iM r - »l H' I f f iMMipi*̂ WWlw;̂ M̂lW'»liW!U'l<IIWM»wii(|IIWft. , ^ . . , : ^ l . . . ...... iSBBS «WEST YAH UWntWOlCBUKCB ~ . UsiM §M^ fsi§ ^ Wmi4#jf Hifliiyij dtlKt 10 fuMk '0ifiiij9im("4c'̂ Vtolt^ ■ 'A: We Invite . • Compariaon • A s k the woman who has one ir; Examine her hair, see how soft and gloBBy our low steaming time leaves it. Notice the deep lastiJig waves and the soft layer' curls which have been carefully tapered- THEN JUDGE FOB YOURSEUP L ""trr V Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe 164# Marine Drive West 117 , i i ' .........: •■'i. .'1 ■ -ri ■ ■ ■■ -J .'.'j -n' • -<i. ..... . . -"I.' I 1 R 8 T A l b a n d ̂ R O O M N E C E S S i r ^ « .■■ , ' .a ■: ' , ' \ ■ .1 ■ ■■. I- i 1! . : , BAFTWT CHURCH ' 'JMUWhIw ...... R«f. w« i4 ^ S iiE .'iu u w * tr ' SsttliK ̂ Swhrikwi 10:00- id M to* dliidiiu[f"JUftiOt" 11 a.m. & 7:^ lun^PrMchiiur ^ B«mem , A h«arty wekmnit to all REVIVAL MISaiON Car. l4Ui St Marlit% AtabtaaUa WEEK NIOIiflB -- Tmador, and Friday, S p.m, PRAVEB service--Thursday 2:30 p.m.; 2006 Marine Drive SUNDAY SERVICES--n a.m. and 7:30 p.m. HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess a.ra.SUNDAY, JUNE 7, at 10 Suinday School and * Younfir People"s Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:80 Gospel Address by Mr. John Wilson TUESDAY EVENING, June 9, at 3 o'clock Prayer and Biblo Study Subject; ' *'Abraham's Call and Blessing" ^^.w safarANc^ :,: "Seeiefj > CHDKCB ib inC B lEMs 8oeiaty1s a Branch ol ' ' m Mother aurch - 'Iha First Church of Christ, 8dentlat» in Boston, Maaaachuistis . Sunday Service: 11:30 a.w. Biuidlay;"June 7th, . Subjeci: ^*aOD THE ONLY CAUSE , AND CREJATOR" G w c n ^ s T o g s for thê B e a c b $1.50 per set . MAVYSHI WHITE 8 » Q n m li:^ ^ NAVY SLACKS WHITE DRILL SLACKS .... 1,86 A M |t^lflW|t|f;h«4.>;j»a»te| Dressy fUDO i%^Mdttdl|i|fj|m|W and - -y: ifi )i!i| '*■*** Special arrival I O RG A N nia;n»i$M I^^^^^^ n e for week-end I a0a;Sl.I^Sr5^?s4"^"̂ *"5 G W E N 'S G O W N A P S ^ O R I I I S H O P P E W«rt'M2 ■ •̂ ■"" ■ ̂ "w.. ■' . Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday r ', at islO p4tt. The public is cordially ln<» vited to attend our services and meetinga. BAPTIST CHURCH Minister: Rev. W. L. McKay H A V E Y O U A i m ' l A m C E l K t e ? 1.̂ We buy everything of valuer Junk, Rai^, Bottles, Sacks. Metals, Stoves, Furniture, Etc. Just Phone W EST 91 «nd we will call with the cash. Nothing too small y^^lgiistoojarge'i U U O L A ' u v r i l t ? WW I K F t aaaaa* vvniP w a a « i BURRARD JUNK CO. fti' * M - A m bleside Pharm acy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 328 FREE DELIVERY»1 ̂ 1 <* . J i " " \v • D R . G. D . H . S E A L E DJ>J9. u > .a ' K r ■ "" : ■ D E N T I S T _Hay_BJ_ock,,_14th_and.Marlne-Dr._.- M • ■ . Oifice Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenipgs by appointment. Phone_Wept 72 ■ f r f if -A Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) ' 3; j ilARRON BROS. LTD.A? f ' 'll 1 ' ' - I I ; : ; - I S ' - ' - - - f u n e r a l f i f c e c t a r s North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 j ||- r . J l f.4-- •'1^ 1* - - - Vancouver Parlors = 56 iTenth-Avenue^ast___ Phone Pair. .184^ s o ^ i i l r r " 1 l i ' ' ■ -'■'fii;............. ■ V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E 111 i" / A* C» 8 BARLB Phone Weat 9 I I I ' ^Ilf r : Fertilizdm of All KindsW r , fj .Wood, Coal, ■ - ii-v - Builders* Supplies ' - f UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillis "Wright, Minister Service Sunday 11 ;15 a.m. and 7.