West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Oct 1936, p. 3

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■ ' « '"•»•' . ' *• i W B Wmt^WAil H EW S" * . ̂ ' / ' SPECIALS fS ^ S I FR IPA Y« SATURDAY, Oct, ;23rd At 24th H 1450 *Marloe Drive, AmUivtde M arket free Deiiveiy Phont West 77 SIJNKIST OEANaES, 2 dot. J5c SWEET POTATOES.....2 lbs. 9c AN.IOU PEAKS............do*ep 25c CAL. LETTUCE ...... eech fic FLORIDA. GEAFBFEOiT .......... ^ . .Z . . . . .Z Z I Z r i* for 2 ^ TOKAY and SEEDL^S ............. .-:......................Z .^ ibj jOc GIUMKS GOI^EN ^ P L ^ ^ ....................... 10 lbs. 26c,' por box 90c GOOD U D p j f ..................12 Jibs. 26cj per box 75c *0KANAGAH M cmrosif'RED APPLES .,8 lbs. 26c: per box $1 10XcAMAfJAN ORAR APPLF..C1 ,o *«». w v., per uox ♦ i.iUOKANAG^ CRAB APPLES.......................;............".L ....Z ...8Tbs 26c KAKLY ROSf POtAtOES^^^ cookers......1 ....................15 lbs. 25c local BRUSSEL SPROUTS ....... ................................ 2 lbs 15c SWEDE TURNIPS.and COOKING ONIONS.........................T ib s 10c . W b a t y o u r D o c t o r O r d c M W. II. Homing of Winnipeg, A, Corlan of Vancouver, has has moved into a house at 2760 moved into a house a t 10.H Mar- Bellevue' A venue.'* * Mr. and Mrs. Fergusson have moved from Vancouver into the Anderson house a t JYest Bay. ' Miss Madge Fraser, 2322 Bellevue Avenue, returned t ^ a y irie* Drive* * * « Mr. and Mrs. Partridge have movd into the Tidmble house a t Sherman. • ♦ 41 ; III , t ........... . Miss Peggy Harlin with her mother of Sandy Cove left on •from spending a holiday a t Kum- Tuesday for her wedding a t ^oops. Quesnel to Mr. Tom Mobraaten* Colonel K, W. Savory, D.S.O., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallacd was elected president of the Ex> have returned to their home in Miss W. E. Dockrill has moved J. B. Leyland was in Imperial Veterans at an organ- Sherman after a week's visit to into a house a t S!B87:.Marine • victoria the fore part of thi.s ization meeting recently held in Lulu Island. Drive. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lament of [Vancouver, have moved into a house a t 1320 Argyle Avenue. ■ week attending a meeting of the U.B.C.M., executive.■' ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ Vancouver. Mr. Sharp of Vancouver, is Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruce Taylor, - having a lot cleared a t 26th and w h o h a v e .been spending the Haywood Avenue in preparation summer a t Sherman, have re- foi' the building of a new home DANCE . IN THE STICKS . With the CoDiniodores Every 'SA TC iltibA Y Whist 8 p.m., bancihg 9'to 12 LYNNMGUR COMMqNlTY^HAUL , Admisflion,20c. , ... turned to Vancouver. there. c . c : f . n o t e s Mr. and Mrs. Colquhoun of tager, Sherman. ♦ 4l 4l Mr. and Mrs. Mehaffey have moved from the bity into a house a t 1594 Argyle Avenue.4i 4> 41 Miss Grace. Farm er has rcr turned to Vancouver a fte r spend­ ing a few days a t Uio Guest Cot- Ambkside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino Phone: Drive ' West S28 FREE DELIVERY ̂Vancouver, have 'moved into a house a t 1747 Gordon Avenue.♦ 4< ♦• Mr. I Pugh «of Vancouver, is having a large house built on Gisby Avenue a t Altamont.4>' 4« , 4< Twenty members of the B. C. 4« ♦ ♦ Mobnulicn---Harlin The wedding was solemnized in Quesnel yesterday of Mr. Tom Mobraaten of Wells, B.C., to Miss .Peggy Harlin of Sandy Cove.. Both are very well known in the ski World, the bridegroom 1443 Marine Drive* ̂ . / u r 1 " J f'* f ' . Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 e 's>' f * ' *■ ' ' '*W I 'l \ V r i Listings Wanted On Thursday, October 15th, Mrs. 