•̂ îp-" •**̂ rv*ŝ r w; C)otober f^Wi. THE "■», >-̂ ,0i"!ŝ 'mi&mwr̂ !VAN NEWS «*«■ * j B|■H h " ' ' * ■'■* 1450 MMine Driwi, AmMuUt Ff« DUImy PhoM W»t 77 s P E q i A i s ' s fc,. .1, •*'= and P ersonal V - »'v3«Jf4.V* «Ŵ »• . m m t s T oEAN0Bp,'4r:;4^.;j5^* (jMESTNtJTS 'lb»/^8e P iw i!^ i* d iifd ijs .....:;:tib i ^c____ . , SAV0Y_€ABBA^0E, e»cb 5c & 8c »FlNAOnr^niyk2«w^^Ii»if»4®o«fOA|^rIi^WnOB**i«elirt^^ FLORigA O E i^F R tJIT 3 fojp 25c »Vin#tp^MwMftoIFEy.BU4^ iof 25̂ •■O K A X iM iM iJSLSSA **'̂ ..... ;•/-!-■•............................. lb. 9o ^'^?LS^S§S@f§®E.A^ Ell?wr«"'*"' ......... *.......*.-....12 ibs, 25c} per box 76c'iAJPPl4ES.(.>.....i.................. 10< lbs. 25c! per box 90c KAIl£.Y'BOSB«M ?ATOEe. Good Cookora........................................... ... 16 lbs. » CHILUWACK W B T O ^ POTATOEa;..10 Ibo. 26ci por . .c k il.?6 iUlUSSELS i^ROUTS,' liocal ............................................................... ; . . . . . . . i ................ 2 lbs 16c CAULIFLOWER, each.lC.r..... :.. 6c; Large siase ;.............. '.1 2 for 16c HOTHOUSE TOMATOES,.............. .......... .I,...,;....... . . " i lbs 15c OKANAGAN CELERY ....................... .................................. .5c and 10c PARSNIPS, SWEDE TURNIPS and COOKING ONIONS..... . . lbs. 10c William ' |)ai^d Hamblinir ofimg 01 Miss Madge F razer of 2322 Vancouver, fa ther of Mrs. K. L. Bellevue Avenue, has been ap- ^B ow bi^*^M 2^lto irr-A V biJittl^ passed away, suddenly last Sat- Vancouver General Hospital, She urday in his s^en ty -fifth year, will assume* her new duties, on S)).<0 C55)i(f2 F = : R E e ! : Full Set of Bla&eyV Steel Protectors oai all Boys' and Youths , Boots sold for few days. • „ WOODING SHOE CO. , 1462 Marine Drive (Furquharson's Old Stand) We carry a large assorted stock a t less than city prices. Wh e r e CAN y o u b e i 't e r t h e s e p r i c e s ? Men's Dressy Oxfords from $1.95 Men's Work B o o ts ....$2.'25 Ritchie Fine Welt Oxford $4.95 Menfs Semi"Dress .Bpot...^ $2.95 Men's Heavy Calf Leather .lined to toe ...... ........ $4.45 Men's R bbers,; f ro m ....... 89q Misses' Strap Slip........... $1.69 Child's Pat. Slip ............... ,69c Women's Fine Welted Ox- . fords, waterproof sole.... $3.95 Women's- and Growing , Girls' O xfords............... $1.95 ■Women's Rubbers, less than ' ' w holesale........................ 59c Not all sizes, Worpen's Kid Pumps ....... $1.95 # * * Ml*, and Mrs. ii. I. Sherriif and family of >1 .Park Lane, have moved into a house a t 2659 Mar-, ine Drive. Mrs. Alex. Riddell of Caulfeild, with , her little son has left to spend a few days at Rock Bay.* « o H. T. Thomas has moved from 1st November.. Ik * ' ♦ y w ' ' The Rev. A, Harding- Priest, formerly rector of St. Stephen'.^ Church is a t present on nia of- iicial visitation to the Diocese of New W estminster in connection with the Educational work of the Church^ He will preach in St. Francis-in-the-Woods Churcli a t 3 p.m. and in St. Stephen's at THE Marionette Library Ilouk. clulwd 6 n c k'lnontb. ' Membership Foe 60c por month or lOc per week for a single book Ambleside Phannicy W. L. KER, Prop: 1401 Marino Drive FREE ti r . ' : II ' " I ■ Fill# *■ ■ Strattons Cypress Park rinto a house a t 7.