̂H ' KINOLY WOaK The in o r i i l - i f ^ ^ la teen *-G eor^ ^ h avf l>Beh laid away to rest in Vjĵ mdsor amid the tears and deep sorrow of the ^ p l e of-England and the pepplra of'the Empire as well as of the world at large. Even aBowin^f for the radid com munications of-the a ie ,. this universal, sorrow is something to marvel at. It is a neyr tl^wg in the;history of kings. ■ But the mdst remarkable feature of it all is the way in which the h^irts o f the^g^^^^ American peopld have been drawn to us of the British Empire. They» a nation to whom as a natlon the name; Of:, king, more especially a British king, is anathema, have truly mourned, as if it was their cgvn presi*- dent who had passed.'Further than that, they haye .welcomed King Edward'to his throne almost as if it was their own throne, assuming their :constitutioh made such possible. Does it 'mean that at = last the centuries of misunder- , standing between Britain and America are to l^ swept away, * that at this time, when, the yery existence of civilization is in the balance, the. htearis of the two great English speaking races are tob e trulygoinied together? " ,We can.only.pray ,that, it, may„be.s6.~,For, given: that such a union were to take place and these two great powers had armed defensive forces commensurate with their re^ n sib il- ities,"'war would'cease from oif the earth. Then;" too, his late Majesty, much as he did in his life of service, would in his death have wrought his mightiest work of all. This much is at any rate true, that King George V has joined together.'again thO .ties which George i n severed' through his blind stupidity., ' ̂ ' ' ' A; 0»NEILL CELEBRA^ ^ 9 0 m B lR T ttB A y COMING EVENTS mmikm Augustus O'Neill, w ho, with his son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ha 1421 Duchess Avenue, celebrated his 90th birthday, last; Monday. Mr. O'Neill, who is stilLstrpng and hearty and In poasessibn" of all his faculties, was bom at Burlington, Iowa, on 27th Janu ary, 1846, and is a veteran b f the American Civil War, He is a pioneer of West Vancouver , and is very well known throughout the municipality. His wife passed away in 1938. On Sunday a large number of his friends dropped in to congratulate hini, among those who called I,being: Mr. and Mrs. George Bayne, and Ml'S. J. Neill, Mr. andrMrs. E. White, Mr. and Mrs., Capon, Reeve and Mrs. J, B. Leyiand, Mrs. W. B. Small, Captain and Mrs. S. J. Nasmith, Mr. and Mrs. George Hay, Mr. and Mrs* C. J. Friday, February l4th, .at the Orange Hall -- Annual Valen tine Dance by the Girls' Aux iliary to the Barjl^arians' Rugby team. Friday, Febx*uary 21st -- Dance .. by Naomi Chapter, O.E.S., in , the Orange Hall. . - ■' ' a CATHOLIC MISSION . The Rev. D, J, Foriarty, O.M. I., will conduct mission services in St. Anthony's Church" open ing next Sunday, and closing on the following Sunday, February 9th. The Catholic faith . and morals will be explained. Week day masses at 6:80 a.m. and 7 :80 a.m. and evening services at 7:45 p.m. Everybody including non-Catholics welcome. Si'-1 THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION; REEVE J; K LEYLAND Elected foir 6th term by aoblfimation NOVICE BOXING w r; ' CHAM Plbjiil)(S»A% The municipal election on Saturday for the two vacancies , in the council resulted in a victory for Ex-Reeye Sidney Gisby and Councillor, G. D. Elgar, the latter of whom,was "standing for re-election' TTie voting was Very close, "therevnot l^ing sixty votes' difference between those pblled -by the leading. and the low est ̂ ndidate,-' .Couhcillor