West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Sep 1936, p. 3

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Si»ptember 10, 1986. •* •» THE WESrr VAN NEWS West - " t w e n t i e t h a n n u a l 5 /*' sf-«f/v'""*'T.'f'̂T«̂v*"̂ of Flowers, Vegetobles, Fruits, Needlework, Domestic Science. m g i e w f I t a g t . : ; . i z t i i , ' '.. ' V*'Admission Fr6e*": -i (""■" '• 'j" Continual Xjppej* Level Bus Service in afternoon and evening. Local and Personal Miss Van Honie of Vancouver Mr. mid Mrs. Trimblo of Sher- 'C aS r t > « .. 1»| ■tin, t » , ! » ), ' ~ f . Mrs. Helsn Chinef^ has m^v-. W. A. C. Douglas, 2373 Hay- ed back to her home at 1379 wood Avenue,, has left for the Clyde, Ave, . ̂ > O M ' '• •"*'• •*; -*• Mr. and Mrs. John Bowden* FUEL SUPPLIES CORHESPONDENCB WOOD - COAL - TRANSFER Inside Mill )F'ir..... .̂.. Ĵ$5.50 cord Inside Bush'Plr..:.... ....$6.50 cord, Heater and Furnace. Blocks,..........,.....:.....$4,50 cord Slabs and Edgittgis ■........, i ■ "8, cords $11.00 < Alder, .Maple, Firepla6e Knots, Heavy'Fir . Bark.;..':.$4.00 cord . AlbertawSootless and B.C. Coals.. ̂ Sand--Gravel--Cement Top Soil-^Manure ,: Dump Trucfc for Hire _ C H A ji0„^,T ^(^M W E S T .;S % jiib » it /? W S ^ Editor, ' West Van News Old Country. ' '■ ■ ' " ' 4 j ............... Miss G. Webster, 104 17th St„ has moved into, a house a t 1310 Argyle Ayenue: ' ' r ill - ) * , * The new home which A. J. Addy is having built at,20tH and Gordon'.Avenue, is nearing com­ pletion. ' * . . .'S'*,. ♦ . Miss Mary Eadie of the ^ y - view opbe has been transferred to the local staff of the B. C. Dear Sir,--Now th a t school Telephone Company, days fare, with us again, may I, * ♦ ♦ , George Bennett of Weyburn, column, bring to the attention of Saskatchewan; spent last .week th e . c im irm ^ and members-of vvith his fam ily here a t their .our; school board the necessity home, 1473 Mathers Avenue, (m, my opinion) for the protec- I'lnn jrvf nc,r.n/.{n11.. have moved into a house a t 2487 King's Ave. Mr. and Mrs, Fretious, 1541 Esquimalt Avenue, have moved to Point Grey. tr' '■ ■*" ■" ■ 'j' ' h'r.-! ' ""iff'/ 'V Alexander Milne of Vancouver has moved into a house on A^ffyle St., Horse Shoe Bay.; ' . ♦ i| ii M ^ Mr, and Mrs. T. McCarthy have moved from 19th and W at­ erfront into a . house a t 1825 Esquimalt Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomson are moving to the Partridge house a t W est Bay and Mr, and Mrs. Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. . 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY ^ b v ? u o Z Kathleen wenmoth, 1 4 th . and Jefferson Avenue, has l e f t . g . h of Mar ne, the import- retbrn to her, teaching duties 1' - 'fP h d n e^ Evenings ̂ West 143 . ( . . . n, ♦ ♦ ' ' , Constable and M rs. A. W. ;pia& Sithe7or^^^^^ in the .scnpoi a r Alert rsay; js.u, Kruger, who have been spend- M ^m e Drive. ,I understand the . * . . , the summer a t Horse Shoe by-law requires such convenient b ^ n . Bay, have returned to their to the schools, .but many of our spending the^^sjjmmer here a t a home a t 1507 Duchess Ave. , "visiting m otbnsts do,n6t re^^ house a t 1236'Duchess Av^^ m ♦ m there ; is a school on 22nd, and h®f ..f'̂ turned,,,tb ber home m K. A. Ray of West Vancouver certainly do not Confine their Kitsilano. . ̂ has asked us to give notice th a t .. speed to 15 miles per hour. Sure- , , • . *. is not the Karl Ray mention- ly ::prevention; is. .'b e tte r., than « -v ̂ .