West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jun 1936, p. 3

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-- 1936. «̂r«̂ •■ -Jia-I.w*'*-,-«'i.,v><»w* H .L O : -V. S; |i l l-« ^ -# ------ _ , H50 i * ■ - ..........ir'"IT*'1i-- ............. ............... ..........................̂ ■I... '■■. ......--n.li '_ ', W'"-';; _ V. ' ■■ " jta. '■ ■ ' ^ .rtil I 9 M - -- lAMk ■ SPECIAL- irjr..ir ..FlumA W «it77 J I "*' V , Jone 19 & 20 - .»■ ■ v . - i y » . .V . - ' . ' ' ^ ■« -. ,H v - ^ - . vjl!5 Mr. aiKd Mra. J. Allison and M r. Hickleton o f Vlancouve^ is _ Miss Kerr, 22nd and Argyle having a,now house u 1̂ 1 ̂ Jy 12̂ 7 ĈXt»A»Î JGrli>Sw«>>>■*■■«*«»»d036Oft 18c, 23c, 28c, 38o ■ j,)to their new liome a t 17th and SUNKIST VALENCIA O R A N G E S.....?......... .................... ......doeen 20c, 25c I jDycjiess Avenue. . In spite of the weather a large SU N K ISI; SEEDLESS GKAPKPitm^^ I cT ow d w e r e t o b e S e e n a t ^ m h lo - 7 for 26c; 6 for 25o;. Large Rise 6 for 26c; 4 for 26c ■ ̂ ; , a l i.,. nM o ln « f .<SiinrlAV NO-NEBDA-SUGAR GRAPEFRUIT I M rs. A ^ e w a n d d a u g h t e r s s id e B e a c h iM t S u n d a y . 7 for 26ci . 0 for 2ric; 6 for 26c * * " --------------------------- v . SUNKIST JUICY LEMONS Medium size, dozen 15c; Largo size, d<»en. 28c , - 3 .have moved from North Vancou- j n, n vor into a house a t 14th and _ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Weik^ of T* O. 2 <or 26c' ........ . . . a . . . 4...4............S „25c. Mmumbflm .» V I w a t e r m e l o n I:......,..'.....Ib. -Be ' GOLDEN FIJI BA N A N A , 2 lbs 17c SWEET BING CHERRIES, lb- 16c * GOOSEBERRIES ;........... 5 lbs. '26o • ' - . . A l^ iBi^^W.l.M ;. . t t a ,,. t e S « .! « r i »l(V i 4.■ . >■tl̂ h i ■.i.[«)«iMiMi'«.i. t . i » . M w w i. i* r,iii» . wiiM» > »»■ !*« . I. o. I ®*ŷ« Avenue for the summer ...... 3 »>;• f f c - | months. "<« ZlUcie of Vancouver, andJ'.̂ r fit I '. ' • ' Pete"F^Palmer of. Walla-Wa^te. u|h! pyin Ave Mr»;,J. G ^ t , and daujrhters **' of Chilliwack, are occupying n. ̂ tU ' YOUR FAVORITE DRINK o n ice bero a t a ll t im e s . Gemmill's Drug Store Tha Store of Service* 1586 Marine Drive Weat 87 or Weat 607 Bmargancy'* Pbona Weat 821 (After 10 p.ni.) .................................»#■ ■ ' t,0 CAi. NEW POTATW* ! ! ! . ! ! ! ™ .™ . . ; . £ : ...... ...... S ib., 26« l P h r a t^ s Club for women g . CrMslng. Varicouyw hocAL NEW BEETS.......................................................... 4 bunches 10c 1 on the V arsity campus held a island strAwberby^RHUBARB .............................. ............... /..7 lbs.'lOc I beach party yeeterday at the r. i.x ^ itvr ( AL. NEW CARltOTS............................................................................................. : . X . , . . 8 bunches 10c | ; home of Miss Jessie MecRae in , Miss Betty Cavendish of , V^n -• ' " 1̂ -/^'V' « "a aw, , \ y - •'/ , Stratton's NEW CARROTS.............. NEW CARROTS/Bulk .. i <!b V, *v J ing a house utrn /ur ^̂ PT.FRŶ .......... ........................... ■'.....................