mm» i v 'I ■I >* i ' I I' ! !I ' i l i ( tels ' I t e l ('£ a MMIlM ■i m nivfnstim mMSm̂ mm ' ....... t m m u r m r w tm tA J * m r n m a m m M$t. mm 'M m B f m t m m ' ifxm ' ' »* ■• c iuMlijr i«in^M t »SM '■W" '*̂ **̂ ;'It!i§'BM»i ' fH» MfJC Sumdtitf S kkm l tiM Bfld« t3#ff 19 luau ' ifcrttiftfv 'ir'̂ IM m r W itaiC School A A4uH Clus I0;00 «.m< Preochlng Servk«« U;00 & -7jl5 Everp Viait to This Shojp IM An ittvestmont In GOOD APPBAUANCE You'il Hko the friendly, ttome* like atmo»pher<) of thie modem ehop. You*Jl appreciate the clean«cut eificiency, the coutt* e»y and the pleasing reauitii. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1049 MaiitiA Drife We«t 117 The Marionette Library Bookn changed once a month Memberahip Fee: 50 cents per Month or 10 cents per Book a w ^k. BOLLYBDRIT flAU, 14th and Duchess .^ ItllM V EVENING, Jan. 24Ui, . at rao " "The , Prodigal^s Return" . illustrated by Lantern Views. Speaker: MIL JAMES GIBSON' iJ'. SUNDAY, Jah. 26th, at 10 a m. Sunday School and Young Men's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 "The Gospel of Christ" Speaker: MK. JAMES GIBSON TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Blblo Study ir a m r ta w c o u v K B ^^yntkiiijScieace- Sociebr CaUECB EDIFICE. M l and Jlionitaalt, HoUyliiim Thia Soehity is a Branch of The Mother Church The Pint Oiurch of Christ, Sdeatfit, in Boston, ' . «̂ .̂.sMioiiehtuwtta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, January 26th, Subject: " T R U T ^ Ir.»* " Sunday' School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony M^^fig Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially ln« vited to attend our services and meetings. < Wfil DAILY PROVwrarEDITQRlAL January 17, 1036. IIAI'PY WEST VANCODVER ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley Phone West 240-R In these dayu of stress,*̂ when so many monidpalities find themselves "in the red" at J;he end o f the "year, a municipality that succeeds in paying its way and in putting something by against the proverbial rainy day when bonds come due is regarded as something, quite out of the ordinary. In such a happy position is West Vancouver. West Vancouver, of course, is in a happy position in other ways. It has a site that is incomparable arid a, climate which is even better than the climate of which* Vancouver ̂ never ceases to boast. ' But it is its finances and its administration rather than its picturesque shore-line and sunny slopes that set West Van couver apart today. Those finances are something to regard with envy. ANBLESiDE PBARNACY UNITED CHURCH Kev. Hillis VVright, Minister W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West. 323 FREE DELIVERY Sunday Masses Low Mass - - 8:16 a.m. High Mass & Sermon - a.nii ____ _____ _______ __ 10:15 Services as usual next Sabbath ____ morning at 11:15 a.m. and in Rosary, and Benediction -- 7:15 the evening at 7:16 p.m. " p.m. DR. G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.S;, UD.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Office Hoiirs 9 to.6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 . , . p.iii. I, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Catechism and Bible History In the evening a Special Mas- every Saturday -- 9:30 a.m. on lo Service will be held when Week-da:y Services members and friends of King Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. David Lodge of Master Mason^ Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, will join the congregation in Confessions -- 7:45 p.m. worship. , Saturdays -- Confessions from I Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon - Mornings,. Afternoons, and Evenings by appointment Royal Bonk Bldg., Telephone . West Vancouver. West 446 Special music is being arrang ed for this service; and a special invitation is extended to all Master Masons in West Vancou ver to come and join us in this service. 