T< * rf" » on lit ad at Id Id Id ig n- id {anuary 23, lt>36. ^ »>»ir>.Di«iWw>W»WWMWî *Bag W B ?r 'y« r i w w B ' ■̂. ,,.,.„._-s.T -5. -̂.-J ..,,, IlfeMMg liMfMA •ij <1 * < C » i r sr- M .•';f ĵ . w f - ' t t «"■*,'; m?- rrB̂Bti i K» I'Ja i"S.. f.-: '-.■ '"r«;- W- s.'; at '̂.- ... ppppppuPIBMPMil » -------------5--- IF- I Prices a r e c f W g l f H I l i ^ ^ ^ S ( 'ON ' A* h tm .inw ^ v of winter. Owlft# to »rr*i BRAND'S jTEA BLUE LABEL ,i '1̂ «0X0 ,tm m B .,^ 4,m h»m » .tm. .9« OKO CO Bl^lO cube tin. «iu ZU BIRD SEBIK-Broekn. pk%..... 17« BEOE'FOlilSE^Nttti^i «m)i.1.0«' BOVRII.r-1 OE. bottle, ©a«b.... 21® SOUP MIXTUBB^Avion 2 II» 13c RIiNSi!3i"~*'lRe« pkt», ench..,̂ -.••».•. 21® SAlMOl5r4FrMw'< GoM';' . / . ■ > . Soeiceye, Alî b* tin 14® PUAK*!0'!TUÎ ŝ2r̂ *̂ '*̂ *',** •f---* For Bimdwich, !4 tin-.......... 11® llyburn Ridge over the week m eet^g calM fo r i. As a result^f the storms establish a Townswomen s GuiW COC'OA--Fry's,' Yi lb.̂ < tin...-...- 21® matches-- ? L t One 3 box carton.* each 24c SAIIDINKS- ' Kinji Oscar ......... ...... 2 tins .1»|C PlLl'IIAKDS-- , ' Snowcu|>, No. 1 Un....:...2 toy 15c n ££ ^ Braid's Best 0(f|rf* L 0 i r 6 6 vacuum pack lb u ^ C 15? t is s u e --Sable Ijjc. bleached r o lls ....... 4 for 25c CORN FLAKES-- Quaker....................... 2 ,pkts. 15c MAYONNAISE-^ Best Foods 8 oz. bottle .....'.......... . each 2 0 c IP SHREDDED WHBAT- lul Mniiir<>'H Fond .......... SoapB35l.r'3!orlOc N allire's Food".......... 2 pkts. 19c PEAS---Fraser Gold Sieve 4, No. 2 tin, eaeh.'.:;.'...10c SOUP--Heinz Tomato lOVi oz. tin.... ........ ......2 for 17c KErCHUP-^Heinz - 14 oz. b o ttle ................... each 18c Flour Wild Rose Pastry 7'lb. sack r a isin s -- Sunmaid', Quakey, non prem - 1 7 ^ URtS ium. Large packet A IC ij Seedless 15. oz. pkg;.... 2 for, 25® I PIUJNES -- Santa Clara !S l-'ainily size ................ 2 lbs., 15ca .............. . ............. . .........I BRAN FLAKES- ,̂ .̂^ ,̂,^ ̂ ' ' 1 Kellogg's, ........... ...pkg." l ie -Kellogg' ,1'IiUlT SALTS-rEnos....bbttle ,79c ll TOMATOES--A ylm er No. 2'/z tin... .̂.............. each 10c -AylmerP CORN- . '* Choice No. 2 tin....::..:...each 10c JAMEmpress Pure A Strawberry, 4-lb tin*t9L F R E S H F R U IT S' ORANGES -- .Sunkist____ Sweet and Juicy, 2 doz. 35® '(Family size) lvalue in Oranges, family _ size, ju icy ........... 2 doz. 25® g r a p e f r u it --Medi- „ 'um size ............ 7 for 2 l®^ LEMONS -- Sunkist family size .....doz. 15® POTATOES--Local Gems Geiod Cookers, lO Mbs. I4c last week,* there was from five to m West Vancouver, has > ^ n six feet of snow at the ski camp, postponed to JAnu* , Henry J. Watts of .Vanoouver, has moved into, a house at 1200 20th Street. .o > f . • A. F. Kent liAs'moved into the Leg^att.housp.at i2596 Haywood Aveiiue. . ' , home of Mrs. Cromar Bruce, 2180 Argyle Avenue. Those wishing further information ' should phone West 680-Y. , *, ' I •„ . -/* . * . '«(i. r, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Walters and family, are moving the first of.ihe*» moixthJMo a house \ THE % PBRPBOM jAX-ATIVB-- Genmiil't Drn| Store Tha Stora «f Sarvlaa. 1586 Marina Driva Weat 87 or Weat 607 Emergency Phona West 881 (After 10 p .» .)Z * * t -r- fA-l T in 2612 Marine D B v e .