•'""7 - o a c h ' 5^ l ' x i * TV\nAi /-'TJinipvr T»TT'A<s» ' '•'1 ̂ 3657 M aniie Drive fo r-the sea* Bread, Cokes,., Pastries, Birthday, Christening ' and Wedding Cakeig * LOCAL*̂ GREEN'tEASr.T.!L«::̂ ^̂ HOTHOUSE TOMATOES ......... local NEW CABBAGES ."r...... NEW .//?4L...................lb. 18c I , swimming followed by a bonfire son., i,.OCAL NEW ;THR.N|3̂ S|;, ,a...:..»... ..... 1..4 .bunches 10c ■' - ........ local lettuce ....3. for 10c ■ „ . ' . ,, , , LOCAL CAULIFLOWER ...................................each 6d, 8c; 10c, lB c .| R. Miller has moved into a. . j * >t i, - 1 ■ I camp'atJStK ana Bellevue Ave. ■ There will be Sunday S^opI ■ nue, for the sunimer. . and Young People's Bible^Class Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, ~ ■ Cakes, HOLLYBUBN HALL , W e also'carry Tobacco and Cigarettes, eic. Banbury - - ..Cinnamcin Buns^ .r^ :: . Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning, fU } i 1 t'i , * J / ' 1, i / i I* > i' ' TT̂ m n ■* tj -i ̂ *' , ̂ \ 1 ' <ti f _ _ a t 1(1 a.m, next Sunday;at Holly- Cable advice has been received *' ♦ Note Address': 1468 Marine Drive, Phene West 27 J ̂ ' ft "* t*!HOULYBURN D RESSM AKERS llrossmakiW . " A ite r iig ;' •"Se-"'; modelling' Specialist.' Ladles' Tail or ing;-s MISS D. H. HORIE, . West . 1890 Marine Drive .. \ 5 8 S . uV , > M i ' , '■ h Ji iH V ft W .1̂ 1443 Mwiiie D rive; „, I K *■ ' * ̂ t V ̂. A VW •< ' Ambleside T Jm nB ^W esfW -- L_,. Evenings,.'Wdst .143t'lii ;4-' A ' / *3 ■" f- 0 "f )t,» : . " F' , ____ ___ _ _i \ ry' - .: L. 0 . B. A., • . __ cJi I.'k ' T h e th ir d o f t h e ae?e<m '8 c ^ m m i d s l ^ i ' i n t h e R o y a l A ir ^ r O u d y , "s u o j e c r . n e , r . u « ArWCGiciyr" cl&xiocS'b p u t DjT*. . r ft *'i" ̂ (3̂ , m .. Qjp '.Abrftliifl'ixi ^^F^fiitili^s^Clioico^^ Ruth Chapter, , L.O.B.A . , will i . . ,- i , * * ' * takg. place next Saturday. Ju n e . Miss Peggy Bea^vis of the local 20th, in the Orange'Holl; Dane- staff of the B, C:_ Telephone Com- WESTONIANS BOYS. ,CI-UB ■ ing will start dt 9 p.m., the well- pany is . send ing h e r . anniial _ . . T T -- .. . . known'Tom Turner's Trio being .vacationrin,.fhe Sputh. , . , , j, A®"'*"}* 'F in charge o f the music. Admis- - * .■ * * , be held in the Westonian club- lNailN>MMi«f<MI«l̂ ^ t . ,t> ■ ,1 .,<•<' t f lit >■ .-1 .-.t ' H't'" , , . I'vf I A Ki'tii • »6 » /*«.«•t , , , /*«.{?*»' ' V»1 i t J( ------ J' <h il!*'* t , V I.. ' . 5 ̂ M /s V W : W 4* THURSDAY, FR ID A Y A N D SATU R D AY M A TIN EE ' si6ri 'Only^l5 "cents instead"of 25 W. H. ; C otter of ,Vancouver, T O ^ s, a n d a l lm e m b e r s a re re- :-,-cf»nt's'.^as-heretofore.i:: - - has taken:.UP residence a t his* ____________ _____ sumnier home a t , ; The only dependable fortune teller t h e S e a s ^ . ^ ^ _ t h a U know is the life ̂ - furniture that he has no use for, please phone Bob Prebble, West Theodore Roosevelt ' ' - .