ff. I# tin* tVi ■I I If s « JOTfei w i » r v j y i i O T B Phone West WHITE ,.JPI|O lierW lit'.46 electrical'«y$tew of; the a i6 d i^ "'*'itiotor cars has been re « n t years,; tn* keep up viHtfx the constantly in creasing' ' demands p l a ^ on it Friday and SatuSay - Sept 11th ft 12th ' iS^^tlthnTnetratt recent*:jratlw ing , o f; service e x - . ;S A lrttiT O & TAKE n m W M PitUNES--Medium iiixx Z lb»« 17c HAliT-^Shaker, tted Sb White Bmind. ■ 2*thw cajrtijWBi CHICKEN IIADDIE^-Ited Jk White Brand ........ ............................ tin 1 ^ HEI(IUNGS<-GoId Beal....... 2 tina 19e BOLTBS--Keady to Serve. Bed and White Brand. Tomato, VeKeioble, Clam Chowder..............d. 2 tins 17c JELCV I'OWBEKS«-lt«d & White Brand. AaKorted flavors,.4 pkta. 10c C O K FEI^Ited & White Brand, (gave the coupona)................ 1-lh, tin 3'2c MAKMAI>A1)E--Ited &'While Brand. 4*lb. tin ....................................... 89c COKNKI) BHEF--GmKi <|uality., Tin ................... :.......... 10c BHItEDDEI) WHEAT..... 2 pkta. 10c JAM--Naholi lied Plura....4-lh, tin 37c BHOIlTENING^-BwIfCs Crescent. ' I-ll>. pkt......................... 14c T O IU n' TISSU E-- Red & White Brand ............. ................ . 4 rolla 2Cc SI'AGHEITI with ChccHe and Tbma- tocH--Hod & White Brand. . 2 t in s ............................................ 17c CtEANSEH--Bed & White Brand. • T in ........................... ...... ........ . sc FLOOR WAX--Bed &. White Brand. !•lh, tin ............... ......................... 37« M e a t s Phone West 370 s p e c ia iT ^ SIULOIN-l'IP ROASl'S, Ib. 20c BOUND STEAK jfOASl'S, per II)................. . 18c and 20c HHISKET, Lean, lb........... 8c perts, "No doubt you have been ask ed by some motorists whether their batteries can stand the ad dition of more electrical acces sories," he .said. "However, many car owners don't ask; they 1 a V . '1 .1 . A It ' . ii ' I V . i JEFFERIES' S y i ^ P i ^ E A T S G overnm ent^ lioepec ted ̂ - O n l y ^ . PEUCATBSSEN 1 Store at H o li3 ^ to |fe ^ ||K ^ ^ ■*'HAM8 , I.AMB -it BBEP , ** mMm ju s t k e ^ (Adding gadgets that i x n e .b a r te iuse uji 'the.bhftery without con sidering. whether it can stand the load. , "Fortunatriy, both generators and batteries have been improv ed greatly within the last few years, TWo mo.si important im. a n d B i t e : , : a i4 -T E R ;1a l s WEST V A N C O U p -FOR REAL SATISFACTIONI J l ..... ...... UV * vw anvija/ AAA«|.rv'« ---------- Hl f MP R O A ST S Iipr Ih ' 17#» F^vements „ in generators arc KUiVll KUASlb, per II)....... 17C foj.(je<j air cooling and load edn- RRKAiST OF LAMB, lb.... . 10c trol,. The output of a generator BONELESS STEW, Beef ---------- - * 2 lbs........................... .̂........ 25c All Meats Very Fjnest Quality. Phone West 115 149*Iir, Marine Drive Marguerite Wilcox (SUvor, Meddlliat) PIANIST, COMPOSER TEACHER AHBociate of Kenneth Rohm Piunoforto School STUDIO: 0285 Marino Drive, (Next door to The. Gables) PHONE: West 304-R-2 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mr». G. J. Perreo and family of 2.'12] King's Avenue wish to thunk theiif many friends'for their kind exprhs- iiions of sympathy and for the aKsiMtunce rendered them dur ing their recent .sad bereave ment. CHEVROLET HITS THE TRAIL! R o u g h - riding cowpunchers have swung over mountain trails, t h r_o u g h - treacherous passes tyid Tilong mud'-ohurried pruirie.s on the backs of snorting pintos.' Mr. H, Clements of Nel son, B.C., has done the same thing but in a Chevrolet. Six. which he purcha.sed in 1929 from Pincher Creek Motors, Pincher Creek, Alberta. -H e slates th a t he has driven his car 