*16 p.m, on Sunday, a n d 'Will 1075 Esplenade. . 0. Si . »< W. McAlister of Vancouver, moved today' into a house a t 2768 Mathers'Avenue,e ,III 1)1 Mrs. J. L. Pettigrew and fam ily, 28th and Queen's Avenue, also preach a t the Memorial Arch on Remembrance Day at 10:30 a.m. 0 1)1 ' O ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude'G. Bar- row, 24th and Nelson Avenue, left today" for England, where they expect to take up perman* Fruit and Meat . AH kinds of Cookies Applo Turnovers Doughnuts Eccles Oakes Wedding Cukes u Specialty Wo make everything rlgh|«on the premises, Fresh Daily, from first class ingredients. GIVE US A TRIAI . . . A Big Stocck, q t Liow Prices .... W hat,jve haven't got we can get ' »**.:' ' ' a t short notice.,. ' ■ ■ ■ . .... _ i..L " ' ,WW. • . ■ ' '.0IW.5rc(235™))(!̂ have returned from a short visit ent residence. Mr. BarrOw is one to St. Nicholas; B. C. of the oldest residents of West ♦ ♦ * Vancouver, having been hero Mr. and M m N. Traill, fo rm er' since 1909. _ residents of . the municipality, ' ^ , who have-been living for some ^ Miss Mary Dansey' of' Caul time In North Vancouver, have f^ild entertained informally a t returned and'-are occupying a the tea hour on Thursday, after- Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phono West 27 house a t 25th and Marine, Drive. 'Mrs. Harold Eager ,and her. son are spending; a two weeks' holi day in ^ e s t Vancouver.' Mr^ and Mrs. W. Snowden and daugh- --Mrs., L L . Mrs.'Eagfer'And family resided ters of V Kamloops, . were the A few friends last Saturday even- here for : a nbmber of years. noon,, in honor of Mrs. Gwen Roberts, 1780 Marine " Drive. Among "the invited guests"were Mrs: George Cowari, Mrs. S. J. Anderson, Miss Jean Anderson, Miss Noel Davidson, Miss Jean Matheson, Miss Enid Clements, Miss Betty Elliott, Mrs. Heart-guests over the week end of*Mr. ing^at her home, 1564 Fulton moving to Kelowna about two ̂w 1 and .Mrs. F rank Guinan; , 2496 Avenue; in honor of th e birthday years ago; ! ' M athers-Avenue.-- - - of her son. -A v errp leasan t time Disabled Veterans' Assn. (1921) W est Vancouver Branch ' Meets bn 2nd and 4th, Tuesdays , ' . . each' month Mr. Blower's off ice-'in ' A ll . Ex-Bervice men eligible, e ither. fu ll. or associate. . rveryipleasantF was spent in. music, followed by , C. Robodie has moved from the serving of dainty refresh- 1185 Duchess'(Avenue the m e n ts ., '■ ' Bainbrjdge house a t Cauifeiidkfur and Miss Poppy "Harrison and Miss. Ruthnadyne Cromwell.. . ■ • Miss , Flalferty has moved from Caulfeild to the city for the winteir months.-. the. winter. ' Reeve J. B.' Leyland was^elSSt- ed vice-president of the B ritish Mothers, why not ̂give -y o u r -- ̂ '..cliildfen' the, advantage of a hot .m ea U a t noon 'during fhfe"̂ cold*" weath^er th is ' w in ter,, good,, food carefully'preparVdT"' ; ' ' p : d . q . iCA 1512 Marine Wes' H O LLYB U R N 4̂ 4 - - la d ie s ',. Tailoring, Suita; i^Overcoats and .Tailored DressesI Remodelling a ; Specialty MISS H. HO r Ie Phone West 583> 1890'Marfrfe Dr.