w S s i H f I ■ j v i c n I I --MM . ' "■'̂ - j - 'i «* 't • « - ► ^ ̂■ - ■ ■ % . : - ' A I V ,;V ■. . . c t '/■ ■5'-. ■ '.y - .-•.. ~ ■ A'Circulating in the: B isM ^ o f West Vancouver-rAMbieside^ $1.00 per year. ■;voi. XI The Kitsilano, Boys' Band are givingr a concert a t 8 p.nj. * .' i* 1 r. tomorrow (Friday) night* in the Inglewood Auditorium, the 50 votes yes proooeda of^whlch^irill^beiuafedrto help the:trayel fu h d ^ o r th e ^ jb h e -s e a s o n ;^ six West Vancouver .hoys, Iv^ho are going ?*with them on th e ir fact th a t thj concert t^ur to th e Old Country. The cOnpert is sponsored py the poll.was, the West Vancouver School Band, * A dance will follow the concert, the program of which is as ' '.w 11. > i . * ' t' 6 ■*,>•• IWw* r « S I A"" i n »;*D tr S i * ion follows poll.w asarisiisortahly heavy' Judge o f \ t | l p p ® . on&: PatticiIIais,j(re as foUows: - Vancouvto, afav6 For .......... nH/irABi* nn "V 1*̂ t? A Ill'll*#4* *' M The School Byelaw passed by The final indoor iineeti Considering .,,;eaij;^d?the'*^ ....Jl '8 6 2 7 . ing" a^^^^ E., in;the. commu^lty^^ ...a1.vS | ......commencing^June 16th M s b e | | | | g | | | | | | ^ 1 chosen las "Q ueen . Alexandra , ; ing branch of the work, o f the '. ̂ J ' jsVi Duncan Lawson Chapter, LO.D. "7 3.--Trumpet S6l0-^'*Stars in a - . ^ D s s s t i ™ 6.---Selection~ii'fOn ;the ̂ T rall" ..... .....................,.pende Guofe 6. --Pic(x)l0 'Sdlo-^rl^-;TourtereneV,',:,v..«,:.:. . . , ; .Soloist;:rHickeyCrS.Wford. ........... 7. -S elec tion7-"The Bohemian Girl",..,.4.;.4,;..L.:.:.M. W. - Balfe Rose' Week" -durinsf-which the' ■ memNrs will make a house to •'■ . ' v X t S a & "to t o w S h ^ ^ ^ "n " f ̂ ",:paihare." . ; ..VKBST, tA l >*̂S '■ ; > • .; 1.'■'■■I'.".': . .; g o ld en :iUBILEiE f-- ;;C?,aCrElEN;CO|ITE?T- Vancquver; citizens toe ; sKow^.. ' ,>i ing their in terest'in ,,the Croldch'. ' Jubilee df t l i^ .c ity jh y ^ 'the 'tee- , ■<h' I "" J' 't VI The . public are Asked to give . \ *' vCuJx. 1^̂ 'i "IT-..I ̂ V v,' \-n>. > mm - , -iv ' ;vt LT? a ■ I.f 1 *iÛ pf-i, , *-'»V ^ "Midsummer . Wignt's ., Tuesday and Wednesday oi nex t ^ Dream." r \ Narrows ;Bridge - V 5-" |ti^'"2^tPsaii^2.'Si96^#6icirHas®a8Sr» is TO WHOM iCGlfOEENlf Notice fe Kere^T<^Veh-tiSt o 9 h « k & :d r i^ ^ "~7 ^ __M f-y, ,tgy T } i- X . 't-*-* Si*«iSi8Snx liSj, - .. .-"Tr"l,'̂ ̂ If '4 . ■̂*1̂ ̂'̂ îri-i Jn. ̂ r« ̂ îCi41 .£ j r r w