i V r ^ . . V , wmgvwAM tm*n m ir m i n n f Wv 0(t|i« Wiliib^°|il»ltlir" !'l""f«u^ yjr «|t Tn||p':f|p'ip ̂ ŝbwbfwjbwpŵ ^ ^ ^ w Stmday Selm l and SIbk <afw ' 'Vf10 fitr«o«e«, & Viiltor* W«lc6m^ l̂ reacbfnif Sarvicea 11:00 it 7:16 . r -I H . Pbami^W^uMU*, nm**' • * •• .1 U'l f̂ ;■ t : n 'Hj 4 1 Vi : ; ' ihl- S *hl;!s' 4 ' ijt A ■ - ii i h ~ m ii t II >?' ' ' i 'v ':i' ' StSlSS h S?ils ISIS - H' --w H M -p I f f - ■'F- ' ?7 " p M y m : /» . Your Permanent Taking a Uolidag 'T3. If iWf, don't forget our service of adding a few extra curia in tiioae straight pieces of hair, so they will look tidy till you gre ready for ii new permanent. • Gvtlendolyn BmmyTSHdfpre 1040 Marin* Drlr* West 117 Hot W ater Bottles & sick Room Necessities HOLLYBOillf 8 A U I4th and Uuchesg FUIDAV EVENINO, Jan. 31*1, ■.af7j80 • Young People's Service IlluBtriited by Lantern Views. Speaker; MR. DAYII) SIIEPPAKD SlJNIlAYrjPef 2ndra 10 aThi; , Sunday School and Young Men's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 MR. JAMES GIBSON will speak.on "Gospel Glories" TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study fe ljr ' cHU^a-<«DiricB This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F in t Church of Christ, .Scientiift, in Boston, 'Mhtsachui *̂',T - _Jiiiw4hu«etts Sunday Service: 11:30 B.m. Sunday, February 2nd, Subject: > * L O V E " Sunday Schdol at 10:00 a.m. Appreciates the gt^isssjjaywp^maititjf. the West Vancouver,Public, and wUl continue to promote the best interests of our , community, t f It ,<S> all >. t> i.l-1 w / /' Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8;i6 p.m. , ,U , ® ',i J*M( < f., I, r , f} i, The public Is cordially In vited to attend our sorvicos and meetings. UNITED CHURCH Rev. HjlHs Wright, Minister GERALD D. ELGAR wishes to thank his friends and supporters for again electing him to the office of ' COUNCILLOR 1936^7 r,-" ST. ANTHONY^S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley Phone West 240.R^ ANBLESIDE PflARHACY W. L. KEK, Prop.' 1401 Marino Phone; Drive West 323 - FREE DELIVERY DR. G. D. H. SE A LE D.D.S., L.D.B. DENTIST Hay Block, I4th and Marino Dr. OiUco Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 Sunday SchwJ at 10 a.m. Divine Sendee 11 :15 a.m. andx 7:15 p .m ." Tliie rninister will 'preach a t the morning service. r;:5:';Jn*Fthe: '̂;'e'i^hin ' the Senior Young Peoplê ̂ have charge when Hugh Harbison andjJohn Sunday Masses Golightly, students in the Union Mass -- 8:16 a.m. College, will preach, High Mass & Sermon -- 10:15 , As their message will undoubt- - a.m. . edly be • of special interest to Rosary and Benediction -- 7:16 young people, both members of p.m. ' the society and others are cordi- Catechism and Bible History ally invited to attend. every Saturday-- 9:30 a.m. Trail Rangers will meet on Week-day Services Monday a t 7 p.m. Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. " C.G.I.T. will meet on Wednes- . Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, day a t 7 p.m. ' Confessions -- 7:45 p.m., Prayer fellowship Wednesday . Saturdays -- Confessions from at 8 p.m. S ' 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :30- p.m. ̂ Choir jpractice Thurssday at 8 UAl'TiST CHURCH "' w est Vancouver United Services Church held their annual busi- ; ness meeting.: on Wednesday, V.. f S I* I \ \ r Wishes to express his sincere thanks to all his. friends and supporters in the recent municipal election. ...... . / - . F ,, My sincere thanks and deep) appreciation to my friends and supporters in the last, Satur day Municipal Election. Dr, GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.8., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon , i^rnlngs, Aftornoona.Dand Evenings by appointment Royal Biink'BJdg., Telephone , West Vancouver. West 446 -EatabUshed' on '* North "Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD; J F u i r e r a H i r r p r t n r s r North' Vancouver Parlors ^=122__Weat^ixth_Btreet- Phone North 134 ' -- Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East ̂ Phone Pair. 134 10:()0 a.m.