H i?f| St '•» , jjMlWiNUDMt JÛlriŷ ̂J9J0i®l®WSBitt|i JPV90 AMNLIWT E'mwv Tvwvr 77 •Frî y s s^£y, ,,,, -- ,.,,..-,,,,r™w.rr,-rrr-n SUNKIBT NAVBL ORANGES SW EET j u i c y : n a v e l o r a n g e s « - I d o * . 15c. S U N k iS T SEEDLESS ORAPEFRUn* 7 tor iS c i 6 tor 2ec; Large a iie , 6 for ZSc; t for 26c. ' .' . " 'Mc^^SBlfAI'-BDiSAK GR4PJSRWB*.'viL-r?;r'-,,,;,,^;; 8 for 26c; v 8 for 26cj " ' 'S. for 26e » • ■ : „ SUNKIST-mCILKMON ■, ;' •• , ■ Family Si*®........... do*. 18c; •• Lw:Kfi^iSi*e......;,....do*, 80c SWEET 'AUSTRALIAN PBARS» Fancy......«•«.»*>•»•«••••--••■•••'■•••■•"■••dossooA_ SWEET BING CHERRIES, lb. 20c golden BANANA......:i2 lbs. t^ANCY ROME B E A U m S .lb a 80c \'i '>t̂ , ■ .1 • > KBLLOGĜ S CORN P̂8»®» ^o>t (With .very i,K^ki|g«,i,free ehopplny^W,; . ' ^ -; a;u4*'PR»3H'VEGETABLES'Tr^^ r j - local n e w po ta to es ...................................................... .4' CAL. NEW POTATOES ... *»*»»»»«**nmi*#̂**iJ*»**««i»ii»t*t***#»»**X***M'/**'̂*"̂******̂**"**"'**̂*'® I WH» 20C LOCAL LETTUCE ■ »h((kW **i*««**t.li»>*<M****i#»Kt*»Jt*«»«****«*C#»»W«»*..t«*.M**'̂<***** f ****"f****..fr*»?.̂ ' '('■ XCrO local n e w b e e t s ... ........................;...... ...... ....... r -̂ bunches .lOc hothouse CUCUMBERS'.;:.... ,............. .;...............©ftch 8c; .10c;; 18c CAL^E^OAi«^^/fuik'T.r.:^^^ CAL. NEW CARROTS 6 bunches 10c CAL. COOKING ONIONS, ^ o d and dry...:...,,................V.l......,.4 lbs. IBc "CAL.~CELERY;:.T:i:.rdach' 10c7~ 16c li50ALW RNlPS-r4"b̂ ^̂ ^ local spin a c h ........ :.4 ,lbs. IBc ̂ CAL. NEW,CABBAGES.......lb.. 6c Local g reen PEAs......ub.'lOe / hothouse to m a to es , ib. isc • ' ' ""Vfi. eWe'krry Tohai=«> .iiid Plgeretteii. ete. ■' '•• ■'■' ' Ifr. «nd Mw. L. C. Nyelutye ^ Jfr. and M*». HwsK oi « ot-. moved into a house at Sandy *«*^jh«ve Miss. K. EUlott has moved * ♦ * ' . * from Vancouvep*:*nd is occupy- hfrs. Tom HAmllton, 1 2 th and inR a house a t Caulfeild fo r th e Duchess Avenue., le ft on Sunday sum m er. . .. fo r a trip to Sootiand.' Mrs. Ju lia .Ann Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. George ,Radlet m other o f R. P; Woodward of and son, 19th and Bellevue Ave- 2397 Haywood Avenue, passed nue, h av a moved to N orth Van- away last Tuesday a t Burnaby douver. Lake, a g ^ 94 y e a rs ., Funeral^ - . w it « ' 'La Services were held th is , after- T om ; Brown of Brown and noon at; S t,'. A lban's C h u r^ ; ' Edmunds, 7 r . W . - # JklkWJhlHM A " ■ • l l mVerichrcw aJwayt on h«nd with Crystal Finish gives you ' PerFiibi PKotogrâ fe Service.-̂ GenuDiO's Dug Store 1S86 Mariaa Driv* West 87 or ,Waitr «07 Bm oi^ey Phono Wort " Ml (After 10 p,m.) IS ■ ' ' 1« «flli.......ilia made in ery. aroundoperation, is now oui ■ ' 'V ' ag a in .' *. 'v The British'Tacific Properties * . have prepared .the ground fo r a .. Mr., and 3Vfrs. 0 . L., Bowman, large club house on the golf and, fam ily of > V ancouver have v..-' _ _ 1̂ ' OXv*,__ _ ^ c o h r se T & m o v ed ln to a house L i t will ' .................................-holdings. It will occupy the ortg- BsqUimalt Avenue for the sqm- inal"Slte*of~Hat|dbn .lfelIr.*~r-,7-p7--- .-merr^~..u^-«jp--^^ ̂ ̂ i- ' ' L ' X .fc' JL ' r ^ ' M 1 "i Mrs Gotoon ^ b m ts o n 'f o rm : 'Lionel. W. .Makovaki . has ■eriy o f^ M O M attiers A venue,. a n d . now of Nanaimo, hks gone Vernon house a t 28to and M ath--- ' -.