7 ;30 p.m. td„8:30 p.m. Eatubllahed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. yuneral Sirretars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street ~ Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 __ S'T, STEPHEN'S CHUIW3H Rev. P. A. Ramsey Rector: January 26tji -- Third. Sunday , Trail Ranger Boys meet Mon- after Epiphany.', day at 7 p.m. ,. 8:00 a.m-.--Holy Communion. . C.G.I.T. meet on Wednesday 11:15 a.m.--^Matins and Sermidn. at 7 p.m. _ 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- Fellowship meeting in lower mon. • . . . hall Wednesday, 8 p.m. At all services special recogni- Ch'oii% practice on Thursday tion will be made of His "Late evening at 8 p.m. ' ' Majesty, King George-V. The United Church Young W.A. Study megting postponed People will 'meet directly after till Tuesday; February 4th. the evening service Sund%, Jan- St., Francis-in-the-Woods, nary 26th. The subject fm- the Caulfeifd evening will be of a missionary 9 :4 5 a.m. Holy Communion; nature. All young people are ̂ ___________ _ 4%.en_a-epeciaUnv-itation-to-he-- ^eHUReHES-OP~CHRISTr s 8 a sK S 8 There is first the balanced budget to be noted --̂ all accounts paid and $3,708 on hand. There is the sinking fund; all paid up to government requirements and $32,000 beyond, a sinking fund ' which amounts to practically a third of the municipality's indebt edness. There is the indebtedness, itself, pulled down from $1,021,- 800 in '1931 to ■ $1,470,12.1. The>e"'Id^tFe ^*ank'Werdraft7'r^^^^ ̂ $0000 last year, and scaled down from $51,800 in 1930 to $12,000. There are the roads, maintained in good repair, during, the year and even extended. There are the culverts, bridges, renewed during the' year in many cases. ThereUs the ferry account -- ,the ferries Jjeing the municipality's principal public ,utility -- showing an operating profit of $10,534.. And there. is . the * balance sheet, . showing a full million of assets in excess, of total liabilities I quite a record for a community of fewer than 6000 people- " The record for the year is'a fair'one, indeed,'hut"wlien it is considered that .it has beeq achieved without any' increase in tax ation, which has stood for eight years at 61 mills, without any taxation of • improvements, and with a . progressive reduction in. taxable assessment, from $3,165,212 in 1932 to $2,824,585 in 1935, the record must be regarded as, remarkable. . ' The secret of such an achievement should be. interesting to any municipality, but, according to Reeve Leyland, there isn't any secret about the plan followed. The>ecipe is the old one -- careful husbandry by' the council and co-operation by the property-owners and residents, , Apparently West Vancouver is to be congratulated upon more' than its site and its climate. It is to-be congratulated upon its reeve and * council and also, upon its citizens who have the good ' sense to choose good husbandmen and the goodwill to cb-Operate with them. ' . ' , The municipality is to be cong^ratulated, too, upon being, as the reeve ca,lled it, a "crimeless community." Would that as much could he said of the larger community on the south side of English Bay. 'te*'; ̂ ■, i i THE VANCOUVER SUN EDITORIAL January 21, 1936. . , - . Ambleside Sheet J* SPECK.proprfrtM Works present. The Women's Missionary So ciety held their first meeting of year on Tuesday aft"er- ^hooii Tasf, a large njimber of ladies bejrt ̂ present. Mrs. John Reid, the new president, was in the chair. Mrs. A. Wi Cushing and Mrs. J. D. Hobden took SCIENTIST Wl "TRUTH" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon. _in. all Churches of Christ,' Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "0 Lord, Thou Art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; -- .The. munic.ipality_Qf . 