t' cn tP itib er 'rate WEST VAN NEWS ■̂ ,-• -^J- ■<-««*il»*.«<p-~. WEST ST4TIOMBRS^ Wert. * » '> i ' i ^ M '^ . " « ^ ; W w iNi*t-lfe k n k : ̂ ) , tIBRAKY N E W E -rN w ^^ B<K^ut «VAQ̂ I« to 8l*AiyEEB^B0&E*MC3iiMt. Mo£b̂ T||[]8*T(*(S!fir SwtiluiyAkui T liY jW iM jH-THB C lT Y l-^a R litley G om ,W ip[ THE wmD-e.M«r«I?Bk Mitcĥ ^̂ MAGAZINES--'A 1^1 tttock. eitvided. .Old Country poriodicalft u spoci&Ky, books--Order you Gift KnpJ» from u». City prices. - SYATIONERY*yl^oi1 îng->y4o"need--at reasoimble prices. • ' - • t ^ i k l ■ aiid-'iF^jrisoiiR l . Mrs. SorUe o f Bdmonton w ith ^Mr. O ir of '̂Vaiicouver is hiiv* her daughter k v o t in g her sis- ing a new building oentaining Liquid Pebdlftam A ti«fii»"i&itii kanAui'M ' 1126 W E S T p N I^ S ,|1 ^ Iil^ : generation Iwho were only miak-' Avenue, ing indifferent attem pts a t the vter,*-Mrs;*'At^Br**^Punbanr Esquim au Avenue.' Mr. and Mrs. W att, 19th and Marine Drive, have moved into a house a t ^ t h and Bellevue , -**p vAVMi/ abiA:iUL/i<o Mb bUC T h e f i r s t . g e n e r a m e e t i n g o f , s p l u % n , . o f t h e i r o w n p r o b l e m s , the- W e s t o n i a n s w U l i b e h e l d a t W i t h t h I S 'b a c k g r o u n d t h e s p o n - the c lu b h e a d q u a r t e r s o n , M a n n e s o r s d e c i d e d t h a t t h e W e s t o n i a n s S h e n 'th e * 'p r o C T L v f o r th^^ f h ip " ' d r S t ' ^ J 5 ® o i ^ w ! ^ m • • • M i s s K a t h l e e n H a m b e r o f V i c fnS s e a s o n w i l f S i d e d d e d 6 n M d o f M t M t t o m d d i S i t a 3 ^ w e a t h e r r w e n t l y h a s b e e n t h e g r ^ o f j l r s . M a c Drive 'between. *l6th • an iJ ' 16th S treets immediately east of Wil liams* tailor sh<m. .. -Mr* ̂ and ■ Mrs* M* "B*- C alp^- oi-'- St. Marls, Idaho, are th e guW ts _ , of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, liS S . There was a rqeeiving class of Keith Road. Mrs. Gainer is ,a 48 a t Pauline Johnson School and sister of Mrs. Reid. 36 a t Hollyburn School. ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Kathleen Hamber of Vic- 'Betiti Eau^iii M ufniJix P t i f i^ y t ir A farol Stmki RttMCl AIM . .......... Anlletilc fhanuicy W, L. KER, Prop. 1401 Murliio PIkmi«} Dtivt WfAt EIS FREE DELIVERY will be decided on and of ^H viSoa weather recently has been toria, is the guest of Mrs. Mac-li I f p o S e n T t o t h S ^ M o ^ i 4 " ^ ! t e d r r t f»*„Septem ter. kenzieM athesonst^er reside m W s will be m aae;;A nin^^^ toac tw h en , tation to be present IS extended called upon, ac ine ski camp, wnicn is very r n to all young men over 18 years The work of the board, up to T ° * ^ ' A v tn u e ^ ^ S & S from "S : . j the present has been conlined'to Mr and Mrs P eter. «nd fam . fo u r ' mcmtlw' W in answer to the bhalleiige of the' the club'̂ actividee ?he^^iW " ily have moved from 19th and England, .the place^of his birth* irX crof vouth UD of ^ tn isf ^ at coming back by way of the Pana- K " r e d b r & % " •' ^^ih^rw iieThttfS of an address giVen by. the Rev. ance in organization details. - p r p p p /,1, fiv!* Hobden in which he outlined the A t th e meetings held when oanied ^h?q ^ conditions and difficulties facing organization was decided on the ^ *«<>V€d to Vanwuver. Doris^Harrowav^and^hk s i S lorld^^^th^was^^^ contaked^fn^aYhrtp*^^^^ Norris, 20th and Mrs. A. M. Davies, came back\vorld. lo u tn was seeking lead- ... ^n ta in ed in a threefold set up; Arirvlp Avanna i*« RTtpnHincr n with him fm* a vaar'n vlnlf i- ership, construct ve, and .eicpari- Education, Sport and Commun-. ®P®"'̂ '"K. " w iin jum ror^ay^ear^s visit. sive, but was averse to accepting ity Service. Under the Educa- ay in Amerta. the dictatorship: o f the older t o a l ^ m m it te e a Spokes Cl j irs . P ish w iek \o f Preston.. ------------------------------------------- Id 1®".?