*...... . I a - I - 1886 .̂ E l o I L J Marine W m .■ iwV ^ .... »«>"■ '■'•'■'(S"i!'-'ii-V<'i?.'iS •t ,1k t h i ti:lk t » Wii , y.. H f, l-̂, h' 1' A * P a lmr i m i ss® D r.G . ,SiJL4en ■.. ■■•!"■'*"■ ' 1l " f f-t < -r » - -«....... . Service by l4 Ibe. SJ6c 5C CrystAkFini«h'Ll<l, ■ «. I tr- ppFSH lUDISHBS Md- GEEEiN ................. ....... ~~a jm- fresh brown m O B r Grade Ay p«^e.........,*....» SUNKioi ' ............ 2 'dozen 29c, 80c iffls fsB E D IJ S S S ,G I U P B F R m E ~ ..... .T t e | c ; 0 for |6c fw»i®»̂ 4ww«v Haywood M v e / f f S b ^ UCIWBiU S BWg^ MOW -fiira h^>me a t , « '» ' > I ' % ' ' , 'U ♦ i,' • »,?n#,'f, 45 ",*-ii/p*\'i|5*l!f», M lsaX ennox hM Monday into, a houM; her duties .a t the B o j t a l . ^ k jMtH and Nelson Avennd^ . ' .■.■■• ■'■•■ ' Mr and MrsVIWtlbuUr-iv*»+5' Mr. and Mrs.^Q,,E. B rotherton couver?ha " m ow d into i hoUae : have returned from the c ity M d ^ tx 6 4 iE B q u lm a ltA v en u e ,; ' " ..a re .oocupy ing .-a jonse .a t 1274., , ..... ,î ;,u45'i.te■' -iGor<iori*Avenue.«-- ^ .. M rs.-H o ldsw N ;h 'ha |.itiO T ea^ -*■' •■'* ' .„ f rm C iS ifd rn ln and is occupying Jack S tra tton w ith his M otU \ g„jte a t the Fortune Cup Inn; .E rn est' Macdonald of P o rt Al- , • • • ■■ Tk»8l»»'»»'8tni»fc, • 168S Marla*. Wwt »J or W »t »®7 Enorieaejr Phoa* ,W**t.. •** . (Alter 10 p-m.) t .J i l ^ M'iiiiiw ll » i i , /» (if. il*fe8S ' I '̂ I I ' / .E rn est' Macdonaia o i rorc ̂ . berni, spent the May Day w eek AdAm. M cl^llan en d 'w ith his parents,^ »fc. and tjie prairies, is .spnding^, wMk Mrs. J; M. Stratton, 1468 Marine q, ten days w ith , Mrs. St G am -.r «. 1, V * ̂ , j- J, | * *; {*-̂ 1 - i c { ̂ J* *'•*'1 <£l 11 W'iMAVl 11 i'ham, 2426 Bellevue Avenue, .. •'AT A* lkJi« 'V • !■ atellte,*...', - :.v ./■Maa C nifs- ? r*f Drive, ' ' ♦ ̂ .f....... .................... '...... ,.,0.,,,,iub. „.̂ uv, ................. „ ... . ripe cantaloupes ...........5.̂ ,........-,.-- g-pjegg, for..26a.|.t.^g.Q]ni» .13 .visitmg: h e r . s i s ^ . w e re «recently . m am ed ,.ihj:,Bi|:_ KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES;,................. - ..................... P S | MranAtinid, and Miss McKenzie, Uyiiya Mnntana. have been abend- ' j^ o caiyŷ 5̂>ba<;c<> and^piyarettW, uK-Qn> .13 .y,i»iw**K ■ were ' recenuy ̂ - . McDonald and Miss McKenzie, ungg Montana, have been abend. 22nd Street: ,; ' ing a few days in W est Vancou- V <•! I > TVAfvOte T ^ o r n F Special W eek ly Prize W in n e r s W eekend ing M a y 2 3 rd $10,000100 VANCOUVER, GOLD0I'J1IW^ QUEEN <1 (6 Brand N6W » 'Special Awards, ALSO SO FREE HANDWmTING ANALYSES_EVERV;; 5VEEK- Mrs. T.' W, .Mount,' 299'2.Trimblfr St., ' Vancouver, B. C. ' •H. D. Swaboda, 8590 West 28rd̂ Ave., I VancojlVer, B, C. ' ', j,rE. Gallant, 2046 Beach Ave., Van- eniivcr. B. C. .D. a4 Thompson, 226 ,Regina Street,̂ Ne'w' Westminster, ,B. C-7rK'T«oofe7-M5;D.T='l'rr,QorerA'venue,~,_-- Chilliwack, B. C. • 4 ."'George. Turpin, Roiedaie, B. C.Norman L, JjlcFetrWgê • R.R. No. 2,-' --- Sardis, B.-C.