'll'»*► JjrtwFl '•W,«'%g448'̂r'.ÎV̂lV̂< Wf' 4l.%<r ' ,»»̂ L̂.< :.?ih:: w m t f m m m m m m m Btf* Kimti Wrfxht. Ulniattr * 8iwi4#y Siyvlcis ' *■am SaiK»y Bciiool Bililt 0 iim 10 *'S*IH« Str«nrer« & Vlittom W«Ieom«. ..■"■Jl!: i? I i* H. ' **i « If.* <>«i <if " ' 'V vil I 1* ' S '■*'|) **, i ,1' . ' j ». I r i "'* lP ), ' '( ' ' i i i t i ' j i I ̂ ',"ti' 11 w?f j w .i] YouCanHGet , Awag With It I, MMFum CTlTCIi tt«r. W, îHĵ iiitjp̂ # moo .<,̂vJQLuiuiuu .iJ» .m. u--<: ■■-. Jira .bû* ffiiiiiyigr^f^^ ii*i*»#«4;l»iiitth dudfiur . . Î Bels^dl In* loiJtiijfi iAd̂ wlt'-CJlAMi II «,m, (dl 7*M p M ^ P rm fiU m«aCi, Wvuaîoi)#*!. A ti«orty welcome to nil This fall you will have to watch your hair very closely-- It you are goinif to wear a new hut. Those ends a t the back will have to have permanent curls every few months to keep them smart. It's the ends that make the bob, this year, Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Exclueive l*erntaneni8«Creators of 1G4G Marine Drive West 117 HOLLYBURN HALL l*lth'«k«d( D uclte ii" ' ""' Hl'NDAY, Sept. 18th, at'lO a.m. Sunday School and YounK People's Bible Class SUNDAY KVBNING a t 7:30 GOSPEL ADDRESS Speaker: MR. J.iM^ ANDERSON TUESDAY, Sept. l.Gth, a t B pm. Prayer and 'Bible Study "The Life of Abraham" ' W B S r fA N C O U V E B. f- -4 -i f *: I!|in$tiiP Scitiict C « 0 1 O » KDIFICB This Society is a Branch of •T lia .H o W Church ̂ The P in t Church of Christ, SciantlsL in Boston, ̂ M afiachusetti Sunday Service: 11:30 a.in. V Sunday^ Sept. 13ih, Subject: "SUBSrANCE" i<4. ^ Sunday School at 10:0tfarm ^ Testimony Meeting Wednesday®" at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetinirs. . > - i%t $61 IPPE "17S0'■■■'Marina'Brlr«;"" GWEN'S G O W Ii.,^ Travel tweeds and lomr-sleeved dreases suitable fo r schbola ̂ ir ls a t $3.95 The Symphony Dresa at .......................... ................................................. ................. 66i)5 .. '"""̂ $8.95"' Woolen dresses suitable for Uie smart ousinesa g in at.;;.:..............9105,5 The "Shadow Light" Hats have arrived. Also the "Sport" models. The Shorlon Chapeau is always strikingly distinctive. ...... Imported tweeds are arriving, dhily.. ,, . NO^'E--Fashion Show on Wednesday evening, .Sppt, B3rd, a t the Orange Mall. WALLY CRAIG (Over 14 yours' experience) RADIO REPAIRS 2117 Argyle Avenue Take , home sdme of our m- , dividual iWoken pies for a satia. tying, anil .tsBfyjneal..,i ' • "iieit « V. t « * .... p n ISI2 W inlne : C A F E West 616 'l\ ̂4* 'WV.. D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. D k N T I S T / ' Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p,m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 UNITED CHURCH 2Lst & Esquimalt Ave. Ktiv. Hillis Wright, Minister BAPTIST CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. L. McKay 11:15 a.m. W . H. VASS wM& uT o jix^siric co if Phone W'est 154-L Suite 4, > llollyburn Block Sunday Services- and 7:15 p.ni. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Tho mini.stcr will preside and pr(>;ich at both services. Strangers ' and visitors wel comed. ' ' j ■ jfcicjE '̂Everyone to His Work" will be the morning subject. The choir will be in its' place to lead in the-worship, of song. A chil dren's story will also be a feat ure; of the morning service. The evening service will open with a bright, cheery song service. The pastor will speak oh the B u r r a r d L a u n d iT r L t d . lA t n n H iY : DAVE ANDERSON, .West Vancouver.Representative . Phones -- West'691-L or Noftk.1810 « f~ ' ' ̂1. hSl*V f . ) f «' rf ' Choir practic^vj^ p.m; Thurs* (lay. All m em b er^ re requested sub ject" "Mail's Only "RVsort." to atUiiid. -t Strangers and visitors are epr- EatabliBhcd mh North Shone 25 Years ""-- (Eady'ABflihtant) - HARRON BROS. LTD. ifuncrai iirectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Tlu; Women's Association is .spon.soring a B. C. Produpts JiUncheon to be held a t Daivid Spencer's Ltd. tomorrow, Fri day, Sept. 11th, a t 12:30 p.m. As the date set was not known "until--after"the"TOgular meeting on Tuesday, members and friends are asked to inform as many as possible and also attend in, full force. For further de tails'phone' West 25R.2 or West 172X2. Readings by Mrs. Skir- ton and songs by Mrs. D. Mc- Ix}lland will vary - th e pro- grarnme. . , Sunday- Schooldially invited, a t 10 a.m.' The Young People's Society will hold its first meeting of the season a t 8 o'clock on Monday evening.-- A ll ,young people are cordially welcome. ; ' . The prayer meeting will take place on .Wednesday a t 8 o'clock. CHURCHES OF (CHRIST, SCIENTIST R. B. MORISON GeneralContractor i 1 1 2 9 ESPUNADE W o n e W est 361X H IG G IN B O T H A M O ptom etrist Optician 10.80 a.m. £0 4 Wedneadays 1522 Marine Drive ST; ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH . Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor , Phone West 540 Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon--10 :15 a;m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. Catechism and^ Bible History every Saturday--9:30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, . 3:00 p.m. .. . Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m. "SUBSTANCE"' will be 'the subject of th e Lesson . Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien-. t-st, on Sunday. The Golden Text ' i s : "Now , faith, is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1). Among the citations which coniprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from .the Bible: W E S T "The cmmsel of the Lord stand- eth f o |" ^ e r , the thoughts of EYES EXAMINED GUSSES FIHED ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P. A. Ramsey ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH qiR LS' CHOIR The West Vancouver Girls' Choir are stai^ting their season' on Saturday, September 19th, in the United Church Hall a t 10:30 a.m. All girls up to fifteen years of age will be welcome and are asked to phone IMi'S. Colin Alac- Lean ii: they care to join the bhoir. THE W e st V a n N e w s Published Every Thursday Sept. 13th--Trinity 11 " 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Preacher, the Rev, N. -T. B. Larmonth, St. John's, Central Park. ^ . St. Francis-in-tlie-Woods, Caufeild Sunday, 9 :45^a.nt;--Morning ser. vice. " ' . . St. Stephen's-Inglewood W.A. meeting on Wednesday a t 2:30 p.m. in Ingewood Sunday School. his heart to all generations." (Psalms 33: 11). The Lesson - Serm on. also in cudes the following passage, from the (^hri-stian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary, Baker Eddy: "God fashions all things, after His own likeness. Life is reflected' in existence^ Truth in truthfulness, God in goodness, which im part their own peace and permanence." . L a P 4-36 |i®8 CHANGE OF *0 TO OUR READERS Publisher F . F . L O V E G R O V E Phone West-363 Business and Editorial Office: . 