■■ * t,. ■■■f ■ s { liiif, U! I 'J 11 <./ >V*% ')J' ' : c ; ? ' Eft?*!?" Jl* ;, '*1 '" 'v ir- '. 'S:! ji (I ' ; ! i' if -> YmSi. I'l.Hr ........."'ll................. fipiiywwiy . - % Phone Weet m " Pi® | | white . Phone West # f Sei>in8tn^9tli*̂pf'=»*¥w W)ipf#> LAHO--Swtft'h SilTcr Leaf, 2 lf*«, 29e ALL BRAN -- KeJIogf*i» , ;■. For ir«»Uh............. Urge pkt. m ROGERS' SVRUP. ........ 2 Hi. tin He ICING SUGAR ... .............. 2 lb».-16e BROWN. SUGAR ..............3 Um». 17« BAKING I'OWDBIL-R«d & While Brifnd ................... ,.I2-o«- Tin J7« Stive the Connonu. » SHAKER SALT -- Red & White Bnind, IMaln ............ -........ phL 7« BAKING SODA -- Red & White Brand. W a ........................... ̂pkt..,,0«: VUT, ■COCOANUT, Medium.........•/. Ib. SAIR DATES -- Freeh and Mftlhiv 2 Ib«. .......... ............ RAISINS -- A u s t ^ ^ 2 H», ^3f CURRANTS -- Redeaned, per lb. I4« PASTRY FLOUR -- Red & White B ra n d ........................... 7 lb. Hack 27c BREAD FLOUR--R ed,f White Brand 24 lb. Sack ......... ......................... 96c , 7 lb. Sack .................. ................ 29c ' M eats Phone West 370 SPECIAL SIRLOIN TIP R O A Sm ib. 20c UOUNI) STEAK ROASTS, per Ib......... ...........18c and 20c BRISKET, Lean, lb......... RUMP ROASTS, per lb........17c liREAST OF LAMB, Ib......... 10c BONELESS STEW, Beef 2 lbs...... ........... ................... 25c All IWealH Very Finest Quality. *m TTOR*"»' will be the ̂ sub-; ' ^ j e e t " t i f Bermm. t » •* all Churches pf Christ, Scientist, oiYSunday, , ' , ^ . T h e Golden Text is; . *'That which is bom of the flesh is flesh: and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." (John 3 :6 ) , Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "And He said unto her, Daugh ter, be of good com fort: thy , faith hath made, thee whole; go in peace." (Luke 8: 48). The lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to thh Scriptures" by Mary Baker E ddy: "Scripture informs us th a t 'w ith God all things are possible,'--all good is possible to Spirit; but our pi*eval,ent theories practically deny this, and make JEFFERIES' - - , . ,4 to v e rn m e p t Jt o a a i < j ^ ^ . . HAMS COLD MEATS OF ALL'KINI>S|;,.'f|ifp:iM 1 Store at Hollybarn#^ * PHONE W E S * : ' S ' X ' • aa1d!SlT'v.y-:' ::;BUILDiNG MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER £0. LTD, ----- i-FOR RBAL SATISFACTION ' -- i-- Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive t o m a t o e s -- Red & While Brand 2\'z Tin .................. ...................... n « healing/possible only through m atter. These theories must be ^ PROVINCIAL RECREATION CENTRES SOCCER untrue, for the Scripture is true." A party of thirty-nine 'in structors and leaders represent ing the Provincial Recreation Centres of Vancouver, Victoria, and Kamloops recently complet- . ed a successful wcek'.s (our of Vancuver Island. Displays were / staged a t the following cities , ami towns: Qualicum Beach, " I*ort Alberni, Nanaimo, Lady smith, Chyemainus, Duncan, Saanichtown and Victoria. Those from West Vancouver,who took: • ]5art wcfi^EireefTBody, Virginia" GamagOj ,May Armstronjg, Mary Murray, Marjorie Rivers, Lucy Smith, Harry Bennett and Jim Murray. ' ^riie West Vancouver Football Club will play an exhibition, game with Hammond's Football Club lit ,3 p.m, next Saturday in Anibleside Park., All players and pi'ospeciive players please turn