68,000 miles under all condi tions, W inter and Summer, and never" had the engine down ftn- repair, excepting a valve grind., Svery 15,000 miles. In Mr. Cle ments' own words he has driven " "over mountain trails, tlirough the Crow's Nest Pass and Van couver and Seattle; also over Betty-Cavendish MODERN STAGE and BALLROOM DANCING •Camidinn Legion Hall 4;ia.ssiis for children, and adults commence , ■ WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16th, Miss Cavendish yviH be at the Hall from 3 until 4 p.m. and from 5 until G p.m, for cou- aultation and free tryout. For further 'information phone ■ Residence, West 308-R-2. falls off as its temperature rises; therefore, a ir cooling has the ef fect of -increasing i t s ' output. Then, in some cars, as the Chev rolet, the automatic control is arranged to* step up the genera to r output whenever the lights' are, on- or,-the radio is going, and ' the driver may increase the 'Charging rate even when the_ lights are o ff by means of an in- strunient panel, control. Bat- ______ teries haye kept Pjce-witjli the DBEStoKING generators, too. With litte or Jio incre^lse in .size, they contain more plates, and hence possess a greater reserve capacity, par ticularly advantageous for cold starting. „,.„"The total;current-used'by- ̂ 11-- accessories i& much greater than the capacity of the electrical sys tem ; however, those, that' draw the heaviest current the starter and cigar lighter are used only briefly, and others are seldom used all a t hte 'same time." , . G L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Classified Adrertlsementa is 2 ceitik' peir/word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of .those haylipx,* regular, acconnts, all classU fieds are payable strictly in advance, Remember Classifieds in the Wost Van Nhwa get* immediate results. WE BUY --. Junk, Bags, Bottles, Metals, .Furniture, Stoves, Heaters. Call West 91 and we will caR-'any ' time, convenient fo r you. Buixard Junk Co. iHASON'S 'T A ^ I iX ; Day and night Passengers fully, insured. West 512 Ladies' Children's Clothes, Boy's Pants specially. Mrs. Robbins, 2791, Mar-. - ine. Phone West 619-R. ■ HAVB, SeveraT:lri4Uiries for unfum- - -ished-'house's,forwent. Good tenants - ' '.C; J ; A3tcher:Lt<?;7 "West 226: , BUILDING CONTRACTORS -- Re-*, pairs, alterations, plains and sjpecip- rations fiirnisVipH. "W« aim .q'at~ ■ HAVE YOU JOINED the Ferry Lend- , ,,..bg Library ?; . 5 0 c 3 c day. cations furnished. "We aim to sat- isfy.'J... Phone-West--112;L7 •u s FOR RENT -- Comfortably furnished, ' modern cottage, good beach, reason able. West 350-X. ' * r * LAwN MOWERS sharpened - Special' m achine;; Repairs, Parts. ,-.:;West,Vubc6iiV€^.Machine Shop, 1449 SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Notidhs; S ta tionery, Hardware, etc. Handy Ann Shop, 2442 Marine Drive. SHOB R ^ A IR ^ ii^ lG e t.th e best mat- , . e ria f and woi^kmanship at Pox's, 1 14th a t Perov.^ - V - FOR RENT -- Three room furnished suite, with fireplace, $25 ̂ Very a t tractive.' West-686-R, ' t HIGHEST;PRICES PAID for Bottles, sacks, .'rags, furniture, stoves, etc. North Shore_Junk* Go., North 431. rvr GIVE WEBB'S a tria l for your'next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine..Drive.' GORDON ROBSOj^,/.Barrister, Solic itor, ' 1447"M arine,'m ornings; 610 H astings/ SL,\ Seymour ,4199. after- .s .ndonsi7;77:;t7'ii.t'/';./7" . ter." Pi'ior to purchasing Chev rolet. he says he had driven othei'. makes of car.sfor 25,000* m iles'but "the Chev. Six has Form No. 13 (Section 39) La n d a c t INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H . Paterson, West 108., - ̂ ' FURNISHED AiJD'UNFURNISHED Houses to Reht.