' I i -*t ■<; > ISf ews. If f AOW p E r « ,C0FF«B ::• ^ Kf. * wwto p j^8 , m 6, ciiolit ClWCjENT SHORTENING I lb. CiitHcw IH lie Itcd ik White TOMATO SOUP " TOMATOES# Liirire 2Fi lOe UBD PLUM JAM, QeSittbi; 2 tins 10e i,l«c 'l i i .4 lb. tin IM & WWto TOItBT BOLLS' .,, JlOjilil ««**4fr**f , >» * « « , for 2X(V 'THRItrt" UWihTB ■ g0^p-'«-t-"t!rtn- ' s4iicb fa i I'ffe lose 0AIST LOAF, |W.lb.'«i»#.^Mw;i|^ FLETCHER'S SMCEO » A » » r ^ encroach on your »ress something of May Day celebration f part of the warp thfnge. S o were fesponslble _ _Jgem enta roust have Rifted with perfect, good . Who can forget the sin- - Jlp' J efferies**# Gov vf* HAMS LAMB ^t-CSOLHAIKAm OF, I H V w VEAl IBM'""**' 1 store at HdJ M ip i HAM, lb ,......____.Z.. FL . ' > 4.(1islii s#fc ,1 , / >, l».'S A wonderful eleniwing tollel ixwp. and nntJo T 1* ""** »ntl»«pGC; 10c.niy 4 burn IM A White PASTRY FLOUR .wfHJ*** *®«* 7 Ib. bag.... 25« IKILETS FINEAPFLB SPEARS ............ *'*•*•. 05c 'SINGAPORE SLICED .PINjEAPPLB 0"« 10cBJ A rtM A Tv*. ' ^ ................ . svvNA/OLA OIL................... 1 Ib. tin 27c '■■■■•■■■ W. f - T' ■• •• -.w. mr *■. '. S EDINBURGH ROLLS BURNS' P ic iB c hamI ; V roioouveir? sS S ^ S a (?£ ff i.™'SS'i™â C!35: l•UBB' POHK'SATOACBi when; _ with _ the. BEEP SAUSACr "p, , 0, . _____ Jip vision <rf happy,,, radiant child- FKASEB VALLEY COTTAGE hood before her, as expressed in CIIEESEfl i»er Ib...................... 15c the May Day ceremonies, she B E E F P O R K ^ LAMB-T VEAL said it wa« quite evident the id e a l||a p |fc : . Vancouver d o zen s was a generation of bOys ahd Lt ' P</i!i %v s- w, ►i n g A *9 ii3. W E S T fKi I' -- PORK -- LAMB -T The Very Finest Quall^ -FOR * M i * s'i X ̂tr Phone West 115 DADDIE'S SAUCE,7Fr ez. botUe 19c ASPARAGUS, Tender IDF2 oz. tin BEAL SATISFAO^ldll' I'ciT /##!*' e Drive SCOUT NEWS ,7f4 ez. bottle 10c * ^j.|g exem plifying healthy rnindS ler Broken Plecw Tn healthy bodies. No greater .............................. tributerihan this can be paid to menahr ...'..... ., ..awsA «A.u women. i ..^couts F. Davies and C; Graham . Those of us whose children at- have been awarded the ir 2nd tend W est Vancouver schools I' aA t the recent Vancouver class badges Sports, two members of the Is t a West Vancouver (St. Stephen's) ^ READERS I'l' 1 realized V probably, as never be-• • ##v*..v AlvZ'lJC_______ ...Ui..!____ troop helped to boost UP the total * i. r T T " d. f 1 lo r .tn e su c^ ss whic^hLattended for the North S h o r r r t i ^ V Any houwholder.not r««iivlng fore, tM c ^ p e ra tio n which ex ists bei/wcen teachers and pupils for^the success which! attended'■ •' ■'■■ ' "'f ■ V/'. 1 ̂*4 ■■' ' '^1 ■h 3 ,fW *1 ̂ The rate for Claasifled 25 cm li. Except In the c.M.irf;tlMW. h a id a^ n in d £r .w c«m ^ ' - .trictlr •"fleda are pcyablc •" '-"TgWivy ' Reuember Claaallieda in the Wcat Van Nowgi get Immediate resulta. / for the North Shore f . a copy of tWs paper ^ which so grfeatly impressed visÛ ^ u»8Rd Thursday evening, is re- from all parts of the city of OTtnored 20 points between was largely the result o f the ■ ■■-- ~ r " . - : ^....----------------- ^ c m out of a total of 48., W est West 363, in order th a t the orals- efforts of the teaching personnel for sale -- Beds, stoves, household . ®i'W sntique isahw. End won the cup w ith 50 points, sion may be corrected. We shall so ably led by the announcer a t ... Foods, Phone West 378-L.̂ . • _,any buffdt. cheap; West iKn-v.̂ FOR SALE -- Furniture and general MASON'S ' TAXI $2 te nriHoi. , household, goeds, West420-Y., ■ ■- ^ P S r t ie i^ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Maritt0-i', "........... Hardware, notions, stationery, hair FOR RENT ~ Furnished ground floor nets, gloves, bias tape, - sheen "and • - .isuitef ".newr̂ house;-^central WoRf silk spools. ■ 686-R. ' ' - cm --- - -- ----"■* -V.S, ,,V0W ----------- , -----------; - , wiavavo v/A 4.IIC LC<tL.lllil}S pCLSUXjllCl End won the cup w ith 60 points, sion may be corrected. We shall so ably led by the announcer a t ... ---- - - ju s t two up on the North Shw e esteem any such phone as a fav- the loud speaker, * the Principal wwqt vAiwr ' ; y . or, as it is, our only way of check- o f the HiglTschool. Nothing of ^S sL l^Ibn baderftfl bnvA incr iin r»Ti niir dAlivpriPfl. Oiir flm district. VANCOUVER D.V.A. -- This ' »«iW. |jral men -availr ■* Landscape, etc. Color- beS'^avSi'd^^d^^ our deliveries. Our the diverdfled panoran^ abTe'̂ '!dii°are^^^ diarS^P^^^^ ̂ 4.u *1K 1®̂ Climie^ 2hd boys have stric t instructions to him e sc a p ^ his eye, and his odd jobs by the hour day o r . '^ k , , Fhbne Monson. West.