Vf*-U..|Si.,-iJ -.p TM B'-U M rTAfr-KISW B r - K r * « -A. ̂ I ^ I w m p v m m m m t im m m Etv.'HilJlf Wdgh!^ MUikim" ' iiiiMiajr' $€fwitm ^, • ■ '■ ■ II2I5 tumut itiB pm»' •Simdiif S*li(i«]'̂ iiA(i»'Bn^l^«M'^« 10 luittu S(:r«ii«wrg it Vlfitom Waleomt. QWife *f i t . rf r%: ♦ In introducing our S t B Q f t l B f We are offering you one .Free .,,.',_ 1 o c a l p I r e a t m e n t with every five. BA PTIST CaUttCfl jM(ai«ter B«r. W, L. M«K«yi MJk ̂ VLH. Buttisy BirfiemitttdMy oitrt JOtOV '■A>i»«-wCbiai«bIn*- dudifliir Adult CUus 11 8.m. A 7:30 p.m.-- PrtMcMng Services. 'I k l * All (IcrinatoloKists ugrou thut "c<#ntrolJt'(J Htcam" i« the bent Holvont for removing' tlundruff, (Joiulition y o u r ' hair and scalp with a Hteumer treatm ent a t the ■8 iM 'I Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CreatorN l' i«,i< o f E xclusive PerinancntH, 1540 Marine Drive We«t 117 w . . \ \ ,,f »tlI • <tr •' ifiHl!!' * ' (ii >. DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.8. DENTIST H ay Block, 14ih .and Marine Dr. Otnce Hours 9 to 6 p.rn, EveninRs by appointment. , . Phone W est 73 w I " . . ; <1 J'U • i*i 'I■' (I:" , Vi I 'l 'full'!?« !5.«!sisvi'Vi» i f f .; t! r'if'!.' 1 4 |f iy ' e!*v §?M i- ^Sh isr* I4 i 2i | t | 4,r ik k M kt'fi'S HOLLYBURN H M 14th and D uchess Kill DAY EVENING, Oct. 23rd, at 7:30 VounR People's Service • Subject; "HeeinR the SiRhls" Illuslrated by lantern views. gi " , Speaker: . ^Mlt. JACK ANDEllSON SUNDAY, Oct. "25tji,^at 10 a.m. Sundoy School ^nd Young- People's Bible C la ss . SUN D AY EV ENIN G a t 7:30 GOSPEL A D D R ESS Speaker: MR. I5HIC HUNT TUESDAY, Oct. 27th, at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study . Subject: . r "'I'Ihv Epistle t« the Ephesians" WIKT VANCOUVER Christiiui Science -- .5ocietjr,-.J,..-.. - CfiUECH EDIFICE ; 20th and E«i|ttlmalt, HoUyburn T h is'S ociety is a Branch of 4 ,T he Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, , Scientist,' in Boston, M assachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunda>f, October 25th, Subject: "PROBATION ' AFTER DEATH" Suifday School at 10:00 a.m. Testim ony M eeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend ouf'^ihrvices and m eetings. S p e c i a l . n a f i c e '. iv e d a f OJPENHYM'S DEBUVEL TBAN8PAIMSNT m VEra $18.76 ti. (« « , " ^YoS' must's^rthe^r* We haveA ta d Ji IW w V*** a3 vs a v.*«r w ■ . *, n. . . , r.'"- .'7. ̂ ̂Tf ■, F ^ ;. 'OasaifiP'̂ ■ ■ ■ ■ LACE EVENING FROCKS with J^ketn..,....:.........:.;.:.....||0.76 and t2fian SILK MOIRE FROCKS $14.96 (bee Special In Velvets for 114.96 ajj $10,95). "'THEMmKE'^SCIltiOrGIEL'"pAKCS'F R p C r p : K ^ ^ A for $5.95; in all shadc.s and styles. , ' "***' * THE ALPACA TUNIC BRIDGE DRESS Just in from the'East BLOUSES in all the New Fall Shades $1.95 and $2.95 and $3 95 GWEN'S GOWN AiP! 3I!C!||i5HOPPE 1780 Marine Drive ,............ .................. ......... f,:;. ' West West 5«0 W E S T V A N . B U a D E R S ' S U P P L Y 2153 M ^ ne Drive -West Vancouver BRICKS, LIME, SAND, BKAVEL A.G. TILE. VIT PIPR HEARTH TILES \ WOOD LATH, PLASTER alit'GEMENf CALIFORNIA STUCCO. i UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillis Wright, Minister ISHtahlishcd on North Shore 25 Ycora (Lady A ssistan t) Services Sunday at 11:15 a.m. ami 7:15 p.m. ' Sunday School, Sunday at 10 HARRON BROS. LTD.' u ■ • , . "it l I F u i te r a l B i r e c t a r s North Vancouver .Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North-1.34 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue FJast Phone Fair."134 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ' Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor Phone West 540' Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:16 a.m. High Mass and Sermon a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday--9:30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily---7:15 a.m. 10:16 7:15 SCOUT NEWS 1st West Vancouver Troop and Pack (St. Stephen's) t I f " ' "1 1.' * I*" Parents of al) scouts and cubs, are asked to attend a, group meeting to be held in the" Parish Hall, on Moinday evening next, October 26th, a t 9 p.m. This is for the purpose of selecting a committee for, the ensuing year and to hear a report on the past season's activities. Please make it your duty to attend. P L A Y . Standard • Spanish B A N JO GUITAR Ukelele ' Modern Style. * Phono: West 78 Next Sunday niorning the ser- S S y s^ -^ R o ^ ry ,^ B en e d i^ ice in the morning will be con- g -QO p m I h o l L y b u r n D r e s s m a k e r s LiidioH* Tailoring, Suits, (JvcTconts and I'nilorcd Dresses llemodelling a Specialty M ISS D. H . H O R IE Phone West 583 1890 Marine Dr. vice in the morning will be con ducted by the Rev. H. E. Horton, mini.ster of St. George's United Church, South Vancouver. 'fhe minister will preach in the evening. / Strangers and visitors , are cordially invited to make the United Church their Church home while they are with us. The Senior Young People's Society will hold its regular weekly meeting a t the home of H. L. Thompson, 2096 Argyle Avenue. The singing of sacred songs and hymns will constitute the program for the evening to which all young people of the congregation are cordially, in vited, / Rev. Andrew Roddan will give ̂ ^ ' fll-_ ---i.-..'_J."_ .1 ■■■ 1 ■■ i ■■■.■■■ V r ■■■■ Saturdays -- Confessions from ,7:80 p.m. to 8 ;30 p.m. FULL GOSPEL MISSION Ambleside Hall Individnal Chicken Pies Made fresh every day at the P. p. Q. CAFE 1512 Marine W est 616 Brother and Sister Collings, " Leaders, phone North 771. Meetings every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 :30 p.m., also Wednes day at 8 p.m. Evangelist Gilbert Rowlands will be •'the speaker on Sunday evening, October 25th. Everybody welcome. Independent RADIO REPAIRS WALLY CRAIG (Over 14 years' experience) 21T7 Argyle-Aveiiue , FUELSUPPLIES WOOD COAL - TRANSFER Inside M ill F ir ... ;...$5.50 "cord Inside B ush jFir. „.:$B.50 cord H eater and. F u r n a c e . B locks ..... ...................$4.50 cord .Slabs and E d g in g s 3 cords $11.00 H eavy FJir B ark......