̂ " • .Donald Stocker. P.O. Box 101, Port Hammond, J . ' ̂ ' r , ver. Mrs, Lamb.is.thVAuuiw^ The lucanum scale has appear- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, E. ed again in West Vancouver, •'gewell, who reside at 1410 20th r\« 'DnvrAAlrl txrfnfp' fn thft GOV- . ctAMAAi- ■nnv.iytn' flualr AtnV here. Stratton's *■ 11' 11* i ' I ;«f Bread, Cak^, Birthday,. Christening 1 a n d W eM « n « C a X Meat Piofl, S a u s w Bolls, Banbpry Cakes, Cinnahtott Buns j Variety of Tea Breads,. Fresh every morning I' , ,», - fl... wJ ttt Note Address: ■ 1468 Marine Drive, Phono West 27 ' ■V V w*w*" Dioie uiass wni oe nciu xx^av-. .............;̂ 7r*T : ♦ .................. : - mi:";; lAff locif gAturday" burn Hail A t J ̂ O p .^ . the Elliott, ;28rd' and M le - ' S o K same day, John Wilson Will give yue AvenuS, have moved to their, ̂ jap an ." a Gospel address at the evening .^ew home at 26th and Nelson , ^ rs. Oollard .and fam ily ofi service. Prayer and Bible study Avenue. 7 * : yancouver have moved into, a at 8 n m -next Tuesday, June 9th, ^ r \ ■ . . «, ̂ suite at the Fortune Oup Inn;- ̂ vat8p .m .nex^ ^ ue^ and Walter Gourlay has- arrived ♦ ♦ ♦ i Abrahams Oall ana from Englewood, Vancouver Is- - M r s . V. L. Logan has moved Blessing": 'cTur SCOUT NOTES from Englewood/Vancouver Is- Mrs. V. L. Logan has moved land, and is spending a holiday jn to the Davidson house at ChuW' " at'h is home, 2322^Bellevue-Ave- - f^ild;' • / ~ ' ......... -nue."'■' '4 >:*p. ^ ' i/ ' ̂ ( it. .H i ♦ , t < < , ̂i KIv' M 4 ̂ 1 '.-'..I'..'. '• mA >-7 ^̂ ̂ j. -- ^ 7 , j,.^E.-"-Hall'-has""miOved-from.The troop-are to be congratul- B lair/1527:Gordon Avenue, Vancouver"into a,bouse at Caub; ated on their entry in the May . has returned from a business feild. ̂ .Dav parade whicĥ ŵon first trip-to; San Francisco and o t h e r ------- ----- S' " p r f e '̂ "P7L-J. F r6 u d eW d ~ P /L :" p6intnn]^^^ -------------- -̂----TEA- SALE--Peacock--have.-beeb-TPresented--̂ -̂ -̂ --̂ -̂-1/ ̂ • '■Rnrtorpq 17!narnfirampnf f-' ,•> y> K'sVSife D. E S nr220? W«t-5th Street, VernSn'S s lty GiU, 2808 Hill Ave.. Regina, Sask.' ^L -'t ' Vi f t Winning Coupons selected b y '. a n d r i e n n e ' Internationally famous, Canadian BornGraphologist.,. Simply buy a Vancouv.er'Volp'Jr'J^^lr,lee. Ticket, admittingattractions, i n c 1 u d i-n e,- ^auracuons, i n c i u u ,Cherry Carnival and Kelowna.Regat a . . . and cast your vote for your̂ district Queen.., ^ SHARE IN TiaESB PEIZES! 'GOLDEN5'i|J|in^'- Q u e e n ^ l k ^ m i ^ t ^ are in full swing and ̂ there is a Dorothy A lien a Woolgarr to Mr. appear in good program to follow the ban- pjdgar Douglas Grout, younger f^ is paper. quet. The Court of Honor has g^n of Mr. and Mrs, A. L. G rout,, -------- decided to go again to Sunnyside 3 4 0 2 -West Twenty-second. The ng a rxrdecided to go again to sunnysme .3402 -West Twenty-second, me MAIN ROOFERSfor the c a m p . TJê date has not - wedding will takê place at St." Roofers stand ready .'.yet/been settled but the ^st Francis-in-the-Woods, Gaulfeild, ^ execute all kinds of roofing --two"Weeks~Qf-^ugust_^ar.e_^a^--_on--July-ll;u -̂------------------- '̂-- "--repairs# also maintaining an evei;. T h e Commissioner, for c !