Elgar jpsy defeated E x -, Councillor -K.. A. Ray,^by tw o' votes,' and >on account of this Broderick, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, , , Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gri^„-,Mr.'",. , I" c ^ n e c tm with the ^ v - , , and-Mrs. Tom McGregW Mr. moial Recreational C l a s s e s . and Mrs. Colin MacLeani-;Mr. ice Bpxmg Championships wlli and Mrs.. E. Bird of VaiicpUver, be heid at 7 p.m. next Wednes- Miss M. Wortz of. -VaheOdVer, Miss Edna Bird, Mr. arifl'MrsiE. Tempieton or McDonald Schoois , ~ There was a large attendance j Alton Mr - and Mrs. Huihph- m Vancouver. - g f citizens at th^Civic Memorial riy s , Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Young, The Recreational Classes are Service, whiph^^s held at 8 p.m, j r L ' jj-ene Young M iss-B at. free to men and, women over 16 last Tuesday, on the ramp .and Humphreys ' ' yfia™ of age, who are not at- CiVIC MEMORIAL SERVICE % TV'lii grounds in -"front of , the. Ingle wood School. , 'The .service was LEGION NOTES tending school,, Classes are held on'Monday and Wednesday even-, ings at the Inglewcwd High Elgar, G. D. ./....... i............................ ...... 404 Ray, K. A l ..................... Ll..................... ; ,402 GartlMM^ L. S. J l : . ! . 857 tifully draped in mauve and - black with a large portrait of the , late King, suspended from the -top-of-the-arc" were assembled the Canadiian . 'v * v' mgs, at tne ingievvoou to ,the recent.4eath;. of i ______ ' • t 'M l 'h'M his 6th tern; 1 ^ 0 ^ytand w s returned by acclamation, this being Legion and the Legion W.A., the D.V.A., the Duncan Lawson Chapter, ' I.O.D.E.' the recall S S o & r " du" "" ^^^^" '^J'T e^ R T H O R N Eing wartime and a deep sense of . tvAKiiiiwciNr^ hers attended. ' St. StephenFs A t the council meeting on RADIO CLUB NOrrCE LEGION W. A. A new^club^was fditned bn: ̂ The;W. A. to the Canadian Wednesday, January 22nd, by Legion held their regular meet- radio enthusiasts df thbi North ' last/Monday , afternoon in ^Shora,JtflLheZknown-as.theJ^drth-- theJL(egion~Hall-wjth-the~presi-~ Scouts and Cubs, and the child ren of all the schools. Reeve J. B. Leyiand, who presided, read Church as r b o d r i a e t S y Monday eyening the- following morning and paraded to the ' u Bov Inglewood High School on Tues-: "Resolved that this council ^ day to - taK r w t " l i r 1 :he-eivl.!-- express^yetlr-ing-Qouneillpr-L Memorial Service, S. Garthc^rne on behalf of the public their ideep appreciation of his efficiency and of the spirit of , Shore Radia GluK^Meetings are dfent, Mi's. Sharman, in the chair, held every .Wbdhbsday evening -After the usual opening of "6 at 8 o'clock infhe.Board o f Trade Canada," a special prayer was room in the. Ferry building,^ -offered and 2 minutes' silent North Vancouver. Although the club mainly of, licensed Dart of the new Kincr*-fi Drocla- CAPTAIN GALLANT NOTV ,. ,, -i. i, i, S o n a f 4 w h f c h a l S S " IN R (W E R S ^ im N G .'J fo P era tio n ^ h a ^ h e-b ^ ^ ^nxauou, alter wiucn a i minutes . ______ . throughout his,SIX years' tenure „silence was~-observed-- f ^t a i n P Callant chiroDrac- o i office as a mem'ber of this West Vancouver School' Band, . Captain E. uailant,jjniroprac- who accompanied ̂ the~ hymns! tor,' has moved his office^ from' council, and that this resolution 71 p ■RiDKiiDn street, anri-i. ̂ now be placed on the minutes."played "Lead, Kindly Light."' 