*15p^m, ' Sunday School at 10 a.m. Trail Rangers,' Monday at 7 p.m. Tux is Group, Tuesday at p.m. C.G.I.T. on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 8 p.m. -Over"fifty members-and-friends 8 Rev. H. P. Humphreys, a former pastor, will preach Sun day-morning. The Lord's Supper will he observed at the close of the service.' The " pastor will preach in the evening on the subject "The Cry of the Race." . The chpir will lead in the wor ship o f song. , The Young People's Society will meet on Monday At 8 o'clock. Th^ devotional will be taken by Phil Bashan, and Elmore Hum phreys will , give the last ad dress on the Life of John E. Qayis,' the leper missionary The Prayer Meeting wfll be held on Wednesday at 8 o'clock. V V .V . Corporation of The District of Wesjt.-V ancouver.. CY "West Vancouver School Money By-Law No. 664, 19|j6." A By-law authorizing Corporation of the District of West Vancouver to borrow the sum of ..$11,000 by way of loan for school purposes hereinafter set forth. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P , A. Ramsey braved the elements on Tuesday " *1̂ "® ^936 -- Trinity Sun- afternoon to attend the annual ^ "Talent Tea" of the W.A, a t the a.m.-- Holy Communion, home of Mrs. O'Donnell. Inter- ' --rHoly Communion & spersed "between'" itenifĵ of ~thg~-------- Sennonr WHEREAS The Board of School Trustees of the District of West Van couver ..has presented- to the Council of the said Corporation the following estimate for the extraordinary ' ex- ' penditures required by the said Board of School̂ Trustees 'for school pur poses ;=for--the--purpose-pf-erecting- and equipping a four-room .addition', to Inglewood School located on Dist rict Lot 1061, Municipality of West Vancouver, Province of British Col- debenture' shall be signed bv the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk shaU atj^h thereto the corporate se3 of the Corporation. ' ^L^ f̂**!** debentures shall be dated the 2nd day. of-July, 1936, and shad , the rate ,of live per cent (e%) pw annum, payable on the 2nd day of January, anjl the 2nd day of July m each and every year durimr the currency of,thej said debentures w them, I and , the principal of the said debentures or any of them shall bejpayable on the 2nd day of July A;D: 195L"■'There hhalLbe attached to .each of the debentures coupons signed by the .jj^eve and Clerk for each and every payment of interest that may become djie and)such signatures may be either printed, written or litho graphed; . 2. The, saiddebentures shall be expressed to .. be: payable in lawful .money of Canada. I 3. The said debentures as to princi- jpal and interest "shall, be payable at the Main-Branch of The Royal Bank .-_of_Canada-in-Montreah*-TorontorWin-" mpeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria and WeH Vancouver, Canada, at the holder's olption by the Corpor a t i o n . ' , -iisuaTromihe~T)uslri1ess^"M?ir^^^ T. Watt sang "Fairies' Lullaby" (Needham), and Mrs. D. Mc- Lelland gave "Love's Garden of Roses" (Wood) with Miss Frame ", as accompanist. After appropri- -ate words of appreciation of l^ s . O'Donnell's devotion and helpful monthly messages, Mrs. Blair presented Mrs,' O'Donnell with a tourist case., Having proven their practical ability ip raising money for the W.A., many mem t7 :15^pjm.^E vensong^and" Sef : mon. Tuesday,* 2:30 .p.m. --■ W. A, meeting. Tuesday, 8 p.m. --- Church Com mittee. ̂ St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caiilfeild Sunday, 3 p.m, -- ̂Evensong and - Sermon. umbiaf ^ ___________ 4. .............. .. AI;H)_W,HEREAS-the,estimated-coBt--.--annually Jby.£a.u,special-jate-sufficieiit- to the Corporation of the District of therefor upon all rateable land.or land West Vancouver of such undertaking and improvements of the Corporation is the sum of $11,000, , - the sum , of Five Hundred Fifty AND, WHERE AS it is necessary for. ($550.00) Dollars .for- the purpose of the said Corporation to raise by way.' forming a sihkihig fund for the pay- of loan the sum of $11,000. ,* ment of the said debentures and the AND WHEREAS the sum of $11,- sum of Five Himdired Fifty ($550.00) 000 is the amonim of debt intended to Dollars.'for the payment of interest be created JbyjthK By-law. ■ dt the rate aforesaid, to become due REVIVAL MISSION bers further exempifSd M̂ ^̂ M ^ ^ a t S2; ssrf™ forts,. Much as we would like to singing and mn«?ip tn modestly requested that their effusions, be.not published. JYie-^the object,-M aw ed in AND WHEREAS it is necessary that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of Coilpora- tion of .the District of West-Vafcou- _ver. AND WHiSREAS the Council of the said̂ Corporation of the District of West Vancouver has .authorized the submission of this By-law to the electors after the approval thereof by on such debentures. during the cur rency thereof (being the equal annual special rate of"̂ decimal three nine one mills (.391)1' on the dollar of the present' land ̂ valuatioii) or such further or other fate as shall be suf ficient for the said purposes, the same to be in addition to all rates to-be levied and seated in the said Corpor ation during, the. whole currency of, - --- wavjl%;vx uy -- LUC/. WUUJC UUXXCULJf Inspector of Municipalities of the the said debentures or any of them. BriUslLCoIambia...------------Si--TUs,-«y.lav™y-be-cited-te H urnosM nR' -<'Woof Vjmr»ftiiver of the Potter," and will be a great stimulant to those who wish to serve the Lord. AfflUetide Sheet iKetal WorksL. SPECK, Proprietor . names of the budding poets are: Mrs. L. Ajello, Mrs. F. Bow man, Mrs. G. Baldwin, Mrs. J. A. Davis, Mrs. E. Scott, Mrs. F. Thp" - , M. Shirlaw, Mrs. W. C. Thomp- ch i^ h son, Mrs. E. Therrien, Mrs. H. ^jji [,« haW WrigHt and Miss I. Ifhflip;-------- ^ " Saturday at 2:30 Rev^ Hillis Wright and Mrs. siiri/ifiv ririii jjui Geo. Baldwin voicid the thanks The 11 of b lessi^ . of the-grathering tor Mrs- O'Don- vinll contai? fl1SiPa«â ^̂ ^ nell and the artists after which Great fh ox tea was served : ̂ even- swd principal sum of $11,000 it ' ^hg at 7:30 o clock the subject he necessary to raise.annually Will -be "Do We Need a Revolu- the sum of $550 princi- tion?" a verv iirinortant sum of $550 interest mak-« very important mes- ing^to^ther a total:amount annually ^ • • *x $1»100 for the term of fifteen (15) T l^ M is^on in v ite s you t o fe l- years for the payment of ;th e ' said? Ipwship Wlth -th em -around th e interest-thereof as- herein- fundamental truths of the Worrl ffi ^ " î̂ honed, the amojmt to be . me, word calculate annually on the v̂hole of AND̂ W'HJSReSlS the assessed value of the whole land o f,the said Corpor ation according to the' last revised as sessment roll aniounts to $3̂ 681,422 and the.assessed value of the improve ments amounts to $4,017,435 .making together a total of $7,698,857, AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land of the said Corp oration, according to the last revised ^® ŝsment roll amounts to $2,818,600 amount to S 'S S S making together a total of AND WHEREAS to provide for the payment-of~ interest and the" creatidh of a sinkihg fund- for the .payment of all purposes a s '-'fWest Vancouver