Frida? and Saturdhir for th# HoUybum Pacific Sici Club dmmplonship. The com- HAMS ■ Governnnmt iwgyg|tf«ey |'||lt!ll|iy|̂ P̂ BBlWyiiwAwiii wmiinwiiiiilllililjiMi •J> '! BAfKiUBT in)IIATOB^r%Mt W»i ONTAKIO l»BACHE%-8i|iMlt T l n ^ *15 IMklww Ualrti M ISc & WUtMMAUMAUm ;Z ox. i«r m SSe I i î ' il >i NABOB BED PLUM JAM K«d & White AFftlCOtB Squat 'rill Jte4 & White COFFEE • . T - CORNED BEEF .......U.........1 tlaii tie SHREDDED WHEAT* pkf. L..,.„. |0 c Ited & White RBADY-YO-SERVE SOUPS- -- Tomato* Vogciahio, Clam Chdwrdar awl Greon Fea. 1 titt........... 8c; 3 Tin*............... ,23c Ited & White CLEANSER* 2 tliia l$c PR. BALLARD'a DOC FOOD j- 2 T'isi.a ̂v 4**'***'*•"•>«jf«p Bif **f**«j*ii*>«i*BVfIt 23e FRUITS 8UNKIST ORANGES-- Family Slxc .................. 2 d o ^ 43« G l f e u i f l f . - ....... ">S«edtea».... 5 for 19c Jan. 31ft & Feb. 1st f f iS ^ S S d e d o v .rX ' ..... ........... jumping* races hav̂ ing been run last week. Bill M e a t i B ^im e. B class Jumper, was the Phone Weat 370 ^ «>«points than anyone in the toum- BPEClAL-- am ent Ddtailedjumpinsresuits tAM B -!•' BEIKF ̂ VEAL': COLD MEATS OF ALL ]»»«» *i. . t»K ^T O sSE N 1 Store at ■-...______ _,j___ .11,̂ ...̂ ... ........ )*' BU LEGS 8* SAUSAGE Ib l«c follow: LAMB, per lb. 29c O F ^ M B (Whole) F LOCJ SHOULDERS OF' per lb. 16e PORK SHOULDER ROASTS - Per lb 19c A,18e 1X)IN P O B K l^ A S rS . per Ih. . .. 24e FINNAJTBa DDIE, (Scotch Cure) per lb. 100 KIPPERS,............... ...„...2 Iba. for 25« IIADDIE FILLETS* per Ib. ....... 20c PKPFEirS FORK SAUSAGE* Ib. 20c BEEF SAUSAGE...... /...:2 Iba. for 2Se BEEF -- PORK--^ LAMB u.- VEAL of the Very Fineat Quality. • '*A" Class -- h Abie Knight; 2* Lars Gulliksen; 3* Clarke Hoff man ; 4, Irish Beaumont. *3 " Class -- 1* Bill Bourne; 2* H arry Burfiulcl; 3* Eric Lauril- la rd ; 4* Geoffrey Bullen. "C»̂ Class -- 1* Bud Jam es; 2,* Norm Fiddler; 3, Eric Mc Intosh. Juniors -- 1, Alf HapSen; 2, Jack P ra tt ; 3, Cliff Shoop?% , , Results of combined jumping and racing: r Class ~ 1. Abie Knight; 'f. a n d a ll WEST VANCdUVEK LDHB{R CO. LTB. Phone West 115 ■FOB BBAL SATISFACTION i ------ , It'..<5 ■) tft ' .1 ■ .Marine Drive CORRESPONDENCE K«l A While SHAKER SALT K.!i 4 W h i ' i . 'o S 2.,;," f;ke .Hoffman; 3, Irish : - " ....... :::**"* "b » ciass - i, Bin suther- land; 2, George Robinson; 3, ..U ̂ I 4' teditor, West Van News. Dear S ir;--I thoroughly a g ^ e with your editorial In the last issue of The News. I wish to entries in the parade and other jack Foster ; 4, xMel Leslie, events, uQtt Q j^g -- j g ^ i Jam es; 2, In conversation with the Eric; 3 / Norm Fidd^ Reeve I understand he has some- ler. ^ . " thing of this nature in view. It IF IE - H ■ ■ 'Ato's;"? . The rate for'Clttssifled AdT«xti«M>meote la 2 rente w«d* mitdmma 25 cente. Except in the eaae of t|ioa« havliif rem lar accounts* all claaii. beds are payable strictly in adTance. Remember Classifieds in the West Van Nowo get immediate refuUa. would bring ex tra revenue to our CHUItdl9ES C F CHRISTr"^^^ suggest tha t ns the Jubilee cn lc w l1 d \" to tu ^ ^ , SCIENTIST brations are to begin on May S c s n m