712 Robspn Street, and. is now Prayers were given by the Rev. located at Suite 435-436 Rogers After the meeting the members of the council as personal teurs, ojthers who' are; interested in amateur jmdio are, invited to attend. Addlriop^l. ihfo may be obtained by telephoning . A. Duncan at TVeat 422^h. c u s s e d . ' ) Estabrook, and air present sang 'The dh-awing for the cushion tbe late King's Ifavorite hymh, . aiid crazy work quilt look place, "Abide With Me" and " the cushion winning ticket teing . Help m Ages; Past ;N^ 12,held by Mrs. Cawley and anthem, "Souls df the Righte- in practice in Vancouver since, 1922, and for some time had a. branch office in Dundarave. of their personal esteem, J^eve Leyiand in a happy vein ntaking the presentation. . the quilt No. 33 going to Mrs. Caudwell. Mrs. Partington was crot bearer forgave Mr. and Mrs. J. Pk'Vricking ̂ vear 2623 Haywood Avenue; a d e lic t- , 'f ous, '̂ was also beautifully rend- ̂ ered by the,massed choirs under, the leadership of A .\ Ji- Addy WEST VANCOUVER ^ CHORAL SOCIETY BIRTHDAY TEA Friends and members are re- «i. birthday tea of St. Stephen's - Inglewood Women'swith Mrsr Jl E. Duirbin actjng as minded of the social evening be-. ' Qnr»nTvmaTiiaf " TTavnl/i ing held Under the auspices of , will, oe neld ful surprise partjr last Saturday- evening'on. the occasion" of their wedding anhiy.ersary. A yery LIBERAL 1ST & DANCE accom p anist.M ajor , Harold Brown gave a most scholarly, and on Thurs- ,the FHdav ' February 6th, in the Ingle- wood Sunday School. Afternoonabove . society - oninspiring addressV in which he - January 31st (tomorrow), in the __,- ,, - , , „ flf Vfln/.nnvo»-T,fhprfi] Stated th a t the passlug. o f the .Legion Hall a t 8:15. A goodprdr, Sf n afxz o'lSnn.r q w iii« f^at^K ing"(jIe^g€7had^een , like gram ^lias been arranged and^ Mrst-Geo, Newman-and Mrs. T, -5' f e ' .J.'iL-i'A: -- «.,'»««« o wiiiof l a t t J i i a u uccij, Kraiii- .fias ueen arrangeu aji«i n ry xli. i mi »-------- i , games and niusic,,foUow^ by. our summer sunsets, beautifully a-happy evening is anticipated*' the serving,'xof^Yrefreshments,' (r n - Wa /hnd ATtWiiooiAv. o«a _ mnai/t' - Mrs.: Arnold and Mrs." Stand- i§ m a presentation j^fti' ifaiioVv TOOUR READERS o+ a in +V.A HfonfrA pcaceful.; H e . had Admission 26c -- cards, musĵ J, -___ _ u - i. i. ® q r.m J reigned , in troubled tinite, but vocal and instrumental, refresfr' ments, dancing. ■fX. ®hUt and had left the mohhrchy more , JUNIOR DRAMATTC .. . , -ipr wnist, also a rree drawing ontrenchpH in tlip REHEARSAL appearing else- During the evening Mr. and^Mrs; ' ° P-™* ^ Wicking were the recipients of P-" - " !g had lived an exSmpldry life as a ments, dancing, of the Harmony King s constitutional King, stpB thi smusic Otehestra. There will be prizes tractively arranged hoiiie-cook- Jng and candy tables. For further particulars see the (cash prize) and refreshments. ' >Everybody welcome. Admission strongly entrenched in the hearts of his people than at any where in thia'paper. time in history. J^^sked, us to . A full dress-rehearsal of tJKp ' remember the widoiyed Queen play "Itooms for Bent" which is ■ and the new. King' with air his being sponsored by the Duncan ' great responsibijities in these Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E,, at Any householder, hot receiving a copy, of this paper;oh any^ahd ■ . . each Thursday evening,,^ isr re- , f ̂ ttaathatt quested to Idndlyiplibne ua at ___ _ ___*___ ___ ____ _ _______, west 363, in order that the mnis^ /L ast Saturday--at~ATnbleside--^isturbed4aysrinre-service^aB-nHollyburir Theatrer~^ebrimry7i WENDY, KINDERGARTEN AND JUNIOR SCHOOL " AT HOME ¥ l l - t f