'D. G. Steeves, M.L.A., spoke to a well attended public meeting in the Legion Hall, on Social , Credit and Other Monetary-Fal­ lacies. , This meeting endorsed a reso- . ---------- -- . - - -- ̂ ---------........... lution tp the Prime Minister of Mountaineering Club went up to having been Canada's represent- ' Canada,■ "asking tihe Canadian the West Lake Ski Camp on alive a t - th e Olympic" Games, Government to' assist the demo- Sunday, proceeding from there while the bride is one of the lead- craticially .elected government of to the top of Hollyburn Peak via ing lady champions of the boast. Spainj according to International the,, north . fork, of Brothers The happy couple will reside a t Law, and to prevent any Canadi- Creek. Some time, was spent in Wells, Wheria Mr. Mobraaten ■ is. ■ ■an siii^pbrt .being given to the .studying the geological-forma- connected with the Cariboo Gold Fascist rbbels in their efforts to of the creek walls, and also. Quartz Company. overthrow democracy; photographing the Canada ---------------------------- . ' Thb first'meeting of the Worn- better known as "Whisky en's Grpup' was led in its study ' Jacks," a number of which vvere of , Fred Henderson's "The Case seen on the trip. These birds for Socialism," .by Mrs. D. G. are found in all the. mountain Steeves. This group will meet meadows of the boast ranges, every two weeks,'the next meet- . * ♦ ̂ ♦ ing to be a t the home of Mrs. A number . o f . friends - as- T. 'Russell, 1288 22nd o Street, sembled last Tuesday evening a t November^ 2pd, a t 2:30 p.m. the'.hom e pf H. W h^lw right, This last meeting elected a com- Marine Drive, a t ' Capilano, to m ittee.to arrange for the organ- congratulate him on his 80th ization of a Consumers' League birthday. Mr. Wheelwright was against high prices, to. be formed born in Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng- by allFprogressive, elements, in . land, on 20th October, 1857, and th e community. , ' . . / came to Canada 8^'. years ago, haying been a resident' of West Vancouver IT 'years. c ♦ -,1s • Stratton̂ s BAKERY ' l>ult and Meat Pies, All kinds .of Cookies Apple Turnovers DouKhnuts IScclcH Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty We imiko everything right ojr tlio promlHos, Fresh Dally, from lirst cla.ss ingredients. ' Note Address: 14G8 Marine Drive, IHione West 27 Next business meeting of the Club; Octobef- 26 th, in the Legion Hall.Z'Don't forget the 'whist drive, tonight, October .22nd, at the Legion.Hall. . . . Q®a®siaa!Eia®asraE«ss3aiEaiaissaiaEjaBS'BsraiaHia of HOUSES fO R RENT W F U R N I S H E D H O U S E S 5 R dom sFFuny: Modern, on lease.'--.:.'........................................ . $30.00 "^"-andrBathr^m . An American car from-Wash- _ ington topk. fire a t, Capilano Sat­ urday night while proceeding along Marine Drive, due to bat­ tery troubles. The owners with - the assistance of P. Wheelwright succeeded in extinguishing the names before much damage was done. - . * * , J. C. Leaman and his daugh-, ter, Miss G raceLeanfian, of Cypress Park, h^ve returned from a trip to the Old Country. '.r ': and .'Bathroom , U pper L evels ........................................ ,^$25.00 " ' and-B athroom , D undarave ............................................."^20.00 " - and 'B athroom , W aterfrohtage .......................... --..... $25.00 " r F u lly ,-M odern ,.C entra l ............................................ $40.00 /y V F u lly iMqdern, C entral ...................................................... $35.00 Shower In honor of Miss Peggy Harlin; an October bride-elect, Mrs. A*' Tuddenham and Mrs. R. Hors- pool entertained a t a miscellan­ eous shower a t the home of the la tter a t Sandy Cove. Mis's Bar­ bara Dill and Master Dick Hors- pool presented the gifts, being, suitably attired as bride and groom. White tapers and pink chrysanthemums decorated the tea table a t which Mrs. M. Har- ' lin presided. Other guests were Mrs. M. L o ep a rt, Mrs.