l i i * " ' 'WM r ' ' ' & i|i >W a I'* "a S !■ ' r ' ' '■ '!; i s r : * . ' •. 11' VAN l i i « B iP T O n , i 'iiifitiiiffaf- i r ; - 4 i | ® i t l l l f IMI«» 7 lt| SUMU , W' ' ffaniUr Seliool and Bfid# dtiii'^ 10 -- lOtOO ■=0̂ i ' t i<- V> ' * i» f ' iKTmnrjicm* . ^ ^adlw Adult_ . i ^ ^ .M. ^ ............. HP 'WwmwwF '̂-11 i,ia. A r r Va iic o u v ee O ^lS a SciejKe YOU A. i&/̂ ̂ i'l. ' I . i ■ We Inoite ' • Comparieon • yiaUr <Aa woman who hot o n tv< Eximlne her hair, nee how $oft ■ :lm««nd £lo»sy our low ^teaming tl leaveM It. Notice the deep lasting rliwavee and the soft layer curls which have been carefully taper^ THEN JUDGE FOK YOURSELF I REVIVAL MISSION Con i m A '# ^ e , ; i i t t M ^ ' WEEK ' m a m m ^ Wednesday and Friday, 8 p.m, PRAYE^ ̂BBB VIDIMMittrsday 2:80 D.m.: 2608 IfnefnA2:80 p.in,; 2606 Marine Drive SUNDAY SERVICES-«J1 a.m. and 7:80 p.m. UIBLE CLASS-.10 a.m. BOiWCE tBMIi' « ii"E iii ilii« ilt , SMSylmra , < ,* ^ W m h e f Ckutth f ̂:K$m m arch irf Christ. ^ 8/Hmtm, In Boston. Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. : / Sunday^ June 14th, ToJ»op In and SHARKSKIN SUITS♦ ww»»w . .# |f X w ,|S p iA lil^ lfO fS 0 I lB "Flowered Chiffon Dresses for ihi>tr«eL3Ii?erfT14*C0^ Bright Print Frocks for evciy oeearikj tW»o*a l l:« |» ^ -.* »• _j i ' ....... .................... ^^EOWLIMG'DREssiTENNirSMSSES" , , . .................... .................... . BADMINTON DBESSE3 .X ,--: ^.tV X A ® S ® M 0 S T U M E S SI'ECIAUZINO-IN H A » S « K S ; X ,. ' ' •'■K̂s,h- . Snbjfct: . "GOO m e PKESERVER OP MAN" Gwen'a Tpga for the Beach per *#{* WWW, Polo e c u ....... GWEN'S GOWN.AWSi5I?0R1̂5SH0PPE' . Wj*a# kao * ' *, 'f ' V'" *i ̂ i «, f ' I Gwendolyn's Beauts; Shoppe 1616 Marino Drir# West 117 Arctic Ice Cream. r in Bulk or Bricks Vanilai Strawberrjrftttd "Cherry Delivered at your convenience. AmUeside fiiarmacy W. L. KBR, Prop. 1401 Marino Phone} Drive West 828 ^ . FREE DELIVERY I* f LYBURNHAU 14th and Duchess SUNDAY. JUNE 14.-at 10 a.m.' Sunday School and * Young People's Bible CIoss SUNDAY EVENING, at 7:30 Subject: '̂ Clefids Full of Rain" Speaker: -Mr. John Wallace TUESDAY EVENING. June 16, at 8 o'clock Prayer pnd Bible Study Subject: "the Life of Abraham" ̂ "Faith's Choice" , Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ' At'8:16 pjoy The pubUe Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. . BAPTIST CHURCH M inister: Rev. W. L. McKay m . By WORLD FAMOUS KITSILANO BOYS' BAND « A , W . O tJ L A M O N V , CONOUcfoâ v " n ' including six West Vancouver Boys, IN INGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM , ' FRIDAY, JUNE 12th,-; 1936;'ar 8 p;m. P R . G. D. H. SE A L E ' D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST H»y Block, 14th and Marina Dt. jDffice Hours 9 to 6 p.m. The pastor will preach both morning: and evening. The morn ing subject will be 'T h e Holy S p irit/ ' and in the evening, "God's Plan for Every Life." The .choir, under the leadership of Miss Winnifred Brealey, will lead in the worship of song. The Church School will meet a t 10:00 a.m. There are classes for all aiges, including an adult Bible Class, taught by faithful teach- T j c E i k C l ^ s c ♦ h* I ^ Proceedi in aid of Weit Vancouv«r Boya' Batkd Travel'Pund , ' ' -t ' » l. » "*A Jt » ! Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 UNITED CHURCH. 21s t & Esquimalt Ave. 7 • Sunday 11 .15 ^.m. and ers. The Young People will close xyrii. u 11 a . ,i. th e irse a so n 'sw o rlc w ith a b a n - ^ '2^ P*«̂ * 0" M onday. Y i2 T®I P"®ye*' m eetin g w ill be held ?£ Canada,-will be ihe on Wedliesday a t 8 o'clock. A Guest's A-t ̂ ̂ *t -i/TTi ■ ■- ■■ ; et^riure Hour A.refinement of hospitality; s ^ ^ h a t all lineii is laundered • if dropped a t our laundry-befolre'nine it 'w illbe ready, launder-' ed to the Kind's taste, by five same day. ' -; ,., " i ^ i r :̂ Thlrd Street Opposite Car Barn? :;|Nprth,)̂ apcOji^ ̂ , 1310B urrard CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST table in the .wilderness." (Psalms . 78: 19) . *^ , . The Lesson - Sermon also in- .-■. ...l̂ •̂..;,•J.:.! a.;d:. ■'*.."i(.r:i:.V#i o i . v . ' i ■ ■ Established on North Shore 25 Years ^ ..(Lady. Assistant )._J____ 4orth*-Vaitcouver--Parlors- HARR0N BJIOS. LTD. ffanerai Bfrectnrn Vancouvor Parlors 65 Tenth, Avenue P]ast Phone Pair. 184 " ^ ing in the Church on Friday, The Golden Text is: "Fear Baker E ddy: '"There is today I PrflVAi-Mp<kfino-/^n ® o'clock. A'good thou jio t; for I am with thee; danger of repi^ ting the offenceJ p" j^ednesday-- prog^am -of - music, solosTr^nd-- yeaT-I-will-helpthee;- yea. Tw ill , of-the* Jews by; lipiiting theHoly I Vijac Vippyi 5irriiYi'oror1 TTio nt̂ Virkl/l 4•\̂ £̂̂ r̂ wv+ln 4-\y^ Ono ln*f TerQibl"»an^? QoVinfv* I a t 8 *n TYi --------------- |PA\j^Aaiu vA iiiuoiL/, **iia x w in n f;ip une© y"y'ca," JL îWiii viw unw o,w yjxinxitiiig^"in© xioiy, nnri vienf/sr-o ^^^diugs has been arranged. The ui5hold thee w ith the righ t hand One. 'of Israel' and asking: 'Can in v i t T ^ ^ ® cordially pastor, Rev. „W. L. McKay, will of righteousness:" . (Isaiah 41: God furnish a fable in the wilder- ' give a short address . A -hea rty-- lA)^^--------- -------- -- -- ^nes^-V^af-^^ahnot-God-dof'm«oiM T?r>nnf̂ -. HiT-f-.i.. J. TT ft BIIWL aoUJLKSS.-- /\-ncacty---JALh-,---------- -----r--1-̂-----------" ^ Rangers,; Monday a t 7 welcome i r e x te n S ^ Among " th e citations which The Women's Missionary So ciety will hold their meeting a t the home of Mrs. Hillis W right, PEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phone West 9 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P. A,:.Ramsey 2047 Gordon .Avenue, on Tues- Sunday kfter day*!, afternoon, June 16th, a t qISa r̂r 1 • 2;:15. Miss Elliott, of Vancouver, , ? ;?g Communion, an interesting speaker, will give ic Sennon. thej^ddress, Mrs, Brendon and P*®̂* ^Evensong and Ser- elnley, of Vancouver, will « • • nr j^ ................... " ' St. Francis-in-the-Woods,' FertUizers