West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Sep 1936, p. 4

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P b o i l iW e i t 4 # ' | i | f e '4 lw * ir a ' :; i»ii^M .W #fl<f' 8S**®*' •>1/̂ ■"«*ŷ̂ •"v::*'iS irfr ^ W \ l \ W'n ')iV'. 4% .;,i M.Kit ii'i i?(!.;*,. ■.l!,i!r-4l- . f .I'lis'l'j ' a A ; i' m ' »•t* .<*1 t k ?■"Ki i ' I ■i,n m ii-- Ajl i *"f) I IP 4if i1' S' ill |4 # It jjP ^ »WIIII>lf>WlMV'jl»»<|WWi|i»| ' • aurnn=? 'P Fhdtv ano Sttiiratf - Sant 4tn i 5th FBAR8--Btinibrd QuAlity ' ' HqUPt Tlu 'ikjftay* ( • * * # » # It* »2m6 CjOltN*^WWt# »*MiM**|*Mtf Tln'.llf TOMATOKft-Uff© tV i tin.... ... i l l l*BA8--T«ttl#f, U nffidid, Ult...*. l i t AI»mCOTB«.Tin *#*4«jV*H* («*•«« •«!»»*«*««««*« l« l BAr.MON--l»ink, T*W Tin........... 0e BAI.MON--R«t4 & W t e Brnrul Sockey&i tin Wot. :Wp•fU'nA_tl4ut A ItcMM̂r ICOCOA--Kiid & Whito Brnnd ViH, Tin m 'I'KA--Upd dc WhlUt Brnnd or Nnbcdi I lb. pki I *« «««•* >»**** *#««**• (*«««• •**«*« Kk# kjf * ** 89c^ Save Ihc Boupona. fUCIS KKISFiES-~K«iloKjr'«, pkt. lie TOMATO JUICB-R«d & White Brand, l0*/« oz. tin.......... 2 tiha 111 BIT^KABBBB -- Singapore Sliced ...............................3 tlna 25c CATSUP ~ Bed &. White Brand Large 12-oz. bottle Spiced iuat right *•!>(»***»«*>« kk«4k#M*k« I6c (;KAP£PKUIT~.Se«dleaH....4 for 19e APPLES for Bating or Cooking 5 iba. 10c M e s its .-' P hone W eft 37® SPECIAL Jo «#«#•««• POT KOASTS, per lb. BHISKET, Lean, lb. RUMP ROASTS, per lb.....„, RRliAST OE LAMB, lb....;... • l it t s * /p iB in w b tn * principal p i ,wl»h^ bi'iiiiouiice that b w J bpys'iii^ACcwt^d at the ^hpoi .to thejige"PS eight. Many par* " " * ~ i I f i r T i W B l l e d Ih e iig '^ Iv M ^ b f " this opportunity of preparing their boys for senior boys schools* Pupils of the kindergatien partm^nt ai? called for and turned home ̂ at the close of school, thus saving the little ones from having to face any Inclement weather. Governme HAMS -> lam b '̂MSSSErA^' ' A L i l i i r i i 1 S to re a t I ' - * VEAL PHONE :W m 'S iX'--Aixi '̂v r r r'i' ; .'?1"*llil 'M'*. lOc Sc i i c r* -' ̂ j ■, ■ ' » VI ̂ '̂ J if< WEST VANCOIJVEE ; SCHOOLS BAND [■NG . 8 BONELESS STEW, Beef 2 lbs....... '.Tha'West'Vancouver SthOolsf Band returned on the ferry ..........;.......... 25c **HolIyburn'* last Monday from All Vi*rv Oiinlitv beat's Island. The weather wasAlJ^tats very Pinest Quality, their stay there ex- - .... ..................... ....................... cept the last 'day. In spite of OKANGES-Sunkist the rain a few res trip from West Vancouver to w m y A i i m m i v ' m m ^ ' > - -FO R RliJAL S A T IS P A d T 'ld K i' "-V.I'. VI.;A .. !. . 'Phone-WestllS Drive Smuli Size ... Ftiniily Size l.iirgtf hIzc .. ........dozen 20c., Keat's Island ̂ coming back with ........dozen. 20c the band. ..............dozen 39c Before the Law After buying u; railway ticket a "Look here," said ̂.the Irate wonmn was asked by the booking travelling man to the small-town clerk whether she would take an la- hotel-keeper, "don't you know HU ranee ticket, that roHcr-towela In hotels hâ ^̂ ̂ ..s„, ihank youl" she ropiied. three '̂ VuVe always.takin, tickets for thle -Sure,".replied the hotel man,̂ "but that towel was put up be-; fore the law was passed." ' . AUCTION 1 ' • • ' ' " K /CaJ. ,. ' • . * * * ,Ai ( ' 1 . ' ,W<-'- . • / i -- *n . V, s ' " The rate for Claasifled AdvegUaeiiienta iz 2 Jcenta.peK word/minimum 25 cents. Except in the caw of Hume having regular aw o^ dassi. fleds are'payable'BtricUy la ,, • ' Remember Classifieds in the West Van News get immedlatis results.' ' ' V > . ' i .......... .......