F*t̂r 1 •F"7= / 4m? n't -» . ' 4 V."""iv" .A'.' ■ wi.o v*'- . . 1 t P '•: & I P i io n e W M t 4 f t f Z - s-'tAii ' n tw * 1, rt * " <• JKH gWm3^*§' lllltll IlSlI i * .« i i ? ' ' I', ■! ■ \!iv * ̂fi I'- ,.{t ) 4 îS J* i; i yfj: !' i ' P B A 8 ^ Ik tU eh u M , T e n d e r 8*a«ll P«««.....:....... tin 16̂ COBN, Well d t o K w «l. " I In |4n ' ̂ '*1 -------- ^ .....!... ' . »»th' fnr l f#i' IW'I" liiJMiiiîiii|i»iwiimiiii[| III J E L L Y P O W D E R S ! All ;....fur, l i f ' Whltp, 16 **. bottle.......... ig^ M A C A U O m - ^ R e a d y Cut, ...... 16 Mi. p& ekngp SALAD DKESSING- 8 ox. jnre 26e 16 ox. Jnre 37e SALAD DIIBSSINO, New, Styl. . o OX. j n r ........X8c HflltIMPSf 111 .... >..,.i, „ , . . t i n 22c TUNA FISH, V „ ................. .,ta i t c u A " ®8TBB, Mu Un 2ie SALMON, Sockeye, ......... tin i $ e SALMON, Fiitcy Pink, I»..,v;i..tiii 12e ASPAKAOUS TIPS,..:, 10 ox. tin 19c * dift Olil̂UL ji' mM... JBCÎ ........... - , - - . WI|0l*Ml6||*M«'^^€ **' jf' ' ^S*..* 'triiifMU'iiinjui,, f-T--h'Tii'miiiii-iiriiri'iiiiiy|,j,|H ■'■1litrirtiryjWi|iiliiiMiiiiiiii»i,ii,ii4î^̂̂ ̂ i f tO IMB JjlOllf fit ' |w .*p!^^^fer"a ^ C anon^ M c a n v Eaait^ wiIi«(Heiate. Ph«»ne:,W#ft 37#, , . the atov® not ^ ' * be a i^ to attend, and wteh to / Covt BAMB *> LAMB .t;uL<ii mJSATO u r AI^L pyf)TO .iftw-l-W 1 S t o r e a t H o l l ^ J i i i y m ; n ^ t COBNED w »8K «r,^ .jj« « . i d ^ p h l t w e ^ ^ ^ 2 - . K?*t Lesrlon general lfcay> ••••fe.%>î JP « ^ fag W day, June 19th. pbonB .. miwmmmmmxrn: »'i "fft PICNIC CHOICE LBAUf hBIBKgr..... n>. 7« i'lC K L p BEEP * CAW TONCVE per lb. 1 Jb; Tin* shamrock COOKmi «a«li29e I. O. D. E. Tile regular meeting of the ci'oic^E POT Duncan U w aon Chapter, I.O.D. SMOKED FISH-of All Klmlo. • 1 J ff le of Mra, jT« McIntyre. Chap-SMOKBD FI8 H-0f All Kliiilo. • : *fE0 e or Mra, Mcintyre. unap- HKEF ^ PORK -- LAMB -- VEAL decided to organize a compe- of tbe Very Flnent Quality titlon in the schools in oonnec------ - in ..... wvaiwio 4A* \/Krnu,Ji\," «M Ati Tinunm* tiAnv '^0 coronation of KingSMALL lENDBR BABY »B1CTS Edward VIH. Three prizes of ........... ................... ul," } * 6 . 0 0 each to be awarded for the,CAIIBOTS A PEAS, 2....1..... ila IS. bait • ■ .•::IH;T i - r - - "- ?f* e ^ h • ■ • 'A /f' ^> > -H, ' I* » -fPsU » {,*• 5| M < WEST VANCOUVER sL0MBER;e0, lTO -FOR R EA L S A T IS F A O T Io ili', < ' V 'lf '■** 4.<< , Phone West 115 ive NOTICE PINEAPPLE cu B E a.2 :̂::::tin ,o. | S r „ ^ 'C % n r S e n t e ^ : _ _ ^ r a p B named Coron- ̂ . ■ 7 -------- f w a s to De named (Joron- William Lewis* who has, been ation Album. Mrs. China, Edu- a t the Clachan foh a number of catfonai Secretary, was electedmr̂ n r n u • Vi no *vi/\sria.