West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Sep 1936, p. 3

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PPE turin» a f i ^ m . d to ask d Coata. ar Conta ̂ »- , [frice sfall tis usual, ain-storm B year, al. signs' the two- inch fell, 'ancouver inch; but lere was lin began >r rather Monday, had only a record ble. But y and all showed . reading le water monthly I amount lents had illy rain- t io n I. \" H6' li)- ember " stfWi West Vi .Wj f ' • 1 * t ' . ., ,j;fi.... . special Notice !•-' niiiy/ Also thê NK .'Ût---■■. .. * ,.... ....m..̂ X: ..... ..........I#«JMK!IÊ lewto6 ' » » i, 'v- ' .1^ WlNpOW-BOX dl#. |1^,Toi|m»wtttiiei > ;A IJieakfast^^^y J o t o £ S * 'fo r^ W ittd d w Bbâ b lOc; the ;NEW IiouJevard contest .Is open to members oniv* who ' ^ ̂boulevard contest .te :o|»en to members only' who pay a fee of'60c plus uver, is'8pSWmir?#-'-hDUaay;,'*it',' ' ?'vf7"rsv:4C2ifi.:'•; > i, r t i i s b ^ v O T r . g i j i U f y i ^ rMimMissxmx , The ion W o^n^w iiy /',- • »lr; iT .*S ti^w iw i , .t«K»k 6.217 paflaeiok- have moved into a houae a t 2267 gers^ ancouver, most of Gordon Avenuo.* " • " ' * - - . , , •' « ' *',!("' Whom went to aoe the big juM- ' ' ̂ ,-* - couver Caiilieild. lee Parado..' is the largest Miss Margaret Wilson of the ........................................ ................. jMlds Maruraret Wilsod-o numl»r eVar,.Mirfled to VimEou- school staff occupy In* a 4 t». Appleton yCt^rii ilS *' Xi FUEL^ * '■ h5 S';1B T 'R iftS S S His Excellency, the Governors Mr, and Mrs, H. C. T. Perrott i \ '>vî *•' f'fe > WOOD î Dry Inkdo^UJ:Pir...A^ . Dry Inside Bush Flr,«J6,60 cord Ikuvy !BaikiL Slaks:4SiV6 cord ̂ or Slabs & Edgings ; . ;2.. - 3 'cords $11.00 No. 1 Fir f(srk..,v»<»-> $4,00 cord:' - .■ . . 'V■.."i.y--I v.i 'Ji ̂-1,' ,.- ̂.- i. ■?■ v.('. 11 ■*! * ■ -'■' ■ ■; i ■ SPECIAL Alder,>; length* aesireaa**«f'T«̂ -̂ *fWfw Top Soil - HanliSre;>̂ liock : Grainel A.Cemen̂ ^̂ . Dump '^uck ^or Hlrii by Dny , or Contract . . CHARLIE TlaOMP^ON.V . j ; „ 4267 .Clyde Avenue , West6$2 V / >'.V"'̂ rV̂V '^ ^ .1 » ̂ "i .vi'* M y V. I * , , 6ther nttr0Cfions>e^at^^^ ^ ,, a t/the ■ me^^ Properties. , ' showh.an in^rbsse. All members , * V ♦ *,♦ The. Air Ministry announce^ the London Gazette, of, Augf enliirlhgv fteVfaU . and - Vinter " O ?"? °5 g?t 8«> ^vent, A. M.'MCi aedadns whicli brln* with them holiday launch tep up the- Kenae, J. M. W. Savory jmd.K, greatly,jncreaaed Bctivitiea. co®®?- • . * "i, s , • are. now reminded that they are . H. J. Vince Jn the London Gazette, o f .. . enteHtitt-̂ * ihd. fall anri i wlnfor son returned on Monday ust 8th that J. Avent, A. M, Kf Ho not forgot the meeting on . pointed Acting Pilot Officers and FriSy wVen'fheseâ V̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ Mr. jU D. BroOke have • posted'tofNo;"6'Flŷ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ be discussed. : moved from '2987 Marine Drive ̂ Squadron at'Seaiand. ' .......... '..' '. . * g, '• ' , » ,1 i. M« i fc , ' "LA -FIESTA. DE SANTA BARBAKA" P'- I'i, BUILDING PERMIT^,' $10,770 I ' J ii M« i fc* >i> Paul Stevenson^ ̂ son of Mr ' ■ Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Gqinan, nnd Mrs. C; W. Stevenson. 1910 TbA liTiinii'iml H all inqf m n n fh 2496 Mathiers Avenue, have as Bellevue Avenue, had the mis- issimH 16 « f t h e i r guest the former's brother Jortune-last Saturday to* fall at TUESDAY «hd WEDNESDAY . Soptombor 8th and 9th. CHAS. IIUGIGLBS ANYTHING GOES w o ; thea^bei^% dA upA ? and h & , ' M " J. No. 2 Pirehall in Vahcouver and fracture his ankle.; He is a patl- i' \ •atlMMi ' I , A" * • . ' t " ' ' r' ' * K . . ® S 3 t v d i j■■; -r,.n -f-. v iX'SfM'• f'-' Â". fo ad 'celian^S**S^^^^ moved ffem 361 25th Street-into ■. Mrs... Bone, .who . h a s been,ceuaneous„;|)̂ ou. ., : ■* .e ̂ house/at 22hd and Gordon ' spending the summer'at,Gibspn^s I . PTTrHV* Avbhue. ■ ; . ' v*, . - , Landing, has returned to her KIIGBY . . ' , home at 23rd and King's,Avenue. : M r.a n d M ra .A W u eh a d e (Once'only a t 8:20) ' also "THE LADY CONSENTS" 1443 Marine '̂Brive.■;a,v-j. o •'/'.J. f'4( .'Phone Whst 24»- . ' ' E v e ^ S j ^ ^ e e t ^ U a ^ k k y i ;-7:'[' .-'I., ,'■ 'r' xr iV ~='„ , ' K"JxiJi 'I ...... -iV ̂ I s*' V fv '* V r*r̂ * ̂**<CT»v "i < ̂ ̂ .̂ n f r̂̂ i\<{,f'*< > 't<'iP , ̂ ̂ .--" --- SS---------------------- football gets' under' way .aboutthe S STh-ln ^™ tZbTr a , 80tl» " <> Palhierston Avehue, .moved from 1540 Marine Drive, ' tl^l'w lst Vanc^uv!?^^^^ spending the sOmmeis;,up at ?204 Bellevue Wish to enter a teanS again this '.■ year. All the former, players, -} »<*V "fd »- , |t'*< ' I 4I -1 ̂ T f 'ji >(j • * (!■ \ r ^ . 1 ' , Mr. and:Mrs;, W, R.. Clark'and . Mrs. D. i Rylands has moved , ----- , into-a ;h6us€~'aT 2110 Argyle Avenue. • ItT V ' Fer^ wharf; Friday,'Septeinber e . \ . * ---- ir.--.j:,. ----- <4*;' ^ - ̂ ̂ * ^̂ WS Bridge is now on view att pn,..19db,,at s o clpcjc.;, , . , Mrg; Hindmarsh and daughter the Exhibition in.Hastings Park*. ' • ' • ' inio who havebeen'spending the lat-. It is understood that folloŵ ^̂ ^̂ :>' ;Miss;, Helen Stevenson, 1919 ^er part of 'the'/^ummer at* a the close of t<he.Exhibition it is T!iiniî r«o. Ai7.QMim "i*yaa fVtci otnoaf< . .4«., ' placed at .Brockton Point. Stratton's BAKERY DANISH PASTRY F riilt' and Meof Pics, A irkinds of Cookies. Apple Turnovers French Pastry ..Eccles Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty We make "everything right on the premises. Fresh Daily,* from J /irs t class ingredients. ' PARTIES (3ATERED">bR Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 -hbose « t-i* h jJjaiSdlevue'Ay^- to be plac • -- -aae, h a y e . r ^ e d to.Vancou-, .atrKeiat's Island *' MN * . 