out. . It is hoped that there will .,)m; a good attendanc of specta- The real teat of a man is not in his ability to stand adversity so much as his ability to stand an unusual share of prosperity.,. I t takes a good man to thrive'well and still keep his feet flat on the ground and his head level. C L A SSIFIE D A D S The rate for Classifled AdTcrtisomeiita is 2 cebto per 'wdrd, minimum 25 cenbi. Except in the case of titoee having regular :*accouittB, all'cImsI. fleds are payable strictly in a v̂imce. . L . , . . Remember Classifiedfl in the Ŵ at Van News get immediate results. FOR RENT -- West Bay, 2 ro o m ^ furnished suite. Phone West 233R3. WANTED, -- Set of golf clubs, cheai for cash. .Box 2, W est Van News. TO OUR READERS FOR SALE -- Electricc Washer, cop per tub, good working order, $15- 2448.Bellevue Avenue. MASON'S :TAXL -- . Day and night .Passengers fu lly insured. West 6I2" Young Lady (to dentist),-- "I be lieve you supply false teeth on the euFy payment system?" 'Dentist--"Yes, madam. Pay as you cllews?'........... . ' " Mrs. Hill, 1337 Esquimult Avenue, has moved into a house a t 1376 15,th Street. She: Albert, dear, while looking tliroiijfh some of your old clothes I made .such a lucky find that I ordered^ rmnvntiFeHs"<7n"the^^ of it. lie:, What was it, dear? She: .Half a dozen checks that had never been written on. Any householder not receiving a copy of this paper on any and each Thursday evening, is re quested to kindly phone us, a t West 363, in order,that the ofnis- . sion may,.be „c^orrected.---We-shalI 1.̂ esteem any such phone as a fav or, as .it is pur only way of check ing up on our deliveries. Our boys have strict instructions to place a paper on the verandah of every house on their routes. I F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE FOR SALE--Washing Machine; Hbt- point electric range; garbage burn er. West 89-Y. HAVE YOU, JOINED the Ferry Lend- ing L ibrary? . 50e monthly. 3c day. RELIABLE RESIDENT would care for property, for use of living rooms. Box 99, West Van News. LAWN MPWEBS , SHARPENED - Special m ach ine ;, Repairs, Parts. W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Jf -WA-N-TED'"̂ -3"'UnfumisHed~rooms;" heated, on Marine Drive or Belle vue; state price. Box 6, West Van News. . ■ ■ . SHOE .REIPAlRSi----j(let..the-bcst'inat« e r ia l, and workmanship at Pox's 14th a t Ferry . ' FOR RENT -- .Garage near ferry. Phone West 635-L. H IG HEST PRICES PAID for Bottles, sacks, rags, furniture, stoves, etc. North Shore .j[nnk^Q.._North 431. C O N C R E T E CONTRACTORS . Land Clearing, Excavation >Vork First Growth F ir Stove Wood vDry Maple and Alder Coal « - Briquettes Fireplace Wood ,TEARQE_:J&.^SO.N.; PH ON E -W E S T - 8 4 HAVE YOUR. Rose Beds, Borders, Rockeries prepared now. H. .A. Millan, experience gardener, ' W est 151-L-2. ' GORDON ROBSONi Barrister^ Solic- itor, 1447 i Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings. St;, Seymour 4199. after- noons. ■Foym-No. 13 (Section 39) LAND ACT EXTRA FIRING NECESSARY for winter season calls for Fire Im ut- ance. .See C. J. Archer Ltd, for 'V w r insurance requirem ents."W est . 225. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses t;o R e n t' Houses, lots, and acreage for sale.. John Lawson, 17th. and Marine. Phone West^5. ~rrrNow~is-the timoAo-fill-your-bins-at- summer rates. Products of M. B. King Lumber Co. F U E L O IL For Kitchen and Furnace Burners. Products of Home Oil Distributors Ltd. Ex clusive agent for North and West Van couver, You can buy no better'. WEST 3 9 KNILL'S F U I^ NORTH9 4 E L E C T R I C I T Y Notice of IntenUop to apply to • ' i.j * . Purchase Land ^ T n "Vancouver division of the-Land Recording District of New Westmin- " situate on Gambler Island, ^n-4>he-vicinity-of--Port jDti'y/« w r. notice that we, M. R. Cliff & B. C. , Mills Towing Co. Ltd. and Tugboat Co. Ltd. of 744 W.;,Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. occupation Tugboat Operators, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:-- Commencing a t a post plahted'~at' the south west coirner of. Lot 3107 mtuate on Gambier Island; thence Last-, 8,39 chains; thence South', 31.5 chains, more - or less, to th e ln o rth boundary .of Lot 2519; thence West, 22 .chains, more or less, to the high water mark of P o rt- Graves (Long Bav; thence Northerly, and following the said High W ater Mark, to the point of cemmencemeht, and contain ing, 40 acres, more or less. M. R. CLIFF & B. C. MILLS t o w in g CO. LTD. AND YOUNG & GORE TUG- ^ BOAT CO. LTD. Per James -William Ilermon, .Dated September 1st, 1936. YES s i r ] We have air-tight, heaters, stove pipes and etc. Coldqr weather is coming. Crawley & Barker, Hardware. FOR SALE :-- Set of Knowledge Books, 20 volumes. Phone West -487-L. . ®UY -- Junk, Rags, Bottles, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Heaters. _ Call West 91 and we will call any time convenient;'fo r you. Burrard „ Junk Co. t V . FOR RBiNT'*-:si="Comfd(rtably f in ish e d modern cottage, good beach, reason able. West 350-X. ' .DRESSMAKING -- Ladies' Suits, Children's - C lothes,' Boy's Pants specialty. M rs.,Robbins, 2791 Mar- . ine. Phone W est, 619-R. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ]Notions, Sta tionery, Hardware, etc. Handy Ann Shop, 2442 Marine Drive. - ' ' BUILDING CONTRACTORS -- Re pairs, alteratibnsrplans and specifi cations furnished. "We aim to sat- isfy." Phone W est 112-L. _____ GIVE WEBB'S a tria lJfor--yonri'next ~~^BrTepgirgrr24"63 M arine Drive. IN STALLATION S---Electric -'Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson. West 108. L ' MARCEL SHOP -- Thermiqne'Steam Permanents. Only b e s t .. materials used. Expert operators. - Phone West 304, Royal Bank' Building. Synopsis of Land Act . ntB-EMPTlONS TT'ACANT, 'onreserred, aurveyed V-lanriii _____ ̂ __ Crownlands may ., 6c im̂ empted 'by Brltisband by. CHIMNEY SWEEPING ~ Old Coun try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. , ' ^ ' IS f o r s a l e - - 4 rhom bungalow on garden, garage, view . of English Bay, near bus and stores, quick sale $1,700. cash. W est 340 or 143a "■ '■ HEADQUARTERS for All Popular Brands of G i^ re tte s and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat- - -ers., Ambleside Tea Rooms." - C H E A P Form No. 16 (Section 86) l a n d ACT RADIO REPAIRS -- Aerials, Tubes, etc. J. L. Pettigrew. West 145. is., I / ̂ <7 u-C Notice of Intention apply to Lease In Vancouver division of the Land Recording District of New Westmin- nqtice..that M . Cliff-&- B .C ^ l l s Towing Co. , Ltd. and Young & ^ 3 Co.Xtd: of 744 W. Hast- TiShnof Vancouver; occupation Tugboat O pera to r, m£ends--to apply fan d sw ^ ^ described t h f *Nok? 