■ H 'ir •t#'" -"'A - "■:,;",f-.*-'-j-'s. Jit 'r:S-~- ,v '-s?w ^̂ .̂̂ •̂ ŷ̂ ....̂ ,......,...,..̂ ..,̂ ^ _ ifn-uoy...i___________ * ....... f ^ W ^ w r o a m S O T S i w s "- ■ • *i - I**! f# i 1 -P ff.*'̂«̂■̂p'fl̂■̂• ,'.i - «y .,TH*i,-s ?.». BlOfi 1 f ^ IliBfatvr UiUMM^ fiW 8u«Uy S eM « m! BiM* Ckam 10 Blmiigtr* 4 Vtoltttw'.Wili!*^ . . ^ f#»i wo Hits Two Errors, b a p t is t c h u r c h «#y* Ŵ lU, IMuTt IM4' tUK-mfmiimSvi!9&>fd§0 10:(W «.IMU--Cbitteb ~seiibttl in- , T?itdlliiy [Aifaff n >4n. * . - u i j « d , S S M * ; M U - . '«* • '■ , - ■ If Avoid this by luiving your h«lr properly nhaiwHl and tapered-- y»vln«r it the profier foundation Wm:. *->̂s3̂ iK for one of our luatroua Pmm» anent*, then every hit will be a atrike of diatinctive beauty. #f 1 i;»: Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe BBVIVAI, m issio n ' cor. Hth * MutMb AmUttUt week nights - TUMdoT, Wedneiday and Friday, 8*p.in. PK AYEE *S E E Y ia© ^m tt»day -r 2:30 p.in.; 2506 Marine Drive SUNDAY S E R V IC E S -n Im , W BSTVANCOUVm " C lr a i t i i i i* ' SdbiN c II I.iii.iaiiUŷ B̂î ^̂ BBB B ■ .'■'.V " .V'■;• . , > W l M 0 m m cB m k ^ m i Hallybara ^ W i'E «(d M ^ 4i a-B«iuie% nf • Y I mii i f i w b r O i u r e b " ' ' V TImi F l iy i CXutjreb o f Cln#l,: S<linSilsl»"iii Boiikia'i ) M aitfarhnirtti i i » ! ^ y i « ^ 0 : ll;30>a.nt. IF SO AKE YOU i H O E E a r o L for . WaW'piy* l«#wsj your trip. Travel in a imart Nai^ Etnoi^l# mtd mdr « iWellStoa h2 INCLDDE: A Shantung Suit ^ am artly Hat r«Ke6i*sar'"m wiirM 'TJcti^ihW i|r^^ I and 7:30 p.m. milLE CD ASS-10 a.ni. Sttitday, June 21st, Subject: "Is tbe Uuiyerse, Including Man, JEvoIyed by Atomic Force?" N atty S w rta E r S i r A lo w e r s **^ t f *Ss> ^ % "'* t ' GET'Youir Shorlon Hat from giren^ j ^ adyaneed-> ** tnd *« reasonable. Our P r k m are Right Indivilnal 'attimiioii 'glytii tp euatomei* at t '*" ' ̂ "■*' *' » GWEN'S GOWN Af® SPOIlltSHOPPE ■:Mi^!, m 1546 Marine: Driva Went 117 , '(I'lf ' W ed Sappit is half Scrappit. B rushes, Soaps Sc B lades :AT" 4iN*{. {o'i'iiiffr?eyrtj V I Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER. Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 323 • f r e e d e l iv e r y UNITED CHUECH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. • Rev. HilJls W right, Minister^ Service Sunday lf:1 5 a-ip. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday Schopl as usual a t 10 Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Stranger and visitors cordially^ irivited, Trail Rangers, Monday ai: 7 p.m. Tuxis Group, Tuesday at 8 p.m. ' C.G:I:T.~ on-Wednesday a t 7 p.m. , ' m W. M. Society held a most succo.s.sful tea and mission, sup- ; ply shower at the home of Mrs. Hiiiis Wright on Tuesday after noon. In spite of th^'rain a large nLimber attended. The shower wa.s compo.sed of many useful article.s including two beap|:iful patch-work quilts made by.mem- . ber.s of the Society, and will be Sunday School at 10:p0 mjn, Teatimony Meeting Wedneaday at 8:16 pjp. ' The pubUe is eordlalijr in- vitod to attend our aervieea and m^tiiiga. . JUBILEE StOCAN CONTEST' '"J**?!?, CLOSES SATURDAY ■ June 20th will mark the clos- ing .date of the last weeldy i ' HOLIYBURN HAIL 14th and Duchess SU N D A Y , JU N E 21, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SU N D A Y EVENING at 7:30 Gk)spcl Address by Mr. Harold Summers TUESDAY EVENING, June 23. at 8 o'clock Praypy and Bible Study Subject: "The Life of Abraham" "Faith's Choice" Jubilee Slogan Contest in con- in use nection with official Golden amateurs Jubilee Souvenir Staipps. Grand h«fore; Prize selections will be made as * S soon as possible from the large ^?