M ^ ̂ ̂ ................P ^ ; !• ■ ■ . mmm. .,.,v*-.,,.:,-,;>v, rV";;':"':" V'.>;:?"̂ :̂v 'I : ' » I' , ■: Phone W e« t4 M :B "■ # 'i f . . * j-B ' ^# M y':ĵ ^'-A........ ' wmMmrnmmmnmmmmm m̂rnmm*̂ "" , /'rH a .'.'̂ 'f.,. „ r r S»i(?&%t'ft. 'mM iltai pul 'S'*- teiippi.* ,i ' I t lO l^ i ',,v'fMi«fP II III wm,:<,̂ ,/r̂ .0 ,.̂ •f̂ ,̂!̂w"̂ 7TlS'î to irlvo'liotitos: ■(»tfoy«4 or *«•:we'en revdUers. H reet 8lfni»- Btmti:.. fi •; y IfII '1 ! V I;i f/ if r d I t *H»- ' i | ' H i ; * ■|#iS| 11'-' ̂ lisai l i « i - I F n t f f g i - ^ W H h r ^ O t t r i W n M d - a r i ^ ^ Phone West 37^ SHOULDER PORK ROASTS Per lb.................... .............. loc r o u n d s t e a k r o a s t s , ^ l>er lb................................... He4 ik White Brenil TOMATOES tV f* Pull ItitM n.C. rru it..2 Him VU lti<d &. White Ilretid OKBEN CUT BEAKS. 2a. tin I2« Tender and S t r ln g l^ ; Red k White Brand PUMPKIN I^rite 2P*a ......................... tin I0e, a u n t M A U rS COFFEE Economy Blend ........................lb. 27c 8H0IITBNING, Swlft'a Creacent JAM. Nabob, l*ure i r o f g ^ r r y / '1 lb. tin ......... •'•............ S'l̂ t AI*PLES--McIntosh flcda, Ideal/■ Size for Hallowe'en...........G lba. 2̂ !c COOKING APPLES ....... 10 Iba. 25c Bed & White Brand PASTIlY FIXIUII "7 '111 i4«rh ' 27C'. BAKING«PO,WbER.,,^'i.î tin 17c ' Bed & White Brand. Save the Valuable Coupons, _________________________ Ited & White Brand EXTRACTS " .. „ ,. „„ ' 2 oz. ilottle. Vanilla or LCmon lSe -, MINCE MEAT ...... .......2 Ib«. 27c Will not bake out........ ..................... Red & White K>^d HAIR DATES, Fresh, Molst .2 lbs. 13c I*EANUT BUTTER......»..-.2 lbs, 25c BLACK ;FIG8, Large and Tasty Red Arrow GIN(j[ER SNAPS 2 lbs........................... ..............lOc Bug, (j dozen to bag........................... 16c H*,.. > OE ' '■' lalifcipiif Smm ,,..iV LAMB f "HAMS -!• LAMB -:- COIjDMBATS OF ALL;HNI)B£S;*' » ) W r s t o r e a t H o l l j b n r t t | 5 ; i | f e M Durnisin' u/iT'ai* 5tPHUPIM W fiSl if , . _____' ' ' *-' ... f,yt,W 'f, ■•.»•, M i m S A branch of the "ConsumersI League Against High Prices" i t organizing in W est Vancouver. The first meeting, will be held LOIN PORK ROASTS, lb. ^ c Wednesday, November 4th, a t 8 SW IFTS BACK BACON ; p.m„ a t the. homo of Mrs, R, D. . (in the piece), per lb..26c Bouchette, 186 27th Street, AH BOILING FOWL (Milk Fed) women wolcome. per lb.................................. - 24e Mrs. 0 , W, Stehelin of 2270 ROASTING CHICKEN, Ib. 30c Haywood Avenue,, is the conven- Heef -- Pork -- Lamb -- Veal er, phone .West 255-R, All of the very finest quality LOGANBERRY WINE ; T a i i d ^ l i IVESr VANCODOT --------FOR REAL S A T I S F A C T I O N S : ' " ', 'i [ , I *(i f' Vlf * " Phone West 115 . 14»7 Mi^Iiie Drive ENGLISH RUGBY C. C. F. NEWS ' The Richmond Wineries of Steveston, B.C., are advertising In , this "Issue , their "Myrtena" loganberry wine, which is four,, years old, and fully m atured,' and made and . bottled by them selves. POr further particulars. V Profiting by their experience The regular monthly business . kindly refer to the advertise of the previous week the Bar- . meeting of above,club was held ihent in this issue. bariana turned in .a vaatly Im- Monday a t which the