V A N N E W S w m r r A M v m n m M M .i r n , - w m ,M m m <i|!| llil* U L . T !» ___ sombir 8ckrf a m aim Xfl 'ft-Wf- Btm m rn 4 i % t a w ^«m m ir .H . ( „ ' IP >d T H§*T w o H itB4 T w o E r r o r s . , , wBm BAJPTIST CHUECH JMiKblcr W. I . M cltei; flUW BJDL JItsiifeiXjftv :00 «.m.~-^harcli School™ ...̂ -- J lOr ^OilintAAiltaiiis11 tJHU it tsSO _ ........ ' - k W E S r V A N C O U V S B Gkrot^ ScMBo V catiiiiM m i r ic i 1̂ ĵ ptfit. ffyt ftii ̂ Pimfltofy H X lS ! ~ " I iA T S # JV * I } AtoM thto by b»¥liit yoor toir' p r ^ r ly • 1mip« 4 -' ; arivfnĝ it the proi>«r I'ouiidotioii for one of oar Imtroui Perm" anento, then every hit edll be a Btrike of distinctive beenty. Gwendolyn's Beauty t% m m h h MumoN C»r. Mtli * Hirfa», AiiblMU* w e e k Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 pm* PHApE 8BRyiCB«"TIiiiwday 2:80 pm.; 2008 Narine JDrive SUNDAY SE B V IC E S-U am* and 7:80 p.m. BIBLE CLASS-IO a.m* lEhls Soeltly Is a Btmeh of ̂ aM MlOUIEr vllurCtll The F lrti i^ureh at ciorist, . sSdMh||p|,« in Beetm# ...........S«wUr8£*lui ll:S0'<ijn: .-i ' ! ' 'B ir fw 'B *^'W «*W i'--& '8B O IH IM ^nri^ ORGANDIB FROCKS »iUi 8U,. f«c KAt . ___ k»--N«v^md white Drill IIA 8 CSetrlB* O r ^ Shorl»-~wiilte vdth nayy'strip# ̂ ...f . ....... Havyvdth whit# and all white"|lj^'* .1̂ StmdAY, June 28th, Sabjeet; "CHRIS'nAN SCIENCE" Pique and Drill Blouses....... | U 9 THE MAEQUIEETTE FROCK itAtn*«ii iT*hn>ih SI jj/1 rittF* «d»f <. DAS JUST'ARRIVED ' * -!(F ̂ t ^ ' I t tA J S A GWEN'S GOWN AND SFORT SHOPPE•^ a iy .-*!* ."*;**»•• *4«'44 '■'A '* > j7 ', weat oeZ'* <<* «(i' v» \ f̂, t',,;.*" '* i'.., 4 l«l« 'ilarliie Dtlfe' West 117 i t€ is), , -'I' « PHOTO somiEs U N IT E D C H U BC H 2lBt A Esquimalt Ave* Eev: HUUs Wright. Minister Service Sunday 11:15 ^.m, and 7:15 p.m. Communion of the Lord's Sup- per will be held next Sunday morning at 11:16 a.mw All members are requested to bl3 present. The service Jn ihe evening will be conducted by members of the1 ■ wr ■ WW. ■ 1 ' a ' A' ' ■' : ■ ■ ■;■:.■■ ■ :■■■:'■ ■ ■; ■; • ■„ ; ,7. ' ■ ' ■ . i ■ ■ .■ ■ .' ' ■ Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Ttstimdny Mtetlny Wednesday * at 8:16 pm* Ki#.̂ V V + ) t The publie is cordially in vited ip attend our services and meetings i Dundarave Her » I »H I A * • f fS i P i ) Saturday, ;Jme 27th Senior Young People's Society* A cordial invitation is extend. Kodak and Agfa Plltns ( ti ̂ 7f 7 ■ k-.-i',. ed to all strangers and v is ito r in West Vancouver to make . West Vancouver United Church their Church home while they remain in our m idst., The weekly Prayer Meeting I , has been discontinued for the summer months. Also thh Trail Rangers and C.G.I.T. Groups. A public thanksgiving service in connection with the Vanoou- HOUTBURN HIU 14th add Duchess SUNDAY, JUNE 28, at W e*m* . Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 ' Gospel;, Address by MR. ERIC HUNT TUESDAY EVENING, June 30 at 6 o'clock Prayer pnd Bible Study I Subject: "Abraham, the Deliverer" - at,2,15p.m. , , Admission--Adults 25c. Children under 12/10c. G O L F A T SUNDAYS AND hSlIDAYS . ' : All * y ....7fte "'-IShoIe,....60o 9 holes after'4 p.m,......i26c Light Refreshments' Served WEEK DAYS. All day .....50c, I 0 holes..... 26c i'iS A' iiL I vjer Jubilee will be held at the /.cAinOlCSldg ITAffiFlIlgCV I Inglewood High SchdoT Grounds... vjer JublFee wiil be held at the CHURCHInglewood High School Grounds" ' Minister r Rev. W. L. McKayW. L. KER, Prop, 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 828 FREE DELIVERY on ^Iy::5th-:m-,.theJafternoon."~ ^ 'R ^ v ih g 7 th e Spirit's Full- Further announcements will be ness" wiU be the pastor's morn^ made at a later date. JWatch.for mg . subject. The evening sub- ,ithem. ' ject will be "Carry Your, Cor ner I" -- -- ----- --------------J- ■ ' 8 -HOUR LAUNDRY SERVICE MEN- •If you drop in your laundry when you pass in the morniî jg'.'it will be ready when you co home at night - -------- ---- - - - - B u m i ^ I ^ n i i i l i ^ OPPOsHe Car Barns North Vancouver Phone N. 1310 DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S, L.D.8. DENTIST. --Ray-Block]rrl4th-and~Marlne~Di OfflM Houra 9 to 6 plm. Evenings .by appointment Phone West 72 Established on North Shore , 2 5 Years ' 4i|:r.