«2^P^*®t<^^whilee Stampssoon as possime irom me large >r« rc r . r " files of weekly wihners that have.,, ĝ'̂ elope) accumulated during the run of a s li^ r^ the cohtest, it is announced by . enclosed, 'p ie y may bei f i6 COJ] V€Sl/y 1| ̂ IS wllIlOlinO0Q i j y ̂ '• ■' il r , «Al4*Jr DC the Golden Jubilee Sales Com- stores, or the mittee, and results will be pub- , ^l^rooms,^^317 West lished week following. Pender St, !^ tunm from these Winners for week ending stamps are for official Jubilee June-13th: ................ : ^ ...... 1st Prize--Lura E. Chambers, BEFIVAL MISSION 2729 Woodland Drive, beauti- „ The Department of Physical ful nickel-plated Generator Educiation is holding a presenta- Lighting Attachment, for a t*on dance .tomorrow night at Bicycle, donated by Fred Dee- the Centre Oymn in the city, ley, 856 Dunsmuir St. .. . when nine, young j^ople from 2nd Prize^LTB. Fraser, General here, who have with others, Hospital, L.H.D. 4, book, "The taken a l^d er's course, will re- World's Great Adventure ceive their certificates, the sub- Stories," donated by W.. S. i^cts being gymnastics, tumbl- Pearee Company, 415 Province dancing and theory. Their Building. - names / are: Marjory Rivers, D B . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.8.. M ).& D E N T IS t r,(H' s * * Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, ■Oince Hours 9 to 6 p.m.- Evaninga by ap^in tm enl. Phone W est 72 ? t • Revival Mission,_AmbIe-__3rd Prize=rMary Beatrice Quig- Duey^Smito^-EileenBody,-Peggy vc,-"u]]u«<f S T J Z in ' ™ n d ' s e r ^ f *' J M i f k , donatid by Padfic H a r^ ' R u S f ; s" me of' t e ml Llir Ti/T̂ !r. pastor 00. Ltd., 1226 Homer St. have obtained paositions to teach amonL-st* and-two-extraiawards of "Jubw --these_j3ubjeota.__Eriends_will be ^^^ssion, ] North lee Cof-Tea'; (donated by Jubilee welcome a t this affair. r ^ n d ' l l r t ^ c K t i e ^ Z - t e Z f Burnaby, andand helpers served dainty re freshments at the close. -T- 1 Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady A ssistant) ........- , Mrs. Jasy S: O a b b , 4624-W est ^ n d a y sc ^ i ces-conduct ed by , 7th Avenue: I . ' Ki<«nav.HA/%«. .....__i ' l i nt t . .1 ED. BLACK BARRON BROS. LTD. IFutterai 9frec t0r s North Vancouver Parlors 12.2 West Sixth Street V_Fhone North 134 ■ 'VancouverTaflors^ 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 BAPTIST CHURCH ..Minister; Rev. W. L. McKay "The Abundant Life" will be the subject, by the pastor, Sun day morning. 'The evening sub ject will be ."Why Two Great Divisions Within the Church of Christ C. C. Rich^dgon will consist of 10 a.m. Bible Study; 11 a.m. De- votiona Service and 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic. - ' 2nd bring a friend. p e s e are. services the jmblfc will really appreciate. Selection of ..winners .has been .increasingly difficult^ as citizens caught onto the slogan-^ WEST 6B COAL - WOOD DUMPWORK SLABS $4 .00 cord ■ 2 cords $7.50 ...„ -- . D Easum won the vase ------- Catholic ^and Protest- la the drawing at the recent Arts ant?" can they unite? Are the and Treasure Exhibition given I I VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB Phono Woat 9 The Church, schq^^ will meet at 10 o'clock. There are classes for all ages, ̂ taught by faithful teachers. The prayer meeting is held each Wednesday, at 8 o'clock. The pastor will lead in a study of'Paul's letter to*T;he Philip- pians. h is t ic k e t b ein g N o!I.O.D.E 121. Mrs. F. Smallwood,, 2384 West icultural and a Horticulture Association = A riiuial in Inglew ood A u d i^ iu m , SATURDA Y ' J u n e 27th ° .144 Classes F^E E ADMISSION " Light Refreshments and Ice Creaih * FertUizetB AH Kinds