-M iss Hallam ;of Vancouver, 589, and he-will arrange.to-col- -Theodore. RooseYeit.,, .. ' spent the weekend a t the Clach- ^«ct it. , ■ ■ k ,. . A . ,..., ^ , X / ; -w'_ _________ :----------:-- ; ^ -•-'.r'-r'.'j; ( ■-" Fortune Teller:.-^'Beware! A dark * , .* ., * .,_woman_is._Mljci:mBgLy_oji;̂ ̂ --̂ ' Walker': "Well, she'll SO iB J U S iU i^ soon ^ t p M rs . A . J . M ^ ^ g a l l a n d M is s ^ . '~ r -------- ■ : : •ed o f that. I'm a letter carrier." - J ^ n n e M cD o U g a ll,tired bf that'r\?: i^ r iv e r iia v e ^ e f t^ tc F " 'v";\hi?LET-THE*, . ( " fc.'p;.- ■" - ...■*.D Q. Cafe Cater for your Private Party. All food Hpme Cooked. ^r-f 1512 Marine Drive' Phone W. 616 Vancouver rv.. , , . of the Duridarave Branch of, theV ^ g j ^ ^ tonight a t 8 .0'clock, , Tickets and t a f e reservations tJ?X I . / 1 I . . V I . . X ' _X TX-: '•• rJo-ciTiPl TTflll ' 9K+li nnrl. IWTinvTnrfk / , . 'll . M SeSSM , % f ' • R.B.MORISON --•i i *1 V ̂H f GeneralContractor •■■ O p to m e tr is t » t 2512 Haywood Avenue., Opt i ci ai L. . -- * * * for the -JubUbe Cabaret oh Prl-" go?Pel . 25th and- m n n e day, July lOtfr, in the Drill Hall, P "™ ; Mr. Vickers' specW work North,Vantto.uV6r; ;can be obtain- >s with the young people.aiid ail­ ed at McNeil's Rexall D rugstore y°b"K People, are especially, m- here. " vited to come tonight. He has a - message of vital interest for to-, Mr. and Mrs. Diavildsoii of Van- - day and for the days ahead. = oouver^ Jiave-moved-into a house : ..'. iL [ *' 4\b1129 ESPLANADE Phone W est 361X LEGION NOTES Juno 18th, Idth and 2Qth SHIRLEY TEM PLE " THE LITTLEST REBEL'̂ >' j4.-' ! also; i' ^'SPOOKS^^ 'NEPTUNE*S"NONSENSE» . S A TURD A Y ...EY iEN IN G ^A N P: MONDAY June 20th and 22nd --W^ALLAGE-BEERY-- 'AH, WILDERNESS' ' , ' < .. 'u > > ,> f also "MUSIC LAND" *TaSS THE BRIDE" TUESDAY* and W E D N E SD A Y , June^ '23rd and ,24th ̂ \ .* rr M ARTA EGERTH 44 ' b V F y i /n t,,,vSA1.h*4i,l . . I l l'i ' I,;. ̂ I t f jB 4' , •- 1 ' . ( ' r 'n I. ; Wii _ -- ^ . ,_ L l. A-A ' . > -• "j,; ' F.'V'iIm ■ I '! f k.' -i ,1 a;>.A FFiiippI'5 IS CALLING (Once* o n ly a t 8:25 p.m .) ' . k -a ls o '■ . • - - - . "SPECIAL AGENT" * ̂ ̂ V r W ̂* and mW. J{'a . Grant, of The next gengg-al meeting of 10 30 a m to 4 Lake City, 'Utah, recently the local branch will be Held at Wednesdavs Visited the former's mother, 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), w hen. P , 1522 Marine Drive Urant of 1527 Gordon the main business will be the re - , EYES EXAMINED ^ ' port of the Special Parliament- ■ ' . . GLASSES FITTED Mrs. Grinder, who has been I - ■ the guest of her sister, Mrs, E. 's- ~ . *5.