* Columbia Branch of the R oyal- r i l T .H ife.Savihg Society. Mrs. Harold Thompson, .nee Ruth Hill, o f" Medical Lake, Washington, left for > her home last week a fte r visiting relatives and friends in West Vancouver Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SAT. MATINEE October 29th, 80th and 31st - WARNER OLAND *«CHAN AT th e CIRCUS" |i i i !' « 'i 1n Big program of Short Subjects, including "J'OPEYE" l i f ! If SAT. EVENING and MONDAY October 31 st and November 2nd LITERARY SOCIETY WEST VANCOUVER L.O ,Lr TO CELEBRATE A S K F d R ^ V -..tW- n s I 99 - meeting jdf..the above-Will be ' held Jn the lower hall of the U n ited ' Church on Thursday evening, 'November--r5th, a t 8 o'clock,, when ah address will be given; by-F. Simmons onn"RurgI - Life in England.^- The subject ; will include not.only themianage-. m ent of the land'by small culti- IIT H ANNIVERSARY SYLVIA SIDNEY' FRED MacMURRAY "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" (All in. technicolor) ^ TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY . November 3rd, and 4th ' "Big Brown Eyes" and "The Farmer in . the Dell" FULLY-M ATURED--FOUR YEARS- OLD \ AT ALL'GOVERNMENT LIQUOR STORES, $ 2 .6 5 .Gallon. 75c .Imp. Quart $1.45 half gallon 50c 26-oz. bottle This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control JBoard or by the Government o f British Columbia. Tuesday,' November 3rd' the members of the aboveJodge will celebrate the Eleventh Anniver sary of its formation. A short meeting will be held, opening sharp a t 8 p.m,, followed by a s, b u t also the-domestic and banquet and program, commenc- so iskyife which.was possible in 9 p.m. The members of N orth Vancouver L.O.L. 1840 hirfiest d e S S t ^ o f ..arid B ritannia L.O.L. No. 728 ■' t r i S r t a t t o n S d e t L S ! of the looai breth- w " r n e l S e " ^ it an ta t - ' ______________ , eresting on e ,,^ d • specially so f o t e l ^ m v e a rT a g ^ ^ .RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION fmm thp pf»mnflri<5fiYi whiph eitjveii years ago, wno , , possible w ith pioneer conditions instituting cere-, A meeting of the W est Van- in thp nrovinre "A ll fripndti who will .b e ' the honored' couver Ratepayers' Association S p intJrJ^tPd "^ -guests. Several prominent m em -' will be held next Tuesday, Nov ara wplpiomp' fo -nrpqptif ̂ respond to the various ember 3rd, in Dundarave Hall a tare welcome to Pe present. , proposed by the local brethi*en. 1 I Mr, Bainbridge of Caulfeild,; has moved to Vancouver for the winter. 1 iF HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 8 p.m. A ll ' ratepayers will be wel(?ome. « ' L E T ' ^ T R A D E -... ,,, You Supply the, Junk-- ̂ We Supply the Cash. We'<buy Junk, Rags, Bottles,Fjurniture, Metals, Stoves, Etc. BUREARD JUNK CO; West Vancouver P hone W est 9 1 T H E R E S H A L L B E T H E S H E E P A N D , AT w r - J i. 'i ' When'^the fuel situation gets tough, the customers fall into two classes; th'6se'who a re protected; for ^heir ^^wdusl s^Pl^ies^by a legitim ate dealeiS iwho has^ reserve supplies in storage, and the-others who have.-been fooling around with don^t: OWN.