m ^ "LOVE" wiil be the subject 24th it be made a West Vancou- nr i t* aau um o f the Lesson - Sermon in all ver day. We have established Churches of Christ, Scientist, on that day as a May Day celebra- Vancouver residents go to Sunday., tion essentially for our c h i ld r^ i^ w n d jnoney* none The Golden Text is: "My little No finer example of community to spend ohiidren, let us not love in word* effort can be demonstrated any- u^oueyhere. If the city wish our neither in tongue, but in deed co-operation in the Jubilee oele- bration* it should work both ways. Yours truly, -THOS. E. W. RUSSELL,. Past Chairman* FOR RENT -- Five-roomed house* SMALLCharming Bed-Sitting Room- large attic and sleeping porch* Near bus, suit business girl. Phone furnace and full plumbing. Reason- West 288-Yl. ' - • • ' able.' - West" 30-L. ; - ....... .....................'.. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine- Novelties, Notions, Stationery, Hardware, Paint, Work Gloves, Nails, e t c . _____________ ■' FOR SALE -- Child's Crib; Wicker Buggy; .Swing; Swan Rocker. Phone West 862-L. " DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE -- Home- made Bread, Cakes and Pastries, West 514......... ............... WANTED -- Baby Carriage In good condition. .Phone .West 133-Xl. whore and it has gained a prov- inoe-wide reputation. . ; If the City Jubilee Committee will agree . and the people of Greater Vancouver will come to W est Vancouver on May 24th, we can safely guarantee they will enjoy themselves, We could put on some ex tra events for o u f vi^itors.a mountain race for p friends the hikers and we coii May Day Ckimmittee ; J. Donald.Rankin, formerly of 2596 Mathers Avenue, is a pati ent for a few days in Shaugh- also invite outside community nessy Military Hospital.: BIGGLYlWIGGLY B i g 3 ^ d a y S a le Prices Effective FRIDAY, SAT., MONDAY -Jan; 31, Fcb;-lst and~3rd and in tru th ." (I John 3: 18). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "And we Jhave known and be lieved the lpve that God hath to us. God is 'love; and he tha t dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in kirn. (I John 4: 16L ., The Le$s9n - Sermon, also in cludes th e ; following passage from the Christian Science tex t book* "Science and Health with Key to . the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: " 'God is Love.' More than this we cannot-ask, higher~we""cannot^lookTT^t^ PICTURE FRAMING -- Window. Shades, Curtain Rods, Picture Glass, Estimates free. Repairs. Pearce,. 1890 Marine; Phong West 629. FOR RENT Room with Board; Near Perry and stores. West 256-Y FOR RENT -r- (Comfortably furnished modern 6', room cottage, garage,, Phone West 352-L. FOR RENT -- Unfurnished 4-room cottage on Marine Drive. West 175-Y.' . ' : GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. ^ 6 8 Marine Drive. HAYWARD & PREBBLE -- Guaran- teed Radio Repairs. Day West 539, 9.'.Nite West 53 in\' WEST VANCOUVER M A C H I N E SHOP .=-- . Repairs; ;Spray Pumps, Household am cles. 1449 Marine. we cannot go." Just tt_few of the Many Specials during this 3 Days' Sali ~̂ ----- - - - I PINEAPPLE- -- Singapore Sliced (Limit. 