-;. - I ̂ , Hope-Bacon, 2595 Lawson Ave- ̂ sessions. ' _ _ ________ _____------:---------------- nue, returned, recently to h e r " I ^ s t Sunday afternoon the , home in the Cariboo; annual "Decoration Day" ser-. | Radios : Refrigerators : Ranges '* vice was .conducted by Canon .Rauge.Oil Burners , Mr. , and Mrs. K. B. Forster F. Ram- I Washing Mdbbl»^s and family, 2104,Bellevue Ave-,. ' I. ' Terms eSn be arranged- 'Mil ' < 1' 'L' P sfISl Ruth Chapter L. O. B. A. I 1 ■'* V V *■ Kst IN-ORANGE. HALL , -y'* , JURE 2 0 th , at 9 p.m . ADM ISSIO N :1 S C . , . ' M'M'} ■ ?' i/k4 Lonsdale Av. A-f 15h, \ <*t e.A'.y ' ; s' >.'r- '■ ;r ' ,r* .. n n A T ^ T T t f ^ l T I wood' Junior "High School' does vancouve • " K them great" credit. Th4 v a r i o u s were lai f , M j * -I ̂ V - • v' A- jt o n a l]"Crmvpfl.m +v«£> an l/liovo' r\ln ____ North?, ,'yjj Avenue Vancouver T h e -1 9 3 5 -3 6 A n n u a l j u s t p u t . ' L e g io n , a n d t h e W est 37 . North* 525 o u t b y - t h e s t u d e n t s . b f . f h e - I n g le . R e s u p p l i e d b y m e m , , " w o o d .Ju n io r H ig h ' S c h o o f d o e s 2®™ .°L *" « J w e s t V a n c o u v e r ' ' ' ' I* foH '"{'Kfl'l 1574 Marine Drive- Free Delivery.;, - a uaiuiu-ctv, June .19 & 20 articles^ and" chroniclesPhone W est 186 gj laid A. 'Annan has- moved from ̂ k • / / , ( , , . " Vj- ̂ i-w "yr ̂ 4̂ 7 j , j •».. SUNKIST N A V E L ORANGES.:...:..:..-' dozen 30c, 35c;. -2 dozen 35c and the poetry better than much which ap i^ rs^ in print .today; The'cuts, which we-understand are the work of the students, are s ̂ of ̂ the all-graves in the "soldiers' plot Vancouver into a house a t 3135 , ' S 'll written. ladies of the Legion W. A. * Marine Drive. - £ "The B etter the Quality T he B etter for You',? l o c a l n e w POTATOES ......... ;........ ........................................ :.„6 lb s /2 5 c ^ STRAW BERRY RHUBARB ...................................... 10-lb s /1 5 c I n e w TURNIPS l.....:.......„..;......:...:..,.........................:.4 hunc-hes^lOc b e e t s . ................. i..........:....... :................... .:........ 4 bunches I'Oc ' i CYROMA BRANDS 1520 M arin e D r . ; W est 573 W est Vancouver , * PR O N E FO R ,FR E ^ DELIVERY. / r/ ^ ? SH O P IN W E ST VANCO UVER c a l . n e w c a r r o t s 'Trr.rT,,-.-x -- ---- -- - K. ................................................. 1:.: 6 bunches lOe ........................................... .lOc' each; 2 fo r 15c CAULIFLOW ERS............... .-..;............................ -5c each; 2 fo r 15c ONIONS........... ................-4 bunches; 6 c - 1 n e w CABBAGES -------....... ..... ........ I..............,'..6 lbs. for,2fec | COAL ̂ ASPARAGUS .... .-J_____ .................... 1 lb. 10c; '2 lbs. 15c „i„---------- \ Cigarettes, Etc.^. ^SS«SB.3i The Theatre ticket was won by Mrs. J . Knowles. The Whisf Drive, will 'be held oh Wednesday June 24th; a t 8 p.m E X P E R T ' . , ' ^ ' REPAIRING V. . , « T, CHRISTENSON ^ I ;&S; ' 1, ' ,L , I" ' I-":. , r ' 't i )i t jv NEW STOCK 4i . V '.X 5 4 I* ! (formerly wiih.Birks Ltd., .V ' * -Montreal); . 1522 Marine Drive i u - £- V, Ijlii fJ d V .w- v y .. ^ •' TRY US lir I * .A --'- ' •' ,L.; *"■ I * t. V 7>" t>l ^ i ws00&0w$m V « \ 1 f /f-v '.-'rs ,> '-=\; ~ t t ■ Wt „ 1 . - - 5 1644 Marine Drive . ■ ' n ■;- ...................... , : ■■•■■ *- . . 1̂ . ■ ^ ' " ~ • '■■■■; ■ . «■'... ; / , ' ̂ i ̂ ■ I- , , ̂ rv , »N*