® 5 „ /h im e i.; .w eeninv ServiceVg t i s t c u . --------+V10 * r e a d y chimney sweeping Service, th e North Shore attended the Engagement ^ T h e y use up-to-date methods and m eeting on May 15th P 'M r. and Mrs. E. McMillan, ^estimates are given free. Testi- / . s e n t e d . Scoutm aster^P. H ^ Palm erston Avenue,, monials as;to , their work avaib w ith his w arrant. w e s t Vancouver,' announce the- able, if asked for. Phone-W est-- ^ed the troop on, their app^^^^ engagement of th e ir ' eldest 616, Fairm ont 7?;8 or Fairm ont V mentioning '^ p a r t ic u iy iy ^ daughter; 'W inhifred Pearl, 7 ^ 624._ A n advertisem ent relative I Hollyburn Theatre . \ *V' *■> , ' " June 4th, 5th and 6th BARBARA STANJVVGK PRESTON FOSTER "ANNIE OAKLEY" _ RiBl l̂Sdia^n-q iS -fe a ^ t ed)-- , r Short Comedy, etc. SATURDAY EVENING-AND JunA6th,an4.8th WILL ROGERS OLD ken tu ckX: (His last and one of his best) also ^TOEORPHAN. KITTEN". TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, ' June 9th and 10th. ' ROBERT; TAYLOR^ - . j i i5 >'X'i XX "TIMES SQUARE (Ohce-only at 8:30) 'CODLEGiATE" J f" i t t 198 W ggn tJO l l l i m a a iw ̂ m e n Y V i n n u r e q ireaxi,; w An aaverusemeuv x îaHMW.'si.'-'vmc™-'.®-®-' - Eagle .and Otter ,P^J9^i V John Calvin Hainmori','eldest son to this apipearsIn this issue.- ■ .1 ■ MaeAulay was ipvested and R. jjr. C-J. Hammon; 968 29th , ' T-- •„ ---------------- :-- .•,-1 ;lvrQrtin was acceptea as a reciu iu A,r«nn/J , Vanpnnvp.r:. th e wed- "Jnhnnv. don't you know it s Of Mr. C. J. Hammon, y&» z n m --------------- ;------ • ' Avenue, Vancouver;, th e wed- "Johnny, don't you know i t s bun d in g to ta k e place the la tte r p a r t day. Ypu mustn't play marbles out - of-th e month. . , ̂ here on the s^ewalk. Go into the , a ---------------------- --- J ■ back yard if you -want to play. TbWNSWOMENlS GUILD ■ -All right mother, but wha. • ■- ------- , • of the week It is ih the back yard?' Mrs. Helen Gregory McGill,, /vP TlllTiaTIllo fVhnrt n f - - ' -i what day ' . ^ V' 'i. / CORPOJRATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER ' r"' Tenders are hereby invited for the following work,--Clearing, Grubbing, and Grading for a parking space on Bay Street, Whytecliff,' and obtaining 'borrowed filling for-same-- - - judge of th e Juvenilê ^̂ X ̂ Vancouver, will b e . the gue^t speaker at the meeting ofrthe . s Townswomen's Guild on FVidaK " evening at the Glachan- at " 7 145 o'clock; which will 'be the last indoor meeting till Se^em ber. ̂ Inspector Wm-. Gray will also -be present-tb speak oh-the School By-lawjas well as Trustee H.;'G/ Barker, clxairman of Finance; Members are reminded o f the garden party to be held* a t the\ home of Mrs. H. G.^Barker, 3033; Marine Drive on Saturday, ISth;V i V H'-Xf', Tj -is ivi / y' ; June. " D E L U X H " i|? -•. J ̂ ",Price thstalled T. -• > 'west 87- 66 Lionsdale Aye. -NortH 62̂ . _ - Specifications and form of Tender ' -.vmay be obtained from the Office of the- Municipal Engineer, Hollyburn, B.C. "'r- 3.:-T ek ers to i e delivered not later . than 6 p.m. Mo.nday, June 8th, 1936, at_tHe' office of the Municipal Clerk. •A The Corporation reserves the right - to reject any or all tenders. , - i l l . ___ WM. H ERBlNy--A '■/ » Municipal 'Clerk. "Vrirv/ i'■ f ̂, 11 T , i ̂ p- ">} ' ̂ EXPERT/?- V v .v W atch - - - igia>5)HtINS ?;,C|odk -------- ̂i\ 1. CHEISTBNSbN (formerly, with -Birics Montreal)̂ :,;-: - ; - H ;*'i .llhth Chapteiĥ p. B. iL ---r----S' V . V a" ".IN'OEANfSE HALL , SATURDAY,;JUNE 6 th , a t 9 p .m . . . monpr«iMjr;7 ;o"; ̂ . ; ■>, '1-^4522^M8rM^e7ll:gy^^^i -- f V t 'fA aA-" - %-i ' * . Vi 1From 110:30 a.m;' to ^3t30 mm.,; Every Wednesday eommeneing , ' l , ;/J'uhe-« r̂4C#llw:;i'V,l'-=0̂^̂^ jah# E. I . di.roMErRisT,(6i?ncMU(: forEye Bimminations aadPitfing of Glasses. '_______ _ wsii?mmm000s, m ■ 4