̂ 6i.Y -01 the Eagle-patrol.-Th'iA patrol place a paper on the verandah eapaoity - t e express i t - fo r us coirnnuni-^._.$20.oo^B-R«mm-iiifur^ has also won the honor pennant of every house on their routes. ' -really inimitable. cate with Secretary, West sqr-x . ■ w Wuv»n.u. again for the past two months. P. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE \ I noticeJh the daily press re- tax salIblots _____ ___ --------------------------------------- »/uvif» ------------- '^" .celebrations Prices and nlans availade here sfor M DOXLAITLUmBER & FUEL CG. Wood, all sizes. Best Quality Slabs InsidePiri V isit y o u r FIGGLY WIGGLY th is w eekvchd for Special V alues in ev e ry section. Spealdng 'fbr rayself, I think' BNGUSH -GIRL' <26) !seeks post, • *'0B8ALE'--. K t. , casss Rowboib' th e problemt;of th is adult gener- '■ P«&rsWy .niwsery B*yirnMs,.dom- . 12% test lon^', J. 'Nonnand Svsgy LIUS CtUUiL ̂ ' -- . , t:, --J' AVVril ation. passiner somewhat nain. ̂ n " out,, references. _Esquimalt. West 170-X. tully through one of the m ost --------------- ^----------r?-- r ~ --------- LAWN MOWERS SHARPPiVFn- 'Critical epochs'in world evolu- l o s t -- ̂ Dark re«t Wahl, Eversharp; SpeciaPmachine;"Renairs Part! -tion, is to try and preserve for X n e Wesf'?k? t ' West Vancouver Ma'chiSe Shop, 1449 our children the realities of_a West 150-L-2. Reward. Marine. , 7,.. - j- Prices effective Friday & Saturdayt June 5th & ,6th.a*we«r*w >• i l i CUT WAX BEANS, A ^ e r No, 2, tall ..................... ..tin IH/iic MIXED VEGETABLES. Aylmer 2 s q u t .......... ................ 2 this 25c TOMATO JUICE, Aylmer. .3,0 ^ oz, tin 5c GOLDEN BANTAM CORN. Royal City ...................„...tin Uc PORK A BFANS, Royal City 2%s 2„.ti COCOA, Cowan's Perfection PICNIC SUGGESTIONS Pickles -- Happyvale, Sweet Mbc br Sweet Mustard, 9,oz,....jar 10c Ripe Olives--Lindsay, 6 'oz. tin 10c Peanut Butter (bulk) 11 oz. ctn 10c Sandwich Past;e-- Hedlund's .... . 9c; ........... ...,3 for 26c "augury for the-future. , , Very truly, WALTER H. KIRCHNER. Veal L ^ --Libby's, 7 6z'.:.;,tin IBc 2 H s ..... :........................ 2,,tin8 23c ̂Lunch T ^gue -- York ̂ or jction , (llube Brand, 12 oz..:..,-..tin 25c Speaking of pathetic<̂ figured, what is mdre pitiful thab the prdRcament FOR SALE-- ^̂ .1928 Chevrolet Sedan,. • iwr - cm « license - $75; caih; - balance $ 1 2 ^ H a s t i ^ . monthly, 8 months. West554-X. _ n o o g k ? -" ̂ | ^Vt̂ LY f u r n i s h e d cdlTA G E - ^R N IS H B D AND UNFURNISHED Until end of June,,closeIto water; ' H dus5 g o ^ r , electric, rxu^tU . West S 17th and Mari^^ Phone West 65.l i s : " 1 lb; SALMON, qioverleaf .'2Sc; H lb........ 13c #•. Fancy Sockeye, I 's....... tin 29cROUND TUNA FISH. tin lOc' Inmorted Meat-& Pish Pastes . . Ttat K r j * : z t ™ ah -.■ ■ . t e « n d e . ............. ;.jar 17c - I 1l ii.'- ■ r v 'l 'g Kraft or Velveeta Cheese, 1 lb. 27c I ^ , f °wn .w f« through a matn- WE BUY--Anything„^of Value; high- -- '̂ Neside, Tea Rooms. . , " : %, lb. 15c I »0»>al bureau? - , ' - .x«4. ................. .. ................ -.............. . ' I II I - s ' ' Mmmm GROUND TUNA FISH, COFPEE-Sundale ........... lb. 33c ^ • Sunrise......... ......lb. 29c . Arrow, lb. 16c POTATO CHIPS...........2 pkgs. IBc . --f^bwroot -r* Christies AD. GRAPE JUICE. Welch's 32 oz 49c - ' ..... :r * 'Imported English BiscuitsGRAPE JUICE, Welch's 32 oz 49c16 oz. 27c McLARBN'S; CREAM CHEESE MM P R U & : s iu .w U ...... B K E ^ A S T fo o d s- Teiiderised 2 for 25c PROTBC* .,-j. '"'1 . ^Chapter 140 'I'S' ly 25c 39c r 2143 Westffl48.W «st41st Ave. -- 2468 8809 W. Btbadw8y;,r->.802B S. 1531 Marine DHve. 1,*"?"̂ T,' >; ' S t *i?v , ,f X ̂ ^