West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Sep 1936, p. 4

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p ; i r - < 7 ^ f f ) ! i I ; , . ' '■•"f f j i ] " ̂ « ? ̂ : ! !I l.', I # Mi **I !#fJf.* '*•? . i , 1 ' (*; *;, ' *'?( I,1N». >-J( : | l ' i ., h r *̂ "n ^k . ̂ .(/'■ '• ! I* >)% p I i < <»' ̂ ; ' I I«,», *4 ' , '• ♦', lii*- "•* : |J |/, ' .',1 1 J ' i f i f ;'■ I'̂ r -J' ' f f i. /" 'U , < 1,'^J j i I ; ^ ' ! ; ■ '! k 'If i; '■.: ;f ■ ' •ijik ,ii I ' & ■ ; i^ ' ■'^^ i i f c i^ - i1 it' <;) t l l f l l 4 , Sl' ̂ Ij i*, ' 'M" >/ i f ' ; MV-f ?'l '**= M «J .i ' nUs(i >i< i ' l i P%'i& " ' i t m , ;« ' ' \ -' SV T ^ i t g E S T VAN NEW S P h o n e W e s t 4 6 9 M O B jA . W H IT E P h o n e W « t 4 6 S m ith ^ G r o e e r g CODwai- NOTES F̂riday and Saturday, MuM' I(i»iiiin iii'«li'li'i*i«*iilWi".llSI"il'"'U!(lirTf'l1 n'lii IWlTn--V----.-..- ■ j JAM. Aprleot -- Nabob. . 4 lb. tin 49c |*urc -- New Season'd Pack. COFFEE--Aunt Md.ry'a Fapiily Blend I lb. B a^......tsc PANCAKE FIX)UH--Aunt Jemima 20 o*. lA t ' I4c POltK Sc BEANS -- Nabob ZYt T in ......... ........... 2 2$e PEACHES -- Columbia No. 2 tin ............ -...........2 tins 2Tc Dainty llaivea--Deitdoua Mavor. CLAMS--Whole. No. I tin ...2 tins 23c CUT (illBEN BEANS--Sniuat tin lie PEAS, Unisrodod, Squat tln,.2 Una 23c SPINACH, Bed & White Brand 2»/| T in .......................................19c. k ic k ...................... ...........3 Iba. 15c WHITE BEANS .............. 4 lbs. 25c Fine Quality B. C. Grown. SOUP MIX ............. 2 Iba. 16c APPLES, MaclntOHh UedH„..0 Hm. 26c COOKING APPLES..........10 lbs. 26c Septr25trr26tll CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIEN TIST "REA LITY " will be the sub ­ jec t of the LcHHon - Serm on in all Churches of C hrist, Scientist, oh Sunday.' The Golden T ext is: "Eye hath not seen, nor ea r heard , neither have en tered into th e heart of m an, th e th ings w hich God hath prepared fo r them th a t love hinrr." (I C orinthians 2 : 9)^ Among the c ita tions which comprise th e .Lesson - Serm on is the following from th e B ible: "Now when the sun w as se tting , all they th a t had any. sick w ith divers* diseases brought th e n i unto H im ; and He laid His hands on every one of them , and healed them ." (L uke-4 : 40). # The Lesson - Serm on also in­ cludes th e following ptissage from th e C hristian Science te x t­ book, "Science and H ealth w ith Key to th e S crip tu res" by M ary ' Baker E ddy : "I t is not well to im agine th a t - Jesus d em o n stra t- . ed the divine "power to heal only fo r a se lect num ber or fo r a lim ited period of .time, since to all m ankind and* in every hour,, divine Love supplies all good." Butcher; "Did that piece' of steak T sent along the other day do for the whole- family ?" M rs.-Drake: "Almost, but they're getting bettor now." .'"^The CcwtiS^.'o rdered .the b f $ ^ ' c d » t ^ u t e d to w a id s 'th e : ' coat o f m ain tiin in g a P 'lrst Aid^ S ta tion on Hollyburn ^ d g e . su b jec t to equal am ounts benjg :'fprovided'ibyi"lhc Hollybuim; SlQ_ H ollyburn Pacific ,Ski Club, and also to th e S t. John^s Ambulance A ssociation undertaking to o ^ r - H 'KIm II.B) jjjjjji eqyjp completely a ! irs t Phone West 370 . __ 'SPECIAL Council authorized the SIRLOIN T IP ROAStS , Ibl 20c sum of $50 expended for repairs ROUND STEAK ROASTS, ' per IIl .....'