. . ..... .......i,*r.v/' .w', . v ^ . . I P "'Vi'v '(""Vl' *"» .'i'*/**'•'*•'" .<>MAh'$l>4luA« i4><S*f V *if ii>.« r *. .f/"; , j|.̂ ̂ ̂^fifrf'I., ? I'N, r j | |i.f)i!j I':;;;'•/;!"' f i l l . •■kr.-H* J .'|*'r •> ' ' ■'.Aii i;- . . i ',, I >1/ 1' I '»i f "!»*'4'S. fji i;' I ' i'rf.,!? ' I .. I ' t i , '•1' kM-t I'.ik.'ki ' I "I* * Jfi ' I h'; i f f' '.tmi 'll' Bund*y SebooKiuul ..Bibi* CIam >1 , 1 10 .;k'- Sirji!)c«rg i t ViiltMTi, W«leom*. , You Can t Crat Thin fall you wlU hAvo io* fA, , watch , youir hair'very cloaoly-r' X if you ii'0 Kolijg to wear a new^ hat.' ' 1 ' , ,' ' ,1/.*' ' h: 'liCf* Those ends at the bapk will" ,; have to. have ipcrwanPiit curls . every few months to keep them , .smart ' • . ' ■ ̂ ' A ' , It's the ends that, make the ! ' hob, thia year; Gwendolyn's Beauty Creators of Exclusive Peifmaiientef Jf, w -" n lOjOO a,mip*iC«l,, , clttd n o.m. A 7;80 ,p._ _______ _ ServlccBa hearty welcome /to al|A r ),j:ii;I i 4lM'I" , hf *• MV ' , * ' i - ,I '»̂ , 1540 Marine. Drive West jlT ,"' '""'Ak'fiP'V'*I7 '!" '4' SCHOOL SUPPLIES■ ■ kr.i * «';wi " v'k, '/B: JU. '-t' HOLLYBURN HALL 14 th nniiPucheiis " SUNDAY, glepi. m l at Ip a.w.; Sunday School end ; Youngf People's.;BibIe Clniis SUNDAY EVlj^lNG'- aT 7:80 . GOSPEU .SEEVIOE • \ '1 i. .fSLmiOcer: i . V I. *( I, , ,| I I, it Tu e sd a y ; s e p t . oth, at b p;m Prayer and Biblei $iudy ' *The Life of Abmbam** ..i,;, , " Subject;, r' m ;*; '̂The Unpardonab1e ':SIn" * t, , / t ( ' ! * . II EDIFICE iuiinait, This Society U a Blench of ' Suhdpk SWvice: 11:80 a*m j V1 ̂ •, k * ' f I ' I 47*';SuiiS^k Sept;teth,j (iw'ijTiViC ( ' * v,/i;;,i;i1, ■ ' K £'>/V| ' ' ' Sonidey School at 10:00 a.m. 1 ' W tf e ia e i ' ■ ' • "Ab'«;18 pjn. . ■ •kor the NeWkFall numbeiB, The' ^mg pally Wo have large ♦.and. Dresses ..are particularly ■ 'i / ...'and. Dresses ..are particularly ■ . Bdance 0! >diSum m ertti|4fliM frice' V kw \ M' '* » ,kllia imtbUe is -cordially In- vVlted.'to afttand.our services and mwtiiumpA'-k ' . ■ . . s.l* k* \ I 7 . ^T r\ ! ' ' "4 I ? A 77 ,11i,t '1 . 7 4 7 i'i: ;4:i'; I ' . i , iS/'H 4 * ' l '!' •'U '.li Fr IIS iJsAik' d '* f '!{' i ' *i ili ■.■,u,..̂zi\.LLi„>i.7,1 1, t .; ft* U'iiP t.*5 * - « . '̂ Scribblcrs * Exercise Books ' , V, Loose Leaf Books ,/ Pens 7 Pencils Paints, Etc, AmMeside Phannacy W. L. KER, Prop. . 1/ 1401 Marine . PhonU: Drive West 888. FREE DELIVERY , v'* UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillis Wright; Minister I w , , I ' * [»■<« -v-i "-) CHURCHES OF 4 ' / 'gitJIE N T IST t' I ; ^MANk;yiiiH be the subject Of toria ; with a . ____ _____ _______ ______ _ , the -Leiasqn.o- Sermon ;in. all Seattle ,and the Interior late^A. , t w Viugli'L̂ ^̂ rathp*. Services , will be hpld as usual . Ohu^heg of .Christ, Scientist, on Leaders who.kaVe, been chosen,, , ' jj. ,the;̂ eaî i;5̂ ;:ĥ ̂ Monday in. West , Vanoouver United , S u ^ q y . * ' « n * , xu together with ôthers from, ^anr ̂ thdugh^bV.