'I « ♦- « V- % , . 5-*-V ̂r t?/-'"•■'tj.j.i:" I' / iSS *. J A. C. SEARLE PhoM Woat $ : Fertilizeris of All Kinds4 ̂ I". , fc.," ,' •'... '/• [V'l *'/->- rt̂ 'i _,•„ iPFood; Coal, ,.i Vv ■*'■• ■'■-A.-b-'r ' 'i Bididers^ 'Supplied; ̂ ^ . , - • r "4 ' ̂ / " ;:-'W h3b n6t give, your children . ^,th9',ndVAii^.ge* of a- hot' riieaj- a t ' .U'NQdri, during tfte: djold • w eather ■' I b i s «ter?:;:A4lHBrSt>^^^^^^ ; . .food used, and propl^ly'^^^^ - ^ 1*̂4 '■ '» fr" -I 5 J*l* " ' ""•R ̂ ^ P . D. Q, C A F E . Mr. ' and Mrs. R. J. Johnson and 'familj %'.-V 1512 Marine •"■tr. West 616 I _ H O L L Y B U R N I ' ' Cleaning, Preying and ;Dyeip*, .f*'. . ~ f •-■ h-X-Ui-" »r*..̂ , *.' V'•'...' I ,1. ■ , . ' r " '■* MISS: .D, H; KORIE ."phone West 583' 1890. Marine. Dn .rMiJx 'k*' " V.J. ̂ V 7. ' V P I l l i : i ^ l E feffe^;i";e« m a :e tew ^ ^oors,*r, - •;. r. ver. , ♦ and 'faniily; have moved frdm ' Judge W. A/Dl' Lees and C. A. .1576 Argyle Avenue into a house Russell,: K.C.Vbothiof W ^ski- -,^t.2206 MatinAMyq,;.. ,wihj Alberta; Wew r*r n A * ' VvrT ii VSaturday of FraiBc/Walker, 2455 Wally Craig, 2117 Argyle Ave- King's Avenue. V' > . ' nue, has* returned after spending ' . the summer in the Cariboo. Esiliimalt ferries will, maintain a e n t S t d ^ ĥ *" y service throughout Redfem at luncheon. Mrs. Red- jext Monday (Labor Day.) The fern, whose husband is the Gov- ernor. General's secretary, is a ® cousin 01 mr^ no^g, , dock will be 6:30 a.m. ■ ii/r- Uofa Vo *®®t boat leaving there at , turned to iifr S ; h t W burn Post , Office after her an- , Bill Smallwood, son of Mr. and nual vacation. ̂ ^ . Mrs. Smallwood of Dundarave, n/r.. r» i,o«' m̂ vro/1 i^ft last Week for England to join the Royal Air Force. He* from;* 14th and regretted that before leaving he • into a house at. 4 2110* Argy did not have the opportunity to ' Avenue. ̂ x.7.-*̂4*t rfv '-* *, say goodbye to his friends. j ......,._......., .,........... ̂ . . .................... Mi-., and Mrs. R. '.XSC^ck'.of ; j u b ILEE FLOAT COMMITTEE Vancouver, have moved, into, a-• . - , ' suite in the Ross Block, :14th and ' The West ^Vancouver Jubilee Marine Drive. ' ' 7 '/ Float. Committee will, hold * a . * * ^ , - meeting tonight (Thursday) at Mr. Bairy, 1538/Argyle 'Aye- 8 o'clock in the Council Chamber, niie, has returned to" the city A full attendance is. asked^for. after spending