Wood, Coal,^ Builders* Supplies ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor Phone W^st 240-R Sunday Masses JLowjMAss 8 ;15 sCm. North High7 Mass and Sermon- Ambleside S heet M eta l t , SPECK. Proprietor \ y O F I c S f'-. < 10:15 •7:16 ' THE ■ West Van News Published Every Thnraday Rosary and Benediction • Catechism and . Bible History „ every Saturday-- 9̂:30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily--8 a.m. Fridays -r- Rosary, Benediction, ' s: Confessions--:7:45; p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m. WESTBOUND A.M. r C iU N C iE O F BUS SCHEDULE BETW EEN '» W est V anconyer, effective JUNE 18th, 1936; ' V-'-".' " 'J" >■'SSll i ' - . S " i i i i, ^ Lv. North Vancouver „ Ar. A r H n . . . 6. 60 7.S5Ar. Horseshoe B a y 7. 00 W Sa: W ednesdays and Saturrinv. A.M. 7.60 8.008.15' WEEKDAY SERVICE A.M. - A.M. A .H . P.M. P M 9.00 10.20 11.20- :i.fo 2fo a'i? . I?'*® 11-SO 1.60 - 2.3'0'9.25 10.'46 H.45 2.05 2.46 9.40 H.OO 12.00 2.20 8.00riXTT V ■ _ ESa P.M. 4.20 4.30 4.45 MID. SaO. WEEKDAY-SERVICE yjssa - SaO .P.M . P.M. P.M . P.M . P.M. 4.20 6li'40 ,0.40 9.40 9.40 12.00 4.30 5.50 .6 .5 9 ' 9 .5 0 ' 9.50 12.10 4.45 6.05 7.05 10.06. 10.06 12.25 5.00 6.20 7.20 ̂10:20 12 40 Saturdays O nly '1 i ' •> •'v '--,1 • U 'r'F Lv. Horseshoe Bay Ly. CauIfeiJd Ambleside' W: M ta . Pobliaber ; F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 36a B a a in g and Editorial dfflca: l?th and Marina Drira' (Next'to Brollyfeam P. O,) Photie West 363 MailAddreaa: P, O. Box 81, Hdllybam, B.C, ...N orth Vaaeonrer Office: 128 LOTsdile Ave. ST. S T E P H ^ S CHURCH Rev* P* A, Ramsey ' June 21st t - T rin ity .ir - 8:00 a.m.--Holy .Communion. 10 500 a.iri;--Sunday School An- , ,. nuaJ Flower Service. 1T:1§ 1a.m.--^Matins and Sermon. Ser- SL Francts-in-the-Woods, j'--: Sunday,'3 ,pjjt-vBvensony and The M iss^ J to u i^ Sharp A.M. .6.30 6.40 6.58 7.10Ar. N orth Vancouver^ - -T 'A C v k a v f l m i . ___ W i^nesdaya and Saturdays ONLY A.M. 7.10 7.20 7.38 7.50 A-M A.M 7.40 7.588.10 A " A.M. A.M. P ,J l, 'i r r - . ® -5S^1.30 12.65 8.38 10.25, 11,58 1.23 8.60 10.35 12,10 ' 1.35 WSa P.M . ,2.30 2.40 2.58 3.10 Except Satnxdbys P.M, 3.30 3.40 3.584.̂ 0 V • ' - I ' .{ E s a ' SaO P-M. P.M .' p :m . i i l ^ P.M f SaO P.M. -5 .0 0 ' 6 ,3 0 \.7 .S tf 10.30 ESa P.M, 5.00 S .io ' ; 6.40 ' .7.40, 10.40 10.40 5.15 5.28. 6 .5 8 / ; 7,58. 10.58 10.53 5.30 „ 5.40 > . 7.10 ' 8.10 11.10 . 11.10 WESTBOUND Ev. N orth Vancouver Ambleside. -J....:™. Ar. Caulfeild Ar. Horseshoe Bay T*^ A.M. A.M. 8.40 9.?0 8.50 . 9.30 9.05 9.45 9.20, 10.00 SUNDAY SERVICE A..M. P.M .- P.M . P.M - 1030 n * lo -^*2®5 „ "® " '?® 1-30, 2-30 3.30 ??'««• " 2.45 i 3.4511.00 12.00 2.00 3.00 ' 4.00 P.M. 5.20 5.30 5.456.00 EA^TEOUND "Ev, Horseshoe Bay Ev. Caulfeild- ^ b l e s i d e _ ___________ A r. N orth Vancouver ___ A.M. A.M. 8.30 9.30 ' 8,40 ; .9.40 8.58 9.58 9,10 10.10 SERVICE A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M ' P M - 10 40 iM f t 2.30*' j '- s o*E40 1.05 2.40 4 40 1 t 'l f t 2.58 4.6811.10 12.10 1.35 8.10 5.10 . P.M.rP:M:: p .m .' -mid* 6.20 7 .2 0 ./8 .2 0 9:40 12.00 ' •6.3Q ,,7 .30- .6.45 7.45 7.00 8.00 ;A9ioo.:;.i6:2o;-12.40 E40.r 8i40, j9 .4 0 10.40 ®-®8 .7 .68 7 8 .5 8 /" 9:68 10.S8 7 .1 0 :8 .1 0 9:10 ,<10.10/ 11.10 fLOO a year by cairiar: l i o o a year by rM audlColIm ^ M th lof Vanco^- vw> are occupsdng one of the Clachaii cabins. I X T y ^ m W a «a "" '" MM-------- fA W O.XV^ ^ 9 « lv ̂ I v w lu , ' , . - Easftonndi, route ™ W est V aacoavi % iA ■ " y - a n d ^ L ______________ - ' © ^ A > - ^ t - . • -- < -mcou-- I i ' - ------ ;.::J^ l!^W trJC ;; -- M S . W e s t l 2 - , s ey . 7131 'k / ; < A ,.?.. ,PRoiies: