West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Sep 1936, p. 4

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ff. I# tin* tVi ■I I If s « JOTfei w i » r v j y i i O T B Phone West WHITE ,.JPI|O lierW lit'.46 electrical'«y$tew of; the a i6 d i^ "'*'itiotor cars has been re « n t years,; tn* keep up viHtfx the constantly in­ creasing' ' demands p l a ^ on it Friday and SatuSay - Sept 11th ft 12th ' iS^^tlthnTnetratt recent*:jratlw ing , o f; service e x - . ;S A lrttiT O & TAKE n m W M PitUNES--Medium iiixx Z lb»« 17c HAliT-^Shaker, tted Sb White Bmind. ■ 2*thw cajrtijWBi CHICKEN IIADDIE^-Ited Jk White Brand ........ ............................ tin 1 ^ HEI(IUNGS<-GoId Beal....... 2 tina 19e BOLTBS--Keady to Serve. Bed and White Brand. Tomato, VeKeioble, Clam Chowder..............d. 2 tins 17c JELCV I'OWBEKS«-lt«d & White Brand. AaKorted flavors,.4 pkta. 10c C O K FEI^Ited & White Brand, (gave the coupona)................ 1-lh, tin 3'2c MAKMAI>A1)E--Ited &'While Brand. 4*lb. tin ....................................... 89c COKNKI) BHEF--GmKi <|uality., Tin ................... :.......... 10c BHItEDDEI) WHEAT..... 2 pkta. 10c JAM--Naholi lied Plura....4-lh, tin 37c BHOIlTENING^-BwIfCs Crescent. ' I-ll>. pkt......................... 14c T O IU n' TISSU E-- Red & White Brand ............. ................ . 4 rolla 2Cc SI'AGHEITI with ChccHe and Tbma- tocH--Hod & White Brand. . 2 t in s ............................................ 17c CtEANSEH--Bed & White Brand. • T in ........................... ...... ........ . sc FLOOR WAX--Bed &. White Brand. !•lh, tin ............... ......................... 37« M e a t s Phone West 370 s p e c ia iT ^ SIULOIN-l'IP ROASl'S, Ib. 20c BOUND STEAK jfOASl'S, per II)................. . 18c and 20c HHISKET, Lean, lb........... 8c perts, "No doubt you have been ask­ ed by some motorists whether their batteries can stand the ad­ dition of more electrical acces­ sories," he .said. "However, many car owners don't ask; they 1 a V . '1 .1 . A It ' . ii ' I V . i JEFFERIES' S y i ^ P i ^ E A T S G overnm ent^ lioepec ted ̂ - O n l y ^ . PEUCATBSSEN 1 Store at H o li3 ^ to |fe ^ ||K ^ ^ ■*'HAM8 , I.AMB -it BBEP , ** mMm ju s t k e ^ (Adding gadgets that i x n e .b a r te iuse uji 'the.bhftery without con­ sidering. whether it can stand the load. , "Fortunatriy, both generators and batteries have been improv­ ed greatly within the last few years, TWo mo.si important im. a n d B i t e : , : a i4 -T E R ;1a l s WEST V A N C O U p -FOR REAL SATISFACTIONI J l ..... ...... UV * vw anvija/ AAA«|.rv'« ---------- Hl f MP R O A ST S Iipr Ih ' 17#» F^vements „ in generators arc KUiVll KUASlb, per II)....... 17C foj.(je<j air cooling and load edn- RRKAiST OF LAMB, lb.... . 10c trol,. The output of a generator BONELESS STEW, Beef ---------- - * 2 lbs........................... .̂........ 25c All Meats Very Fjnest Quality. Phone West 115 149*Iir, Marine Drive Marguerite Wilcox (SUvor, Meddlliat) PIANIST, COMPOSER TEACHER AHBociate of Kenneth Rohm Piunoforto School STUDIO: 0285 Marino Drive, (Next door to The. Gables) PHONE: West 304-R-2 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mr». G. J. Perreo and family of 2.'12] King's Avenue wish to thunk theiif many friends'for their kind exprhs- iiions of sympathy and for the aKsiMtunce rendered them dur­ ing their recent .sad bereave­ ment. CHEVROLET HITS THE TRAIL! R o u g h - riding cowpunchers have swung over mountain trails, t h r_o u g h - treacherous passes tyid Tilong mud'-ohurried pruirie.s on the backs of snorting pintos.' Mr. H, Clements of Nel­ son, B.C., has done the same thing but in a Chevrolet. Six. which he purcha.sed in 1929 