̂ " 4 ¥ĵ ®* ed in the city papers-Wednesday - ■ -H em n have .returned from a in connection with the cancella^ holiday motor trip to Calgary, civic licenses by Libeh whei'eu4hey^:were the q u e s ts* o f in sp e c to r Hr A-r-UrqUha^ --------- their son-in-law and daughter, ♦ . ♦ • ■ Mr: and Mrs. vGilBert. There was considerable exc ite-. ' «r ',xr' 1 1 d ment Tuesday morning, when ah ■Mrs. W. W . Welsh of San gj^g bear went into "the base- Francisoo IS viSitmg her son and -ment of ^.*L. Pettigrew 's house daughter-in-law, .Mr., and Mrs. 28th and Palmerston Avenue, Clifford Welsh,, / 3060 Procter ĝ nd stole a basket of peaches; Ave. She expects to I'e tn ra afterw ards tearing a tree down South a t the end of the month, m Anderson's orchard and chas- ; •*._ *.. * ' ing. the_ chickens there; ■ T. Wm; D. .;Lbng, Francis and Lightly, ^fishing warden, has Hollyburii Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and ' SATURDAY MATINEE Soptembor lOth, 11th and 12th WARNER GLAND 'Tharlie Chaa's Secret" also "RETURN ENGAGEMENTS' "MEET THE COLONEL" .cure..,; jFhanking^ ypu, Mr. Editor, I f . Gratefully yours, - ■ .-(Mrs.) ANNE.E. JONES. 2186 Marine Drive. ->' ff ̂ ' I '• 'if," . - ' , ' ' ' ' n's-' < ' ! , ADVANCE NOTES ON - STYLES -1 4 - From Paris,' as m ight be, ex- comes no hint" of ;; ,pecfdd ;& . :c6ifei^.Ut,.t.h.e^^^^^ . George ^ r i n , Miss Joy, t o n e , since shot the animal b frc ^ r" tre n d s , observed a t the all of Aberdeen,' Washington, , ♦ . * * Cbheours d 'Elegaiice held recent- and Miss Daisy Millen of Seattle, . j\ij.g Drummond of Van- ly. in the,French capital, may be also J. Crocket of Vancouver, couver, has been the guest this regarded as authentio!;^ Of the w ere the guests Over the week week of her son-in-law and cars exhibited, the popularity of end of the Claohan. « daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. . . th e /colors shown ranked in the" ' * * ♦ Collom, 2317 Marine Drive. She rr-:!-- --r-^-- ̂^follOwinjg order: black, 21; ivory, p r . A. C. Nash; 1897 "Marine was born seventy-five years ago -------------- 11;. blue, 10 ;,maroon, 8; green; DriVu/was last Thursday even- in New W estminster and is one ■ 6 ;-yellow, 4;. red and beige 3 ing presented with .a life mem^- of the three oldest pioneers in ..each; -and.' brown; grey« and bership in the St. John's Ambu- the province. Having been pre- . -white, 2 each. The,'cars exhibit- lance Association by Viscountess ' sented with the Jubilee Pioneer V :ed.-did. not offer any suggestion Ellibank in the Hotel Vancouver; Medal, 1886-1936.,." 'Her father ' of ciiange in the present stream- ^bb honor, which is "very rarely was a member of the party of lining popularity, and also there given, was awarded for gratu- Royal Engineers " who first wasmo accentuation of this prin- itous ' service rendered by Dr. opened up the country. ."'ciple. ' Nash. ; L --* ' - BOWLIlSfGr CLUB SAT. EVENING and MONDAY September 12th and ,14th JEAN HERSHOLT "The Country Doctor" also "BO'rTLES" 1'BASKETBALL____ TECHNIQUE" . "BOLD KING COLE" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 16th and ICth ■- GINGER ROGERS * l̂n Person** (Once only a t 8:15) also "NAVY BORN" -r-*' f '1-' ' V E R N O N f e e d S T O R t A. aiBA R LE^fPlibheL..