West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Sep 1936, p. 2

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'll'»*► JjrtwFl '•W,«'%g448'̂r'.ÎV̂lV̂< Wf' 4l.%<r ' ,»»̂ L̂.< :.?ih:: w m t f m m m m m m m Btf* Kimti Wrfxht. Ulniattr * 8iwi4#y Siyvlcis ' *■am SaiK»y Bciiool Bililt 0 iim 10 *'S*IH« Str«nrer« & Vlittom W«Ieom«. ..■"■Jl!: i? I i* H. ' **i « If.* <>«i <if " ' 'V vil I 1* ' S '■*'|) **, i ,1' . ' j ». I r i "'* lP ), ' '( ' ' i i i t i ' j i I ̂ ',"ti' 11 w?f j w .i] YouCanHGet , Awag With It I, MMFum CTlTCIi tt«r. W, îHĵ iiitjp̂ # moo .<,̂vJQLuiuiuu .iJ» .m. u--<: ■■-. Jira .bû* ffiiiiiyigr^f^^ ii*i*»#«4;l»iiitth dudfiur . . Î Bels^dl In* loiJtiijfi iAd̂ wlt'-CJlAMi II «,m, (dl 7*M p M ^ P rm fiU m«aCi, Wvuaîoi)#*!. A ti«orty welcome to nil This fall you will have to watch your hair very closely-- It you are goinif to wear a new hut. Those ends a t the back will have to have permanent curls every few months to keep them smart. It's the ends that make the bob, this year, Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Exclueive l*erntaneni8«Creators of 1G4G Marine Drive West 117 HOLLYBURN HALL l*lth'«k«d( D uclte ii" ' ""' Hl'NDAY, Sept. 18th, at'lO a.m. Sunday School and YounK People's Bible Class SUNDAY KVBNING a t 7:30 GOSPEL ADDRESS Speaker: MR. J.iM^ ANDERSON TUESDAY, Sept. l.Gth, a t B pm. Prayer and 'Bible Study "The Life of Abraham" ' W B S r fA N C O U V E B. f- -4 -i f *: I!|in$tiiP Scitiict C « 0 1 O » KDIFICB This Society is a Branch of •T lia .H o W Church ̂ The P in t Church of Christ, SciantlsL in Boston, ̂ M afiachusetti Sunday Service: 11:30 a.in. V Sunday^ Sept. 13ih, Subject: "SUBSrANCE" i<4. ^ Sunday School at 10:0tfarm ^ Testimony Meeting Wednesday®" at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetinirs. . > - i%t $61 IPPE "17S0'■■■'Marina'Brlr«;"" GWEN'S G O W Ii.,^ Travel tweeds and lomr-sleeved dreases suitable fo r schbola ̂ ir ls a t $3.95 The Symphony Dresa at .......................... ................................................. ................. 66i)5 .. '"""̂ $8.95"' Woolen dresses suitable for Uie smart ousinesa g in at.;;.:..............9105,5 The "Shadow Light" Hats have arrived. Also the "Sport" models. The Shorlon Chapeau is always strikingly distinctive. ...... Imported tweeds are arriving, dhily.. ,, . NO^'E--Fashion Show on Wednesday evening, .Sppt, B3rd, a t the Orange Mall. WALLY CRAIG (Over 14 yours' experience) RADIO REPAIRS 2117 Argyle Avenue Take , home sdme of our m- , dividual iWoken pies for a satia. tying, anil .tsBfyjneal..,i ' • "iieit « V. t « * .... p n ISI2 W inlne : C A F E West 616 'l\ ̂4* 'WV.. D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. D k N T I S T / ' Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p,m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 UNITED CHURCH 2Lst & Esquimalt Ave. Ktiv. Hillis Wright, Minister BAPTIST CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. L. McKay 11:15 a.m. W . H. VASS wM& uT o jix^siric co if Phone W'est 154-L Suite 4, > llollyburn Block Sunday Services- and 7:15 p.ni. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Tho mini.stcr will preside and pr(>;ich at both services. Strangers ' and visitors wel­ comed. ' ' j ■ jfcicjE '̂Everyone to His Work" will be the morning subject. The choir will be in its' place to lead in the-worship, of song. A chil­ dren's story will also be a feat­ ure; of the morning service. The evening service will open with a bright, cheery song service. The pastor will speak oh the B u r r a r d L a u n d iT r L t d . lA t n n H iY : DAVE ANDERSON, .West Vancouver.Representative . Phones -- West'691-L or Noftk.1810 « f~ ' ' ̂1. hSl*V f . ) f «' rf ' Choir practic^vj^ p.m; Thurs* (lay. All m em b er^ re requested sub ject" "Mail's Only "RVsort." to atUiiid. -t Strangers and visitors are epr- EatabliBhcd mh North Shone 25 Years ""-- (Eady'ABflihtant) - HARRON BROS. LTD. ifuncrai iirectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Tlu; Women's Association is .spon.soring a B. C. Produpts JiUncheon to be held a t Daivid Spencer's Ltd. tomorrow, Fri­ day, Sept. 11th, a t 12:30 p.m. As the date set was not known "until--after"the"TOgular meeting on Tuesday, members and friends are asked to inform as many as possible and also attend in, full force. For further de­ tails'phone' West 25R.2 or West 172X2. Readings by Mrs. Skir- ton and songs by Mrs. D. Mc- Ix}lland will vary - th e pro- grarnme. . , Sunday- Schooldially invited, a t 10 a.m.' The Young People's Society will hold its first meeting of the season a t 8 o'clock on Monday evening.-- A ll ,young people are cordially welcome. ; ' . The prayer meeting will take place on .Wednesday a t 8 o'clock. CHURCHES OF (CHRIST, SCIENTIST R. B. MORISON GeneralContractor i 1 1 2 9 ESPUNADE W o n e W est 361X H IG G IN B O T H A M O ptom etrist Optician 10.80 a.m. £0 4 Wedneadays 1522 Marine Drive ST; ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH . Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor , Phone West 540 Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon--10 :15 a;m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. Catechism and^ Bible History every Saturday--9:30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, . 3:00 p.m. .. . Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m. "SUBSTANCE"' will be 'the subject of th e Lesson . Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien-. t-st, on Sunday. The Golden Text ' i s : "Now , faith, is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1). Among the citations which coniprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from .the Bible: W E S T "The cmmsel of the Lord stand- eth f o |" ^ e r , the thoughts of EYES EXAMINED GUSSES FIHED ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P. A. Ramsey ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH qiR LS' CHOIR The West Vancouver Girls' Choir are stai^ting their season' on Saturday, September 19th, in the United Church Hall a t 10:30 a.m. All girls up to fifteen years of age will be welcome and are asked to phone IMi'S. Colin Alac- Lean ii: they care to join the bhoir. THE W e st V a n N e w s Published Every Thursday Sept. 13th--Trinity 11 " 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon. Preacher, the Rev, N. -T. B. Larmonth, St. John's, Central Park. ^ . St. Francis-in-tlie-Woods, Caufeild Sunday, 9 :45^a.nt;--Morning ser. vice. " ' . . St. Stephen's-Inglewood W.A. meeting on Wednesday a t 2:30 p.m. in Ingewood Sunday School. his heart to all generations." (Psalms 33: 11). The Lesson - Serm on. also in­ cudes the following passage, from the (^hri-stian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary, Baker Eddy: "God fashions all things, after His own likeness. Life is reflected' in existence^ Truth in truthfulness, God in goodness, which im part their own peace and permanence." . L a P 4-36 |i®8 CHANGE OF *0 TO OUR READERS Publisher F . F . L O V E G R O V E Phone West-363 Business and Editorial Office: . 