-l .4... 4-V.m t-.. > fw\ art old" _.1 1 _ «... . • - li 'i"'-"! '• 'v V ■ t', c l a s s i m e d : '^he"rnt« for Claisified Adroî bMntentnJ ininiinii 26 eontx. Except in the enno of tliono boring roguin? fiedx aro poyoble otricUy in odrtiieor «cconnio, on clossi Romembor Cioioifiedo in tbe W«o< VOn Nowo got ImtaiodidU risults. . Herbert ~ r ci«i,.,«.,j ,? Clachan for a number of Wtioiml Secretary, was elebtcd 2319 Nelann A v.ni.o ir " • baa moved to the city, to visit ^hpols and explain aims I -iwaiMniiM u u u u m i m tae w nt Vin New. (et imuedUU' rimltL Muver t t ? of the J?*'®"" '% ,?*, "'i f "i ^^s competition. A -̂---------------------- S ^ i a n Trnet I t l * Vancouver General Hospital. committee was formed to carry INSTALLATIONS-rEleetrie Itepeire, LOST - Bed & Telfow Klddi. r .. HocZ,ld"J.L m T ^ ' • ■ on the work: of the Book Ex- • " deafen® oaUeta fastalled. J. H. between ,m " J i f f Jenrwha?^^ Alim and Vanoouvdr, haa, change, with Mrs. Small, conven- , Weet 286-K ~ \ g/yfftHete sunTOrt Caulfeild for » Ifrs. Jay, Mrs, Dickinson, L(?ST J^fCyme- Wrtet Wetch, vidn- POUND - YelliJ Cenwy. o*";;;:W I'his well , the season and is now in nos- Mrs. Russell. Mrs RmW Mv®, ity HoUyburn Pavilion, Saturday --------- ,jpy» . owner trivA ^ Caulfeild for er, Mrs. Jay, Mrs. Dickinson, LOST-l/^Cyma*'Wrist Watch-vicin- POU known local firm ^ . the season and is now in pos- Mrs. Bussell, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. ity Houyburn Pavilion, Saturday please phone" w^st 6H-R*andTd™ * iirm. , session. ; ....................... Barker, . Mrs. ...China. Mrs. a «>Fhfc; initialed V. C",. Return,to.,,,, ify. ----------------- ----------- -- -------- - : ' '------- -------------- Gray,;Mrs. Eorster, Mrs. Chap: -------------- --------------- man. Guides and RrnwTii<.a f^rtir thoroughly nF.r,TARi.ir. n,-i ̂ ---------- »jxay, ivixH. ro rsie r, Mrs. Lnap- - t----- '-------- -- .......................... FOR SALE ^ Gumev RnntPA «i9«tn ' wan. Guides and Brownies took THOROUGHLY relia ble Woman ̂ oh stove,' r e f ^ S o ^ cam^^ ̂ D 1 7 D A / l l ? ' J \ V f n g \ t r ^ • « part m the Golden Uiubilee Girl '^oots cleaning, polishing, house- . plies. EebnoniY Shon. 14.S9 MnrfrtnKt-KOOF with DUROID Slmigle, a * Sj ̂ 1 •A combination of Slate and Asphalt, saving over 50% of "average roof cost, llj months* terms, if*necesBary. Permanent Colors, lower insurance, clean application, fire resisting, added insulation. ' I, y , " man. Guides and RrAumidxa THOROUGHI.y nm.TARi.i? w ^̂2.50̂ ^ part -................. vxm ^ui'de M in the Forum at Hastings