............ . 18c and '20c ■■■„ - ... , b r i s k e t , Lean, lb ................................ 8c W e s t V a n c o u v e r A u c t i o n RUMP ROASTS, per Ib......... 17c SATURDAY NEXT, SEPT. 26th H K EA ST o f l a m b , lb .......... 10c , 2 , 5o' i lrc , 'rA v e n u e b o n e l e s s s t e w , Beef Received inatrucliorus from M p. J. 2 11)8........................................... 25c Edelaton to ,se ll the contents of her All M eats V ery F in est Q uality. s it t in G ^IW '^ Secretaire - ...............--- ................ . ..... -- ■' and China Cabinet combined, 3 piece ORANGES. SunkiHt, Family Size Fibre Sot \viOi Spring Scats and Large dozen ......!....... ............... 29c Round I'able, 8 ft. Tapestry Hassock,-. r rtiicv Sunkiat 6 for 1.5c 4x6 Reversible Wool Carnet, MapleLLMONH, Juicy, bunkiHt b for i.>c Table, Walnut Standard Lamp, ™ Table Lamp, Mantle Clock, yaSCB, How fho DisaHter Occurred Walnut Book Shelves, Smoker Stand,How the DiBaHttr uccurrea quantity of Books, Fire Screen, Fire . She watched the door of her new Irons and Dogs, ISx36 Mirror with , , , , , It i. « 4. Old Country Frame, Pictures, Maga- ' establishment open.to admit her first j,jng Rack, Tapestry Curtains,'Small customer. Business had started! A Hassock. Cu8hi6iis,'etc., etc. . : . . , , DINING ROOM:--Walnut Drop Leaf good impression must be created upon Table, 0 Windsor Chairs to him. ' match, 9x12 Axminster Carpet, Large ,U .n M ,y she gruspod the telephone receiver and became engaged m an Syphon', Sundry Crockery, German animated conversation., Then an ap- Stein, Table Linen, Tray, Metal Hall Dpointment having apparently been ar- ̂ . ranged, she replaced the receiver, and, Complete with Ostermoor Mat­ beaming on her customer, asked tress"; Dr6sser, Commode,, Old Coun- "What cam I do for you, s ir?" try Mirror and 'Stand, Night Table, 7>.,« ftntvtA in Small Carpet, quantity of'Blankets,If you please, rnaam I ve come to Pillows,. Cui*tains, Stool, etc., connect the telephone." etc. ------------------------------------------------ S U N y P O R C H ;7 Leather Couch, .3,- - ■ . - . Dining Chairs,.' Rocker, Cushions, 2 It was one of Mother's busiest day.s. Travelling Cases, Leather Shopping ,, „ •„ ivJo Bag. Table, Pictures, Lace Curtains,Her gmall son came in with nis gteV, etc. . trousers torn. His mother helped l^m BASEMENTr--'White Enamel Refrig- to change to another pair, bub in an erator,. 2 50-ft.'Garden Hoses^ Lawn hour or so he was back, his trousers . Wheelbarrow, Garden Tools, ' ̂ . 2 Kitchen Tables, Occasional Table, torn,4igain. ^ 2 Deck Chairs, Wicker Chaii;, Fire- "You go right upstairs, remove guard. Cross Cut Saw, 5 gal. Crock, those trousers and mend them your- Stealers. Cocoanut Door Mat, Garbage self," his mother ordered. , -tain Rods, etc., etc. 'Some time later, she thought of , Goods bn view morning of sale, him and went upstairs to see how^hff ' HEW ETl'sAUCTIONEERS' was getting on. The torn trousers were lying qn a chair, but there was no signs of Johnnie. Returning down- .staTrs; she nollFed^h^"celjAr~dooivw^^^ ̂ open, so she called down loudly and sterndly:- "Are yoU running around dpwn there without your trousers on?" 