ques- ' i- -- . proved display against the un- . . - nprmanenf club head- HOLLYBURN HALLbeaten Nippons on Brockton permanent ciuo neaa Oval laat Saturday. While the forwards unexpectedly d ' * ' .. ..................... get their share of the b a ll......... _ , , - , , throws in from touch and in the terms and to J*®pnrt tight scrums, the tackling of the back at the next meeting. W. W. Barbarians was such tha t t h e ' Lefeaux, who has; ju st returned Nippons were only able te cross extensive» tour of G L ASS-IFIEB^^sA'M i The rate for Claaslfled AdveirtiMmeiita. la 2 cental per Word, minimum 25 centa. Except in the caae of time having regdUr accouhta, all classi. fleds 'are payable atWctly in advinee. Remember ClaaaifiediB in the Weat Van News get' Ininiedlate ireauBs. hile the q u a iw s was uiorougnjy uiscwss- Anderson wHI be -the Meetings, Srfhe youuff Peoule's '" Crosbyfn:ill in the te look into the question K>f loca- iiinafvQf«̂ ---------i J? ii:® finn jmri f.prm« and to ronort 1 lustratcd with lantern POP g^LI AUCTION SALES -- W. E. Ekias, Auctioneer -- Licensed for West Vancouver. Phone North 1838, ' " • |,J LI. I 'll'";.. ............................ ... ........ ' LEGION HALL--Por Rent--Parties, phone _We8t l22-R, Mr. manager. the West Vancouver line twice Europe and Asia, will speak in the near future „under the-aue- yiews to be held at 7:30 p.m. to morrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall. Sunday School and Youni People's Bible Class at 10 a.rti? next Sunday. On Sunday even ing at 7:30 o'clock there will be a Gospel Seiwjce, . Tuesday. _at_ 8 and-then only-in-the second-half ̂ . , , of the game. Both Nippbn tries . P>ces of this olub. wore converted and the B arb a ra „ ;NoTOmber"5th "a T th ? 'L e a f™ P'™' P™y" ®'*>le study, on ans finished a t the losing end of - WCVember 6th, a t the Legion Epistle to the Ephesians." a 10-0 score. • ; ' -.... ' ' Women s Study Group,, Nov ember 2nd, a t 2:30 p.m. ajt the home of Mrs. T. Russell. - No regular league game will be played this Saturday but it is expected tha t a friendly match will be played with a Varsity team a t Douglas Park. A game has been arranged again this year with New W estminster .on Remembrance Day a t Queen's Park and as the team s will not meet this season in league games KEITH VERSUS Th e MUNICIPALITY W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, __Hollyburn Block. GIRL 21 •-- Wants part day' "work, minding children, Phone West 244 -y .' ' . FOR SALE -- Marina Cafe, 1421 Marine. Snap for quick sale. See Owner, 2544 Marine, evenings. WE BUY -- Junk, Rags, Bottles, .^Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Heaters. - Burrgrd Junk Co., West 91, CLEARING, Excavating" Concrete - Work of all kinds. Building and Re pairs, W aterproof Concrete a speci alty. Estimates free. Phone Mori- 86n, W est 590-X._____________ V BUILDING CONTRACTORS -- Re- YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK-Anv kind. Phpnc',Weiit.;;78.', FOR RENT--Pive rodm stucco bung, alow; furnace; wired for electric range. W est'641-R .'■--- -- ... ........ ̂--...... GIVE WEBB*S ;a tria l for your next shoe re p a ir s . '2463 Marine Drive. MASON'S'TA!K]r , i r > d y and night! , Passengers.fully insured. West 612---- --- '■;■■-...