^ Houses, lo ^ Snd acrea&re "forr4'aalo:*": .Thhii T,nwqnn' Notice of Intention to apply to ; jPurchase . Land been the most satisfactory." Re- " R e c o r d S L ^ ° D S r i P f " terrhig to all-night h ips between .ter arid situate, on' G aSieT 'istad; Lethbridge and Nelson at an • m the vicinity ,of Port Graves (Long average speed'of 35 to 40 miles ' % - - -- an hour, Mr...Clements mfimates" R ^ Cliff «& worth sii heavy mud roads on the praii ie that he averaged 21 miles to the y'oû 'g & G o rI°S e w ° 'r„ ~ ~ " and bucking snow in the Win. gallon "with practically no oil." • 744 *̂ 9® SALE MARCEL SHOP Thermiqne Steam' Permanents. Only t best > materials used. - "Expert operators.*- Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building., acreage fo r7 sale; "', John^Jjawson, 17th arid, M arine7^hdne' West 55. w a n t e d t o -r e n t -- S malUurnish. ed heated suite'... ,BoX" 27, West Van « 'News. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- 'try way. - Guaranteed,'^' Brick and •stone repairs. 'Palm er,:; Capilano,' North 811-R-2. GOOD, BUILDING L()T - .wanted, east of 24th. State lowest'price for cash/ Phone Bayview 1542-Y. A N IN V IT A T IO N To inspect our'Fall urrival.s of tluv latest fjishions in fur-trimmed, and . untrimmed .sport, and dross coats a t most popular prices,* The newest ih Fall styled. clro.$.st.*s, among them smart tunics in the new shades of chili brown, forest grooji, battalion blue and black a t..... $5.95 Daily arrivals of 3-pioce botany wool knitted suits at.,,.... $8.95 and $9.95 We carry a complete line of Fall Dresses in half sizes. L in g e r ie R a y 'S S t y l e S h O p p e H osleF y ' 14(> Hastings St, West occupation Tugboat Operators, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands;-- Commencing.^at a post- planted at the south .west corner of Lot' 3107 ^ tuate on Gambler Island; thence Erist, 8'.39 chains; thence South,'31.5 chains-, more o r . le s s , ' to" the ' north' nmivi/vrkvtv* T J i . i « " ' 4 room' bungalow on large lot all in garden, garage, view, of'English Bay, near buajand stores, quick sale $1;700 cagh. 'W est.340 or 143./> ^ FOR SALE--- Baby .'pram, like new. - West 2 7 2 -L ;' T : HEADQUARIt ERS for }AI1 Popular also F ishing Gadgits for .local wat- . -- ~ , ..wuw., w Kite iii>i Lii ers. -Ambles^de Tea-Rooms',. boundary of Lot 2519; thenro West. . ^ -̂----------------------- 22 chains, more, or less, to the'hiehv " ADB water mark of Port .Graves (Ixing .Bav; thence Northerly,; and following said High W ater Mark," to the ------------ .Ai r s -- Aerials, Tubes, eteV J .X ; Pettigrew. W est 145. Concrete Walls & Floors, Lily Pools, Sidewalks, Foundatioii Work, General Trucking. B U IL D E R S ' S U P P L IE S TEAROE & SONy 1483 Mdrine Drive p h o n e w e s t 184 ± point of cemmenpement, and contain ing, 40 acres, more or less. . M. CLIFF &'B. C. MILLS TOWING CO. LTD. AND YOUNG '& GORE TU6- " BOAT CO. LTD. Per James 'William Hermon, Dated September *lst, 1936. LIST YOUR West Vaneduyer'proper ties with u s ' for reliable ;'Service. We have clients for,,choice locations a t reasonable prices. ' Ask. for Mr. Hill, evenings. W est 574-L. A. B. Austin & Co. Ltd., 833 Hastings St. W est.' Seymour 9131; > ■ - • ' SUITE FOR R ] ^ T on waterfront, $15 per month. Phorib. West S47-L. EXPERlENCEd) GIRL wishes house- . work by the dav. W est 414-R-2. hSSgAW- Form^Nd. 16 LEFT IN GWEN'S Go;wTa and Spoilt . Shqppe child's green c oa t : Owne r kindly ca ll ' ,, ' / ^ M argaret liiciiit^ ire Licentiate College of Violinists, London, ' (Eng.) --LatesRoyal^-Manrh ester?:' Teacher of Violin and Piano -̂ r- , Theoiy and Harmony Classes Re-opeh Friday, September H th . . STUDIOS;--West Vancouver 835'20th S t.; Phone W est 658-X ^ y > *^29 West 6th Aye.i Phone Clrey 490-L „ Tree Classes in ensemble playing. * •' ......... ̂ ...... . ............ ........ . ■ ̂V _ J. ̂ ^ (Section .86) LAND,ACT 4-ROOM RUNGALpW,-niiddie Octo ber. Permanent :tenahtS{X adults. . w n t miist be reasonable."Box 2 1 , West V an News'. ̂ > >Notice of Intentmnito apply to Lease _ In Vancouver,division of the' Land hbusew^tk. Sleep. Recording District of New Westmin- ' _ Phone West 215-R. " Land do" th e 's d i S r *" ' ™" "' S " ? A ®- ^ B- C. T IS TIME NttW- to ' c l ^ ' l oB a , t „ 'ŴA0ANT,.~"uiMe5«nf#a:" iorveyed Crown * land! xoay be',pre-empted by British subjects.-ovey<;l*i:'-year8- A ege,- and by aliens.-'on'declaring:.Intration to become Brltisb vsubjelets, > conditional upon residence,- oceupatlon;-*aail' ImproTement. FuU, infonaation- eoneeming pre-emp- tlons is . given--;ias.Bnlletin".'No. l, Land , Series, *°.*How ,t0 Pre-empt -Land," copies of w.hlch .can .be obtained,; free/of charge by . addresslng-the"X>epartmrat of Lands,'Vlc- ' torla,-' B.O.J Bureaa;:of.,Provincial information. yietorla, \'ot any ̂ Oovemment Agent Records rwill- iM-'grahted, .'covering only land -./suitable -..lor - agrieultural purposes , within rcasonableidistan'ce'of. road, school and marketlnjg.'::fe'eflltle8"ead 'Which is not timberland; le.,"-carrying"over 5,000 board -feet per acre of the.Coast Range and ,8.000 feet per. awe/vim̂ of̂ .tbat Range. . »:'£l7Applleatlozur"!tor'>%N^twpt - are to be, addressedto - 'the*vXiand - Commissioner of the-Land'Be'Mrding*X>lvision in which the land- appUed„.for,,is situated, on printed lorms obtained <tiom tbe Commissioner. Pre-emptions, must bê occupied for five years and/improivemente made to value of $1(> per. acre,": ineludiag'iBlearlng and cultivating, at.,least;ilvo'.acrei,'before a crown Pre-eraptioniî /eeSriilng --part time conditions of oeeupatlOQ eremso'granted. . 'Applieatlona/'.arit'-'rî v̂ purchaseof--vacaiit̂ and -TUireBervednOrown--lands-- not-".being'lCtlmlMa'1and, 'agricultural . purposes.s/.BSInlmum"','price ' of .first-class v ' Hast- Tubs, P i U s / w ' for'ft IftflQD _!_• .fe y.aiyvoca.-T,„aunimuni','pr*ee •» .aus----- (arableî laDd vie'f5:-pm,acre,' and second -class ' ':tgrastng)*'::iaad..::'$3.50 per acre. Further ŜilfonitftUoii ̂ l g I n Bulletin No.- I0,;l,and. Sextea.-","Pbr̂ ase and As/■«':*partlai'̂ rtilet%'measure, reverted .landa>mayJbe.^^a,l»Weaual instalmentat^trtth*the first payment •. - b h e t cat plaaaa a h aa . 1v . . . a.a suspendedi.f<tt.v,t«o ■ years,-/provided taxes .are'-paid ;'wb^;^dMKaad impiOvements are M r $ . 'C U a r le ^ c B u ^ h i 'i id g ^ W est,, 1.50 Teacher o f Piam^^ '■ ^ e p a r ^ M ' E :s^m iiiations',^d^^the;B aC iT -^ | -"""A' ;.}"tclas^;.hpat)i^':or,-hohoi's. ̂ \ ........ .... ..... ' ̂ ...... '** •'-- ̂ f. chains; thence Northerly, 58 . chains* - w i t e Mwk to tha H iei f A * s p w s - a r a X Zmore or loec •:> **"**»; madeTdttrî . ttaê riretl-lwp-'̂ ars of not less than. 1095 ̂ .of-.-l̂ âiipralsed'value. -' MUL > factory 'iCoif,." industrial sites on timber ̂ l̂and,, neapeBreseding'40 be--purcbluse4-^~ert.tM ked;'-W eonditions Including' payment oft.etompi«e. 20 acres/" ,may.' be: teased"ae'-homoltes, tiouali npon,.a.-d«riEiUngibelng - the. .lir8t-/»ear/.,,ttfle/beingresidence-and^inprovemrait'.oondltlons .areass1'not:«tt#adinf.|«»'tbci*s i»ay o®- -lea8̂ ';b̂ ..'̂Qna;̂ p«iWa,;ô '̂ al-einnp -̂ ^ h i l l s tow ing 00. MD,, and YOUNG & Gpl^^ TUGBOAT' r*; nn;?̂ TiPr% ^ 'Vp; «*-