^^ Fertilizers^ of All Kinds Wo<w,JCoiEdb B u il3 (^ '4S.iiP^ Stratton's BAKERY DANISH PASTRY Fruit and Meat Pies, ̂ ^ All kinds of Cookies ' Apple Turnovers French Pastry Eccles Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty We make everything righ t on the prenlises, Fresh Daily, from' • first class ingredients, PARTIES CATERED FOR Note Address: - 1468 Marine Drive, _ Phone W est 27 TPra Clubman: "So"-;you've ' sworn off drinking?" , " ^ Ditto: 'Y es',' Pm ' doing i t for the - wife and kidney^" '------- ■ " ,• w .f i, V . . : H O I 4 - Y B U R N Clfeaning, Pressing and Dyeing M I S S D , r t . H O R I E phone West 583 1890 Marine Dr. Little K athleen; G race' Collin- son of 1196 Duchess Ayenue hab A "Maggie and Jiggs" tourna- ' been selected to play a piano- m ent will be played on the West forte, "bolo a t the.Vfbrthooihing Vancouver Club greens next p resen tation . of certificates a t- Saturday, starting a t 2:30 p.m. the -Crystal Ballroom, ' Hotel Over .twenty-four couples will Vancouver, in October.: Kath- take part., jeen is only 6 years'; old, and in ,. « 1 "• ̂ ̂ 4>1m .A ED. BLACK WEST 6 8 COAL - WOOD DUMPWORK SLABS $ 4 .0 0 cord 2 cords $ 7 .5 0 THE SENSATIONAL NEW "Target Tuhiijig".Radios Featuring^"the : yeiy latest im-" - provementk;^in". modern", receiverVJ co n stru c% ^Jiid ^ ;iIfs i^ All models-/come equipp^ witli'vthel^nowrFamdus / ' , iGaarante^ fV. ̂ fV*£«*'*' <v her last music exams , gained the high m ark of 137 o u t ,of a pos­ sible 150. She is a pupil of Mrs;. F. K night Hodge. C.C.F. NEWS ' Shower-. A kitchen shower was given recently by the local staff of th s^ " '^ ^ B^C. Telephone Cdmpany-at the home of Miss Barbara Allwork, 17th and ' Bellevue. Avenue, in honor of Miss Mildred Ford, whose-wedding took, place last week. 'The^gifts were presented in a deco rted" laundry7,basket,- . A w hist drive will be held at the Legion. H all/Thursday, Sep­ tem ber 17th a t 8 p.m. Admis­ sion will include chance on."Mys­ tery Box." TT T E A - COFFEE Fresh - Rich - Refreshing CYROMA BRANDS ■ 1520 Marine. Drive West Vancouver ̂ Phone West 573. Free Delivery. WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works - Phone West . 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners AAX C4> VI.WWW* wv* , O' i 1 V ̂ ' and the guest of hbriQr was also the recipient of a., beautiful chesterfield end table; from/Ithe ; staff." The ~servinr- of Treffesh Still, His Friendv .. "My wife ran aw ay with my ̂ best friend." ' "Was he good-looking ?" "I don't know. Never m et the ^ellow-!^^^-------------------- =----------- ' ,ments' brought the very pleasant evening to a close. Those present It . • m m r* " __/w ere: th e Misses Mildred Ford, is N " " ' ■' *niô fliscn Sutf-ib WBi ngo of'models to choos .. model 11-66 Phyllis N eale\ Irene/ MoCrumb M argaret .Smithy Gwen Hodge, B arbara Allwork,/Nellie Searle, and l^sdam es J .; S tark, E. A^ V ̂r-" \ A wide bangeof'models tk choose from" ^ T-M P R I C E f . l 1 4 . 9 5 Ford,, M. H. MwrojfcxL J te y - nolds, J. McMlan, '0;, Hay, L, WM Bartlet, and C. Hodsoh; ANNOUNCEMENT F O R S T 'K L T D . Wish td^announce th a t they, have appointed as their , T ̂ W est Vancouver Agents THE l^rOLLYBURN FURNITURE STORE ; -- 1470 Marine Radios -- Raitgeŝ -- Washers, . Oil and Sawdust Burners , City Prices ' • B e t^ ^ e icv ice 't ,1 I < j IJ 111̂ JI, iij, 1 i m '-->'1 Ilf n. Wt ^-.1 1 i JHrSiS I1 aim : ' ■ iMini -t Ms 1 .1 1 wm'A i*> Ip ' i' '# 1 $il# ; v̂j-y jn \ \ IV B R ew ias:* 1542 m a r in e ;:© v4!'T4|^^i 5*7?' ,,v i t j • t/'l 7 |i: WEST-36r aat«5RhdiJfTMhnicians of.B.C.;^ ./ I , e x p e r t / ̂5 • _ _j..W atch and ■ REPAIR^G i , ______ T. CHRISTENSON, J 5 (formerly with Birks Ltd,, % M ontre^)»%/ii,^ i 1522 M arii^ .J l4 v e i : t'l- »f; >> V >■ ........ } ........ - I , . >>H - H T 1 Nothing too small Nothing tod large R A G S Highest Prices paid for Bottles, Rags,. Metals, Furniture, Stoves. Heaters, etc. Call,,West 91 and we will call a t ■ ' time convenient for you, RURRARD JUNK CO.X -5 4 r V <1 f ̂r- : W est 'V'ancouver ̂ LI 9 1 J / I* J1 '(