-<4*! a ' 4̂1 ̂ Aoiryk-î .ô U,0 i. l!H O L L Y B U R N D R E $ S M A K E R S r Dressmaking, . A ltering, Re modelling; •"S p e c ia lis t ' ;• Ladies'*' Tailoring,"............... - ' • MISS d : H. H O R IE W est 1890 Marine Drive 5 8 3 HOLLYBURN HALL E ast with her, two small daugh- - ers Avenue.^ ̂ ters, to spend, th e sum m er w ith ^ ̂ 4 vA /'U ( < ̂ (An j ^l/Br&p tO opcllvl* tXW oiuiiiuc* WADi* r xr ' ^ her -mother, :Mrs,.F. R , W ard of M r \W - X K a ^ Stratton's if s ,". ..... * / ' "' .a; m I ̂ f ̂ i i I ' I Bread, Cakes,:; PaairleSy B irthday, Christening ' and W edding Cakes ^ - Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, B anbury Cnkes, r Cinnamon Buns --Variety of Tea B reads, F resh every m orning f' Note A d d in s : 1468 Marine D rive,,. Phone W est 27 * ' f: ' ̂ I I f ̂ i;V.p4' ̂ M> 1V|••■- ■_ I'l-L.-H/J .uSLiuIii w I M ̂i;* ililllpltfl ; . / . u u s ■ ■ ite'i-1*̂ "T h er e will be. Sunday-School Toronto ,, who .^ s ' pknned, a( D r . h a s reto^^ n̂ ri Vg\,ivtrv 'Dgsî T.in'a PiVkign niflaQ <r.oii»iiAYt fhib month. w ceks. visit to her; oniiciren"in lughte^ Missarid-Young People's Bible Class - reunion thia month. .. rtv«,v,vv. bum h S : " ^ ' Mr. aM m r'G eoL ^^^^ ̂ DUm riSLiu ' A l Dne servioe next ivir. i*im xviî o vrcuijsv . r- Sunday a t 7:30 pirn. John Wal- , who have been, living fo r some h er to spend her vacation, here. lace will speak^ on "Clouda Full tim e in Kelowna, have returned 1 rr ' of Rain." ' Tuesday a t 8 p.m. and^are occupying the ir home a t . Mrs. M. Rhodie of Vancouver, f K, « « y VgV'.WrSaviiry ■■. ■ 1.1 -' - :M43:Marhie ttive . Ambleside . Phime West 340 . f 'V 1 ^ tame'dnrifoimi'ally; a f her' hbnie r e v i v a l m is s io n ' , Friday . evening,,. June 5th, . in s ̂ ̂ honor of her daughter/w hose "<, , --------- , nviiwi Vi. iî A wceweaiv̂ .*, Hero are the gairiies which " rrRevivai r'Mission; Ambleside, " m arriage tak'es.Tilace nex t m onth --Tritons have tak^n p a rt in, since T\/row*r»v. o4-1/ifh TvliQ-na. frtv a-npmnl trt M r "Rdffar Orniit. Mra. (rreicr Mav 28th:Marine a t i4 th , plans fo r special to Mr. E dgar Grout. Mrs. Greig May 28th: . w . services and messages .for, the presided . a t th e urns. Those Miay 28th; Williamson's D airy week-end to which everyone is present included Mrs. A.< L. " 6, Tritons. 15.J »f'***̂ «* w » ^ ^ ^ ,w -- . -- .w -- w -- - .. , .... _ , p^p . - .......- - . cordially - invited. . On ■' Friday..-■•G ^ u tr Mr8..:Ŵ ̂ Grout; M rs. J .- -- J une- l 8t :-JW ardlaw's::...4,-.T ri'r ' - 'in* •tpr- ' - _>Hollyburn Theatre llXt. TH U RSDAY. FRIDAY A N D- ----------- -- .-- HTSm ' ' . _ SA TU R D A Y M ATINEl June 11th, 12th and 18th '"k " •> VICTOR McLAGLAN 'Dick lurpm s -- Ride te York4" ;i/'v'V.;;.;: /// s;* also "THE A LPIN E YODLER" "THE ^ 1 S PYJAMAS" SA TU R D A Y EV EN IN G AND MONDAY-. 'V T .'V- , ,. . ' r J » 1* j>. . ' *>>«'- ^ ;s i i f siv gsliili .. ' « . ' • h!.; --,r (<«-• Evenings, West 143 it b 1 s ,/ v*£V v» Listings Wanted evening a t 8 p.hi.; the subject* C: Greig,' the-M isses M argaret tons 8. will be "Follow Me," a m essage Dbig, Glara ,P a tte rso n ,. Laura. June 4 th ; W ardlaw's 11, Tri- r.of eonsecratiori and b le a '^ g '. '^ Gillespie, Doris ^Cleathero, Jean, tons 14. - Sunday a t ,10 a.m;, the Bible Keith, Jennie Wheeler, Lorraine L ast Monday's game (June Class will be started , which will Snider, Ada Sm ith, Irene Thom - 8 th) was,postponed on: account help and' encourage people__A t_J>er,-Irene-U rqtthart.;,and--V €ra * o f . rain . Tonight -(June .41thjl - i r 'a .m .4 n the devotional ser- U rqiihart, AllegralW oOlgar/ : T ritons play Williariisori's D airy ̂ vice the subject will be "The * '<♦ - a t Ambleside. As Tritons a re Lord .Who is to.Uome." * In the Miss Mary Genis, of Southern one game ahead , of the league a Sunday evening service' a t 7:30 Colorado, will be 'the house guest win fo r Williamson's D airy will ' p.m}. the .sub ject "Behold l;he of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Ray, 21st tie i t up. Game^starts 6:30 p.m. , MaiL" w ill be considered. A and Argyle Avenue, fo r the A new en try haA been adm it7 . revelation of a tim ely m essage .. sum m er months. • " *; ' ted te th e league named L y n n - ' -- Tlie7~ii!KssiDnV™^doors--~swing-----;-------- ----- - , -nr-r-nr-rr.T,rr„, --- woodHEnn;-- -- r-^-;----- -- r . June 4Sth anjd 16th F R ^R IC MARPH V 'J*, '. .t » ,i. " DARK ANGEL" s uX (A- romance,, of- the Grea,t War taken..in England) • " ̂ 's,," ' ,' I i I ' 1 also- • /- r-H •5. T U E SD A Y and^ W ED NESDA Y , Juhe'TBth and 17th ;'A i . W ILL H AYES ̂ . -I •to;,'-. .'v. " * S> /VI ' -rtr opeh in welcome. Y. W. C. T. U J! iWff*y ' ST. STEPHENS-INGLEWOOD W. A. TEA a n d HOAffiHQQOKJNiG SALE . V „ ̂ 'i*r V ..N ^ ■i ^ a t the h W e o f MRS.. GEO. JACKSON. 1370 HaVWood Ave. " ThursdayV June 18th, a t 3 p .m . Musical Program: : ■ '.Home Cooking. ̂ °Candy Afternoon Tea 25c. ■'r;r,'~7. L IF E SAVING EQUIPMENT ̂ The June m eeting of th e W est Vancouver Y.W.C.T.U. was .held sXimi DONATED - "DANDY DICK" ' (Oriee' orilisr-at 8;20)' also " T \ ̂ >?•• t * * AtT r Through the in terest of the.- last Tuesday w^heii th e fol- ^ \ School, Doard, "p u R s i J i r ' , ; r W b i V ^ ;L / to 3 l■> - , nor iioot A ucisuay w iic ii witJ x u i- - , . i-, > i- ■ • • - ' lo ^ n g oifioers-were insfalledYor ;lo (^ section--<)f-;the R o y a ^ ■ ■ !■ ■ ■ ■ to f •'/>*' i' ^ ̂ oSf t;' S ̂̂ B U I L D E R S ' .Conctote,;WaJls^ p o o rs , S U P P L I E S ' -Lily Pb(d^ Sidewalks, . , Fpundatioh W ork, General Trucking, TEAROE & SON, 1483 Marine Drivi ̂ munivicr \uePHONE WEST 8 4kj->v f < V ->',v ' \ tor ~ -r- £l,F3,Bra:s:i: the coming year; President, Miss ' L ife Saving Society are to be the Beatrice Short; First-V ice Pres., reciipents of a very h andsom r^ : Mrs..Tom Hamilton ;.Secqnd Vice donation from th e Home Oil Co,, - Pres., Mrs. Skerton; Recording L td . The work of the Society Sec., Miss Doris Lashbrook; am ong school, ch ild ren .in th is-,: Treasurer, Miss W innie Brealey; municipality^ has been the sub-;„ Cor. Sec., Miss M arjorie V ernon; jeb t of much favorable com m ent.. Devotional Supt., J!kfrs. W; L. Me- from th e Board, who hkve indiv- Kay) Press Ck>r:, Mrs. A. E . idually in te re s ted themselves in Brown; W hite Cross Con., M rs .. th e constructive educational^ ̂W." Thoinpson;JPianists, Miss W. work, the- society promotes. T he. Brealey and Miss M, Vernon. donation, will be used by them ;. a .K y t*- \ D E L U X E "mmm ' Be* Viur .rV. leie* f.( -y I- •< ̂ ̂ ̂ r ^ ̂ tif fy ijt Prfee, '■I't '?< T.J I ,I;, '4 /j ; installed,1̂ *■// , r West 87' Vi North 625 .,W "i f*V~j * , I II j.;;./'V .., Lonsdale Ave. SiSS • /to'/,'.I ' V J 1574 Marine Drive Free Delivery - .P h onevW est' 186* Specials Friday & Satariiay. June 1.2 •& 13 .Mrs/FaulWr"being:chOT^ -their iae-«avlng demonstrations . » s . and M iss Boss, have' convener.; W ith ,'̂ la few .w ell formation p f classes. This inoved from Vancouver into a ' SUNKIST NAy]^-ORANGES...:.V:..';...̂ ^̂ 20c, 30c,-40c;,; 2 dozem 35c SUNKIST JUICY isEM pNH, Large Size, dozen 28c; Med; Size„ doz. 1 5 c " SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT-- a for 25c; Large size 5 for 25c; 4 fo r ' 25c f a n c y N E W T O W P IP P IN .............:.v...................V....:..... .....6 lbs. for 25c ® NICE NEWTOWN P IP P IN ..............................1 ........ :-i.lO lbs: fo r 25c n i c e b a n a n a to.'........... ............................ .............................................. 4 ibs. 25c . AUSTRALIAN GRAp E S to:....:.....:......;................ ................ ...::.....v .̂...2 lbs. 35c local NEW POTATOES..... ......;..........................................4 lbs. 25c OUTDOOR s t r a w b e r r y RHUBARB.............. ........ ................... 10 lbs. 15c LOCAL NEW b e e t s .....................................................4 bunches 10c NEW CARROTS.. ............. .6' bunches 'IjOc MM lOc ^w cA L "cAULiFLowERto:.""::/;::.':/ "5c;-ioc ® CAL. -CELERY ................................... ............ each 10c f r e s h RADISH .......l;___.....̂ ...... ............................................... -4 bunches, ,6 c g r e e n o n i o n s .............. .............................................................4 bunchds 5c GABBAGEStoto.to:.JL..„.^..I.'.:.;........... ................ lbs: 2 5 | W, Brealey -duet, and Miss gave a vocal was spent a t the close o f th e -whole community, m eeting when all took p a rt in a " Vlternperarice corifest,/after which / Miss Brealey presented a b ^ u t i - ~ ful bouquet 6 f cm7iibwers to th e > n5 - re tiring president, M rs. B rown. T s m ty .r e f r^ h h ito ts were V ̂it \ y'/'U, ----- g **<') " We also carry Prinks/ Tobaccos and Cigarettes, Etc/ 1iMS;PS? R u t h L . O ; j B . A i' -to •/ ' r to:.;/- to TNT np A Mnin TT A T T A IN ORANGE HALL '■ to-' n ,<>. tVi.-"'-'ail®«iSiS , served b y th e 'hostess; ;bid^ to a close a most.enjoyable'even--/ / ing -tor / ;# to ' V. to;|ifi >. '■r.C ^ B A L m i ^ : ^ ^ m E 4 U h r a i - 9 ^ m ^ m A D M is s rd ^ V ^ S d ; - * ̂ : -* ■1,7 "to'*-TTr- / a n d ^ e i i l ^ r t o BBPAIBINO T. CHiaSTENSON' v/f-* •<- , », !>■" * % ̂ » J s s 1522 Blaririe D rive V, r t Wifeto?.' ■ r< r to'V . p-,;. /toto. * to to'"'/to';; •I- toto'p.r'to' ;f/toto4; , ̂ toTBAto --' . ,spj(5jgjg ' p.i , % . West 573 ' - iK9nVTMf«"̂ «to. nw.si/ w --x wr______ to' ti i ytoto 1520 Marine Ptive, West VancouverO. f Jl̂ xaWa VTVD|/"V . YOU BUY FUEL FROiyr A PUEIr DEALBR tor . .il.i i tin y .-.V -t-;, A->. - BB w is e - BUY TEA and C O P U ^-lft^ -a Taa and Coffaa D aa lar .' ' . ~ ru iu ' guaranUai uf Maximum Value.- -̂------ ----- -------- r Fhone for free delivery; ̂ ^ > . . . . xKTÂi. nr--____-