'i t*» '.* ,u7 ¥ <' , j, ..»The whole World to to y s t ^ d s in hi»nd before the bier o f K ing George. N o m onawh who ever sat upoii th e t h r W o f Ehglhndlso won fection and respect o f c la v e s who ever lived w as so' honored to h is ^enttohy th e uni versally expressed;s6m w ; o f the w hole wwW^ Brought' up :tovii»o^ high . called L fVom t h f S ^ l i f ^ h e loved' to th e British^^^^ he went uncom plainingly although reg retfu l^ t ^ t e hfeh Sestiny an d , S ? ! S T 'r ; hfe w S lS f t ^ a d been billed npoi. to .bear,J T h e toeat War w ealed him to the E m pp «or the ^ vAnro Ha went amid hisMnar j f*, t toppled and hardly a e r o d e d head r p m ^ he L .m m e th e , ^ many ' I.i '̂/•C :' There wm'be ,ab election for ■ Z H : - " , 7 " 4 h e^ n c iea ^ n tli|^ u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ------ u r & S e V t h e - G i r l A u x - . i ' r i S t S £ £ " i i i „ w lb . R » . ' & ■ « s ^ S i i b i ^ ' K ' b i s ^ ; a s i „ « i ; K „ ; » x .» > * '1 M fvn««no1i Atirt H. G. Bar- hav^a Ym ino: Secpetary-TreW -i Friday, h eb ^ a ry 7 th-- l .o .b .a . Dance at Orange Hall. COUNCIL ADJOURNS-i W' e ' i ̂tUr _ W EST, V A isteO W E E ty'est Varicouver r e a id e h t e ^ theV r^egX 'rm eeT ing last" Mm - , . , . CHORAL SOCIETY remember the fine orch ^ tra ^ . g . V • V , 1 ■. som e ,tv?o years ago,, b u t ^ ^ f t e suggestion / / j A social even in g w ill be held . t° ■ **««"« Leyland adjourned for a ^ * under tlfe a i m p t a « the above McIntyre J, ' The c o u n i^ s e m b le d =' for llifest Vanconyer widente^ ' their regular meeting last Mon- K r ^ i s S s f i x s ■ s a g g a : ' '*"• ' ifitATt iVnni ^hP collection of the sections are also nearly oomper-f ________ r fiS Last week the reeve and'council gave "thpir stewardship for 1935. at the^-customary annual m ^ tii^ , M l particulars.of. which.-will 5 « "y U u d S 'ed^^^^ such an accounting as to draw forth.a '^ 7 7 j^ "^ i? 7 fec tth a t from the Vancouver Province, and, nPn^ ^ of late years t h e cireumstances un.pther P ^ c f justified suoh action, ft is. W ""f " fl J f S e rpress to writ^ editorials conctrnmg.the finances of the smaller munidpalities-in the province. • . • - There is no need for-us to go int» details. The facts speak for themselves But'we doubt if 'there is any municipali^ in in a period of .depression suchas.was the year 1934,--certain y not in.B. ,■ | "- . j _j -1 j_:__4-Vib-b nacf fAvtr vfiars It has been that one of the.Ci finances was the large sums p^u theirthe British PacifiolBroperties, . The latter firm conapletea tne payments mider the^ greem ent^ ^ ^ Sn the vd^_AtmiisiHlA fiYvip'thls souice w tne..year society, .who'has kindly promised, " 1 ° are ̂ ' to be present on this, occasion. rtefr dwn ' be the whist drive and dance of - i ■.,The entire pro^am is being ar- Quested ■ to supply t r ^ . . . . _ -4n ged -w itL a-y ie«u tiL _having music stands. All ™u s t c . P .jLsociation-to^^ --------------- f c - .OTjoyment ifor. everyone. Re- yided and no f e ^ " ? t ® S g h Hall, Friday evening, January ^ freshments will be served aftw J*® 31st. Extending their patronage - which those who wish may "trip • the concerts with the hearty.sup- , j j • _freshmente will be served after the gyl. 31st. Extending their patronage,w L h those who wish may."trip • the conrerts with the hearty.sup ^ ^ . the light 'fantastic." Friends^ port of the puhlic. Turner, North Vancouver Liber- note the date. Those wishing to There al Association, and Mrs. K. A. play cards please communicate ' and bass. Anyone Ray., general conveners Mrs. Ly- with Mrs. J C. Young or Mrs. J. please phone C. Groom, West Jones and Mrs. H.' Cbllom. T Watt or any of the members. 457R3. : , / Reception committee: Mrs. C. T -- -------: A practijcie will be held every 'Read (Whyteoliff), Mrs. Rowr BIRTHDAY^TEA Friday at the Clachan at 8:15. i^^d Hastings.. Mr. Wedley of t ____i - T ' p.m .; one evening a month being , Young Liberals will have The Women's Auxiliary to St. ' given over to a social.. "chajrge . of cards, which com- s¥enhen's Inglewood - Sunday ̂ --̂ ;------ =-- ̂ menoe at 8 p.m. sharp, m the « , - . . - 1 ...ill 'fVijiiV., annual" v \si r. T-IT. * . low pr,hall. Tickets at th^ reason able figure of 25c will entitle That West Vancouver in spite ,ot tne loss ox tiui. of revenue, admitte^y .quite a f a c f e in ,^pg foj. the able to m a ih to its financial standing, speaks volumes tor wise policies pursued; by t% reeye and counci. . m c. c. f/ r-̂ " • l i t e r a r y SOCIETY vhnson as a new member.^ a social half hour was enjoyed gj^en in December on behalf of CIETY r A pleasant su^^Hse is due the close of the nieetmg, gj; ; g^ephen's .HalL Renovation those members wh6^mve not ^hen the " Y " girls served dainty-- p y j j ^ Grateful thanks are due revised her visited the club- rooms recently, refreshments. . ̂' to Canon D'Easum for so kindly m tr y o fS ir th® m