^ W r ^ ^ and family of Vancouver, are is connected'with the B. C. Elec- moving; into a |lduse at- 2379 <-%»{« ri#% J« Vnnnnnvnr* Haywood A yen ^ ', the first of next month. . ,. . W. F. Rannels has moved into a house at 1189 Marine Drive. A get-togethe^mee"tihg of the committees of No.' 1 and' No. 2 Troops of the Boy Scouts in West.. Vancouver was held, last Thurs-' day evening at the home of Councillor W. Dickinson, 780 14th Street. ,< a ♦ Mr. Harrison,.who is building a house at 23rd and Waterfront, trie Co. in Vancouver. ', a - a a ^ of Altamont, but who now lives of Altamont, , but wh onpw lives at Chilliwack, was in West Van couver last Monday. . a a a ̂ i, ■ Honoring Mrs. L*. Wotton, (nee Grace Tite), a December bride, Miss Georgina Standring entertained at a linen shower at the home of Mrs. C. R. Mesain- ger, 1590 Marine Drive, on Tues day evening, January 21st, A large basket containing many lovely gifts was brought in by Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday^ Christening ' and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, •Sausage Rolls,' Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns ^Variety of Tea Breads, , Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 « »uuoc r i r 'T " - Louise Messinger and Jacqueline, has moved into the de Pencier y^nce. After a^pleasant evening house at 23rd and Marine Drive. games and,contests tea Was * •'*' * served by the hostess, assisted^ A group of young people from . Mrs. -Vance from, a daintily, West Vancouver^under the aus- appointed' table.*' 'The ihvite'd' pices of the'.W est Vancouver guests were: Mrs. L., Wotton, D.V.A., will give a pro^am of Mrs. C. R. Messinger, Mrs. G. DELIVERY SERVICE available at I ;i nominal charge. For further in- i | forniatioft.see our store , m anager ' We reserve the right to limit quantities. \4jtMaM?#SSSIlllSlBISIS(iraninit: m u n i c i p a l e l e c t i o n s J 5 th January. 1936 tap l and acrobatic dancing, etc; tonight at Shaughnessy Hospit al. . The .West Vancouver girls taking piart are: .Marjorie Riv ers, Peggy Lowdon, Doreen Todd, Eileen Body, May Arm strong, Audrey Richardson, Virr ginia Gamage, Betty Bolebec, Ruth McLeod, Gwen Davison; Vance, Mrs. S. Williams, Mrs.. H. Davison, Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs: S. Storey Mrs. E.r Pearce, Mrs. J. Morris, Mrs. S, Jones, Mrs. E. Robbins, Mrs. Newman, l^rs.. D. Chapman, Mrs. G. LeShure; Mrs. J. Paterson, Mrs. T. Turner, Mrs. J: pickdon, Mrs. 'H. Berry,, the Misses Winifred Brealey,- __ . V _ _ _ ' ' f m accompanists, Mrs. T.- Turner ' Gwen Davison, Molly Bourgois, and Joan Jefferies assisted by .Lillian Fraser, Marjorie Atwood,-- • * rf-.* » <« IT 'It ▲ 1 'J r e t i r i n g .c o u n c il l o r Solicits youF,Vote and Confidence for a further, term. . M a r j o r i e Nturray, violinist; an- Connie Page, Molly Andrews,. " nouncer, A." H .: parson. Angus Flora Gamage, ̂ Muriel' ShellAfdr;" Young w ill also give a reading .Dorothy and Louise Messinger, > ♦ '*• / Jacqueline , Vance, Olive and' I n h o n o r o f W . C. Thompson's Elsie Robbins, Margaret Dick- 81st birthday, a surprise party- son, and Georgina Stand.rihg.' . was held by his sons, on Tues- Your Vote Influence, solicited for ■espectfully. Municipal. Election - .Jan. 25th, 1936 day, January 21st7^~tK^home DEATH OF P. WHITEHEAD^ of JMr. and Mrs. H. L: Thompson, 2096 Argyle Avenue. After Mrs. Hollybura Theatre THURSDAY. FRIpAY and SATURDAY MATINEE January 23rd, 24th and 25th HELEN GAHAGAN - S H E %r (from Rider Haggard's Novel) also "YE OLD TOY SHOP" SATURDAY EVE & MONDAY January 25th and 27th GINGER JIGGERS FRED ASTAIRE nTflA Valso "HERMITS OF CRAB^ LAND'^ TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ___ January 28th and 29th " P R IV A T E WORLDS*' (Four-Star Picture) - once af 8:15 " also, "LADYTlIBBS" ■.pumilili imraifaEa Progress for West Vancpiiyer Who stands for deci^ease in taxes, lower interest rate, reduction of tax penalty to "low minimum, the extension of the tax sale redemption period Trom one year to two years; and protection of our water system';and the establishing of a Reserve Fund from its revenue. , * --------- .