'A deep vojee answered: "No; madam, Tm reading .the gas meter." JEFFERIES' Government; Inspected Only HAMS LAMB -J* COLD MEATS OF A LL rU N D S 1 store at B l l F ■" '.mM: veal > ■: P B I I O A t i a S E N f . ^ m x eatre PHONE WEST 8 LUNBER B U I L D i N G , ..m a t e r i a l s #EST VANCOUVER l u m b e r GO. LTD. -FOU KISAL SATISFACTION Phone West 116 1497 Marine Drive C L A SSIFIE D A D S The rate for Classified Advertisements is 2 cent#, per. word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case.of Uiose hsvinf regular atcounts, all cUssi. fieds are payable Strictly in advance. ' . , . ► -, Remember Classifieds in the West Viua News get immediate results. 1476 Marine Drive, West Vancouver Cor. 3rd & Lonsdale, North Vancouver Phone North 89 C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S Excavation W ork . . . ' - - - Coal B riquettes A A t MARINE DRIVE X J L 4 iA .J A V /^ W p H O N E W E S T 8 4 Land Clearing '* - F irs t G row th F ir Stove Wood Dry Maple and Alder Fireplace Woqd REAL ESTATE For Service in buying or selling -- see -- A. E. AUSTIN .& CO. LTD 833 Hastings St. Wfest, (A sk ,fo r M r.'H ill) Telephone: Evenings, -Seymour 9131- West 574-L BUILDING CONTRACTORS -- Re­ pairs, alterations, plans and specifi­ cations furnished. "We aim to sat- isfy." Phone West 112-L. . RELIABLE RESIDENT would care for property, for use of living roams. Box 99, West Van News. HAVE YOUR Rose Beds, Borders, " Rockeries prepared: now. H. : A. Millan, experienced gardener, W est 151-L-2.._________ ___________ EXTRA FIRING NECESSARY for winter season_.cal)s for Fire-Insur^ ance.' See' C. J.'Archer Ltd. for your insurance requirements. West 225. FOR RENT -- Comfortably furnished " modern cottage, good beach, reason- 'able. West 350-X.________________ GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. WANTED Warm single housekeep­ ing room, close in; after 5th October Box 11, W est Van News._________ TO RENT -- Comfortably furnished cottage, -2 bedroms, bathroom, con- veniently situated for bus and beach Cypress Park. West 148-L-2.. ■ $10.00 Stove $1.50. Child's Crib. West --525-L---------------------------------- :-------- WE BVY, -- Junk, Rags, BottW .Metals, F u rn itu re ,. Sfoves, Heaters Call W est 91 and 'we will call any time convenient fo r you. Burrard Junk Co. ........... M AS0N 'S;TAXL.-- JDay and night Passengers fully insured. West 512 FOR s a l e - - Kitchen Pride Range with Major, ,Sa;wdust burner com­ plete, A 1 shape,;, cheap for cash. Phone N orth 1418-R,______ . LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - -Special' machine;- Repairs, Parts. West Vancouver Maclune Shop, 1449 ■ Marine. ' , SHOE REPAIRS -r--r Get the best mat " erial and workmanship at Pox's, 14 th a t Feray. , _______ _ HAVE YOU JOINED jthe Ferry Lend- ing Library ? '50c monthly, 3c day. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic-, itor, 1447 M an n e ,, mornings; 610 Hastings S t.;. Seymour 4199. after- noons. V , . ,____________• F U R N IS H ^ AND UNFURNISHED Houses to RenL^. Houses, lots, and acreage for . sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine. Phone West 55. COMFORTABLE HOME required for girl 'of 10 years (ffoin Monday to Friday) for 4 months; near Pauline Johnson School. Apply Box 5, West Van News' ^ C o lo ra tio n o f W est V ancouver N O T IC E Notice is hereby given th a t the 19S6-Ti« Sale will:be held a t the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimau, Hollyburn, B. C. a t 10 a.m., on Wednesday, September 30th, 1936. Hollyburn, B.C., - 17th Sept.. 1936J W HERRIN, Municipal, Clerk Form No. 13 (Section 89) - LAND ACT' Form No. .16 (Section 86) LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Purckaae Land In Vancouver division of the Land Recording D istrict of New Westpuu- ' ster and situate on Gdmbier 'Island, -- :in the vicihity-of-Port-Graves, (Long Bay). , . • . Take notice that we, M. R. Cliff & B. C. Mills , Towing Co. Ltd. and Young & Gore Tugboat Co. Ltd. of 744 W. H astings St,, Vancouver, B.C. occupation Tugboat .Operators, intend to apply for permission to purchase . the following described lands;-- Commencing a t a post planted at the south w est corner of L o t-8107 situate on Gambler Island; thence E ast, 8.39 chains; thence South, 81.5 chains, more or less, to the north boundary of Lot "2619; thence West, \2 2 chains, more or less, to the high water m ark of P o rt .Graves (Long Bav; thence N|>rthorly, ahd ̂following the said High iVator Mark, to the point of cemmencement, and contain­ ing, 40 acres, more or less. <v . M. R. CLIFF & B. C. MILLS , TOWING CO. LTD. AND YOUNG & GORE TUG­ BOAT CO. LTD, --1-__Per James William Herman, , Notice of Intention to apply to. Lease Land In Vancouver division of the jLand , Recording District of New Westmin­ ster, and situate in P o rt Graves (Long - -Bay>,-7:Gambier-Island;-and-^^joininsn p a r t of Lot 8107 and the vacS'ntOown -L and to the south.'. Take notice that'M . R. Cliff & B. G. Mills Towing. Co. Ltd. and Young & Gore Tugboat C orL td ro f 744'W .'Hast­ ings Street, Vancouver; occupation, Tugboat Operators, intends, to apply fo r a lease.of the following described lands:-- " Commencing a t a post planted. a t the North W est (Jortter of Lot 2519, , Gambier Island; thence West, 1.50 chains; thence Northerly, 58 chains;.^ thence'E ast, 1.5 chains to the High .W ater Mark of F o rt Graves (Long BayJ'; thence Southerly, aod follow­ ing th e 'High W ater Mark, 58 chains, more or less, Uo' the •"point of com­ mencement and containing 34 acres, more or less. < M. R, CLIFF &; B.C. MILLS7 TOWING CO. LTD., and YOUNG & GORE TUGBOAT CO. LTD..- " '*'"7' ' Per Jam es'W illiam-JHermon, - Dated September 1st, 1^^.' Agent. ; Agenw ' Synopsis of Land Aci FBE-BBXPTIONS . . ■yrACANT. unreserved. - surveyed Crown V lands m ay be pre-em pted by • B ritish subjects over la y e a rs o f age, and by aliens on declaring In ten tion to become B ritish subjects, co n d itio n a l' upon resi­ dence;;^ occupation an d ' Improvement.:^^ ;̂^^ :̂: PuU Inform ation ,, concerning P re-em p­ tions is given In '.B u lle tin No. l , Land .Series. •'How to P re -em p t L and ," ' copies of which can be obtained free o f charge by addressing th e D epartm en t o f L ands, Vic­ to ria , B.C,; B ureau o f P rovincial In fo rm a­ tion. V ictoria, or an y G overnm ent Agent » Records will b e 'g r a n te d covering only land suitable for ag ric u ltu ra l .purposes w ith in reasonable d la ta iice of ro a d ,, school and m a rk e tin g 'fa c u ltie s and w hich is not tlm bcrland. Le„ ca iry ln g over 6.00P board feet per acre e a s t « f th e C oast R ange and 8.000 feet per aero w est of th a t. R ange. A pplications for p re-em p tions a re to be d addressed to th e L aud ConunU sloner of _ Recording D ivision fn_w hlch th e land applied fo r Is ; s itu a te d ,. on p rin ted . ^ form s obtained frosty th e Cohsmissloner. P re-em ptions must-!)