'tS ^ ' ® post planted a t ^ m b ie r Island; thence West, 1 ,5 0 E a J n ^Vr LS'clmms to the High Southerly, and follow? m g the High W ater Mark, 58 chains more or less, to t t e 'po in t of com mencement and containing 3 4 acres ■ more or less. ; . .. % C U F F & B.C. l&LLSv. 0 0 : LTD., and YOUNG & GORE TUGBOAT LIST YOUR West Vancouver proper- XV ̂ for reliable ' service. We have clients for, chqiceflocations at reasonable prices.: Ask fo r Mr Hill evenings. W est 57'4'-L. A. E* Austin & Co. Ltd., 833 Hastings St West. Seymour 913T. - f ' FOR RENT--^Modern furnished bun galow, two bedrooms; . Oct. 1st -'-Phone West 589-R. ' ' "T ' GUARANTEED. RADIO REPAIRS Ezper'unce Insures Satisfaction b r o w n &. MUNTON 1542'Marine TWjBst 366y■'X '*7̂9̂ ' -- Z^O n jTD: S. The traveller picked up the.railway buffet sandwich and took two small bites. "H'tt," he sniffed, "1-haven't come to the ham 'yet." -Try another , bite," advised the 'w aiter., ' 'The traveller took.another,..a.iflarge '*-inrr«x?4'AL, -..tl subjects over' 18 .years of age, aliens -• on de'chtflî ' Inttotlon to become British subjects,'- 'conditional upon residence. occupation and Improvement. Full information/.fKmcemlng Pre-emptions "Is given In 'BnUetln Ko. i. Series.'-Sow to Fre-.empt Ztand," copies of which dfua be. obtained'free' of charge by addressing, the'ISepartment.of Lands, Victoria,-B.C.; Bureau of'Provincial information. Victoria,'or'toy Oovemment Agent ' Records' .wQl 'betototed' 'covering only land suitable fw agrlcbltural purposes within reasonableMAlatanee.-of road, school .and-, marketing fatoltles-.'tod vbicb is not ,timberland.-.Le.: eaxrylng';oTer 6.000 board feet per acre east'of the'Coast Range and '8.000 feet per men west of tbat Range. AppUeatloni for pre-emptions are to be addressed' to'-tte <j,and:iConunIssloner oi tljp Land BecordlngiX>lvIslon In which the land applied;forv̂ ls;situated, on printed forms obtain ̂ p!on the commissioner. Pre-emptions- mnst̂ to occupied for five years-and .Improvements . made to value oi $10 per.acre, indndlng clearing-and cuî. vatlng at least-'-flve acres, before a Crown Grant can te recel'ved./.. Pre-emptions carrying part time conditions lof '.oeenpatlon are also granted. •" 0BVI4ASB , AppUcatlont am . 'melved f ^ of- vacant-.- and' -nmesetved ■ Of own -not being; timberland,' for. purposes.. -Minimum';prlee-;ef (arable!' -land; Is', $8 .per.'aere, and secono- -' class' ;(gratoigl'^-;land.'^ I**5# P*' Further Information ~ la given in . No. -ift. i*nd Bertca, 'frPorehase and Lease of Crown Itods.* - Vy; As',;a5>parti|iijh^-lands-mayrberneqnlretf by P®fcbase-to-ttD- equal - instalments, the' first P®?®® '. suspended̂ -lor. twb'-yeara, .'provided tas»-are paid;when nne'adBft'lm̂ vements are 'made .during the;flrst two Vcav*,®; less-than 105̂ - - M1U.S ftototy-v-w'̂ JlndusŴ Jil®*may timber land, not ODoeedlttg^ ootm, ^ '"'be - purchased for '*;|f|i'sr(T.' the eondition* including pByme^.b(-a|umpage. , tmsurv(»ed/,areaar-;.not excels not CO- 30 immaQvamen̂ .conmMoyland b i s ' beto; swveyeo.purposes ."■THq shook .h ishead ; in dis-. iS<M fulfilled and "/i^ rS "g rito iii'i^ ii^ area8'>;not«.'!ee*ceedlng48*0i'»®*S_?*̂ ; "rtn dlvJdedxr to teL ygraa tng i^d tiM ^-„g ja- fange .adminlsteged^mader, " ^ tJlons bmended.lttyai;.tlme.to.Ome w jgarying icohdlUona:':-:; -mltSr«W.̂ lto»edTHbasedP;qn;£«̂ Ŝ̂ 0̂ rates per head^of,atocSfc SoS tagrrprlvlleges-;ia:rifv«tt?to;• owniere.4f Hons "fer > t o g r ^ 't t a in « t a a ^ ; - « ^ ■.'Pfatially;fste«;ti«w^ji^^