---------- ---. LAWN MOWERS ; SHARPENED ~ Special ^machine;. Repairs, Parts, r- W est Vancouver-ltochine'Shop, 1449 ..M arine. ... - ^-.V ""v • SHOE R E P A I R S G e t the best mat.-- erial and, workmaUsbip a t Fox's, 14tlr'at Ferry , • pairs. Alterations, plans and spbei- HAVE YOU JOLNfED the Ferry Lend- ficationS; furnished, "We aim,'];'to . ing Library;?/ 60c! ipbnthly, 3 satisfy." Poole & Poole, 751 lo th ^ Street, W$st 112-L;" was settled by arrangement be ^he fixture is being^eagerly look- -tween the parties thereto, no ed forward to by both clubs. damages being awarded either. ̂^We understand that this case TROI^RTY WANTED -- Will pay ail )yhich was recently in the courts; for sm^l .waterfront bungalow WE HAVE all the'necessary fittiiigs ' -- required-'to-flx up your-plum|)ipg - for the winter. Crawley & Barker; Hardware, - - . -lunga - east of Caul:KiId.* ' Must have large -- living room. -. Might'consider -vacant GARDENING, Rockwork, Walksi.Lidts)/\f -Moil AlTI _1__ _ J4 ' ' i C G R A N D C O N C E R T m1! •lot. 'Mail full particulars to Box 44, West Van News, WEST VAN. STATIONERS -- "Mon- opoly," the fascinating new'game, ^$3.25; Fog Headlight Covers, com plete, 20c; Full "line' of stationery earned. Lending. Library. ^6pp® ® 8® sii Attention, West Vancouver] - ■ . ' _ ' By ' . The V ancouver K itsilan o B oys' Band a; W. DELAMONT, ConductorV. .-•■u ./■ •; -• .. t'i . . ̂ •. i.; j ..it;.'-, -v '..'vy-f.-j.-.i, --Vi-..-- i - -v..• >i In INGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY, November 4th, at8.15p]m. ik. I DEPARTMENT MANAGERS' SALE , Sensational Values " City Prices -si ■ Easy Terms f Inquire Hollyburn Furniture Exchange, 1476 Marine Drive 'W est Vancouver i 1 ' S 6 6 -Lonsdale Avenue. ™ ] I North Vancouver, North 525 g Tickets-- Adults 35c. Children 2Sc. IVS I k ' Kiagiam^if-ifflia'siagaaRismiiiSGiQBSS-S . , {WEi Sheet M ESTVAN etal Works . Phone West- 39 Furnace and .Range R e p a i^ Sawdust Burners D e t a i l ^ / o f H o m e I m p r o v e m e n t P l a i n As announced by the Minister of Finance. ' '1--.-» Loans are to bo 'made to owners^ of r^identia(^ property (in cluding farm houses)' fo r repairs, alterations and aidditions, includ-^ ing built-in equipment., . ~ Loans are to-be repaid in eqiml" monthly instalments ^ in suitable i nstalments „fqr such o th e r /p e r i ls as may b e /neces^ ry . • . ' to 'fif' the, condiUons'<m tTk^_^ndividua)I^rTOwji^^'./^rC;"y:^^^ 2ft- discount,, inqnts, and proportionate rates for other pefldds.' F o r fa r th e r Information apply THE LOCAL MANAGER, : ;'" t : / ' K p x a i ; : i a a t a k | d f e G a n : a a ^ T' '■ W a S T V A N C P U V in V - '^ . '/ / , : / ,.............. t 5 '*■ T Ks-t ^ Ji e 'fv> i J REAL ESTATEMM ̂ J)M it t-.-.- For Sei?yice in buying or selling S6B "" -■ A. E. AUSTIN &. CO. LTD 833 Hastingts St. W est (Ask for fMr.- H ill) ' Telephone: Evenings, • Seymour 9131?:' West 574-L cleared, fencing, rough carpentry, drains, septic tanks. H.- A;' MiUan, - - West 151-L-2. ■, r r / ' ...... HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442JMarine Drive--^Fireworks, Notions,. Hard- •ware, Marshall-Wells Paipts, Kalso- mine, Putty; Turps, Oils, etc, AUTO TO PS,' Side Curtains, Uphol- ■' stery. Repairs ' , and , S ea t; 'Covers. John Fourchalk, 4th ~ & Lonsdale, North yancouver. - . 