3) ............... 3 tins 25c APRICOTS -- Silver Crest in Syrup, 2's sqt. ................. ......... 2 tins ..25c -PUMPKIN .>=^-_Royal-City,-Large-2%;Si»e,--.................. 3 tins--25c PEAS -- Blue Ridge. Very small sieve 2 (2's) ....................... 2 tins 26c -PEAS--- Lunehout-Cookod (2'a)_(Limlt 4)^,---------- tins -.26c- CORN -- Del Maiz Golden Bantam or Nlblets,............. .........^,.2 tins 25c TOMATO JUICE - Libby's Large 26 o x .............. ................... 2 tins 25c . J-Libby's Medium 14 oz. (Limit 4)............ 4 tins 25c BEANS with PORK' -- Libby's 16 oz. (Limit 4),....T.:...:...̂ ......... 4 tins 25c SALMON -- Blue Crest Keta Chum, I's, tall................ ? tins 25c PILCHARDS -- I's Tall ............................. S tins 25c CATSUP -- Aylmer 12 oz.................. ...... ......... ................. ;,..2 bottles 25c INSTANT POSTUM ...,„tih 25c BEBKIST HONEY -- 2 lb. sfze (Llpilt 2) .... .tin 26c KOVAL CROWN SOAP PRODUCTS PEARL WHITE SOAP (Limit S Bars] CROWN OLIVE TOILET SOAP BIG BATH SOAP (Limit G bars) N S.UAP FKUuutri'is ̂ Rara ̂-^ . JfcaCMlO/ vj;#****̂ **.***************.*******•**•* ' (Limit 8 bars) .............. . ) ' si bars .̂ 25c 8 bars 25c Chars 25c V'i-' OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ....................... ................................... ,.3 tins, RnN' AMT _ r*n1fA 7"- ' ' " ' _ O fny WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR (Limit 1). SPICES --̂ Empress, regular si JELLY POWDERS -- Empress. size lbs. 25c tins 25c IIIIQC* »,Mi***'.v*'«*--***"'*'i'-*»f-*'»'**'***'rti^4 ounqe 6 pkgSa. 25c IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENTS m iB K m B o xh im b sef ' ................ .......... . . r, BLADE - ROASTS BEEP ...L"...... VEAL ROASTS (Boneless) Jb. 16cW * An? ÂAVieVAv-dÔ .,̂*.,»̂*,.,,*,*.„.̂,,»,***ii.̂*»».**̂'»**i»***»**»a*»*«*»***»«'»'»«*»****«*»«â* -AW SIDE BACON -- % lb. cello pack^S ______.2 for 26c* ( ̂ f . ,J " r ___' __ . EGGS. BACON. FRUITS & Also ■ miany, additional 2Bc SPECIALS for FRIDAY* SATURDAY^ MONDAY-■56lr? J'. P I G G L Y C. e, F. NEWS The business m a tin g on Tues day evening disposed of much im portant business and plans for the future in the new headquart ers- At~"2464 Marihe^'Dnve." A house committee was appointed ioi^the~condnctijfTiratters"cb^ cerning the headquarters and social functions. .The next W hist Drive is to be held a t the ileadguarters bn Saturday,--Feb ruary 1st, a t 8 p.m., prizes, re- freshments. collection The regular business meeting will be held on. Monday, Febru ary 10th, at.8 LYNNMOUR TAPDANCING COMPETITION 'Finalists in the North Shore Recreational Classes will take -riL'* NOTICE TO MY CLIENTS I beg to notify you tha t I have disposed o f m y "Real E sta te and Insurance Tiusiness in W est Vancouver to Messrs. B low erand-A llen^hnare-tak- ing possession February 1st, 1936, and will carry on busi ness in the same stand. . In the years which I have been in busine^ in W est Van couver, I have formed many warm - friendships__ w_hicl ̂ I ivaluerhighlyrandrhope:that-the severing of our business rela- -tionshipS'.