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburh P , O.) ̂ Phone Weht 363 - Mail Address: Any householder not receiving ~a~copy"O f 'th io s p e r w a h y a n d " ^=-^aeh-ThursdAy- evening,-Js, re quested to kindly phone us a t W est 368, in order th a t the omis- ~sioh%a3rbe1cifeicte7JriVe^hM^^ P. O. Box 61, Hidlybnm, B.C. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 1 1 .0 0 a year by carrier: |2.00 a year 05>y mail. esteem any such phone as a fav or, as it is our only way of check ing lip on our deliveries. Our boys have strict instructions to place a paper; on the verandahr of every House on their routes. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE V ̂CA" Jr'-P* Now la the time to'----- ----------------------- J your bins-at summer rates. Products of M. B. King Lumber CoT ^ 'V-.' vW' / For Kitchen and'Furnace.Burners^ Pro ducts o f Hom eDil Distributors Ltd.liSSx|® elusive a g e n i for North and West Van- ̂ couver. You can buv no better::..-f i> •' L.. I*'.-.' • .'t, ui• > i'v.i I.*-..* ji/r-* II S i BUS SCHEDULE' ■ ' ' i f ' B E T W E E NDC. I WC.C.IN . North Vancouver, West Vanoiuver, Caulfefld, Ray EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 9th,-1936 WEEK DA Y s e r v ic e WSa . , ' ESa, SaO WESTBOUND Lv. North Vancouver' Ainbleslde .. ......... V' o'ii «'nSAr. Caulfeild ■... .... f ...... 7'fo r'i? 2.80- 4.30 - 4 30Ar. Horseshoe Bay .............. ........ J 2.05 '2.46 '-4.46 "'4-45 WSa; '{Wedneadays and Saturdays' ONLY -- ---- P.M. P.M. -P.m: -p.m, 1.40 2.20 4.20 4.20 P.M. >P.M. MID.P.M.- P.M.5.40 y '- ( ,5.50 6.60 9.50 10.55 ; 12.106.05 7.05- 10.05-.11-10 ' 12.25 ' 6.40 >9.40: 10.45' 12.00 eastbqund ^ a " Vv ' T c ; '" r ' ..... 7.20 ................. 12.40 - E S a ^ c e p t - S a t u r d a y s ---------S a Q -- S a f u r d a ^ ^ O n l y ̂ " T T T " 7 --------------- Lv. Horseahoe.'Bay ..-.--Lv. Caulfeild̂ .--.......J.. Ambleside' A.M.7.10 A.M. A.M. > A ̂ Ar. North Vancouver .... WSa! Wednesddyp WJ^STBOUND - ?̂ 2? - 10.06 - 7.60 7.68'8.10 8.388.50WSa;' Wednesdays and Saturdays ONtv̂ -'*̂ '3-10 4.10 6.40-■ ' n̂wrdays ONLY ESa. Except Saturdays WEEKDAY SERVICE 66 12.66 2:30 3̂ 80 S P-M.̂ P.M -P.M>. P.M. 10.26 1.'26 2 Kfi t 'il f f'oS 'eiio. J.40 .:iblTô ,ln;io A 9.66 28 - 6.28 r . 7;:58t>e:28' ::i L28 „ 40 6.40-<'8,10' f0.'40>11.40 Lv. North .VancouverV *̂s*l»*« A . . --------------------------------. Ar, Caulfeild-,,...Ar.' Horseshoe Bay"' EASTBOp^p Lv.' Horseshoe .Bay -------- . Lv. Caulfeild ____.'.I AmWesWel̂ iS A . M A M A X - « SUNDAY SERVICE 9*20 io'.?b 'n.^6 % ' t - a -'S 10.00 11.00 12;0(J ;-̂ ;oo aioS f ,p.M.-c,p.;M&|p::Mŷ :7.20 9.40 10:45̂ IS.t-'.30, .9.50;- Kh6,5V'l2ilO- '7 4K lA nc' '1A":'i'-is'A,- " A.M. A'.M, AM ,.®'^^>?4YSERV1C!E;A.M.P.M. p.ii. s: . ■' 11.To ' i2.'558.40 10.40 11,40 8-58 10,68 11.68 . 1.06 -aa a ; s ; | ; f ; 9 k22.68 -4.68 <.,'5.68' ,3.10 S.ia.r ' 6.10 " >5*-'.? ' iS ,X , i A's.-iu "^e-. >> 6.30 6.40 6.68 ■7. in couver ' - 'I S S S l f i® if f f ib n e s Si: sfefi 'p I ■; - ' c£.."fS; 1- *■ - ; 1? N. -n Tax