Scho,ol'Money'By-law"No. 664, 1936." ̂ PASSED by the Council on the 26th day : of , , Maŷ > '1936;; R̂ECEIVED APPROVAL of the Inspector of Muni cipalities ,of; the- Province of British Columbia the 26th day of May, 1936; RECEÎ iTSD'the^assent of the electors at the' election'for'that purpose on the :day-.,of. 1936. RECONSIDERED and finally adopt ed by .the Counciir. ' ' SIGNED by. the'Reeve and Clerk, SEALED'with the Corporate -the-said-Corporatiom aU-on the------- day of, / - , A.D. 1936. * Reeve. ST. ANTHONY'S CA'THOLIC CHURCH R ev. N . J. Corley, Pastor , Phone W est 540 Clerk. ' THE, ' yf^est V a n N e w s PublialMd Kvery Thunday a I^bltaher . P. P, LOVEGROVB Phone West 3$3 Bttoi&eM and IMtIerlal Office: 17tli and Mariaa Drive' (Next to HoUylmn} P.O.) ^ Phone W est 363 MaO AddnuHi: P. O. Box 31/HoHybiirtt, B.C. _ Sunday Masses Uow M ass -- 8:15 a.m. . ' H igh M ass & Sermon -- 10:15 ,ia*in., Catechism -- 2:00 p.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 ' W eek-day Services Mass, daily -r- Y :15 a,m. Friday -- R o sw y and Benedic- .iadn -- 7:15 p.m* C?atechism and . B ible History ' every Saturdiw -- ® iSO a.m. Confessions, Saturday -- 7:15 : pan; to 8 p.m. of God. im- CARD OF THANKS Lawson Chapter, LO.D.E., wish to express their ap- preciation to Mr. Percy King of the British Israel, Assn. his imdness in allowing the Arts & Ir^sure remain im- msturbed in the Orange Hall over the weekend imd 'holding his ser vice in the lower; hall. TAKE.]̂ OTICB that the above is a time c o p y - B y - l a f -upon:,.whichî ^̂ the:i vqtê ^̂ the Munici- pality\ taken at, the Ambleside Hallĵ comer of 14th Street and Marine Drive/ Ambleside,/West" Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday,-the-10th-day of June." 1936. 'TiAtwckon f.lip hours 01 the rateable land or land ' i*T>d proY6inGn.ts of the OoPooPHtion NOW T H E R E F O R E ^h^cScil of the Corporation of the District of meeting as sembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Af tV ^ f o r the Reeve - , ------ r- I f thp ' CORPORATION OF .THE DISTRICT said tn purposes afore- , OF .WEST; VANCOUVER I ™ ' " ^?y'way of loan , ' / / persons, body or . . . Notice t«^<Electors Ju n e,1936, ' hetw^n the 8 a.m. and 8 'p.m.--.; ' ' (Signed) - WM. QERR]^.,, /y^/f^/Muhicipal Clerk Ka/1* -w** Vi ĵ «;xouxu», uuuy Or - ...... W ____- to PUBLIC NOTICE is ̂ hereby given npom̂ the credit that the vote-of-the.electors qualify- Y T i i r . t h e .. T ~ LUO creait Jet^tures (hereinafter men- tionodl tA *1110 oavffi ' \ " "I above B y -& 1 a t;* -XinbIeside_M N oiik Yaneouver Office: 128 Lonsdale Ave. ft.00 « ye*r by euiiar: bynudL 12.00 « year H O L L Y B U R N !SBod^"/Afteriibanf,,ahd . Formal Dresses. Perfe^ fit guaranteed. 1890 <Muine Drive . Wesd. SS3\ his w ife q u a ir ^ m g and a t the breakfast table:the hu^ and tried to make peace. 1 - fob breakfast, dar lin g ? ' he askedj With a sw eet snule on his f aoe> -.4 by. "Cook one^fior yourself and Mu^cipai Act in sums as^^^iL bod an egg for me." I ' ($lv0.00) Dollhrs .each."■ corn^r&.oitS*': s5eS:" and .Marine D r i v e . , ; l 'Stish -B.C;/ on W ^esday, :the .l0th day ®f 1 said CoTO^fe the ci^^t- of the June. 1936, between the hours hf J | P roses o'clock^;,,and:>.o'clock p.m. I debentures of that'William'Herrii Ims been appoint j] ' «d Returhihg.'OflScer̂ to take the votj A S rw L le DoDars m of such d l^ r s With the usual powers K ^ ^ ed by tte said in that behalf _,/«•_ . . -m-mr ..■trEU>»T'M. J waoie may De Issued, by: Ibe said amnrdmM with ;'dark., "■ i \ 1 W At. ,7 ' , '̂ -1 1 t .. i " Cl (Signed) WM. herein.dlerk.