>e-'Oeeupled lo r five years and Im provem ents m ade to -v a lu e of slO p er acre. Including clea ring an d cu lti­ va tin g a t least five a c re s ,"before a Crown G ra n t edn be ree^'ved. ' ■' ■ Pre-em ptions c a r ry in g "p a r t tim e condi­ tions of occupation* a r e a l io g ran te d . PUBCHAGU O B IKASB A pplications am vw olved fo r pu rchase of v acan t a n d un rese rved Crow n lands, n o t being tlm betlim d,' fo r ̂ag ricu ltu ra l -- purposesr M tntm um ] ^ 6 i o f f irs t-c lass . (arable) land Is $5 p e r . a e r a a n d second- class (gfaalng) lan d . ̂ tS .S O p e r acre. F u rth e r In fo rm ation Is gtvan In B ulletin No. 10, L and Series, **Parehase a n d Lease of Crown Lands.**. A s_ » --p a r tia l- r d le l . . m easure.--x ev e rted - . la n d s may be acqu ired by putchiase ba ten equal in sta lm en ts, th e f i r s t paym ent suspended to r tw o . years,' provided taxes a re paid w hen due a n d -Improvements are m ade during th e . t lm t^ tw o y e a rs o f n o t less tb a ii 1046 of , th a ap p ra ised v a lu a M ta fac to ry « r In d u stria l s ites on tim ber land , n o t exceeding. iO acres, may ■ be purchased o r leased ., th e ccmdltlons inc lud ing paym ent o f stum page. C nsurveyed atbas„ n o t exceeding 20 acres, m ay be leased ' a s luanesltes, condl- . t lo n a l ' upon, a d w d ltn g " b e in g . e rected In th e f ir s t yea r. tiU a b e l a t (Obtained a fte r residence an d im provem ent 0(Uidltions a re fUlliUed an d la n d h as . been s o r v ^ e d . F o r g rasing a n d '" Jn d o strla l pu rposes a re a s n o t exceeding 6 t t ac res m ay b e - leascd by one p erson o r a eom psay . ' U nder th e (Qivtidag A c t, Che P rov ince is d iv ided in to grax lng d is tr ic ts ; a n d the ran g e ad m in is te red .n n d er. g rasin g reg u la­ tio n s am ended f r tu t td m a to . tim e to m eet vary ing conditions.'^ rA im nal g ru d n g p er­ m its a re Issued based tm c e r ta in m on th ly . r a te s p e r h e a d o ts to e k : P r ta r l ty In g raz ­ in g .p rtvU eges I s .glvtm Co re s id e n t stock owners.-- S tock -oan ltta - m ay fo rm a ssoc la - ' tlo n s 'to r- ' r a n g e -m an ag em en t: F re e - or p o itia lly f re e p e m l ta av a lla b la to r . se ttle rs . ««m pem ttM -h aad . "FOR SALE--Child's four-wheel fold­ ing: push cart tricycle in perfect con­ dition. Sell, reasonable. I?hone West 442-L. ■___________ ____________ ; FOR RENT -- Five room bungalow; modern, partly, furnished, garage, Dundarave. FI VE ROOMS, modems good location near ferry. j Also small place near ferry ; not mod- ern. Phone West 511-R. ' - ^ EXPERT PRIVATE TUITION. -- French, Latin, English, History and German. Jessie Elliott Buck, B.A.. W est 97-R. ________ BUSINESS GIRL would' like room - .'near ferry! Box 7, West Van News. LOST -- Black Scotch Terrier -- H. C. T, Perrott, 2343 Bellevii'e, West 96 FOR SALE -- Baby pram, good con­ dition; reasonable. Phone West 133-X-l. , FOR LEASE --- Unfurnished house, 2 bedrooms, large closed verandah, furnace, fireplace. Radcliffe Avemie • ' modern, references.