®®-^ England, and Mrs. J .' Jones of ® -'®' Brandon, have been the guests ®"f®?"sr of MiSM;SWUc03S:828B Marine; f r ! , f L w f ®n I!!'*"?- E ^ v e .. She' also, h is ' visiting her H O L t- Y B U R I M Ladies*' Ignoring , Suits. ' Overcoats land Tailored Dresses MISS D. ,H. HORIEPhone West'583 '1890 Marine Or. Mr.Vand M r s I 'A ^ m a s and ? n ^ ^ ™ - H. WheelwrightT'M a^ Mr. and Mrsr- Martin have m oved' from 29th and Marine Drive into a house a t 2886 Mar ine Drive. ■ * ♦ ♦ Mrs. E. Orr and daughter, who have been spending a few weeks with the form er's parents; Mr. K. W . S av o ry 1443 Marine Drive Amhleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listinigs; Wanted: R eal E s ta te ce letie activities of the member- was designated as .the develop- Mr: and Mrs. Ton^RothweU of -- Engagementment 9f any plans centred on the Mrs. Tom Kothwell ofgeneral ŵ dfar#* nf +h/> Winnipeg, are the guests of the „ ana ivirs. v. u L»rady, ,2081 ship former's brother and sister-in- ^^squimalt Avenue, announce the provision of such faw- Mr" arnfM^a Eber engagement of their oFdestfacilities as were _^sential to - J^w. Mr.^aM ^ s . E te r J. Roth d au g h to , M argaret Hollyburn Thentire THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE ' ' l l ■S o p te m b o r 1 7 th , 1 8 th n n d 1 9 th ^ R O C H E L L E H U D S O N "Show Them No Mercy" a ls o "WINTER SPORTS" "HAZARDOUS OCCUPATIONS" "JOLLY COBURN and ORCHESTRA" SAT, EVENING nnd MONDAY Soptombor 19th and 2il8t JEA N EfTB MACDONALD NELSON EDDY *ROSE M ARIE' . also "THE OLD MILL POND" TUESDAY and^ WEDNESDAY Septembor 2Znd and 28rd GENE RAYMOND "S E V E N K EY S TO B A L D P A T E " . (Onceibnly-at. 8:l&..p.m..): also "THE MAN WHO BROKE THE BANK AT MONTE CARLO" as were essential to ' -r . T carry on the development of the P.D.Q. Cafe, membership to fit them for the - „ , tasks which lie ahead. I t was Mr; and Mrs. A, A. Gilbert and incorporated in the constitution little son of Calgary, are the th a t ekch member was expected guests of Mrs. Gilbert's parents, to participate in a t least two of Mr. and IVfcs. W. Herrin, 1387 the divisions. ' Haywood Avqnue. The support extended the com- m i t e , in i ts initial efforts have D. Willington, >;t331 Clyde n ^ d e i t ^ s s ib le to complete the Avenue, last . Sunday evening _ - , „ -----, to Mr. F rank Bonar, son of Mr, Jam es B onar'o f Vancouver. The wed ding will take place a t St. Anth-, ony's Church on Saturday, Oc tober 10th. RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION The West; Vancouver R atepay-. hoard th e concert broadcast by ^m eet^°aM r^the^^^^ and facilities are provided in the Kitsilano Boys Band in Lon- last Thursday in D u n d S re R klf pleasant quartersrfor -the-open--- d o n r^ n g la n d r-o v e r- th e -B ^ G r--several important" diqnnlaLS â^ m g of the fall program., An invi- network. The station was GSB taking place^ A committee is t6 tation^is extended to a]l,y^ung_sJhoil.v^j|.iidJkhoibi>YB-gaYe_a_wr^it^n4^ in ^ r e s t^ in the program very fine program. meeting and ask them to e x te n d i above, to oume along . ♦ * , the redemption period from one ' lend their aid in ffs develop- , The body of a 5-foot lizard was year to two years, to cover'air ' ment. , 1 he club is fo r young, washed ashore last;Week on th e , property sold for taxes this year Stratton's BAKER DANISH PASTRY Fruit and Meat Pies, All kinds of Cookies Apple Turnover^ French Pastry Eccles Cakes'^ Wedding Cakes a Specialty We make everything right on the premises, Fresh Daily, from first class ingredients. _ jrarties_catebed=f 6 r - Note A ddress: Id fiS ^ M afliirD tey Phone West 27 - ; VVO.OJ1CU .rtoxiuic mot: TO men, run by young men and free beach,of Edwards Bros, a t Sher- Any home owner three years iii from all partisan