(tady;45?istant); .JBABBiD# BEOS. Lt d . funeral iirrrtors ST. A N T H C W r s ; ^ ^ The church School, which «i T> XT T }t I " TT X steadily growing, will meet a t .10 o'clock. The adult Bible class Phone -Y êst 240-R is one of. its splendid features) Sunday Masses The teacher is W. G. Draper. LowHVIa8s-«==="8'rt5-ann;------------------The Young~Peonie*s--Socjety' High Mass and Sermon--10:15 has discontinued for the summer a.m. ~ both young. and[ old are ciordi- Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 ®|iy invited To the prayer jSer- P-Bi* rtce on Wedfiesday evening 'at m BUG K WEST6 8 C O A L - W OOD DUMPWORK SLABS $4.00 cord '2 cords $7.50 ' ^ Mr. ,and Mrs.. Bell of Caulfeild,; have moved to Vancouver. CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER 1 ,,7 i Sealed Tenders'aye invited for the purchase of the, following properties -^whieI^heHMmtfdpadit3̂ Tsslei WEStVAN rY A •l* , w,.,, ww. . evening atCatechism and Bible History 8 o clock. The pastor is leading every Saturday--9:30 a.m. in a|study of PhiJippians. ___ Weel^dajL.S^ ̂ ------ ----- -̂2Tlte boys meeVon-FViday at ,Mass, daily--8 a.m. . 7 o'clock at the Hollyburn School Shieet M et^ W o ^ Phoite West 39 Furnace and Range.. Repairs, deeds without, covenants.--- _ ^ t e 7 and 10, Block 2. D. L. 1493 renders must be delivered to" the i undersigned by 12 o'clock noon on the ' 27th Jime, 1936, and must be ac- companied i^y a , certified cheque'for the fu ll amount. " North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth AvehuelSasr Phone Fair; 134 ----w ......T, ' ' ' wie xiuiiyourn cscnool;Fridays -- I^sary, Benediction, yard and participate in a game Confessions--7:45 p.m. of soft ball. ' ^ Saturdays -- Confessions from ___-- ^ 7 :30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 'Sawdust B orh i^ ' The Council reserves the-right-to -reject-any-or"aH tenders7 , WM. HERRIN,, v y _ m . x i D i i v A i i N , - ' . 7. " Mimicipal Clerk.-- - ̂' ____<■*! f' ' -f '•i , ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey CHURCHES OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST . t is. - "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will June 2 8_; 'Trinitv TTT " o® subject of the Lesson - 8:00-a.m.--Holy-oLmLnlon;--- 11:15 a.m .-M atius and Semen. is : , "The VERNON <Pe e d st o r e A. C.SBARLB Phone West 9 Fertilhsera of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies roarv€n,-which a woman took, and . 'Y a • Monday, St. Peter's Dayrt0;15 ® woman took, and . , a .» - U e ly CommuSon ti ? 'S e ' I3:®8sTf® Sunday 9-46 a m C..™ " Among the oifatiohs which muniom Cem- compri^ the . Sermon is ___________ __ Jbe following,.from the Bible: HOU.YBURN HALL. i e ^ V ^ e ^ t ® " d *■ VV' v'.-.'",.: 4?DtoV."55\v3w»"»' 7:'.,'- ..7' r'.n V-/V <̂1̂ me. ^ ^ 4 ■' U ■* / V JTBaVks will t, 1 f y" J fof 1 am meek "andxtiere wiU be Sunday School lowly m heart* anri va q̂ dIi ew/i atio^®m" n ^ "shnd^^^^ u f ° y"«r'souls/' M atthew burn Hall. Eric Hunt will give The ̂ Lesson - Sermon also ih ' ______ a Gwpel address a t the 7 :30 p.m. dudes the foljbw^g nalsa^- Frcd: "I a^ked Maude if I could day^ars^pm ^pra^^ tbo Christian Science text- see her home." Science and Health- with - Arthur: "What did she say?" Ddiver®?"^^^ Abraham, the Key to the Scriptures Fred: «she said she'd send mo a ' Baker Eddy: "Christian Science picture of i t " . . CONSERVATIVE .. jijjwiiDUwiii îinnrYf'^ ... ■>. .'Y.f i » i THE PbilosophOT, but the Chrisri- A (^inW variw an. alone can fathom it* I t is ill be heM to the & ® V a ^ Jl>:" . i . ̂ ^ LAtiioervauve~ convention madp irtrnum il*West Van News S v ® j^ e mS: beat the divi'n" PubUeM Brery Tliiuaday Any active Conservative wishinir __ . ili HI iiSSIS <f Fubliaher F. F. LOVEGROVB ^ Phone West 31̂ 3 BiuineM and Bdltorial Offtee: nth aad Miriat Drive ' (Neat to Rdlybum P.0,) ^ Phone What 363 P. O* Box « , K oU yb i^ a c . The Jones family has just treked to Stagey Park a ft^ parking their car back to ^airWem No wonder little Johnny is toed and fretful. No wondW Dad la d Mother notice the other people' who are dr Nwth VancooTcr Onee: 1 ^ Lonsdale. Ave. TOMORROW (FRIDAY.) JUNE 2 6 t h TeWcIe capable ofhandHes n& a ' :. traffic, such as to JubUee ewhts. ,;; .t- 1. s Y * * 'i, '