K- ■ I am - ̂,* -'C . .1 . - ,^ ■ •■ A - " m U -----------; I" a * .•;_,̂ ; -■>.> 4 .- 4,---« . Circulating in the D istrict o f W est V a n co u ver^m h iesid e f ^ 11.00 per year. \< "f ...... .... ...... .»-<■'- • - - .« >-' .V....S-.,* i.» ........................... mi,-.. . Dundaravt X x - V r ........................................ . ■, per copy «t aowMtpnd..' L 1936 No. _ ^ - .-'.,4^4 . 10 .;"■■••! .... 1"'.' ■ . i ! I tJ' ' 'J .•"-C'l ,,'«3*'-„" ,. {i->.|' 4'.,K. ,* rjti'fc- T I ( ■> o f' ' ' ....t •■ . ..-̂ .V4..;..::-.......■...■■'V.:.*' -A',.>.y .',■/> -m.,..-* "k-; For the first tim e in her long history England through her cabinet has had to. confess she dareiiio t fight. . That is the bald tru th 'behind the movement^to-abolish ^nc tions, and- everybody in Eingland knows it. I t has made, them furious. so furious indeed th a t possibly some im portant and innocent , scapegoat may have to be throvirown as h%acrifice to the enraged ^ T p u & W d o not nnderatend. Thus hne;,of th^ w w arts for serving democraci09 f̂%vV.̂ *.,?,t, . ■/"iir i We are not. to presume that Mr. Baldwin and his col leagues are Qowafds; a^stigma which lirfrpm the ;r ? lips of a man who dn a recent book had so castigated the im potent dead whilO' Care^ully avbidmg^^ticism Jf ' th ^ lm ^ .- . - The truth may yeFcohte put or be forced ipirt, that tri^th which • the reason for the stand to abolish sanctions. And i lot tek fa S p a t e s to:.divlne on b;^ ,d-lines,W hatitls;;; ■ Ever, ainoe.the.W^ir British, pei^ilep Wye. Wen,taking a long and ̂ ̂ nnao .a ftintense course in pacifism, * a prpcedmre unsafe , to the point of, insanity except to .a ri^tjont possessing^ ppthmg and, therefore,, hot worth attacking.' .^^astr'possessions, and ' vast wealth;are:ours;but in .th e f i n a l , „ which must always one day inevitably c o m e ,/andiiOften sud- , ■' --JU B 1#IS ̂ N F D t B S ' tifiityJiforL -„ ^o tisan# 'O l-^ zenis and yIsH liigvoyW ^sM h n d * i ^ f W n5 ■no place in ih an o p i^ . ue a.dispiay. couverbitf will he look West Shores est Vanepu t ,do*'th& 3 e Brltgh:Pa- ill also, ji^n " y giving i m ajestltjto flw orW ti*oirt^^iheWtt®'Wp)|g;'Si|c)h as has not lfebrt:?seeii in; West Whhcouvbh'»'bei&lftei '• - - '̂5 "' 's < ^ Park h r 10 :30 i5> ,7 and: It Jm^i^tartM ^slihdltfllhW jsiflyi- ,This, Is i;:go0dihjiportonMy4 qr parties; fsm, a g f -I , « ; : ^ e e v e ir t v ; - ' " " S & W o M S t L e^o n Hall 'b violin pupUs oi SW IM M iN O N E W S iM i ( < > 4. ' i;riCKmay*-r**ioiinBon ̂rr \̂';A*"vel î)^■tP)reit ;̂^Wedl|l^^^ ̂ Solemnized , at; :fet. 'iStfephetofh' L.O.B.A. Church last Saturdav i evening;* Qhapter, L.O.B.A., ate?. ' :' • ; //t putting on finother of th 'eirM ries ' ■ ; ' . : r u d e 'V ic ^ & ; . ; y o ™ 'g 4 t5 lS ^ f dan cer.a^9 p.ni. .., ,,,,; .. ...... V* * rla.r T.tvift 27th, a t . th e Orango^ . : -X u u t ; r v f u i i |} c p y ,'Vi ̂ united These dailMs havqtprovid )) Vi Ij ip r 'tik wit eginnets. dlHbe-tau ' 1 , *4̂ , . . X X '*■, .'J^y' ■'- r-j '- ' ,>tV - ' "■4" M Shower : ; f«; V JUBIEEB EI^OAT COMMITTEEy t*' . > >-v "■v, t' ^ Junel8th>.1nhprior«fTieir;steter ' M siwss. men Jqok: place. Ida, who is!leavirife early , ^ e s d a y evening in the couned for Bedford. England^Theiappy-. 'r chamber. ;A num ber of m a ite 's occasion W fc th - ---- n„i. a ,v i, *1,;. ------- prise travelling^ many useful gii in an attractively basket by little* McCulloch. ■ ' ' games and- ed. Tile dainty -H 'j, <1 1 -IH ,1 C 'e r j . >-r •, ico u v er ET Ratepayer are h i^hy itetified tii^ taxes must be paid to the Munidpil-Him, W tet W V V,; 5 , -1 ""'wnacaiy-'*"' ar TvaasiiiL" • •• ŷ g-"""̂ T̂ *wvieAv6̂ iiBSw'Vy'̂'*'nFja-"'■■ n r a t ' wtek^ Jbei^2^:nqmigjlW^ 0 a y ,a n d ;a .;p n b lic llq E ^ ^ copy must be m our iiiatId&fBy; noon mext Tu^dy;slf^ead';,of w - '■■■ '-This .-'Wplletr' tel!' A .it- r̂.- !