-- ̂ The funeral services for Baldwin had presented the birth---Philip Whitehead of Cypress day cake, an enjoyable evening p^rk, who was found drowned was spent in games, prizes^eing in h is^ ar in eighteen feet of won by Mrs. Len;, Kyle, R. A. water near the North Vancouver 'Thompsonj Mrs. Jack Davis and ferry slip in the city last Thurs- Len Kyle. At the close of the ^ay, were held at_2:30 p.m.>. evening refreshmehts were serv- yesterday in Vancouver, Arch- * ed "buffet" style. The mvited, bishop de Pencier and Canon . guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Bald- .Harold King officiated, and in- '*win, Charlie Baldwin, Mr. land tennent w^s made in Ocean . Mrs. Kerfoot, Q-nd Mrs. view Burial Park. The deceased, Brealey, Mr. and Mrs. Herrm, ŷ ĥo was in. his 42nd year, was a Mr. and Mrs> Davis, Mrs. .A. M. prominent broker and yachts- O'D o^ell, Mr. and, Mrs. Kyle, man in the city, and served over- Mr. Fmlayson, IV̂ . and Mrs. 72nd Battalion. '- _____________________________r-- Jackson,.Mr, and Mrs.-Merrick, He is survived by his wife, and ' ,He who is indifferent to the welfare ̂Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson, M three daughters, Isabelle, Bar- of others does not deserve, to be called G ertrudy Lawson, Mrs. ^ h n Patricia, at home. a man.--^Persian. ' -- Harte, Rupert Hamspn, Rev. ________________!___________ _____ ;__ ^ ^ ___________________ and'Mrs.^ Wright, Mr. , and Mrs. . MeVean, Mr. and Miss Murray, Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thompson and Joan, Mr. and Mrs: Will Thbmp- son, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 'Thomp son, arid Mrs. Trussell, Mr. and Mrs. Jf. L. Thompson; Grace arid 'Gertrude. * ♦ ♦ " • Latest Models / R A N G E O IL B U R N E R S Complete Installedfrom S 3 9 BO F O R S T 'S West 87 North 526 . 66 Lonsdale Ave, WEST. VAN. MEMORIAL BUILDING, MEETING FIRE Insurance BLOWER 6c ALLEN Zlc. SUCCESSORS TO GEO. HAY R E A L E S T A T E B R O K E R S 1405 M arine Drive - V^est Vancouver i \ £ £ Z ^ ^ f i r __ a. 0 1 : We solicit the Llstinas, of your Properties \ / r f | £ l ( g A D O I I C Vt 6 S 1 .tor Sale or to rent, and wlllpromlefor Sale or to rent, and will promise you our best endeavors to dispose of same. i I Ah ,1s; K-4 'A *4"a' 'A Will use every -effort to support First Narrows- Bridge, and^apy other^Jevelopment in the inter- The annual meeting of the . . ------------------- ests. of West Vancouver. Also every possible^ improvement, in the transportation system. If you wish a car to"'call for'you, please'phone West 39 ing Ltd. was held last 'Hiursday evening in the Legion club roomjs. The financial statement and repbii:s.-for th e ; year "were read and adopted. The following. •officers were elected for 1936: president, P. Greer;.vice-presL deritrWTCarley; trJ^siirefTHrG. N bV IK O F F a PL.ATOW A Late of the* Russian Imperial Ballet SCHOOL OF THE DANCE> Every type of STAGE AND BALLROOM; DANCING Registration every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1.80 p.m. a t ORANGE HALL _ Beginners Class 11.80 a.m:" .ENRCILLNOW ' T i l l ..... ■wthqiit Gemmell and ..W ylie. . Shield at AfflWeside Grecnwelli ivho'was playing,"was ■: off a t 2 :30 p.m. and a „ indisposed and should-not :have'^ but;is urg^Uy requested. Rastus says, "It's better not'to_ know so much than-to know so much that ain't so. ' i-' ̂ ' i' Tpi', TEAROE & SONj 1483 Marine Drive ' North Shore..agents for CANM ORE BRIQUETTES The-idbaTfuel. MORE HEAT*/ LESS DIRT. - " p h o n e w e s t 8 4 . . ̂ '■'fjj'~TTT71 I,'* iT t iii'f'/S'"■t -...'I v4--̂ : ' y ■ r l i