approach. r«. . ............................. . . . .. BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Classes Providing a-sufficient number of students signify their will ingness \ to-enroll, it-js-proposed-to-hold classes in the r following>subjects " T y ra T O IT IN G i WOODWORKING ' MOTOR MECHANICS - MINING • S PA N ISH ', FRENCH JAPANESE. PEES:--$10,00-fo r th e season (5 months) 1 n ight a week; Woodworking clas^ to pay for-m aterials used in addition. Address applications'" to the Secretary, H. B. g a r l a n d Applications to^be in by noon, September 24th. man. The reptile, which had arrears to be allowed to work long claws and, a 3-fo6t tail, was out one year's taxes, identified ~as'^an iguana,^^'a tre e . Quite a.discussion took place .lizard found in Mexico and South on the medical situation in West America, also the West Indies. " Vancouver regarding^the.unem- I t has tremendously strong teeth ployed, and jaws, being capable, i t is said The next meeting date has of denting a gun barrel w ith been changed to Tuesday, Octob- them, and is esteemed an edible c r 6th in Dundarave Hall, delicacy by the natives of South A t the., close of the meeting America. Spending most, of its the ladies served refreshm ents life in trees, it sometimes drops and a social evening was enjoyed from them into rivers, and is - ED. BLACK west 6 8 C O A L - W OOD D U M P W d R K SLABS $4.00 cord 2 cordf $7.50 quite a t home in the water. How th is specimen managed to get so fa r north is a mystery, but prob ably it was dropped overboard from some 'passing, ship.' A S h em an resident thought he saw the 'c rea tu re swimming off shore there this summer. . The men who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more and criticize less. TEA - COFFEE ̂F resh - Rich • ' Refreshing CYROMA BRANDS , 1520 Marine Drive, West Vancouver Phone W est'573. Free Delivery W. C. T. U. Pi _ /^ T h e W est Vancouver W. C. T. ■ U. held their first meeting of the season a t the home of Mrs. 17th and Ottawa Ave :2476,"M arine' Drive Shaw Desmohd*s'"K ne Book "LONDON PRIDE; ;*raE W EATHER.IN THE STREETS.** "THE ISLAND OF SHEEP" :/? ■ ' " ... . ' -and many other New Books - ;. ,:SUBSCRIP~TION^--BOc' Month. MAGAZINJEIS;; -- , STATIONERY GIFTS Beamer, nue, on Thursday afternoon, September^SrdT--A-^shbrtrbusi-; ness sessioh took place "wnth SOCIAL CREDIT Premier Aberhardt OF ALBERTA will speak a t * ORANGE HALL a t 8 'P.M. Monday, Sept. 21st . Everybody - WelcomjB. " S KITCHEN RANGE OIL BURNERS $39.50; COMPLETE INSTALLED West Vancouver Agents " ' ;jaoHyburn Furniture Store 1470, Marine BurVard Launcify Ltd. L A im D R Y SERVICEFOR -DAVJB'̂ A ^ jB i^ S ^ f % ^ Representative P kdneifl^^W cst 69LL orVNorth 1310 rv* Mrs. Hibberd presiding. Mrs. D. Chapman and Mrs: Hibberd were appointed delegates to the con vention in Chilliwack, September 15th to 18th. Mrs. Gray; the district president, was guest speaker. H er report o f the activ ities of the W. C. T.-'U., during the Jubilee was very interesting. A h e ^ ty vote of thanks was ten dered her" fo r her inspiring ad- dresA TOe hostess; asMsted by her daughter, Mrs! Uhapman, served dainty refreshm ents a t the close of the meeting; AUSPICES DUNCAN LAWSON jCHAPTER, L O, D. E. ^ FASHION SHOW and BRIDGE . : By GWEN'S GOWN & SPOBT SHOPPp and GWENDOLYN'S B B A in r SHOPPE Orange H all Wednesdayi $^u, 2 3 rd, a t 8 ti$ p.m, ' ' - . r ' ■' ; ' ' TICKETS'^ Nothing too small Nothing too large RAGS Metals, -Furniture,, .we ̂ w i R a t ' EXPERT ' W a t c h a n d . d o d c ^PA IM N G ' T. CHRISTBNSpN (formerly with Birlul-lifd., Montierf) Cqnduettn* of West Vani t̂tVer Fall term commences T A m ^ y , October 1st; Studio--889 20th Street i.! , iphone W est 462-Y t r li J? Ji y> F}! f ■it'i ,1; asiII Ws'rIC'-pHi ■i-klif ■ . 4 % 'ih ' •«