'n. POR RENT -- Well furnished three- room cottage, close to beach./ West -317-L. . . ;■" ....... ' -- - ̂ |/T ^ HOUSES WANTED -r- Rent or For Sale -- 'Insurance, in all. branches, . fire, auto, etc. Safety deposit boxes for rent. Moderate terms', * C. J, Archer Ltd., W est 225; 1415'Marine Drive. , * ' ,, 1/ ROOM AVAILABLE fo r Yoiing JL^dy in private home w ith-or"w ithout' board. 1456 IFulton.' - ' ̂ n- FOR RENT -- Attractive little bung alow, newly decorated, partly furn- ished; garage. Phone West 6li-R.' BOSTON BULL PUP, Female, for sale cheap Phone W est 'filOrR or Box 46, West Van News. ' '- ' -i BUILDING CONTRACTORS Re- pairs, alterations, plans and specifi- - catigns furiiished. "We aim to .sat- My." Poole, & Poole, 791 15th/,St. West 112-L. , - . . FOR RENT -- Three room n ^ e m suite. All fuel supplied. Apply 1357 Bellevue Avenue. _________ FOR SALE -- Cross-cut Saws, , $2.50 ^ ^ rn itu re ,, store, West 71-Y. Cariey buys 'furniture. DRESSMAKING ~ Ladies' /Suits. LAND REGISTRY ACT Re lK>ts 29, 30 & s l . Block 15 District Lot 237, Groui^l,' New W e^min- ster District. ' H A V E ..,C H O I€E ;^t^S |itg |; 'to $850 VALUE W e have a cnmait^who - "^^sh fw 'cottage ' Bee.us a t once. #RANGE Residence in Point Grey 4ou-month:-'real GORDON ROBSON, B anister, Solic- itor,' 1447 "M arine/'mornings; 510 Hastings S t , Seymour, 4199. after- » -- ---- -- WANTED ^O BUY--Used Furniture, Ranges, etc. Hollyburn Auctioneers 'Exchange,, 1476/Marine Drive. FURNISHED AND^NFURNISHBD ,Houses/to R en t iSTouses, lots,,and acreage for sal^K John. Lawson,/ 17th and' Marine, Phone West 55. HEADQUARTERS for All Popular ̂ Brands of. Cigarettes and Tobaccos;- also Fishing: Gadgits for local wat- ers. Ambleside Tea R ooms. BEFORE YOU BUILD ~ Let us show , you' a charniingi .brand new four room butigalqw/ '̂ 2 very mice bed rooms, large a ;^ac tiye living room with fireplate. modferii bright cheery kitchen, la test type hot Air furnace, $5ft0 cash; balance'arranged. LET US T A I^ OVER* THE PLANS for building 'your"?hoihe /under the new' govetnihent;bouring scheme. . THE A. E..AUSTIN .& CO. LTD. , 833' W est' H astings St. , , Seymiou».913l Mr. Hill;' evenings^ W est 98-L-2. RADIO, REPAIRS , ^ ieri^^^ Tubes, etc. J . L?'Petrti|^ew,' West 145. IN STA LL A T JO N ^M eU ric Repairs, conyenteticei .outlets-"installed. J. H. Paterson, WektL08.,, ^ MARCEL SB[OB -- Tbermiqne Steam P erm an en ts .()n iy , best materials u s e d . ' Expert,;", operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. C H IM N EY -S.W ^^ Coun try way.^ JjG uaranteed.B rick and stone, repairs..^ Palm er, Capilano, Norih!81L1^2;v'i',ffl|,/-. POR SALE"--->4j"r®®m .bungalow on large lo t all in garden,'garage, view ; of English Bay, near bus and stores, , quick sale'$l,7Pj();:q^^^ 340 or HIGHEST PRICESiPiAIp for Bottles, sacks/-xâ gsV'fuimiturê ^̂ • ■ North? SKofol/IupOk̂ Cô 431. Van roundingsj,^0 .0 0 "per month. Box 45. W est Vah^'News."' .M hereby ̂ given ?•«* c c o . . ' ' w/c. Bsovhi. ' .J- ■ ■ ' ' ■.w , . R ^ s tr a rV n»_ ; T/.?,®ymour 9131 sale." Box 43. West"Van' News. _ COMFQRTAHLEfSUiTE For Kent-- . Uhfui^sKi^:^ - and Water- front; >$l5:00.i;:pei£V'm^^ . ' ■; . ■ i :