from Pincher Creek Motors, Pincher Creek, Alberta. -H e slates th a t he has driven his car 68,000 miles under all condi­ tions, W inter and Summer, and never" had the engine down ftn- repair, excepting a valve grind., Svery 15,000 miles. In Mr. Cle­ ments' own words he has driven " "over mountain trails, tlirough the Crow's Nest Pass and Van­ couver and Seattle; also over Betty-Cavendish MODERN STAGE and BALLROOM DANCING •Camidinn Legion Hall 4;ia.ssiis for children, and adults commence , ■ WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16th, Miss Cavendish yviH be at the Hall from 3 until 4 p.m. and from 5 until G p.m, for cou- aultation and free tryout. For further 'information phone ■ Residence, West 308-R-2. falls off as its temperature rises; therefore, a ir cooling has the ef­ fect of -increasing i t s ' output. Then, in some cars, as the Chev­ rolet, the automatic control is arranged to* step up the genera­ to r output whenever the lights' are, on- or,-the radio is going, and ' the driver may increase the 'Charging rate even when the_ lights are o ff by means of an in- strunient panel, control. Bat- ______ teries haye kept Pjce-witjli the DBEStoKING generators, too. With litte or Jio incre^lse in .size, they contain more plates, and hence possess a greater reserve capacity, par­ ticularly advantageous for cold starting. „,.„"The total;current-used'by- ̂ 11-- accessories i& much greater than the capacity of the electrical sys­ tem ; however, those, that' draw the heaviest current the starter and cigar lighter are used only briefly, and others are seldom used all a t hte 'same time." , . G L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Classified Adrertlsementa is 2 ceitik' peir/word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of .those haylipx,* regular, acconnts, all classU fieds are payable strictly in advance, Remember Classifieds in the Wost Van Nhwa get* immediate results. WE BUY --. Junk, Bags, Bottles, Metals, .Furniture, Stoves, Heaters. Call West 91 and we will caR-'any ' time, convenient fo r you. Buixard Junk Co. iHASON'S 'T A ^ I iX ; Day and night Passengers fully, insured. West 512 Ladies' Children's Clothes, Boy's Pants specially. Mrs. Robbins, 2791, Mar-. - ine. Phone West 619-R. ■ HAVB, SeveraT:lri4Uiries for unfum- - -ished-'house's,forwent. Good tenants - ' '.C; J ; A3tcher:Lt<?;7 "West 226: , BUILDING CONTRACTORS -- Re-*, pairs, alterations, plains and sjpecip- rations fiirnisVipH. "W« aim .q'at~ ■ HAVE YOU JOINED the Ferry Lend- , ,,..bg Library ?; . 5 0 c 3 c day. cations furnished. "We aim to sat- isfy.'J... Phone-West--112;L7 •u s FOR RENT -- Comfortably furnished, ' modern cottage, good beach, reason­ able. West 350-X. ' * r * LAwN MOWERS sharpened - Special' m achine;; Repairs, Parts. ,-.:;West,Vubc6iiV€^.Machine Shop, 1449 SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Notidhs; S ta­ tionery, Hardware, etc. Handy Ann Shop, 2442 Marine Drive. SHOB R ^ A IR ^ ii^ lG e t.th e best mat- , . e ria f and woi^kmanship at Pox's, 1 14th a t Perov.^ - V - FOR RENT -- Three room furnished suite, with fireplace, $25 ̂ Very a t­ tractive.' West-686-R, ' t HIGHEST;PRICES PAID for Bottles, sacks, .'rags, furniture, stoves, etc. North Shore_Junk* Go., North 431. rvr GIVE WEBB'S a tria l for your'next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine..Drive.' GORDON ROBSOj^,/.Barrister, Solic­ itor, ' 1447"M arine,'m ornings; 610 H astings/ SL,\ Seymour ,4199. after- .s .ndonsi7;77:;t7'ii.t'/';./7" . ter." Pi'ior to purchasing Chev­ rolet. he says he had driven othei'. makes of car.sfor 25,000* m iles'but "the Chev. Six has Form No. 13 (Section 39) La n d a c t INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H . Paterson, West 108., - ̂ ' FURNISHED AiJD'UNFURNISHED Houses to Reht.