^^^^ Church next Sunday, at ' 11:16 Golden Text is; Mâ ^̂ . couverr Victoria < and Kanilqqps,,,r:+Q̂ î̂ ^̂ a record a.m. and 7 Sunday The . pastor pulpit at both . ■ I' .. ■ V . 1 4. 1 ' -- '■.................................... .......................... ...... ....................................... .............. D R . G, b . H . S E k h d D.D.6., LDA. • 'D E N T B S T .': ' Hay Block, 14th arid Marine Dr. *' • • \ Oince Hours 9 to 6;p.m, : \ Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 L ; a t 2ilB. LeBsli' - Ibrmon also in- - tho.rotum Of the group. .less period.of 39..da/s. ■ I X f U V A C L Cww • RRt Xr llLwfiil C h i r o p r a c t o r 4A 1) > Phono West 154-L Suite 4, - . Hollyburn Block " All members and friends* are eludes j the- .M^ passage - cordially-invited~to' attehd77The-- f̂rom'tire Christian"Science-text-- . hostesses will be Mrs. A. Chilton, book, ."Science and Health with' Mrs. G. D. Elgar, and. Mrs. R. Key to the Scriptures" by Mary yW. Froud. ' , Baker Eddy,| "When -man is ; ------;;---------- -- ' spoken-of as, made in God's ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC .• image, it is hot sinful and sickly ' CHURCH ' ■ inprtal man who is referred to, , Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor - but the man, reflecting Phpne West 540 God's likeness." In̂ i;Dundorave Dali at 8 p.m. .■ -,' ' ' "' ;> ■': {/u '"■>"t. t' f. 1 ' 1' la y e c a V A iS ip ^ iL * 'w. '.if M*' V"* * \ r I .-a - ' ik ■'V '-"■V ' ' 4., , 4 ( » 1 * , " , SEPL lOlh. In. SCOUT NOTES 7̂ : iV it I i-.i' Eotabllshed on > North: Shore j 25 Years / - ; (Lady Asplst^nt) HARRON BROS: LTD, f u n rra l l ir e c ta r s North Vancouver Parlors 122 .West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors .. .. 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone. Fair. 184 R .B .M O R I S O N G e n e r a l C o n t r a t t o r 1129 ESFUNADE P h on e W est 361X '7 Ii?-7 d %( V WOULD YOU LII^B TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE C.C,P.?, . Road the "Pederationist" .. owned and controlled by the movement. Procurable a t Nows Stands; or phono West 515-L. H I O O I N R O T H A M Sunday Masses Lpw Mass "-- 8:15 a.m. ^igh-Mass-and-Sermonr=10^5- ̂ u o 4. ^a.m. Fifty-five.. Cubs, Scouts, and Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :15 Rovers, from.% .two West Yap-: p.m. ' couverTroopsyiSitedH.M.S. Ap- Catechism and Bible History P<>Wo on Monday afternoon ; in every__ Saturday--9:30. a.m. charge of the '401d Wolf" of the Week-day Services - Second Pack. Qn arrival at the Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. . ship they were-divided into six Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, parties, . eaPh party being sup-. 3:00 p.m. / plied with an A.B. as " guide Saturdays -- Confessions from through the kindness of Com-': 7 :30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ̂ mander P. de Mens, D.S.O.R.N., ---- 1-/--1-------- who so kindly granted . permis- . ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH -smn for. the.visit, Monday not 7 Rev.