West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Sep 1936, p. 1

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* ^ ̂ * ■'iPiw V mKKm f ̂ ̂ I >■ t ! ' r ^ » Circuiutingin-thei-^^ 'of' West yancouver̂ -fimbltside,, Dundar<i:ve $1.00 p e r ^ '•■.̂ '■:.'Cypr€s$ Park, Gauffeiidr^d^hytecij^yfy :i!̂ )'>"" ■■' "*■**'•*" <•*•'fS*' «/■ V ol XI HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVEKS. B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER lOtJi. 1936 No* 21 THE FALL EXHIBITION The W est V i^couver Agricul^ml^^ Horticultural Asso­ ciation are holdingf ,their annual Fall Exhibition next Saturday,, HUGHES-rFORD PALL EXHIBITION ill Inglewood.'SchooL This is. the twentieth consecutive year in which the Association" have given such a show, which is a Jongnond honorable, record for a young municipality like West Vancouver, v ' ;> , ! ■ Nobody except those who have actually taken.'*a)art_can realize the Umouiit of .detailed. work involved in putting bn these show s'year ̂ f te r particularly wheh one reinembers it is-all . doiie: . w ithout remuneration Of any* kind to' those"'Oon- corned. .^ e "m ere ,fac t th a t there .are one hundred and fifty- four classeavtos be W anged .arid iudged-te lls .the story. And, if West "Vancouver has obtain^pd, as it has, a reputation for beautiful gardens,Ithe chief ctedit of th is.m ustgo to the'Asso­ ciation, who'hdve instilled and kept alive among the.residents a love of^flowers and.'a desire to excel,in their Cultivation. The, work o f 'th e Association has-been a m aterial help to the m unicipality/N ot 'only has it helped to enhance .the natural charm of the-place with a wealth of flb'^ybra>\b^^ by. so doing it has created a s till furthen« inducement fo t non-residents to settle i 1?;',;' 't: . u,V We trust,'therefore , th a t our residents'will make a special eftort. to. send^ m th e ir entries. , to one; or/,more:-of the many classes opieh Tor contestants,'ai^ if this iS' iriipossible," â ̂ attend the .exhibition, and so' show their .appreciation o f the efforts of those responsible.,. ' At St. Stephen's Church, West Vancouver, the wbdding of Edith Mildred, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R.\ Ford, to Mr. Leslie Gordon Hughes', only son of Mrs., A. Hughes and the late JUBILEE FLOAT . COMMIITEE The West Vancouver Agricul- tural and Horticultural AasWIa-. The West Vancouver Jubilee Moat Committee wish, to an- 1-all Exhibition from 2:30 p.m. nounco tha t they would like to 10 p.m. next Saturday, Sep- very much to secure a few more tember 12, in Inglewood School, donations to completely blose ■David-Hughes, was solemnized P « i!'® "P- T*'«y ®«M®- on Tuesday. evening, September S®*' °̂™®*̂ fiod that.the idea was productive 1st, with jRey,..P..A, Ramsey, of- ,8̂ ®?!* advertising for ficiating. Mr. A rt Peers sup­ ported the groom and Mr. Gor­ don Hudson and: Mr. Clifford Wilson were ushers. Given in marriage by her brother-in-iaw, Mr. George F raser Beattie, the bride wore( pallsi pink chiffon flowered with blue a n d ' rose white the sleeves pleated and* tied into the . Wrist.. In tone with her dress, were pale pink flowers will present the. prizes a t ' 8:80 the Municipality and was of gen- p.m. Admission will be free, erjil benefit. The subscriptions" already received from the dif­ ferent * business people of . The municipality show the in terest taken, and as there has been a v"'V, THE WORLD UNREST iwA-#' the There.,is today a pervading spirit of,.unrest throughout 3. tybrld'Jblid^asralway^/l^^ a t biich';^eribds^^ due to the kindness of the -'SchbolW'BMrd'Jri'dba^ /^wbbd-'Bchbbl'^i There are one hundred and fifty ! four c lasp s and \vorth of little prizes will be distributed to th e ticipated, the committee ' feel winners. Special attten tipn is that it is justified In making drawn to the contest for the b e s t : this appeal window box display and the new » Please notify the Editor of clustered on.-the.; front of , her toulevard competition r e f e j ^ ; the W est Van News and d call pink onions-skih-ratraw picture PP-.r® . made with an explana- hat, with.'pink sandals to match. "P P ® ! .. , i , . - - . She carried, a bouquet of Rap- du ring . the afternoon and e v ^ Ihe following subscriptions . ture roses and Swansonia tied ̂ Entries will be re c e iv ^ in have been .received additional to with'Satin ribbons. Her matron Inglewood School from 7 to 10 those already published! of honor, Mrs. Sm^rt, chose blue .... net over;taffeia, th'e skirt,mould- exhibits m u s t,in place by.10-.45. J. IT. McLaughljjti,....... . 2.50 --^d over-tho 'h ips and-tinyJfrills_iJ?:!5iLj?:5:,_^^^ , ' , Eolvm ....................... 6.00 to the hemline. Her blue p ic tire d b a TH OF MRS. HEKRIETTA ' K y m o 'u s un iver^ l :;suspibiph m an .aud.fhis,. neighbor:,'N or is this?dhrest'"arid .suspici6ri:!cbnfined^ io":ciVili^dir peoplea only. hat shaded w ith ,p,alb green and sandals to matfeh: ' H er bouquet was ' of 'yellow carnations and mauve sweet peas'tied w ith yol-' low satin^ ribbon. v The two little J.PEN TLA N D , Mrs. H enrietta J. Pentland* widow of J. 0 . Pentland, passed flower girls, liieces of the bride, ■ ."WW, la s t ; Thursday a t , 2909 Pa« Ws.tt,A raH Mil- Marine . Drive, in her seventy- Mr. E llio tt ...............l:......... 1.25 West Van Cleaners............ 1.50 TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The opening meeting of the session of the Towns­ women's Guild took -plac_e_ last Friday evening in' the Clachan. shall 'eat: br^ad, bjP iw .bid brow; 1 For: nature ̂ ^^iih believes in" m an as a whole-physically sweating fo r his liveli­ hood. She is .opposed to large cities and does" not suffer them ' long, th a t is; as -tirheTs reckoned'in her calendar of, th e agfes. D eca^an d d isru p tio n '^e t. in ahd, she gradually.buries their remains ,in .the dust fo r the archaeologists o f later times to dig ,"' We, see th a t decay ̂ and disruption working in the world today. -Ftee^educktion ahdT^^ machinery have X'esulted - in an almost universal objection to physical Jabor and a desire for physical conifpirts which im te ari^enej^ating* influence.-/The popularity of jazz and the general inability to signing .of tne regi feet Love.." --The wedding music w as played by Mr. George New­ man; the;organist. • , Following the ceremony a re­ ception was held in St,. Stephen's Parish Hall, which had been. beautifully decorated for the oc- of Dublin, Ireland. Funeral ser­ vices were held last Monday in .North Vancouver, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, followed by cremation. the SCHOOL BAND WINS JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP AT EXHIBITION .Saturday was West Vancou- casiPn by m em bers, of the Wo- yer's Day in the music section a t , man's Auxiliary of which the the Vancouver Exhibition. Corn- bride's mother has been for peting in t h e ^ ig h School^ sec- " some time .president. The bride's tion, West Vancouver took first mother receiving;, the. .many* place, twenty points ahead of flowered their competitors, New West- corsage of minster. Tweedsmuir and Mrs. Afred Watt. The Guild decided to as­ sist the Westonian Club, Mrs.' A. C. Bagley being given power to ■ expend the specified amount in the way it would be most ap- peciated. Mrs. J. Bisset reported the formation' of a Badminton ̂ Club. Intending members are requested to get in, touch w ith Mrs. Bisset from whom particul- "ia rs can be obtained. A commit­ tee of the Misses Barrow and , Mrs. E. Therrien were appointed to organize a book / Club. Six new members were welcomed to ,. membership. Following the busi- a le idea tHat ̂s6metbihg>can J>^ obtains -taup roses. 'The groom's mo- In the.Junior section the local"^®ss meeting a very -enjoyable loss of courage vand-com ^ ■■ 'x ther chose an ensemble of silver boys were out to show th a t they ' ^veJiing was spent when bridgeCIass:ie^^rrayed:agamstolass,,and goyernm^^ wicx v ^ _ .x r -t5„;-- Moreover, .the'ad varice in scientific knowledge has brought 7 with ite; Jt^nefits";^ alsp/ for self destruction, apart from the "general revolt against authority, which by Ttself must result in smashihgr,civiliza|:ibh^^ continued:- Poison gas ̂ , can be unld^sed^CdJpable o f w ipihfeout . ? ^ V '• ' plosives have been d iscover^ ^?nth enormous powers b f des- grey with corsage Of butterfly still had the best band in British whist were played. Prizes -roses. Presiding a t-th e bride's Columbia despite the absence of by : bridge, Mrs. J. -fable with its threertier bake- six of their players in the Old Moncrieff; whist, Mrs. E. W ard ; - were Mrs. W. Millard, and Mrs. Country. In . th is competition si>€cial games, Mrs: F. F Love- P. Johnson, old-time: friends of the band was ^ v e n an. excellent groye; hidden prize, Mrs. F. the'bride, while Miss, Almas and adjudication and the, conductor, Floral decorations were Miss Ethel Millard took charge Mr. Slatter, 'was cohgratualted ' in charge of Mrs. F. Bayliss .who of the serviteurs. Mr. P. W ait, on his choice of music as well as placed a beautiful floral centre- I X- . J XI ' - -CP*- ' xf-xi. 4.'