^ Houses, lo ^ Snd acrea&re "forr4'aalo:*": .Thhii T,nwqnn' Notice of Intention to apply to ; jPurchase . Land been the most satisfactory." Re- " R e c o r d S L ^ ° D S r i P f " terrhig to all-night h ips between .ter arid situate, on' G aSieT 'istad; Lethbridge and Nelson at an • m the vicinity ,of Port Graves (Long average speed'of 35 to 40 miles ' % - - -- an hour, Mr...Clements mfimates" R ^ Cliff «& worth sii heavy mud roads on the praii ie that he averaged 21 miles to the y'oû 'g & G o rI°S e w ° 'r„ ~ ~ " and bucking snow in the Win. gallon "with practically no oil." • 744 *̂ 9® SALE MARCEL SHOP Thermiqne Steam' Permanents. Only t best > materials used. - "Expert operators.*- Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building., acreage fo r7 sale; "', John^Jjawson, 17th arid, M arine7^hdne' West 55. w a n t e d t o -r e n t -- S malUurnish. ed heated suite'... ,BoX" 27, West Van « 'News. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- 'try way. - Guaranteed,'^' Brick and •stone repairs. 'Palm er,:; Capilano,' North 811-R-2. GOOD, BUILDING L()T - .wanted, east of 24th. State lowest'price for cash/ Phone Bayview 1542-Y. A N IN V IT A T IO N To inspect our'Fall urrival.s of tluv latest fjishions in fur-trimmed, and . untrimmed .sport, and dross coats a t most popular prices,* The newest ih Fall styled. clro.$.st.*s, among them smart tunics in the new shades of chili brown, forest grooji, battalion blue and black a t..... $5.95 Daily arrivals of 3-pioce botany wool knitted suits at.,,.... $8.95 and $9.95 We carry a complete line of Fall Dresses in half sizes. L in g e r ie R a y 'S S t y l e S h O p p e H osleF y ' 14(> Hastings St, West occupation Tugboat Operators, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands;-- Commencing.^at a post- planted at the south .west corner of Lot' 3107 ^ tuate on Gambler Island; thence Erist, 8'.39 chains; thence South,'31.5 chains-, more o r . le s s , ' to" the ' north' nmivi/vrkvtv* T J i . i « " ' 4 room' bungalow on large lot all in garden, garage, view, of'English Bay, near buajand stores, quick sale $1;700 cagh. 'W est.340 or 143./> ^ FOR SALE--- Baby .'pram, like new. - West 2 7 2 -L ;' T : HEADQUARIt ERS for }AI1 Popular also F ishing Gadgits for .local wat- . -- ~ , ..wuw., w Kite iii>i Lii ers. -Ambles^de Tea-Rooms',. boundary of Lot 2519; thenro West. . ^ -̂----------------------- 22 chains, more, or less, to the'hiehv " ADB water mark of Port .Graves (Ixing .Bav; thence Northerly,; and following said High W ater Mark," to the ------------ .Ai r s -- Aerials, Tubes, eteV J .X ; Pettigrew. W est 145. Concrete Walls & Floors, Lily Pools, Sidewalks, Foundatioii Work, General Trucking. B U IL D E R S ' S U P P L IE S TEAROE & SONy 1483 Mdrine Drive p h o n e w e s t 184 ± point of cemmenpement, and contain­ ing, 40 acres, more or less. . M. CLIFF &'B. C. MILLS TOWING CO. LTD. AND YOUNG '& GORE TU6- " BOAT CO. LTD. Per James 'William Hermon, Dated September *lst, 1936. LIST YOUR West Vaneduyer'proper­ ties with u s ' for reliable ;'Service. We have clients for,,choice locations a t reasonable prices. ' Ask. for Mr. Hill, evenings. W est 574-L. A. B. Austin & Co. Ltd., 833 Hastings St. W est.' Seymour 9131; > ■ - • ' SUITE FOR R ] ^ T on waterfront, $15 per month. Phorib. West S47-L. EXPERlENCEd) GIRL wishes house- . work by the dav. W est 414-R-2. hSSgAW- Form^Nd. 16 LEFT IN GWEN'S Go;wTa and Spoilt . Shqppe child's green c oa t : Owne r kindly ca ll ' ,, ' / ^ M argaret liiciiit^ ire Licentiate College of Violinists, London, ' (Eng.) --LatesRoyal^-Manrh ester?:' Teacher of Violin and Piano -̂ r- , Theoiy and Harmony Classes Re-opeh Friday, September H th . . STUDIOS;--West Vancouver 835'20th S t.; Phone W est 658-X ^ y > *^29 West 6th Aye.i Phone Clrey 490-L „ Tree Classes in ensemble playing. * •' ......... ̂ ...... . ............ ........ . ■ ̂V _ J. ̂ ^ (Section .86) LAND,ACT 4-ROOM RUNGALpW,-niiddie Octo­ ber. Permanent :tenahtS{X adults. . w n t miist be reasonable."Box 2 1 , West V an News'. ̂ > >Notice of Intentmnito apply to Lease _ In Vancouver,division of the' Land hbusew^tk. Sleep. Recording District of New Westmin- ' _ Phone West 215-R. " Land do" th e 's d i S r *" ' ™" "' S " ? A ®- ^ B- C. T IS TIME NttW- to ' c l ^ ' l oB a , t „ 'ŴA0ANT,.~"uiMe5«nf#a:" iorveyed Crown * land! xoay be',pre-empted by British subjects.-ovey<;l*i:'-year8- A ege,- and by aliens.-'on'declaring:.Intration to become Brltisb vsubjelets, > conditional upon resi­dence,- oceupatlon;-*aail' ImproTement. FuU, infonaation- eoneeming pre-emp- tlons is . given--;ias.Bnlletin".'No. l, Land , Series, *°.*How ,t0 Pre-empt -Land," copies of w.hlch .can .be obtained,; free/of charge by . addresslng-the"X>epartmrat of Lands,'Vlc- ' torla,-' B.O.J Bureaa;:of.,Provincial informa­tion. yietorla, \'ot any ̂ Oovemment Agent Records rwill- iM-'grahted, .'covering only land -./suitable -..lor - agrieultural purposes , within rcasonableidistan'ce'of. road, school and marketlnjg.'::fe'eflltle8"ead 'Which is not timberland; le.,"-carrying"over 5,000 board -feet per acre of the.Coast Range and ,8.000 feet per. awe/vim̂ of̂ .tbat Range. . »:'£l7Applleatlozur"!tor'>%N^twpt - are to be, addressedto - 'the*vXiand - Commissioner of the-Land'Be'Mrding*X>lvision in which the land- appUed„.for,,is situated, on printed lorms obtained <tiom tbe Commissioner. Pre-emptions, must bê occupied for five years and/improivemente made to value of $1(> per. acre,": ineludiag'iBlearlng and culti­vating, at.,least;ilvo'.acrei,'before a crown Pre-eraptioniî /eeSriilng --part time condi­tions of oeeupatlOQ eremso'granted. . 'Applieatlona/'.arit'-'rî v̂ purchaseof--vacaiit̂ and -TUireBervednOrown--lands-- not-".being'lCtlmlMa'1and, 'agricultural . purposes.s/.BSInlmum"','price ' of .first-class v ' Hast- Tubs, P i U s / w ' for'ft IftflQD _!_• .fe y.aiyvoca.-T,„aunimuni','pr*ee •» .aus----- (arableî laDd vie'f5:-pm,acre,' and second -class ' ':tgrastng)*'::iaad..::'$3.50 per acre. Further ŜilfonitftUoii ̂ l g I n Bulletin No.- I0,;l,and. Sextea.-","Pbr̂ ase and As/■«':*partlai'̂ rtilet%'measure, reverted .landa>mayJbe.^^a,l»Weaual instalmentat^trtth*the first payment •. - b h e t cat plaaaa a h aa . 1v . . . a.a suspendedi.f<tt.v,t«o ■ years,-/provided taxes .are'-paid ;'wb^;^dMKaad impiOvements are M r $ . 'C U a r le ^ c B u ^ h i 'i id g ^ W est,, 1.50 Teacher o f Piam^^ '■ ^ e p a r ^ M ' E :s^m iiiations',^d^^the;B aC iT -^ | -"""A' ;.}"tclas^;.hpat)i^':or,-hohoi's. ̂ \ ........ .... ..... ' ̂ ...... '** •'-- ̂ f. chains; thence Northerly, 58 . chains* - w i t e Mwk to tha H iei f A * s p w s - a r a X Zmore or loec •:> **"**»; madeTdttrî . ttaê riretl-lwp-'̂ ars of not less than. 1095 ̂ .of-.-l̂ âiipralsed'value. -' MUL > factory 'iCoif,." industrial sites on timber ̂ l̂and,, neapeBreseding'40 be--purcbluse4-^~ert.tM ked;'-W eonditions Including' payment oft.etompi«e. 20 acres/" ,may.' be: teased"ae'-homoltes, tiouali npon,.a.-d«riEiUngibelng - the. .lir8t-/»ear/.,,ttfle/beingresidence-and^inprovemrait'.oondltlons .areass1'not:«tt#adinf.|«»'tbci*s i»ay o®- -lea8̂ ';b̂ ..'̂Qna;̂ p«iWa,;ô '̂ al-einnp -̂ ^ h i l l s tow ing 00. MD,, and YOUNG & Gpl^^ TUGBOAT' r*; nn;?̂ TiPr% ^ 'Vp; «*-