the summer here. ------- :----------- * ♦ * ^ BOOK EXCHANGE ,«• Book Exchange sponsoredMcDonald and familj^ 24th and ,^y f;|ie puncan Lawson Chapter, Marine Drive, ha^ ̂ moved, b ^ I.O.DiE., which is operating in, to their house at 21st;apd Mar- the Inglewood High -School will ine Drive. ̂ ̂ . £e open Friday of this week at' ,r /i i V ^iur a.m: and next week on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Coyle and family Wednesday and Thursday who. have been spending the l^ t at the same4ime. New books ;_^wo-months-at--a^ause.^jUpLe_ .V*" . w f- I v.i" •'■'i..*- • J~ f v' *- .*1'X-- .,*1'-•"•vA{X' East Beach, have /^eturii^-to __ ,Virtrno in Vancouver: ̂ ___their home in Vancouver. ♦ ♦ i. -5̂ , HOLLYBURN HALL ' MagicxVoiiixr̂ RCA'4̂ '̂ J'r. Sunday School and Young -?«ople'?K.bi«>Glass,,rolIbe.h (3ses all. its'medhaaleal, . a # Xc-tf* Ŵiŵ& qualiqr.'-Vfil̂ of^ M .VUl ATtMux <wiu vice;at y:3U p.m. next i»unaay,,; a »*« xwuivHis; Alberta. Arthur leaves â̂ wife j . awyer," said the stranger. and one chil4 Lenore,,^d McLaren. Tuesday, September ,'̂ Ifave you any here?" Ki1~iii0iiidof •the t«ay to«nljr r r M.I ^ Miwfê VoleeM ! ŷ itt-oar' I 'tad Iris, also of West„l^Micd»¥ !̂r..:, - »ii,f Sli'-S-S dieiWfl* * , ; 164̂ l_ EXPBR'P T. CHBlSTWSjQMy.- ■ , Nothlrig too small _ ^ ^ . ____________ Nothing too' I l̂ îd»̂d!aa - tlfkfil " fAl* Bfl 1522 JUNK CO. __ IIM I i' i: Back to School Special F O R S T 'S ' Electric Washers $ 5 4 t® Porcelain' Enamel Year's guarantee Regular price $89.60. Terms ' 66 Lonsdale North ■ Avenue Vancouver North 525^ ^ ED.BLACiK T:•:Q:Q- COAL . W OOD D U M P W O R K SUBS $4.00, cord 2 cords $7.50 tj - S A L E The,balance of the Books from > the Library a t Gemmill's D rug , , Store is on sale a t Hewett's ,; - S to re ,,1476 -Marine. Drive . 10 cents, each Children's Books 5c each 7'4> TEA - COFFEE Fresh Rich Refreshing CYROMA BRANDS . 1520 Marine Drive *> k •> C'V-u- West. VancouverI vPhbne, West 573.. Free Delivery WALLY CRAIG (Over 14 years' experience) , R A D I O R E P A I R S; / \ ___ -J___;;________ "2rr7^rgyle^venue : Scottish Verdict saidJthe_gtrang!^ ....1 | a wife, all of Edmontom 8th, at 8 p.tn. prayer and Bible, - "Well?" said:tbe other, "we're, , . th e ir : p a r e n ^ h ere/th ^ l^ve ^^udy 9 1 1 the life of; Abraham ; ^>pretty sure ̂^̂ w ̂ but we V i J " . one brother George, and a sister «q;̂ g Unpardonable Sm. ' ean't prove It."* ' , , ij f | No^fpg too large ' > t ̂ I ■ * Highest Prices paid for B ottlea,"Rags, Metajs, Furniture, ' ' 7'.v f- , Stoves," Heaters, etc. Call* West 91, and We will call at .. '.vvy / - ' '.......... ...'-V; /* ' '-.isSiips X X X : - X S i & t, JMMHHHEHEHEHHHHHHEHHHIHI <1