. also a 'very old friend of the his interpretation of the test the supper table. Mrs. timction. . t h e n a r <^ic^^^ family, proposed the,toast to the piece,".Unique Overture." J. M ^crie if convened the bridge ^ probably w ith tru th , to hold,the;secrets of still more deadly, bride. . - Four bands took part in this assisted by Mrs. E. Fox and Mrs. ~ ^ ̂ them-in the event of ^ a r . . ' _ * por travelling the bride chose contest, receiving, the following social convener, ^®/53nestion is; can,weesea,pe.-the fate w^^^ ̂ figured ohiffon with m arks: West Vancouver, 186; , J;- Eisset, was assisted by I n » r« A lv p « . AP cmvprTim«nts. and veiw gfeen belt ^and coat of brown Vancouver Girls' Band, 169; ^ is a Nelflon. Mtr .T. Kmcrhi- ' travel tweed with cross fox fu r Metropolitan Junior Band, 166; collar, beige felt hat and brown New W estminster Junior Band, / accessories. The happy; "couple . 162. left by motor for^a trip South This is the firs t tim e tha t a imid_onJtheir return,will take»up school band has won both the High School and Junior School .competitions. TIZI been p tep arih g /fo f pursel^^^ governments. and . very ' many m ehaire "trying to find the'solution but w ithout success; because it is'held as axiomatic th a t all the so-called up-to-date advances m ade by'civilization m ust be retained a t all costs,- -, W hereas th e so lu tipn /if solution there be, lies-rather, in the return to simple things and 'the s.iniple life. ' ' 7 Miss Nelson, Mrs. J, Knight, Mrs; H.^G.,Barker, Mrs. E. Ther­ rien, Mrs. D. McLelland, Mrs. C. J.>,Broderick, . Mrs. William N. Thompson and Mrs. F^ Harrop," FASHtONrSHOW , , every occ^ion, included in these ,...,1 -1_ ' being sm arirsportswear, infer- - residence in Vancouver. CHANGE I An outstanding^eV-ent^pf ! ^ e a t . .; gowns, dainty SOCCEK 'A"practiciEigame between7the- J apd Johnston National Storageld"esda^,'.S®teDqber ^ i d , taoiK straight from P an s and g, ^ 5, p.m., in the O r^ g e Hall, - New York, Shorlon h®" .̂ "J® , Saturday a t Ambleside Park. there win 'iilso7"be ̂ showh STAGE^CHEDULE HOLLYBURN HALL There "will-be- the- usual Sun- 7 / A ttention is drawn to the 'Change in the schedule of the ^pacific--Stages---which--will-^be' ' r|!7' Jh 1' day School and Young . People's , found in another part of this Bible Class a t 10 a.m. next Sun- ; issue. The new schedule became day in Hollyburn H all , Next ,,,plfective yesterday. Sunday a t 7:30 p.m. J. M. An-wnen there will'also "be .shown- usn snaaow leits aim iiutiuxucu Aii„iavprGand mteiidinir nlavers txru^r exclusive c b m u r ^ s ^ c r i i te d - b y 'S ± y 4 d s , iuT tx im m ed .c o a ts m -ex . a r i a S to te o n S derson will give a Gospel ad. Why Keep It? Gwendolvh'S V T&int.J-"',\Sh™ne.- '-d • ̂ ■' ' ^ ̂ ' r --------- d ress-a t - th e .evening service. - A-farmer visited his ; some Gwendolyh's " ' E ^u ty7 -'S hbppe.'7 'elusive styles. / J Jlie sponsors7afo7tlie7Di^^ " m p a t Fp a v f w ^» iWFFTiNf;Lawson C hapter,'I.O .D iE .' sp ^ ie l features of the Show wdl RATEPAYLKb MLLIIINCt Great iare and disifW natjoK . * e given in dur next issua - , forget the first meeting __ the season of the^West" Vanr . couver Ratepayers^'Association; son's coj- Brayer and Bible study a t 8 p.m. lege, next Tuesday on "The Life of V W atching students in a chem- Abraham." 7. i ^ r y class, he was told they were ' ------------------- Joojdng for a universal solvent. WOMEN'S EVANGELISTIC , "W h a t's" tha t?!" asked the jiffarmer^ __h'i ' J f i * wekly Bible Class fo r / «A liquid th a t, will dissolve will m eet again, for the anything." session a t -2190 Argyle 7 .7"T hat's a great idea," agreed Thursday, SeptemT^j.tlie farm er. "W hen you find i t , ; 5 J f / j t ;f i- 7 pbildren , There