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburh P , O.) ̂ Phone Weht 363 - Mail Address: Any householder not receiving ~a~copy"O f 'th io s p e r w a h y a n d " ^=-^aeh-ThursdAy- evening,-Js, re­ quested to kindly phone us a t W est 368, in order th a t the omis- ~sioh%a3rbe1cifeicte7JriVe^hM^^ P. O. Box 61, Hidlybnm, B.C. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 1 1 .0 0 a year by carrier: |2.00 a year 05>y mail. esteem any such phone as a fav­ or, as it is our only way of check­ ing lip on our deliveries. Our boys have strict instructions to place a paper; on the verandahr of every House on their routes. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE V ̂CA" Jr'-P* Now la the time to'----- ----------------------- J your bins-at summer rates. Products of M. B. King Lumber CoT ^ 'V-.' vW' / For Kitchen and'Furnace.Burners^ Pro­ ducts o f Hom eDil Distributors Ltd.liSSx|® elusive a g e n i for North and West Van- ̂ couver. You can buv no better::..-f i> •' L.. I*'.-.' • .'t, ui• > i'v.i I.*-..* ji/r-* II S i BUS SCHEDULE' ■ ' ' i f ' B E T W E E NDC. I WC.C.IN . North Vancouver, West Vanoiuver, Caulfefld, Ray EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 9th,-1936 WEEK DA Y s e r v ic e WSa . , ' ESa, SaO WESTBOUND Lv. North Vancouver' Ainbleslde .. ......... V' o'ii «'nSAr. Caulfeild ■... .... f ...... 7'fo r'i? 2.80- 4.30 - 4 30Ar. Horseshoe Bay .............. ........ J 2.05 '2.46 '-4.46 "'4-45 WSa; '{Wedneadays and Saturdays' ONLY -- ---- P.M. P.M. -P.m: -p.m, 1.40 2.20 4.20 4.20 P.M. >P.M. MID.P.M.- P.M.5.40 y '- ( ,5.50 6.60 9.50 10.55 ; 12.106.05 7.05- 10.05-.11-10 ' 12.25 ' 6.40 >9.40: 10.45' 12.00 eastbqund ^ a " Vv ' T c ; '" r ' ..... 7.20 ................. 12.40 - E S a ^ c e p t - S a t u r d a y s ---------S a Q -- S a f u r d a ^ ^ O n l y ̂ " T T T " 7 --------------- Lv. Horseahoe.'Bay ..-.--Lv. Caulfeild̂ .--.......J.. Ambleside' A.M.7.10 A.M. A.M. > A ̂ Ar. North Vancouver .... WSa! Wednesddyp WJ^STBOUND - ?̂ 2? - 10.06 - 7.60 7.68'8.10 8.388.50WSa;' Wednesdays and Saturdays ONtv̂ -'*̂ '3-10 4.10 6.40-■ ' n̂wrdays ONLY ESa. Except Saturdays WEEKDAY SERVICE 66 12.66 2:30 3̂ 80 S P-M.̂ P.M -P.M>. P.M. 10.26 1.'26 2 Kfi t 'il f f'oS 'eiio. J.40 .:iblTô ,ln;io A 9.66 28 - 6.28 r . 7;:58t>e:28' ::i L28 „ 40 6.40-<'8,10' f0.'40>11.40 Lv. North .VancouverV *̂s*l»*« A . . --------------------------------. Ar, Caulfeild-,,...Ar.' Horseshoe Bay"' EASTBOp^p Lv.' Horseshoe .Bay -------- . Lv. Caulfeild ____.'.I AmWesWel̂ iS A . M A M A X - « SUNDAY SERVICE 9*20 io'.?b 'n.^6 % ' t - a -'S 10.00 11.00 12;0(J ;-̂ ;oo aioS f ,p.M.-c,p.;M&|p::Mŷ :7.20 9.40 10:45̂ IS.t-'.30, .9.50;- Kh6,5V'l2ilO- '7 4K lA nc' '1A":'i'-is'A,- " A.M. A'.M, AM ,.®'^^>?4YSERV1C!E;A.M.P.M. p.ii. s: . ■' 11.To ' i2.'558.40 10.40 11,40 8-58 10,68 11.68 . 1.06 -aa a ; s ; | ; f ; 9 k22.68 -4.68 <.,'5.68' ,3.10 S.ia.r ' 6.10 " >5*-'.? ' iS ,X , i A's.-iu "^e-. >> 6.30 6.40 6.68 ■7. in couver ' - 'I S S S l f i® if f f ib n e s Si: sfefi 'p I ■; - ' c£.."fS; 1- *■ - ; 1? N. -n Tax