$4.00 .cord A lder, M aple, - F ireplace Knots, A lberta S oo tless and B.C. Coals" Sand-- GfaYfel-- Cement Top S o il--;Manure Dum p T ruck for Hire \ C H A R L IE THOMPSON W E ST 582 -Phone- W EST 582 CUB; NOTES EIX. BLACK WEST 6 8 GOAL - W O O D D U M P W O R K SUBS $4f00 cord 2 cords $7.50 Second West Van. his illustrated lecture on "Spain i team will --the land of Romancce, Religion « HoJlyburn School and Revolt," in the United teaW M Friday a t 4:30 a t the. Church, on Friday evening, 'Nov- School- ground. ■ The ember 20th, under the auspices onfu j Rluyground of the Women's -Association. Marine a t 4 o'clock CONCRETE CONTRACTORS . Land .C learing ' - Excavation "Work F irst Growth F ir Stove Wood - - - - - Coaf Dry Maple and Alder Fireplace Wood - - . Briquettes TEa Ro E & SON. 1 4 8 3 MARINE DRIVE _____ 7 - P r io r 1# P H O N E W E S T 84 .Every one will want to hear thTs Pack meeting so keep the date free--November Pauline John- 20 th; Remember Badminton in the United Church Hall on Monday son Annex. CORRESPONDENCE HIGD IiM BOTHAM lion. Equipment supplied^ Ev^ry- FOR D EPENDABLE^ ̂ .. _______ DAVE ANDERSON, West T ancouver Representative _______ Phones W est 691-L or N orth ;1310 L A U N D R Y S E R V lC iE ; Optometrist Optician body welcome. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey 10.80 a.m . to 4- Wednesdays 1522 Marine Drive EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED of the West Van News. ?Sir,---Once again the 'Toisoh ' Fiend" is in our. midst and I ask the favor of a . small space in your columns in which"' to'- ex press my sympathy with the many who have lost valued dog friends during the past few days. It is a terrible ordeal to 'watch a dear loyal arid loving friend pass out in fearful agony with- VERNON FEED STORE A. C« SEA R LE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds . Wood, Coal, Buildero* Supplies October 25th -- Trinity 20. 8:00 a.m.---Holy Communion. 11:16 a.m.--Matins arid Sermon. 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Tuesday 2 :30 p.m '.-W .A . Study but beibg I b k lo V e lw r i f X ; m a tin g , illustrated, on Af. s l i E t degr^^^^ •Wednesday; St. Simon & St. pubbS oirited 1°?® -d u d . H .y Uommunion a t »*- 2 5 i ; 3 3 * ; 5 T H E W est Van News Published Every Thursday BAPTIST CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. L. McKay u t us and imposenis own -- ' - " ^ - Publisher •iF. P. L.OVEGBOVE ' Phone'West'3$3 Buaineoa and Editorial, Ol^ee: 17th and Marine; Drive (N ext to HoUyburn P . 0 .) Phone West 363 Mall Address: P. O. Box 61. Bdlybnm. RC. The .pastor will preach in' tl morning and in the evening^ Pastor Frank Patch of Hastings East ifeptist Church, will occupy fi, .u- ^ Animals Allowed" community? .Wake up, citizens!" is the slogan needed. ONE OF t h e PEOPLE. the p u lp it;:-fh c c h i r w M . « m l i y h ® t'm o v ld " ^^^^^^ m : the worship of song. The church ^h o q P \yill_.meet-at -10 - - f ^ ~ _̂__~ =---- ______: are classes for all ̂WEST BAYo'- North Vancouver Office: ___ 128 Lonsdale Ave.___ faithful teachers, p e Young People's Society will hold a Hallowe'en Social/at the home o f Miss M arjory Ver- Jnglewood Avenue. The midweek meeting for prayer and praise meets "each Wednesday a t 8 o'c lw k : ' Tom Buck has had a new- 61.60 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year home built a t 10th and E squi^ ' bynaau, m alt Avenue. ' ^ M i C d t J* H. GRIFFITHS Government Inspected . Meats'Only. F r e ^ D e H v ^ Phone W est 62 <•01:V, '̂v " i fc , ̂ f