West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Sep 1936, p. 3

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•li.iSAi)w,': mM [. : m o e W«^ 77 ' -̂ "■ ..... •■ ^«rr*rii*!i*"'**"**'***"****;*'̂**-**̂ "'*'**"***'̂ '*'*-***"'* ̂ 2i5c .......................*....... ......... *.... Z doxGn Sfitc ....dozen 16c 14&U Marin* 1C Specials SUNKISY SUNKISTO SUNKIST l | ! ^ size GRAVENSTEIN APPLES ...................... ............... ?AT ITAfJAN'PRm^^ ............... V......nv'"-^.....v;....^f ' f f l W * .......... ,.M...*,...0 lbs, 25c; Per Crnte 66c. SPIEDLESS and T O K A F g HAPES .........................® HALE PEACHES 'i...v.....;..',...,............. ........................ .........""'"'"2 LL« ' GREEN, t o m a t o e s . -- .........z z :2 ^::;:l J T 7 ' f S FIELD„TOMAT0ES, firm ......................... , m 14 lbs. 26cEARLY K O SE i^T A T O E S,: ......... ...................... ,, ' < I ■ tM ' i 11 I L ' ■ 1 ^, ̂/'Ar .Ml t t f i d l i iiiiLMi.amfc *A « « . mm M*ra, S. G. B ent of M rs. K ate Byw ater, M odesto, CaUfomw, a re g u es ts of 10th and K eith "w-ef-** u#wB6nt^2A6l-»'rBeuevn<|'*AYe*'»*" ttN ?en tly f* in f*B hp iE M ndr^ j|^ ' nue. Mr. B en t notes a g re a t y e a ^ . She le ft here fo r th e 0 c^hange in V a ^ o u v e r and vioin- Land abou t six m onths ag o to ity since h ia - la s t v isit to B. C. live w ith h e r d au g h te rs th e re .' SjS# tw en ty-tw o yeai*s ago. They re- T he ashes, w hich h id been sh ip .iy tu rn to C alifornia in ten aay s ped o u t' here, w ere bu ried Iasi * * ♦ ' S a tu rd ay in h e r husband 's g rave Eeeve L eyland is a tten d in g in th e N o rth V ancouver Cem- th e Conventions o f the U.B.C.M. o tery . Mrs. StufajfT Cam eron, M rs. Campbell, b ro ther B Koads Leagpe a t s to k e s of l 40ndon E ng- John Redden, a n d M rs. A lex, o f M rs. J ,-F . Jackson, 203 20th vo inon , B. C. ̂ ̂ land, s is te r of L M d T u w y n , w as Mr. and M rs. W. Carlin Jones th e g u es t recen tly o f M r. and of M rs. J, F . Jackson, 203 20th Riddle have re tu rn ed from a S tree t, died W ednesday, Septem - week's v is it in S eattle . ber 16th, in Vancouver. F unera l of P o in t G rey .have moved in to M rs. R. P, Blower„ 1788 Pu lton a house a t 2800 Bellevue Ave- Avenue. It's' Hiorte i • *• * * ̂ M r. Poole has purchased a lot A L O . D ickie offmiatmo.. »e,i , « w . „ „ . , . . on 16th S tre e t and will 1)8 build- services w ere held a t 8 p.m; la s t F rid ay in th e city , the Rev. Dr. D ickie officiating, and in te r­ m en t was m ade in Ocean View B urial P ark . i« ! ! l ■ " Phone W est 62 " W EST BAY STORE F R E SH MEATS G overnm ent "Inspected B E E F -- V EA L -- LAMB F ree delivery JOS. H. G R IFFITH S . C ity P rices S. D ouglas has moved from 2407 Haywood Avenue, in to a house a t 1366 Clyde Avenue. 4i 4< 4i ing th e re shortly . >|i It) 4> \ M rs. Donald M cTavish /ac Mri and M rs. R. B. B ouchette, com panied h e r husband, T ru s tee 2104. Gordon venue, have moved in to a • house a t 136 27th S tree t. ♦ * ♦ Jack and Bob M atthew s and Charles D ansey, all of Caulfeild, le ft fo r the Cariboo last F riday . * i|K ♦ Mr. M cCrae, 2119 Bellevue Avenue, has moved in to a new house a t 12th and Esplanade. D. McTavish," who is a tten d in g th e School T ru s tees' Convention being held a t P en tic ton th is week. M r. and Mrs. A rt Ridley and fam ily have moved from H orse­ shoe B ay in to a house a t 19th and M arine Drive. iii )ii « In th e B# C. A r t is ts ' E xh ib i­ tion no\v ̂ being held in th e V an- " « 3 v S i « o»«r . 