____________ t -- ̂ t • Marguerite Wilcox (Silver Medallist) HANISTi COMPOSER TEACHER Associate of Kcnnotli Ross Pianoforte School STUDIO; 3285 Marine Drive; " (Next door to The Gables) PHONE: West 364-R-2 - . Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove VIOLIN and PIANO Pupils' successes in The Royal SchpoIs_of Musiq Tnhity College -- Lohdpn ; and ' Toronto Conservatory Yeunger children visited at their home. - ̂ West 210-L of REAL ESTATE and FURNITURE a i 2659 Marine Drive ., on Saturday, 12th September, 1936, a t 12:30 sharp (By, oi^er of Executrix of the Estate of the. late Caroline Ada Cooke, , Deceased) The Plirnishings, Silver and Plated rkk-k i4 k* . Tk«.«««k«1 I . WE BUY -- Junk, Rags, Bottles, M /S O N 's ' t AXP Metals, Furniture, Stoves; Heaters., . Paskerfgers |u lly inhUpod. West 612 Call W est-91 and we will call any , -- -- r-- .n.Sa time convenient for you. Burrard ; » y:-, ;-. Junk Co. LOST --- Lady's black silk coat^w August 25th, near Cypress, Phone , West 437-L, Reward. ̂Goods, Jewellery, etc. Valuable Residence and -. . R A V E T O ti.tJ o m ff i;^ ^ Ladies- Suite, . .>"« U b r ity l^ B O c monthly, 3e day. Boy's Panta' i _ • I'-vj-l ■ ~~Also' the _____Lot, to be sold at 3. p.m premises aa above, i Details, later. on the . ' ' ' 'Auctioneers ; H a r o l d ^ t t h e w s L t d . Phone Sey.' 2977. 529 West Pender DRESSMAKING - Children's Clothes, Boy's Pants ' 1__ specialty. Mrs. Robbins;'2791 Mar^ LAWN MOWERS ine, Phone . West 619-R; . SP®®**} - - West.Vancouver Machine Shop, 144ft r - ^ ^ M a r i n l ,£ S i « i ^BUILDING CONTRACTORS. -- . . r _ pairs, alterations, plans and s p e c i f i - ; ^ cations furnished.«"We aim to sat- the best maty isfy." Phone West 112-L. ' . e n a l and vworkmiih^^ • i.' A'"J o' B iirliriilge Teacher p f Piano and Theory ̂ StudeBta/piiBBared for Examinations .and the, B.C. ""Musical Festival,- if desired. 100% successes at-Toronto Conservatory Exams with first class honors or-honors. . i ReTopens Tuesday,-September 8th. Studio:---2309 Marino Drive * . Phone West 88-X HANDYMAN WANTS WORK of any. ^ , - 7 7 - kind; 30c hour. Phone West 78. H IG H E S T ^P R IC ^ PAID for Bottles, ' - ----- ------------- . ,sack^ ;rags, jfuTpiturê stov̂ ^ N orth Shore J tm k , Co., North 431.BXPERIE^NCED GIRL Wants house. ' work o r work » y kind; Refar- GORDON. ROBSOH.,Barrister. Soli.ences. .West'461-L.,- Form- No. IS "(Section 39) S LAND ACT '.J '- ( M n . ) F . K N I G H T r H O D G E , C e r t . (In Union with I./ondon, College of Music)- FALL TERM com m ences TUESDAY, SEPT. 8th .Students prepared for Exnminatians if desired, in the Royal Schools, London, En^dand, Toronto Conservatory,,Trinity College, London Col­ lege of Music artd B. C. Musical P'estlvai. Over 400 successes with excellent marks, many distinctions and honors. Recent successes 1936, nine in Royal Schools, Distinction, Honors also 1st Class Honors Toronto Conseryatory, of Music. Theory. Class -- Monday Evcnihifs; Orchestral -- Friday Evenings Special Classes for Beginners; Student Recitals. For Terms, etc, apply 1882 Duchess Ave., 'West.Vancouver; West 624-R M aprgaret Licentiate College of Violinists, London, (E ng.), LatgJRoyal Manchester College of Music.' V Teacher of Violin and Piano -- Theo^ and Harmony Classes Re-open Friday, September 11th STUDIOS:--aWest Vancouver 835 20th St.; Phone West 658-X . ^ y /4 4 2 9 West 6th, Ave:VPhone Pt. Grey 490-L rree Classes m ensemble playing. . ' Notice .of intentioii to apply to Purchase Land In Vancouver'-division of the Land Recording 'District tof New Westmin­ ster and 'situate Gambler Island, ^ the-vicinity of'.Port Graves, (Long A Take notice that'w e, M. R. Cliff & B. C. Mills Towing Co. Ltd. and Young & Gore Tugboat Co. Ltd;, of 744 W. Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. occupation Tugboat jC^eratofs,,intend to apply for pem ission to purchase the following desc'ribed' lands:-- Commencing at, a post , planted a t the south west corner of Lot 3107 s itu a ^ on - Gambier Island; thence East, 8-.39 chains;- thence South; 81^5 chains, more o r, less, t o ' the north boundary «of Lot»2519; thence 'West, ■22 chains, more or less,',to the high water mark of Port .Graves (L ong , .Bav; thence Nprtherly, and following the said High W ater Mark, to the. point of cemmenceraent, and contain­ ing, 40 acres, more.br less. M. R. CLIFF & B. C. MILLS, ' TOW INaCO. LTD. AND YOUNG* &. GORE TUG- .. BOAT CO. LTD.- * ' Per James William Hermon,. >: .Agent. Dated September 1st, 1936. FOR RENT.--f Comfortably furnish '^ modern cottage; good beach; reasbn- i able. West 350-X. __ itor, 1447,Marine,'-'mornings; 510 Hastings St.; Seymour 4199: after- noons. . \ ' 7 PUIUflSHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to RenU Houses,- lots, and acreage.;*for , siaile. ->John Lawson, - 17th and Marine.T^hone West 55. RADIO REPAIRS ^ Aerials,; Tubes', elx.. J . L. Pettigrew;^ W est '145;r. . , SCHOOL SUPPLIES, -Notions,^Sta­ tionery, Hardware, etc, H andy "Ann Shop, 2442 Mtanhe Drive,' \ ..FOR' RENT -- Three room furnished suite, with iireplace;7$25. Very a t­ tractive.. W est 686-R. LOST --̂ '..Rlack-^rimined glasses in leather base'inibr-hear St. Stephen's Church or,;M arine .Drive, Tuesday night. -Needed-l hadly. Phone even­ ings W est :891-Y,' ' GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe 'repairs! 2463 Marine Zhrive. INSTALLATIONS--Mectric Repairs, convenience outlets installed .. J . H. Paterson, West 108. MARCEL SHOP- -- Thermiquei Steam Permanents. Only best', materials used. • Expert operators. "'Phone W est 304, Royal Bank'Building. ...r. _ .V. Aci CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed. -Brick and stone'̂ repairs.;- Palm er,' Capilano, North 811:R-2. . ' ̂ . ' - -, - -33 FOR .-SALE. -- \4 room .bungalow on large lot all in garden; garage', view of English Bay, near bu» and stores, quick sale $1,700-cash.,.West.340 or 143. ' ■ ' ^ AOANT, aareMrved,-fibrveyed Crown w lands.,inay..lM,',]jM^eml;ited'by British SubJeetB. oyei,;m "'Z®«r»'."Of,' *ge, and bj aliens on 'Ueclax]as3;intentloa - jto become British .^subjects,' upon resi­ dence.; 0€eupatlra"iMi9 jimproveinent. Full lnforBuUciyi' '̂'^<Kttem Pre-emp­ tions to; gljren*,lB/»onetlB> No. .1, Land Series,' 'to* FiW-eiabt XHUid." copies of HEADQUARTERS for AH Popular ' Cigarettes ahd- Tobhccos; alsd Fishing Gadgets-for local .wat- ers. Amhleside Tea Rooms., Form No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT FOR SALE -- Sunset Glow' Furnace Heater, perfect condition,'$25. West 658-X. evenings.- - ' , . Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land' B E T T Y C A V E N D IS H In V^couver division of the Land Rece^ding _ D jJ ic e -^ £ e ^ o i^ f< a ^ -^ th ^ v e i^ y --su ccess fu |^ u b rlee 7 p rcH iiic tio n ^ ~ ^ ; x A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Hiawatha." - announces the opening of a brnnoh studio in "the Legion Hall; CJomplete courses in .» . jing District of New Westmin- .ater, a i^ situate in.Pqrt Graves (Long Bay), Gambier Island! and adjoining LIST YOUE West Yanirouver proper­ ties with - ,us for reliable ;^service. We have clients fdi* choice locations a t reasonable prices. Ask for Mr. Hill, evening^. W est 574-LjE '̂A. Ev , Austin & Co; Ltd., :833 Hastings St. West. Seymour 9131.: . . ' . which can; bcl-ohtslhed,t.treB-o7 charge by addressing ,ihe Depattnieat^'of Lands, Vic­ toria. B.C.;'Bureau-of'FroTJn®lal informa­ tion Victoria, ' or <aay Cjovenunent Agent Records':wiil W-;uran(ed'coww only land suitable'.for'.'asrie^htral' purposes within'reasoiiabUH^dl8taade:df road, school and inarlceting-faelllUeariuid'.which is not timberIand. ,̂Le:.,',;^an3diiigi.eirer 6,000 board feet per aero east'ef .the-Coast Range and 8,000 Xeet'pe*,|^^;west>f:th^ Rangê Applieationa fair pi^btaptlODS are to be addressed ■ ; .CfOmmissIoner of the Land .BecordingtCivlalOB In which the land, applied. fdr^rJi- altnated.' on printed forms-, obtaia^iiinm-- |hs-. Commissioner. Pre-einptlbna.-mfuitThO 'occupied for five years and^Imprdiv^OatsCmitde to value oi 810 per acre, tladlodhik-dedrinz and cuiti- 'vatlng^.at!:^east?l^v |̂5^6|^^llef^^ Crovn 'Grant , Fre-emptionaiefiiijrlnft^pa^ condi­ tions of oeeopat|(itt'az* stoo jP*®*®**- ; -' • ' Applicatloxu'artf'-'xSeiUVed'̂ iOr purchwe of - vacant-: 'aad̂ ^YtnreaerTed" Crown lands.not ' being-.'ilinbetlaBd.' îjrorT'-agricultural purposes.', .;.MtolmuwI::i!»rtd«.(:Ol: llrst-cl^ ^ o j a t e m ^ S t a g e ^ d B H to m o in P a g ie in g ^ Class and Private Lessons^i^iildreh afid Adults* Commencing Wednesday»;September 16th * - '____• ' a . : __________ ' - . a pt«Vld«i ta«»; For information or appointhient for ̂ ree tryout phone residence West 308-R-2 ̂ " c I- r t . / C b M H E R G IA t:^ .^ » A N 0 710^Sey»^rS^ C^Widty kWg.) 8^^,-; - Our scale of R£DU()ED FEES .̂^^ords tHe'sti^eni the mos't ̂' 1, economi^laadsansfactory course obtainable^rSp^iai^r^^ - ^ s S r A^iu»uver ^dents. Ask our' gmloates about -the Harradipe Ckillege.- They are all emplby^,\ ' ' ■ " ' lands; . . . - Commencing at.a-'post planted al ttie Nw^ of Lot'2519, Gambler Island; thence - West,. 1.50 chams;.^ence N ^ e r ly ; 58 diains; raence'East, • 1,5 >chains. to„ the High .Water̂ .' Mark of Po'if:.Graves (Long thence Southeifly* .and folloi^ mg,the High Wa%,Mark,^68 chains. APPUCATIONS wHI be r e m v ^ for position of. A ssistant Jamtdr,T«gIe- w ^ School; salary $60 per. month. Address appHcations' t o . Secretary .Box 5, -W est'Van- Ne ' V in .by-Mopday;~ Septem- Any soliciting* of Trustees will disqualify applicant; v.k-,;' ouo|Jcuus«̂ WK;ictlWV4ranB«Cl̂ ' made^'Unri^fBSiB^'ii^& less thm^iieWSieBSlil^^ be putchaMd ̂ src'-jBMpdbS'llh*.; ed itions ^ acres.' .himteittea; eondf̂acres.' m«y-be^Jeuedfai ..homenm tional ĥpon>̂ »>?awdUiia-'-hiMtor-«eê ^̂ _____ mod'5topiioiSB3» eS^Uons are fulfilled', wad' leiiff^as '•Imbb- surveyed. the-lirst: residence ®^TLE and cut,ynWjwiateP^ qqntainmg' 34 acres, this m On^,.,We have al!lthn^«quir- M ^ I s m^'^r.'u^dow^^ /Crd^ley &more or less ' MILLS ' LTD., and y o u n g jft gore tug bo a t CO. iH-ix; ' " Per 'James->WilIiana Hermon, tDaf i--ror,ift'grniitoa7sidi^mds^^ -pur^s« re»'>m<dt'^bxdeediag.f;s4Sf^«ii. " W . leased oMipenibto^ . under -tbe-^^arMlaK. Act divided.-, into =«wuW ';n»W eti, tangr aanflniidejwaiiiiifl^^ Yoang.xbiaek . ^haale. Phone WeSb'$60^L:ir'^̂ R0 OMfFOR(Rtel^^ tangr aanflniidejwaiimilli;, tiou&;smended̂ .ffbB.>ttnw'.to Cme to mits MTsi iimsi*'iistiwK'A«h»Mtaio iDonuiy"' ̂ ' *** 1HSN|SWJlilWipHIPeaKZ&'ellWSSW8SSS*"*'wF**nuts are .l8saea, l«»bdh;i|» t«a^ rates ,M 'head\pf tog 'i^ivafNwsait^jwSS^AW^ gra2r stock Li