~may--not~interfere MARCEL SHOP -- T&Wmique Steam Permanent.' Try^our fatigue facial for tired -housewife or business woman. West 304. 17th-and Marine over Royal Bank:; - -i H/, J RADIO REPAIRS^Tabes; Ariels, etc. -J . L., Pettigrew," Tlie Radio Man, 1890 Marine; West :145. SH O E -R E P.A IR SG et the best mat erial and' wbrlonanship at Fox's, 14th at Perry.," ", W.ANTED --• One YanSalied^^SM one unfurnished A-room cottage near , ferry. Phone West 840 or Weat 148 with the good will and kindly feeling which has alway^ ex isted between us. - I .wish to thank you sincere ly for your favors in the past and would bespeak for -my successors the same geneibus treatm ent which you have al ways accorded me. Yours sincerely, GEO. HAY. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic* Zi:itbis:il447.L:Marine;.lmorhings;_51^ Hastings St., ^Seymour 4199. after noons. A-ITBACTIVE BUNGALOW -- Fum- ished bn Bellevue Avenue; four rooms and'Sunroom; immediate pos session;, rent $25.* West 329-L, even ings. ̂ . WANTED -- $500 cash for stoves, ranges ' and ̂ furniture. Highest prices paid. No3 ^ , 4 3 1 . FURNISH]^ AND;;UNFURNISHED Hopses to-Relit. Houses, lots, and acreag^Vfbrf;s41e;'£John Lawson: I7th' and-Marine, Phone West 56. ■\ THE WELFAIffi ASSOCIATION re quires discarded :-"«lothing. Phone West.37rand tra<^ ̂will collect HEADQUARTBaaS fw AD Popular Brands of .Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing-(ladgits for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms... Sam had ju st passed the ex amination in the World War .part in a. tap-dancing competi- draft. He said to th e exanuner: tion th is Saturday evening a t 9 "Boss, ah'd like to ask one favor, o dock in Lynnmour Hall. M r.. now th a t you's goin' te r put me Pendleton will present medals to in de arm y." . > ___________ the winners and hopes to make "And what is th a t? " patiently iNSTALL.A'HONS-^Mectric Repairs, this, competition an annual --asked_the-examiner- -___ _̂_______^_iionvenienceH>uaeta-h3steUed.-XJa^ event. "Don't put me in :de cabalry." ------b::------- =----- . "W hat's your prejudice again- Are you a man who can smile s t the cavalry ?" ̂ i / when things go wrong?" "Boss, |^e'en A h's told to re- Paterson;,iWest:l08. ' "Sure! I'm in th e auto repair treat, ah'"'doan .w ant no, horse business." „ , ̂ around to g it in m ah way." ---------- _'V..'" I VN, -Vi V v .-^ ,\ NOW IS THE. TIME to buy cheap . lotiSii Gobd-buysMU tax sale home- sites. C. J; Archer Ltd., 1415 Mar- , ine. West; 226;̂ Seymour 5954. -- Does Your Dollar say 'A u RoToir' or 'Good Bye'?-- , DON'T SEND IT TOO FAR FROM HOME We alone seU M .B . K IN G 'S M ILL S A W D U S T North and West Vancouver pay roll: Its 100pCT..^ntnew fa: .W e g r a n t e e M units>,bymeataire- You II be delighted. - '"mentr backed W .50per u n it Bulk S3.50 p S u ^ No e?ctra charge in West Vancoxiver. . ' * CHIMNEY SW Ei^ING -- Old Coun try v^yi'f^Gruaranteed. Bnck and stono .repairs; . Palmer, Capilano. North 8114R-2; / . PRINTINGr ̂For aH kinds of printing : phone West Van News, West 363.- ■ v '. - r I- if • - -- ..ll^JG U A R ^^ Jj;,'J ---- - -