Park and a t-which -- - r . «ven»iga. Mrs. J. McIntyre had charge of ' POK R ^ T -~ 5 -^ m 8 , fully modern, water laid on iWith well buift gfr- Jubilee Queen Contest f"IIy modern, |36.00; yearly tenant', ^ -- -------r;-------- -̂----- The Duncan Lawson Chapter. -md Allen,-West. 21. . - <>r,?AKT TIME Btaployment m m .,•. ---------- --------------------------- ----------------------... ... -E"fe -1 «*|& Paper Co., Ltd. Granville: rlslaml xiic x/uilUttll Ijawson unapter. ----- _ : --- --..w..,. ..x. -r --r--* JMimieymcnt I-O-O-B-. is . sponsoring Miss GIRL fob h o u sew o rk - N ine'to charge c h f e j? ' ■• ■'irtL, .ranouuver - gest 367-R-3. ■ . ------ _̂_____ . West Z 8 2 -U Golden Jubilee, contest. The one -wanted -- Girl for general work.' GlRL" wANt e d "̂̂ " " ^ ----- I **̂ "®ŵ *. wcKeis to lunctions -- ________ _ ■. ' ' - - t/yress Park. ____ ^ Free Estimaieg. West 88.R or West 494-lt IL B. CRIPPS, Roofer 't -ijr lUT , QiSAI ' ' > Daysof oiir BIG 25c SALE ten votes for Miss Chapman, the Phone West. 696-r : five dollar books ,contains twenty young lady Wishes Part-time Em. admissions with^a voting .value ,ployment. Phone'̂ West'381-Y.L' '̂ ' of one hundred votes Thp« ̂ -- ..................■;----- --------------- books also entitle^ the p u r e S f f Y:^C0UVER D.VA. Tbta to participate in a weekiv J»n»i Association has several men avail- i. ± ̂ ^ All a WGGKiy con** &bl6 * who sro anxious to wort' on test for prizes totalino- .snnnon odd inhu hv view lot,.̂ Vest Point Gray, for West Vancou- J lJ jjgop erty a n d '$5d0, cash. Bay! * ---- HANHy ANN' SHOP, 2442 Marine Hardwa ,̂'. Notions, Stationery, Marshall Wells, Paint: Turns, nil f ̂ f̂®NT Furm'shed house, 2677 Marine. Phone 6fl4;T . luin rolCONOMY V Take advantage of these i J S P E C l A L . p j l l C E S _ - ^ J Effective .Friday & Saturday June 12th,and 13th. DICED.BEETS, Royal City^^w- TUNA.PISH, Crawford %s ' - No. 2 tall tm.............3 tins 25c 2 tins..................... 25c I -PORK & BEANSrt4b^y*8zr=zz±M3ICB7mC^a^^^ tin....................4 tins 25c MEAT TASTE, Hedlund's -^| guaranteed RADIO MPAIRS - Experience Insures ̂ Satisfaction BROWN & MUNTON ™1542~Marlne==:::::|!r!r~̂ rr:::iWel[t^66'^ - --,----------- --Jy-Jiest-mateadals-------- used. Expert operators. Phone JV est 549-L. W est 3Q4,i RpyaI Hank iBuildihg- SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE -- Moder^^n Waterfront; May' and June. Phone West. 350-X: : v experienced girl' would lik̂ positaon ̂mendirigr ;childreh. West S'" A,T •• yC > 4 Until a*:.d of• June,̂ clo^ to water; CORN FLAKES, Quaker 3 pkgs 25c ........ * * v3 tins 26c' PUFFED RICE, Quaker, 2 pkgs 26c 7 ® K 2 6 e OATS, Quaker with Chinn BAKING POWDER, Sundale large pkg, ................ .....25c 12 ox. .... tins 25c DRIED FRUITS. Prunes, . EXTRACTS. Sundale P.,r« .......3 lbs. 26c Lemon or Vanilla, 2 ozI ?̂btls 25cA T X"# T*V 11 ^ginger ALE, Felix, 12 ox! 3 bottles .. 25c ' ■ . SOAP e OLD DGTCH CLEANSER, -Royal! Crown Jumbo Carbolic tifis «*^***i***Ai^»<n*ir«n»*»****»e,J ^ ^ ■" 7 hftyfi 25c *̂eari Whiter..:..:.......... 8 bars 25c.....each 26c3 box carton CLOTHES PINS..........3 ctns. 25c- TOILET TISSUE, Sundale large 8- ox, roll... Royal Crown ... ...8 bars 25c 'r ' .....4 for 26c gTNGEB'SNAPS, Red Arrow * , WAX PAPEK, 40 ehoote, ,4 for 26c iMPORTPn UHLLSfi/̂ Chateau ........ % ib. 15c BISCUITS ............ ,.2 pkgs, 25c , 1 lb. 27c FLOOR WAX. . .. PRUNES, Surtaweot, large JohnsOtt|s Paste, 1 |b„:..... 59c Tenderized 2 lb. ctn......each 18c Johnson̂ s Gio .Coat, pt.........59c CORN STARCH, Canada l*s ^iv rttT»"'iur77«"" ' ' ' ...IN OUR MODERN MARKETS3 pkgs, ......... .................. 25c 7 ',"̂ "̂ «*wd;Aaŵ I®*'25c cottage'rolls: , 7 . ' Sweet Pickled .... lib. ,20c CATSyP, Aylmer 12 oz. 2 for 25c SAUSAGES » « ^"T n?' 06 PW»*-ofl^eaded,..:;,...;;wii„. 26o *1*.- frinvi*. *»«»«» UA juroaae io u ff L ^ i r ' r r .......■■® ¥miaED,:SEEF, - v ' a a r ' . s a . . , ■ . . . . . FUa SDPPHES WOOD - COAL . TRANSFER Dry-- . ' Inside Mill Fir...;?5.6d'per cord ^side Bush Fir.L$5.50 per cord No. 1 Fir Slabs....?3.75 3 Cords fon.$11.00 on Fir.Bark : V - (Lwit^ Supply) $4.00 per cord Spwial Prices on Alder and ^ Growth Fir:,for Summer.D^ing. , We strictly guarantee quality and qauntity. 7,-- - ; Dump Truck for Hire by Day - , or Contract . ^ Phone West 582 1257 Clyde, Ave. . . CHARLIE bill - THOMPSON , : DU^^ shower, electric rangette. West 547-L.' _ ' . 1 property. Kerr.1 7 7 4 -tv. J- - ̂ -"-'.4 ^®CM JULY 1st -- Well furnished bungalow, on Bellevue. Phone'West „ 547-L; - ' , , Board option. f k l . . West. WE BUY--AnythSig of ValuefMgh- est nriCPS nn'id • fnv kAfflno ^ TAXI' -- $2 to British- ^ f l e Properties.;!K,hours' drive, ■ . darave.^O.-, . - y '; ^ Night --------- ----- PassensrerH fully insured. West 612 give WEBB'S A triil for ymi uex, 7 7 ^ ^ shoe repairs. 2463 Marme Drive. jBOWERS. SHAEPHfED -- ' --Li-1 - . ' ■ -J 'machine;v'Repairs, Parts.V ̂ West VaVif*A7iVrm« North SHOE REPAIRS ^ Get the beat mat- A « .k ,® * ® ® ^ t h e B U S S T O P An the Latent Bo^a. - .. China or Bookafw gifts . ' M y ^ i p , eoe smonth.. ddayalOe. ■ r fnniialied and one l^oom. cottage near lerry. Phone West 340 or West 143 ®9/IIII>NfR€fe^ Solic ,^T.. 1447,. Marihe;;.:m6hiings; 510 St:iSeyinbar.;4199., after- -'.'i