AU Kinds Wood, Coal, BuUdeni' Supplies th ^ o lo is ts . A shower for the M inion Supply cbox and .any use- „ ■ ful article will be acceptable. A Sunday, 9:45 a.m,--^Matins and special invitation is extended to ' SprmAri v (yajdlfeW 45̂ Sermon? the Home helpers to, come along and bring their mite boxes, also* ̂ to all ladies interested. Tea will, be served a t the close. Ambleside SBeet Aletal h. SPECK.ppopri.tor: Works ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC Rev, N. J . Corley, P astor Phone West 540 m CHURCH SCHOOL DISPLAY The Inglewood. Junior. High School is holding its. display o f- work done by the pujSils in Home Economics, Practical Arts, and A rt on Wednesday, June 17th.. The display will be held in the school in the i^ternoon from. 3f00 to 5:30 and in the evening' from 7 to 10. o'clock. *^is exhibttion- affords the ROOFING a n d c h im n e y SWEEPING .............................. ... -■ 'I'J -i" J 'Chimney Roofiog Repairs of AU i^ d s E stim ates Free, Testim oiiialsi, U p -to -d a te methods Phone West 616 ® ® '=* P h « b e s V alr. 798 ■li./ u...-3„7.• k," V' f ^ ' '•r 1 r *• Fair. 624 a ___« , Cafe W h ere frien d s m ee t and eat. All Home Cooking 1 5 1 2 Marine Drive j Phone W. 6 1 6 . ' Sunday Ma^es Low Maas-- 7:00>.m, . auurus tne -- ,' Rosw^and .Benediction 7:15 the work of the .pupils an op- ^ « . portunity to see what the ohild- '*# ren do in thesb subjects, and it Mass, dailY ^ 7:15 a.m.^ ^ «̂>Ped that a large at- Friday -- % s» jy and> Benedic- tendance will a tte s t to the inter- turn -- 7:15 p.m. est of the^^ow n-ups in th e Catechism . and Bible History younger ^ ^ e ' s progress in every Saturday -- 9:30 a.m. school. Confessions, Saturday -- 7:15 ' p.m. to 8 p.m. T ^ r .A Tr -AT A weir attended meeting of r r € S t V O f i N c z v s ladies' Altar ^ ciefy met at s'" {'-Jl ^ r , ' , 1 ., i' ..y > I "Hoolav for the Hinnort« '» caiJ M« rushing THE illiS Pttbliihed Every Tlianidny -the Parish Hall FMday ^ te r - notal to consider the resignation Pdblinher F . F . LCiVEGROV Phone West 363 Ba^eM end Bditerlal ^Office; i l l 17Ui ,iwd Marine Drive (Next to HoUybimi P.O.) Phone West 363 Hail Addreiaf O ptom etrist ' O ptician r 10.36 a .m . to 4 -rV?, Wednesdays '. .,1622 Marine Driveî r feyES EXAMINED CLASSES FITTED » ' t, " : \P . O. Ifox 61, BoUybani, B.C. ■Hoolay for the Hippetts," said.Mn.' . .......______ into her- home with joyful news. ■" Tliey've'iust had a telephone put in their housel" ' /- ' ^ Ever since they moved into the district/the , Hippetts had been using the telephone of the Tugl^s, their next̂ ' door neighbors. Often it wasn't convenient tp let j"' good-natured Tugleys never protwuâ v Nevertheless,/they hoped that the. Hippett^JwduId some day realize that they were imposing. Z;/. . ̂ ^ At last came the nevys that the Hippetts had a tele- . phone of their own. No wonder Mrs. Jugley cKecred them, SSSSffi; B. C. t e l e p h o n epi I 41 T ' , I ■ ̂ * 4. tV * -.V, --