«, W.' Grahame, Mrs. C. Dill, Mrs. A. Edwards, Mrs. H. Tuddenham, Mrs. H.,Lee, Miss B. J. Canipbell, Mrs. E; Steeves, Misses I. and A. Grahame,-Mrs.,C. Kemp. HOLLYBURN HALL The usual Young People's S er-. vice illustrated with lantern views.will be held a t 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall, when the speaker, Jaok Anderson, will take as his sub-/ ject "Seeing the S ip ts ." Sun- ~ day School and Young People's Bible Class .at 10 a.m. next Sun­ day. Eric Hunt will jgrive a Gos­ pel address a t the 7:30 p.m. next--Sunday, Hollyburn Theatre T H U R SD A Y , FR ID A Y & SAT. M A TIN EE October 22rul,- 23rd- und 24th ALICE BRADY THE HARVESTER> (Awarded the nieilul as the host fam ily picture o f the month.") also "MK^KEY'S MINSTRBLS'Z "FILMING THE FANTASTIC" :SAT. E V E N IN G and M ONDAY ^ October 24lh and 20th FRED ASTAIR GINGER ROGERS '̂Follow the Fleet and the usual short subjects; TU E SD A Y and W E D N E SD A Y October 27ih and 28th WILLIAM POWELL *Ex-Mrs. Bradford' -K _ U N F U R N I S H E D H O U S E S 4 Ropms^ah'd -Bathroom,.."West B a y ^ . . . ;..............................$20.00 5 . '.F u lly :M o d em , C iose' In ............................................>•-- $22.50 4 / 'Z ' Sdn K'Oom' aiui. B athroom ,'C lose In -........................... $20.0Q 8 , " " ' P u lly /M od erh , W aterfront .......................................... .'.$45.00 4 . - / l^ully Modem,' C entral .........................,............................ $25.00 4 . , ' .and -B ath room ,-C lose In ................. ...... -*................. $20.00 Large numbers of , dog salmon Tu^p=Hflv^f^R including-NelsL Cwek. s S s ^ t .X flf. ■ and cohoes,are also.ktill being - E / s t le to the (Once only a t 8:15) also "BRIDES ARE LIKE TH A r^ Sf COMPANY - caught a t Horseshoe' Bay* * -jJ:- ■ Blair Ed.wards, 2929 Mathers Avenue; was the outstanding ■■player last Sunday in the Royals-' Nanaimo^, game at the mining town, when he perform ed the hat- trick, shooting three, goals from the , wing for the victorious ' Royals. * ♦ 4f' Mrs. C. Alexander of Regina, Js the guest of Colbnerapd Mrs. Francis Cunningham of Sher­ man. . / ', * * * .,Mr. andy Mrs. Trimble have moved from Sherman to Van­ couver. i Social Credit M eetingTo-morrow (Friday)In theLEGION. HALL S^eake^ at 8 p.m. -Wm. Rose.' Questions and Dispussion The public cordially invited. g] aBMgiMiaaHB a a a a M REAL ESTATE arid, INSURANCE BROKERS 'e W^t *21. * V ., 1405 * Marine *Drive, West Vancouver i:a:BHiBrasraraifa:S!0'0:B:fa;f3:a:araiQiQesas;a]Birâ E * S " I S R A D E ^fou Supply;'the Junk -r- We Supply the Cash. We buy "Junk; Rags,*, B ottles, F u r iiiW e , M etals, Stoves, Etc, w rv fS - |";v V ' - P h o ^ ^ W e s t 9 1 t h e r e irai T H E ^ H E E P AND ^̂ 0 When the-ftfeI situatiott-"gets'tough,'"tl^ customers fall-into two- classes: thbse^whb are'protected'for",their sawdust supplies by' " .........- - - - - _jj^_storage^nd WEST 3 9 the others w h o 'h a v e been "fooling' around w ith peddlers who OW N any"'s a w d u s t .; '-Be" s a f e ! ; )Line up w ith K m L I^ Sawdust ~ .D ependab le - Coal> 'Goo^ Wood -- Home Oil F uels ' 'n O ^ i H U E l ; NORTH9 4 , Mr. and Mrs. R. A; Thompson have moved from 1393" 20th Street into a house a t 3555 Mar­ ine Drive, , J.'T orter gave his lantern lec­ tu re on "The Scenery of the Moon," in the Parish Hall of All Saints Church, Burnaby, on Tuesday evening last. Rev. J. P. Dingle and Mrs. Dingle inquired afterwards as regards a number of their old friends here, to whom they wished"to be remem­ bered. -: . I The Sensational New 1937-̂ Rogers I 'Target Tuning* Radio Featuring the Very Latest, im­ provements in modern receiver construction and design. -, V ■ ♦ ♦ * ' liH i l l 'if !*;] .1j' % HH\ ifl! ; 11'i JTI i UkiMV)' ( a I S' ■ii -fell! •■liif." i i I: 11 TRADE IN your old radio and enjoy real radio entertainment. - ̂ expert W atch and Clock ------------ r̂epairing- T. CHRISTENSON (form erly w ith B irks Ltd., M ontreal) - ; ̂ 1522 M arine D rive-V -pjtv- [ M o d e l liU njen N in ety-S ix . $ 1 6 9 ^ ̂ . t, . "-'*1" si',,' . ' • ' N.T- *iv- O , r f " ! \ 1542 M arine Drive . ' ' Members "A ssociated R adio Technicians o f B.C. r*-* ̂ V „ , . ̂