* $40: West* 543717 FOR SALE -- Moffatt. Ellectric 3-hole range, excellent condition, $15.00. West 543-L.________. ^ * y •* FOR SALE -- 2-Hole oil burner for range. Used four months, __$25.00. Apply 1451 Bellevue Avenue AT STUD -- Or For Sale -- Billy -- goat,jceas_onable^prices. 1244 ̂Ingle- _ wood Avenue. 7 ̂; FOR SALE -- Colonial Dresser,* large ■ f o r RENT -- 4 Room Cottage, f urn- ished, 1534 Argylie Avenue. in t e r e st -- n e w h o u se -- LOW PRICE -- Easy Terms without Diterest' -- Cream JStucco : Semi- Bungalow w th basement garage* good View,'location;, attractive ou^ side appearancce; up-to-date plumb­ ing; fireplace, ih living rciom. For -price and. terms ask for Mr. Hill SeymourWest 574-L ev<;>niyigs, FOR SALE -- Electric H ot Point range; steel top enamelled front, Jrarbage burner; fire basket and g a ra g e tm ; ^ e a p for. cash. Apply" 1031 Marine Drive. ' ^ "DRESSMAKING . -- .Ladies' Suits, Children's Clothes, Boy's Pants specialty.' M rs.,Robbins, 2791 Mar- ihe, Phone W est 619-R._________ HEADQUAR'TERS for AU Popular Brands of C igarettes'and Tobaccos; also Pishing Gadgits for local wat- , ers. AmBleside^ Tea Rooms,_____ RADIO REPAIRS Aerials, Tubes, etc. J . L. Pettigrew , West 145. LIST YOUR;, W est Vancouver proper­ ties' with' u s7 for reliable serince. . We have clients for choice Ibcations- a t reasonable'rprices. Ask for Mr. Hill, e"venihgs: W est 574-L.'^^^K| Austin & Co. L td .,'833 Hastings'St. West. Seymour 9131.______ ^ INSTA£,LATIQN&-EIectric Repairs, convenience outlets' installed. J. H. Paterson, W est 108.____________ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique St^m Perm anent'sVO nly ;best materials used.' E xpert operators. Phone W est 304', Royal Bank Building- _ CHIMNEY'SWEEPING -- Old Coun­ try way. ' Guaranteed. Brick ana stone repairs.- Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. '- \ ^ FOR S A L E 4 -'room bungalow on large lot 'all'in garden, garage, view _ of EnglishJ8ay,*Jiear.ibu»^an^store^^^^ ■' quick. salel$l,700 cash. West 340 or 143.- r ^ WEST V'AN~ STATIONERS -- S<*ool Supplies,' Stationery, ' Magazines, . Beoks -- C ity prices. Our Lending Library' subsicribes to the Book-oi- the-Month Club.________ ^ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442Marine- SchdoPSuprdies, iStationery, Notions^ Work:7Glove^; 5Sdeks,7'etcr~Your_ ' patronage"̂ m e s t ly renuested. _ FOR R E N T /7 S ^ a li comfortable tage, suitable' for two. Phone 471^L-3.~-*',-.^> ' ___ w a n t e d : tte a n , obmpetenf womap as -housekeeper for ;family of Wo> ^eep out; Box 3, jV est Van News. ̂ W A N r m b y elderly lady, early in October, board and-warm roow, i furnished' - p r ' unfurnished; stai i terms. -VBox717,;; .̂'W€st-Van Newŝ -- W ANTEb"-^ A good live salesman to . sell .'the "Phillip i DeLux Vacuuffl Cleaner,-'B ritish ' made, - must*'ha f ir s t ' class -r^erences. Bragg H astings fSt.,-Vancouver. WANTED TO b e n t / - - Ch®ap Furnished po ttage for two. Cypres Park.' Box 27/ 'West^ Van Ne~v^ iEPLACB/^ttosc^; b iirn e d -o u t^ S * ^ ^ and filL your- empty socket^ " 1 hayPvtheid:^^