Yates, Mar- LEGION NOTES garet Hobson, Mildred Lettner, Pre-Stocktaking SALE GREATLY'REDUCED^PRICES Radios, Refrigerators . R ^ g e s , ' ^ G il^ B unr^ s,. ' Washers . " ^ | |^ Easy Terms Drucilla and Munel Dawson, Kay ̂ The last general meeting_of - Sharpe^Ruth Holdsworth, Mar-- the local " b r^ c b tef "the Legioir ________________________ _ garet Johnsoi^ Jean Ray, Evelyn was held last Friday, June IS.n, H I G G I N B O T H A M and Eileen Shifflett. with President C. Turner in the * ?■ I ' 66 Lonsdale J - , Avenue W est 37 V ; I ■ V.ji ■ '.'1 N orth . Vancouvier . N orth 525 AmUeside ; ' 'M e t'iil ' L. SPECK. Proprietor ' 'W b F K S Optician Mrs. H, B. Garland is having mi- L. . chair. It was very encouraging O o to m e f r ls f l S ^ will * mamtain a to note the good attendance. A L^ptum eiribi; half-hourly service throughcmt general discussion took place on ___________________ _____ _ ' • ; nex t WednesdayJ__£(Jliimijnioii^the^repor-t^^ the Special-Parlia-- ft^-newL-house. built£at_'28rd-and- Day). The first boat will leave m ilitary Committee which has Avenue. V- Ambleside Dock a t 6 a.m., arid just concluded its session, great ' - ' ' * *' the I ^ t at 11 ;30 p.ni. The first interest being shovm by all. The only way to have a friend is . to be one; 10.80 a.mr to 4 * , Wednesdays 1522 Marine Drive EYES EXAMINED CUSSES FITTED w E s ^ i v ^ ^ v e a O D i j f x 1574 Marine D H v e ----- -- F ree Delivery -- , Phone W est 186 Specials F n d ay & S&^iu'day, June 26 4 27 boat from the city dock wiU be 6:30 a.m. the -last- boat^ leaving there at midnight Buseli meet all boats. , " . Mrs. T. Toynbee of Chemain- us, was the guest of^her sister, Mrs. P : H. Johnson; 1936 Fjilton Avenue. f ̂ i'-.A '-ft _ R u th C h a ||te r L. O. B. A. " V..: IN. ORANGE HALL SATURDAir, JUNE 2 7 t6 , a t 9 p.m . ̂ ' A b M I S S l O ^ y l S C : / ' - ' ' ' V i ^ .NAYEL ORANGES.-.-V-^ 25c, 35c;* , 2 dozen '35c | STT^trii^ J O I^ ^ L E M 6 N S -'.....-;:'.;;...Large*size 28c;' 'Medium size 15cI wa S S ? « i te. i c , LOf^a ...... ..................................................6 lbs. 25c L O P ^ m----- ------------ -------................................. 5 bunches 10c H O T FrnT rSK vSA SSS?? -- ....... ........... ....................... .5 J[>unches, 10c T t o m a t o e s ............ _____ .............:.i ib; lo c L O C ^ .......2 for 5c; 2 for 9c I D P ^ -2 'fo r -1 6 c r S p A ? _____ _____ '„.4 lb s .: 25c LOPAt" .....----------------- each' 5c, 10c L O ^ t R A D ISH ES______ bunches 6 c L.UL.AL CABBAGES ___ \ ...J...........L.Z Ibs. lOc We also carry S id t D r ^ > ;T d b a c < » s and C igarettes,-E tc. i8MgiHaHi»»uapg)ra^^ Engagement, , ' Mr. and Mrs. 'V /F .^ Jdhncox^ 160 31st Street, West Vancou ver, announce the erigagbment:cj their elder daughter, Vera Mae,: to Mr. Kenneth Maurice liopa- tecki, eldest son of Mr. aiid-Mrs;' K. V. Lopatecki,"^3034 Procter, Avenue, .West Vaned]iiyer. Kie wedding will take plaie /at, the church {Of St. Frarids-in4he-- Woods, Caulfeild, pn July 25th a t 2:30 p;m., with'iRev. ;F.-,;A. Ramsey officiating.-.; f-: «:k> r : West Vancouver Agricultural and Horticultural Association Annual '.D ?/}t jA W g > e w o (B H _ A u d lto r iu j^ j |S ^ 144 .classes , , FBEEi'AOMiSsiON , . . Light Refreshments And Ite^Cream on̂ ' , ' ' 'I KXPEBT . REPAIRING ' - (formerly'with .Birks L/bd.,' 'Montr^f% 1522 Marine mrive W **The, le tter the Quafity^l^ ThefB^^ \ C Y R O M X B R A N D Si)-...,,"" , , I , J*------j----------- '\;WdstlVra ■' ^ '\,:;^ '-TBA'/ a V X COFFEE SPICES More a n y m o r e people a r e ^ a p w ^ ^ w W ^ & n t a k e s • PHONE jP0H FREE DELIVERY ;̂ ;^̂ v*̂ §BttOR 1N.$WFST vANCdfl^^feR. >: ' ̂ --' . r . - ' n 7 ,v ,. . . ...... . -r--r-- ----'V'ABnaiirVeiinjf.yr j , I ' . , A ' A ' v ^ J .. v"*'Jf' ' V J'H w" 1 • -r'". 'T is. ̂ ■ ; v- rl ^v-/i , ;.T;, !