-any -sawdust; f: Be safe! Line up with KNIDL. Fir S aw dust'--- Dependable Coal Good Wood -- .Home Oil Fu s " k N il l 'S' f u e l T rWEST 3 9 / V V E S r i V A N i P R O D U C E 1574 Marine Drive, Hollyburn ' Phone West 186 Free Delivery Specials Friday and Saturday, Oct. 30th and 31st ' ' 'NKIST ORANGES,-per .dozen'..-.,................................................ X '" 5=: CNKIST, G R A P E F R U I T ? ...................... fo r .................. .................. ?0c ANJOU: PEARS/ Large. size..l..........-/.--i.......................... ....... TOKAY'arid 'SBEDLESS;GRAPES4.-......................................... 2 lbs. lyc pom egranates;"' each ....................................vv 'ii;/ h io ; GOODrCOOKING/APPEES5'..'->î ."----V̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ ........... ........... "7.....& oV GOOD COOKING,PEARS ........ .................... ;v" -"A*;-..............l i ? «i inMcINTOSH^-OICANAGAN RED APPLES.......8 lbs. 25c; per box $L10 f i e l d , t o m a t o e s ............... ...................... -2 Ibs. 10c LOCAL:OAREOTS'ahd BEETSi'r...:.::.......................... -......... 8 hunches LOc CAULIPLO;WERS/;.r::i.i:.:€ach 5c :C A L .-LE TT U C E ^gj.......each 5e • The West Vancouver H orticu l-' ; tural and Agricultural Society ̂ held their annual m eeting last Thursday evening a t the Munici pal Hall with a good attenda^nce of members and-others.. Reports for the year were adopted, the finances showing a balance, on hand of $66. Councillor E lgar bn ' behalf of the Reeve, who was out of town, cbh^atu la ted the ■ Society on tH^'^good work they , had done throughput the year, Councillor Dickinson also speak ing in appreciation of ^the Soci ety's efforts. '• < - The election of directors re- ■ suted as follows/'Mrs. H. P..A1-" .. len, Mrs. Wm. H. Green, Mrsi J . ■ ' Leavens, Mrs.' -A. MacAulay, Mrs. J: Van der Gracht,„Mrs. W. K. Woodcock, Dr, G. E.;]8ayfield, A rthur J. Capon; F. D. Ellis, J. ' Mitchell, J. W. Parkinson, ,Ty. G. Wiltshire*. ' ' ' , ■ The^officer4 jfor tbe'yeaF1937 . will, be ohbsenvTrom the above a t a meeting to be held on -Tues day; 'Decenfiber, Ibit; ' ' ̂ ' BROWn & MUNTON'S RCAVICTOR'S R A D I O M I R A C L E fic // #/ Also with the • , y ' ! " Magic Brain Magic Eye Metal Tlibes - \ We cordially invite on fp come and inspect the warding nevv 1937 line of RCA Victoi^^eiveiB. 4' with 'Maittc :e ?:3|e r t u '. W a t c h a n d C l o c k . REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON ; (formerly with. Birks :Ltd., Montr^iy - 1522 Marine Drive 'A S K T P S W . i . T h e H 0 i f f j l 9 9 7 ' i x f r a V a f ii# S e rie s R C A 'Y ic f e r i% r // v-.., f t a d i b i V * . $ 1 6 7 . 5 0 ..|a^^,000**ke#. YouVe never seen such on iioesiaBhle ̂ icnav oi modestly luieed sets. A ll ore new. . A ll offer extnM.thot moke them finer instruments . . • give you more for your money. A t your own price you eon hove o superior rodio backed b y the great name oi BCA Victor. And remember . . . It's a G lefte T ro tte r it 's an H C A Victor.'? 11'" -J! BRbWN & MUNTON _^>/X:r a d io s v , 1542 Marine Drive W est 366 "41. L < t wi n f / v■ -,1 i-'*" "t"1-1 Members Associated Radio Technician^ of B.C. m