'West-JVanqouver--may--pluffle^itself~ttpon~ its annual report; which shows a splendid surplus, of cash in the bank and all financial obligations duly-met. The stewardship of the reeve and those ,who sit with him round the council board has been a truly remarkable' one during the recent difficult ^ a rs, and it is doubtful -whether. My other municipality'in the whole', of Canada can equal the-record of prosperity that is the portion of this part of the North Shore. . . . . cliarg^dOhe devotional period.. for~T hw "hastndone wonderful Tho {mnWadixm rvriv rvf things; Thy counsels ,of old are - 7- The Difference -'^■' *̂Ye8," said the world traveller, ytho Chinese make it an invariable rule .to settle all their debts on New , Year's -Day." __"So I understand," said th/Amerl- cah host, "but then the Oiiifose don't have a Christmas |he before." The inipVessive ceremony of in- things; Thy counsels of old are slallatibn of* officers was ably faithfulness and truth." (Isaiah Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is The retiring members of the Council who are seeking re- election, and who have served on the Council for the last six'years are: conducted by the Past President, Mrsi Hillis Wright. A very intr eresting part; of the program was the pi'esentation by Mrs. A. Turnbull of a life membership and -appreciative address' to Mrs. Geoi'ge Baldwin who for 46 years has been a faithful worker in the C. JfOveriagton PIONEER b a r b e r the; following from the Bible: "Commif thy works !.unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established," (Proverbs 16: 3 ). _______ , .The Lesson - Sermon also in missionary cause here and in the oiades the following * passage Old Country. Mrs. W. Herrin ' Ji'om the Christian Science text- presented an interesting chap- opok, "Science and: Health with' ter df the Study Book, "New ?^y t-o the Scriptures" by Mary________ ___..-t- -J. UoUam I4t»n__ .•. ;4 ̂2. Sitae®' G. D. ELGAR L. S. GARTHOMNE 1 ' iSMSiSiSS'SSSiSSiSSSSS'tBisES®'̂ Africa" which was much enjoy ed: . , 'Hth /and Marino Phone Weist 136 BAPTIST CHURCH Services Baker Eddy: "When we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously. He directs our path," - ' -.TH E West Van News Pttbltalied Evory Thnniday * I t m PaUtaher P. P, LOVEGROVE Phone .West 363 EuatneM andlEiiiterJat Offieo; 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollybnrn P.O.) Phone West 363 Addrtii:" P. O. Box 61, Hollybqm, R c . 10:00 a,m.--Sunday School and . Adulk Bible Class. 1 1 :00 a.m, and 7:15 p.m. -- Rev. H. G. Estabrook. . M o n d 8 y /8 p .m .^ B .Y .P .U .' - ...» ,n e la-oairars Sunday "s S ' ^ a i d T h u S v T a rn -- C hoir iM-or C lass ^ ® Sunday. -At the 7:30 . „:v * .....'_______ service next Sunday James Gibson Avill speak on'^The Gospel HOLLYBURN HALL James Gibson veill give an ad dress illustrated .with lantern views at Hollybum Hall at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), -taking as his subject "The Prodigal's North Yi^cottver-^Offiee; 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.60 a year h a r r ie r : |8 .^ « ^ V' hy ueiL I employ opHimsts to produce to- o f C hrist suite aiid pessMtte to thm up; prayer an̂ d Bible sthdy * ® 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside, . Phone West 340;„ Evenings, West 143 Listings l^urted e m v E s ta te > 4̂ m m and ^ A L 7b!k MOTOR TRANSFER I VERNON FEED STOREV te h "I ' X. *' V. A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 F ertilizers o f ^ BJinds Woodp Coab Builders'. Supplies W, THOMSON 1429 Marine Drive PLUMBING and REPAIRS Phone West 571 Details Wanted ̂ - - "A man is never older than*' he feels," declared the aged boss. "Now, this morniing I feel as fresh as a two-' year-old!" . ^ "Horse or egg?" asked his steno, sweetly, , . , ' - , After suffering' a long time vsrith toothache, th e-y o ^ g colored girl got up her courage enough to go to t̂he dentist. The moment he touched the tooth she began* to i^ream.„ "Look here," he-stKd/"you mustn't yell like that. ~I)bn't you know I'm a 'painless dentist' "Well, mehbee' yo' Js painless, sah," she said, 'Imt Ah isn't."' . v/ ■ ' l i im m m -I'?-? ikŝ lS4t{ I W M - --tr ,r'. -i,' J-f'I u/ J - "-y-, W •sy.-