0 0 We have now installed com­ plete refrigeration and will he handling PALM ICE CREAM, a t .all 'times in addition ' to our usual homc cooked food. , P . D . ^ . C A F E 1512 Marine West 616 M iss P eg g y ' Thom as is th e couvef A rt G allery a re w ater guest of Miss' N ancy P inkham a t colors by Miss.B. A. F ry , in struc- Caulfeild. tre ss of t h e . W est V ancouver * * * Sketch Club, a n d " M rs. H. B. M r. H u ngerfo rd of Vancouver, G ray, p o r tra it in oil. by M iss Jo has pu rchased lots a t 17th and T u rn ey and landscape in oil by Inglewood- Avenue,' and, in tends Miss G ertrude Lawson. ' ..................................... ... W ord h as' been received of the to build houses; on them . BROWN & MUNTON 1642 MARINE DRIVE' w 'EST 366 H O L L Y B U R N I Ladies* Tailoring, Suits, v Overcoats and Tailored Dresse^ MISS D. H. HORIE " Phone We^t 583 1 8 9 0 Marine Dr. K. W. Savory 1443 M arine D rive A m bleside P hone W est 340 Eyeiiihgs, W est 143 Lstingf Wanted -I'U"NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC EFFECTIVE OCT.' 1, 1936. COMMUTATION TICKETS . Good For 4 0 T R I P S FOR AUTO & DRIVER , A CRO SS. Second Narrows Bridge Will Be Available^ $ 4 . 0 0 Mr. and M rs. Clem ent and fam ily, 23rd and Lawson Ave­ nue, have moved to Caulfeild.• iK ' IS Ik ' M i ^ Reed and Miss H. Reed o£====|5̂ mĝ s-- left to ^ n d th e w in te r 'i^ N e w York. M rs. J . R. BoyleJ widow of th e late Ju s tic e B o y l^ b f Edm onton, and h e r d au g h te r w ere th e guests on Sunday of M r. and Mrs. F rank-W alker, 2455 K ing's Avenue.___________:___________ arriv a l in E ngland of J . C. Lea- m an of Cypress P ark , w ho le ft on th e M.S. Canada, going by w ay of th e Panam a, Mr. Lea- m an will v is it re la tives in th e n o rth of E ngland and will re tu rn accom panied by his dau g h ter, Grace, on th e Queen M ary a f te r a v is it of" a m onth. T H E W ESTQNIANS Jam es Goodwin, who has been the g u es t of h is brother^ G.„R. Goodwin, 2148 A rgyle Avenue, has le ft fo r M ontreal, Toronto, and o th e r ea s te rn cities. ♦ ♦ * \ ' Mr, and M rs. R , P . H arrison , 1689 D uchess Avenue, have movecf to V ancouver. ' A° well a ttended m eeting was h e ld _ o n -Tuesday.__The--sp o r ts - com m ittee reported p rogress in th e fo rm ation of a basket-ball team , p rep a ra to ry to en te rin g a team in th e V ancouver B asket­ ball League." -- The E ducational Com m ittee w ish young m en who are in te r­ ested in th e Spokes and Discus­ sion G roup to g e t in touch w ith Don B roderick, phone Wesjt 15J o r th e G eneral ^^cretary , B e rt M ajor-arid M rs. Jo h n O 'Bi^ien Sim pson. Good only for 3 months- ' -from ■ dato o f issue. Ticket-iiiust Be punchy by Collector each time trip is made over Bridge T ic k ^ for sale a t Office TS^rth End of Bridge and Head Office, Vancouver, Harbour Commissioners, Foot of Dunlevy Avenue, of ..Long Beach, California, nephew a n d ' niece of. Mr. an d Mrs. J . J . R utledge of W est Bay, have been v is ito rs du ring th e past few days. O.E.S. BIRTH D A Y PARTY A n in te re s tin g jdisplay on physical tra in in g by th e use of w e ig h ts w as given by W. N. Mc­ Donald and a group was form ed fo r tra in in g during th e com ing season., , To increase th e tru s t fund to apply on equipm ent a g rand coh- M em bers of .N aom i C hap ter ce rt will be presented in t h e . No. 26, O.E.S.," en te rta in ed a t H o llybum T h ea tre on Thursday, th e ir fifteen th b ir th d ay ann iver- O ctober 8 th . F ran k And era of, sary in the ,M aibn ic Hall, Holly- th e H om e Oil Co. will p resen t a ' ' selection ^of a r t is ts from th e ANNOUNGING OUR ; . J ' (WATCH FOR'HAND BILLS) M c N e i l U s r e ^ ± i 4 : d r u g s t o r e 1402 - Marine'̂ D/ive/ West Vancouver Phone Wert 628 burn," pn. T uesday evening, Sep- tem ber ;l5 th . Special g u es ts of Hom e OiL O ptim ists and the. the evening w ere th e officers of V ersatiles. The repu ta tion e a r n - ■ the G rand C h ap te r of B ritish ed by both th e foregoing groups CoTuirtbia and m em bers e f B ur- in su re th e presen tation of _rardX hapter,:N oi!th-V ancouv-er,-_^P-^?njer€-P-m gr§m as a .send:-off who w ere welcomed by M rs. C. "^or th e fa ll and w in ter season, B. Greenwood, W o rth y M atron. T he executive extend a s tro n g Over one hundred and tw en ty - in v ita tio n to a l l , young me?n five g uests sat? dow n a t th e in te rested in a n j ^ f th e activ-^ banqueting .^tables cen tred w ith ities covered by club's pro- a th ree -tie r b ir th d ay cake and g ram to be in a ttendance a t th e decorated' with, ;a -p ro fu s io n of n ex t open m eeting, Tuesday, , pastel shadedfidW ers ilanked by 29 th Septem ber, a t ._ th e C lub / SlfeWSv,-;..';. Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino *' PjKono;- Drive W*«t 828 FREE DELIVERY Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. MATINEE ' Sopteniber 24th, 2Bth and 26th .RICHARD ARLBN 'Three Live Ghosts' Cartoon, Nows, otc. SAT. EVENING and MONDAY Septombor 26th and 28th LAUREL & HARDY ' THE 60HEN1AN GIRL' also "T H E P E R F E C T SE T -U P" TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th Chas. Laughton, Chus. Kugglcs, W. C. Fields, Alllson Skipworth "IF I HAD A MILLION** r ' also LOVE ON A B E T " " (Onco only) WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30th" NORMAN POSTER EVALYN KNAPP ' ERIC LINDEN "L adies Grave .E xcitem en t" also J!fLOVE-ON_A_BETL (Once only) Stratton's BAKERY F ru it and Meat Pics, All kinds of Cookies Apple Turnovers Doughnuts ' Eccics Cakes .. Wedding Cakes, a Specialty We~make everything right~on the premises, F resh Daily, from first class ingredients. N ote A d d ress:. 1468 'M arine D rive, P hone W est 27 F O R S T 'S KITCHEN RANGE OIL BURNERS COMPLETE -INSTALLED- $39.50 W est Vancouver Agents H ollyburn F u rn itu re S tore ... 1470 Marine ' I . r , . S 'CI L A 0 m R Y SERVICE DEPENDABLE . . . . - D A V E "ANDERSON;* W est-V ancouver R epresen tative "Phones W est 691-L o r N o rth 131U________ ' tall ta p e rs in silver, holders. T oasts were in te rsp ersed by solos - ren d ered ' / by Miss Ivy Miles, accom panied by - M rs. G. -A le x a n d e r-a n d r'M iss D oro thy Greenwood, accom panied by M iss Joan Jefferies. " " In charge of th e b an q u e t w ere Mrs. R .\M acVedn, M rs. R. F id- des, and Mrs. T . B ird. T he b irth d ay cake w a s c u t by M rs. Duncan MacMillan and served by Mrs. J . W. N eill an d M rs. J . Fiddes. , ' H eadquarters . M R. AND MRS. REGINALD GREENW AY S' V I O L I N a n d P I A N O Studios: Orange Hall, West Vancouver. _ Phone Bay view 3625-X Interviews from 5 to 6 o'clock, on Thursday Afternoons. R A G S ̂Nothing too small Nothing too large ffighest Prices paid ;fof Bottles, Rags, Metals, Stoves,* Heaters, etc. Gall West 91 and we will call at time'cdnvenientVfdir. you,.r. ^^ BURRARD ;^JtJNKiCfX West:Wi«MipuverA P h on e W est 9 1 EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly, with -Birks. Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine. Drive ^ a r g e r y ^ ^ , Q lark E L O C U T I O N I S T ̂ Re-Opens Studio*at 2365 Bellevue A venue S PE E C H ARTS, REA D IN G .and . EN G L ISH PH O N ETICS Children p repared fo r fe s tiv a l w ork Telephone W est 468-R L'f/ rc% " M rs. Jean K ilby R orison and M iss F lorence K ilby o f Caulfeild a re v is itin g M rs. M ichael W ilkin­ son, B righouse. I i i(,ii II i ,1 r l fii i III II i ,1;'/ iri I d 1 r'ltiffi* I ' i i I I ' f i Vi ?nr r J ft- f* If 'll*;' • f e fim 1 ̂V.'/ 4̂ * ^