--Sunday School and January 22nd, in the Church Bible Class. Hall. Supper was served by the 1 1 :00 a.m. and 7 :15 p.m. ---Rev; Women's Association a t 6:30 II. G. Estabrook will con- - p.m., following which reports from the various organizations Monday, 8 p.m. --r B.Y.P,U. were given. Th'i^e showed, satis- Wedneaday, 8 p.m, -- Annual factory progress during the ' ^ Church business meeting; year; $775.00 was sent forward reports from the various to Toronto for missions. Of this organizations will be given amount the W. Ml Society raised ' and officers elected for 1936. $275.00. A 'totail of $4.889,00 Full attendance of members was raised for all purposes dur- «urged. ing the„year. ' ' , / Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac- A nevî Bioard of Stewards was " appointed; Chas. Baldwin, Rup- ert-Har-rison, E. Irish, ̂ Jas. Dun- K A , I ^ A Y Uiljie HCittiivrgartjpn tmh jiiuttnr / • #dmui far Mags anh €>trla ' BADOLIPFE AND MARINE . , • ' ' ' Millar and Miss Creighton At Home to parents on Monday, •■-February_.3m,frQm_&m-5-pj n.--School-opens-Tuesdayy-FeLHitih; at~10-a7: ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH can, John Lawson, H arry Thomp- -^ev . F. A. Ramsey ^ son, W. N. .Gillies and F. ,E. Rector: "____^Bjcine..L_These-are--to-serve-one- Tebruary. 2nd: year: JEhe-congregatlon-rlost-eight- Ambleside S h e e t . M e t a lL; SPECK. ̂Proprietor W o r k s C. J. Overiagton PIONEER BARBER I4th and Marino Phone West 135 --8-^00-a.m.--'Holy-Gommunionr- , , - ^ H :J5 a.m. -- Holy Communion its members through death; and Sermon. ' some sixteen new members be- 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- ihff added. mon; Annual Civic Service. . '^?tes of thanks were passed Tuesday, 2:80 p.m.--W.A. Study leaders in the various Meeting. organizations for their splendid S t. Prancis-in-the-Woods, the Paat y e a r .^ CaulfeiM b o u g h t a aucc^sful ^>'e"?eg"ufar monthly * ________ ̂ of the Women's Association will u r n T vw im xr u AT r Tuesday, •FebruaryHOLLYBURN HALL 4th, in the Church hall, a t 2:15 p.m. The hostesses will be Mrs. F O R T H E B E S T WOOD a n d COAL Phone FERGUSON'S MOTOR TRANSFER WEST 8 ^ t EYES LEFT! "?"®l y W People's C. W. Addison, Mrs. G. Baldwin Service illustra^ by lantern and Mrs.-W. Blair. Men*ers pSO P-m. - and friends are o o rd ia lly ^ n v S tomorrow (F iiday), m Holly- to a tten d ." burn Hall, when the speaker will - > -b c ^ B a Y itP -^ p p a i^ ^ S m id a y ]-- BARBATtTANS~'"AU School and Young Men's Bible i ifii i ^ v i If ■'V Hubby: "The~b»nk lm,s re- turned tha t bheque." ' '̂ 'Isn't th a t splendid! What can we bu>̂ with it this time ?".. ' » ' - , ' A '»'»-rf l i l t t l . THB W est Van News PttblUhed B m r Tburaday Ll TT̂ A.M;b.G, ; J.M.J.N. PuMiaher Fa F . LOVEGROVE Phone , W est 363 Baaineta and Editorial Office: 17111 and Marine" Drive (Next: to- Rollybum P. 0.) Phono WiMt 368 _ ' ^Maff A4klrecM: > P. O, Box 61, HpUybnm, B.C. N orth Vancouver Office: - 1 2 3 Lonsdale A v e / . ' ■ ' 'jSLi, ' MISSION StAntlfmtg s ffihurrh 135^gIewood_Aye., West-Vancouver- Opening-ISUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd CIosmg--SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9th CATHOLIC FAITH Explained Non-Catholics Welcomed t h e r e v . J. MOREtKTY. O.M.I. ^pa i Blessmga with' n iri^nary Indulgence # i Mr. Merchant, you and all your friends niay drive automobiles, but most of your customers come by street car. :: Even if you never ride in street your- self, we sugigest that ft is to youip'own interest that the street railway be helped -^o-serve^hisxit^ '\ / 'V '*1 See that it gets a.square deal in proportion to the numbers It^ ^ es, that tbe street cars have dear tr^K igef~;fah:L3ip;tmeri'f'?:'- iPi traific regulations and .an'bppert^ o give fast, safe,service to your customers. / » L Lw "»f ̂ ...*1 'i ^ . V I ? '̂'***. */ ^71 - ~ *