-P. A. Ramsey being a regular Visitors' Day, -------- < ' A thorough .inspection -was Sept.76th -- Trinity' 13. *- irade, many were the questions 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. - asked,, and all were . patiently 11:15 a.m.--Holy Communion & answered. It was very interest- • ' Sermon. * to êarn that there is. a flour- 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- Rover Crew of eight a- mon. . : board Appollo arid it is hoped Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.-^W.A. Meet- here may con- . ing. . ' side'r keeping in touch/,with Tuesday, 8 p.m.--Church Com- the event of a re mittee. turn visit do what they can to Str FK&ticiri în-the-Wdods. " make their next visit a memor- Caulfeild able one. As their good deed for Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Evensong and the party left a table in ^ Sermon. / the Recreation Room piledihigh -------------------- with magazines rind books to " BAPTIST CHURCH augment the ship's library. \ Minister ̂Rev. W, L. McRay The minister will preach for .:' - L k i f i i 'd l i y i / L t d . FOR-.' > X ' f A I T M l l t t ' V "iIe p e n d a b l e DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver. Representative Phones'-- We^t 691-L# or North 431D' • '• i 1 ̂ 'f* '*<*• 7' - IW H Y G O T O T H E F O R T ^ U R Moclecri"EquipmentExperienced Operator Finest Materials ' I rge S. MacdojtMd D E N T I S TI- j. _ 4P ^ \' •k JRoya! Bank Bldg./West Vancouver- ' ' Phone'West 446 S i i ' l f - ' r ? | '■ ' /V 7 thf W est Van N ew s PubUahad Erwry Thmadiy Ptiiab^tr F. F. LOVBGROVB Phone West 363 BatlntM and Bdilorlal OBlea: 17th «ad Marhia DiIvr, (N «ct:t« Hdlfburn P ,6 .) Phone Weoi 363 . ,ll«il,A44f^r / P. O . B ox-iM M yhotR ; a c . VaritibiiY ̂ Office: 123 LonedlUe Ave. |i<HI B ywr>f^55$ir! 13,00 ê yaat THE Y. W. C, .T, U. the first time since vacation,' both morning and evening. The T^ O ptom etrist morning subject will be "The k Y ',™ . Salt of the Earth.." The Lord's U. 0 |)t ic ia n Supper will be administered at . Dugiess next the, close of the service.. "The ^ 10.80 a.m. to 4 Second Mile" will be the evening cordially subj^t The church soh(x>l w ill' 1622 Marine Dnye nieet at 10 o'clock. It is hoped EYES4EXAMiNED - that every-member will bq in his , CURSES RHED :^ c ,prayer meeting will be The regular - meeting of the 7 held as uriual on/Wednesday Duncan Lawson Chaptet, I. 0. / . . '. evening, D. E;, will be held on Tuesday, ^September 8th fat the home of I. 0. D. E. FIRST CLASSES . The St. John's Ahibulance First Aid Classes will'hold their tirst meeting of the season at Mrs. Vaughan,. ̂ 2621 Bellevue, north of track: ' /'• • cips^;;:/-" S e n "T -- Now is the time to fillynur bihs at summer rates. Piu.- KinglLumber: Go/H/f- ,'i'.-"7' "w*/ i I 7"": ■ ""'"','5',,<*•»* I*/i .. 4' I .H " j« <• '7 r " t X.'- 'fm m ;T s m n ^ r rates. PiodttCts. of m J b / 7 King'Lumber Co'. C - '[ r/ M/ i For Kitchen and Furnace/Bumers .Pta- ,/': i i n E L yw iiiiiiiiii I II I lyiiiii I .., ;„v, < , ' If 4 '~ iV v ft 1. V ' NORfH