.1.̂ - % ̂ •̂•'î>?s#»r5Sig'«i**lH"l̂̂ ^ i * i r ■'•' •V' ^ '̂&'"»te*̂r'>̂-tf, -1,.: '^ '«.^-»* Vl̂ - . .V. ««< ^ V ,¥"W'¥'S-4-*-W*'.^)?1S^5'» - V '; W e e k l y District.0/ West Vancouver^Ambhsid$, Hollyhum;V^im Dundarave n .o o m:'spvt% ::::j\:':.■■.. . v .......... . , , C v h r f t t r u « / , A » 7 V U 7 L ..* m^ i s x £ v̂ . . . ■......: ...^=.^<;:v;.'**.................. . . OniE DOG POISONERS The dog poisoners are a t their foul work again in \Vest Vancouver.^ Ih iring the last week , or so a number of dogs have died, in agony as a result of the deadly work of these perverts/f f ' t * ' ' ' *̂ r \ ' ■ ?; .There can be ho possible excuse. Not even the destruc tion of a beautiful garden by some wandering dog justifies the death by to rtp re of th a t animal, even supposing it knew the harm it had done, and still less the metihg out of a similar fate to others the same species who are entirely innocent, Ways e x is t within th e law of abating the nuisance. W hatever the reason for scattering the poison, the punish- ment-does, n o t fitithe crime.. .And..„even if in the perverted mind of th e ; poisoner it did, what about the punishment that should be inflicted on him, taking his own scale of values as . the standard ? , The danger also exists of some little child picking up the poison', providing th a t the eatable is such as would a ttrac t a child. , This is only a remote possibility, but it is there just the same.,';; \ . We are not blaming the police in any way. <rhejf may possibly have â very shrewd suspicion as to those responsible. It is, however, one thing to suspect, and quite another thing to obtain" the evidence necessary to convict in a couid; of -law. .« For. cowardly, blackguards and lunatics--the guilty can only come under one or other of these two, categories--are notori ously cunning and careful of their own skihs. Meanwhile, we can only suggest to the owners of pets ' tha t they, keep them tied up until' the poisoners are caught or decide it is no longer safe to continue their'devilish work. DANCE AT LYNNMOUR The community a t Lynnmour invite the public to a dance to be given next Saturday and suc ceeding Saturdays a t Lynnmour Community Hall. Whist a t 8:00 p.m, to be followed by, dancing B.C. ELECTRIC TO OPEN MODEL HOME OCTOBER 31 COMING EVENTS Will Be Open to'the Public Dally from 2:30 to 0:OOP.Mi; ̂ „ S. Nairn, m anager of the B.C. from 9 to 12, to the music of the Electric's North Vancouver atdre "Commodores. Twenty-five prizes, announces th a t the recently com- Proceeds are in aid of the Com- pleted home a t 16th and Moody munit3T playgrounds. Admission which features , electric equip- " ' ment throughout, will be open 10 ----------------- the public for a week comrne|c- V. A. . ing October 81. Thia?wftai^;ld^ Friday, Nov. 20th--Lecture on "Spain -- the" Land of Rom ance, Religion, and Revolt," illustrated by lantern slides, delivered by Rev,'Andrew Rod- dan, in United Church, 21at and Marine, auspices of Wom en's Association. 20 cents. MASONIC DANCE VERY SUCCESSFUL The Fifteenth Annual DanceThe Disabled Vetei-ans Associ- dition to North Vancouver's resi- ation (1921), ^ e s t Vancouver dential section embodies many given last Friday evening in the Branch, hold their meetings on novel features th a t will intrigue Orange Hall by King David the second and fourth l^esdays the modern homeowner. . Lodge No. 98, A. F. & A. M., was of every month in the committee Electricity . as the modern most enjoyable social room at.the ferry building. Their household servant that.does the events of the season. There was .........................housewife's bidding, is featured a large attendance which filled __ ' i • T.n/i n f l i l -n r iH n v iS fv niotto is "To perpetuate the ideal of service." , Al l ex-servioe men are eligible, for membership either as full *or associate mem bers. in an automatic electric rangengc and refrigerator, automatic THE WAR VETERANS' ^,^SSISTANCE. COMMISSION water heating system, labor- saving devices and modem lighting fixtures. the hall and a very noticeable spirit of camaraderie prevailed throughout the 'evening. , The, music provided by Garden's Or chestra was all th a t oould be de- Members of t i e B.C. Electric YOUNGER SET DANCE -O. E. S. Once again the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., is sponsor ing a 'younger set dance to be held pin Friday, October 30th, from- 9 to 12:30, in the Holly- burn Pavilion which promises,;to Following the regular^ oom- munication-. of Naomi Chapter, No. 26, O.E.S., on Tuesday even ing, J, R. Mitchell, principal West Vancouver High School, address- " ^ T 'y riWoiv & ed the Chapter choosing.as his^b e a very colorful affai^^ O w ^ subject "Mental Hygiene." All phases of a tttitu d e and "control The W ar Veterans' Assistance Commission appointed lasV July .. for the purpose of reporting on unemployment amongst ex-ser vice men is now engaged meet ing representatives of interested organizations, ' . Two members iyi the commis sion '-- Col. J. G. R attray, C.M. G., D.S.O., and Lt. Col. H. L. de Martigny, M.D., are in the Mari- A number of nbteltle^ were introduced which added "irig^this .period; period. J-- SOCIAL CREDIT MEETING greatly to the, fun, spot prizes being won by Mrs. Cliff Welch ; and Mrs. Archie Stew art of North Vancouver. Dainty re freshm ents were served in the...ill u a i i ji l Aiesiiments Were served m tne i n j t i ^ 1 8 m t o n S ? S (FViday) in the Legion Hall,. when the speaker will be William . TT 11 ' » subject "Mental Hygiene." All times and the remaining mfem- Rose. I t is honed to have/ah to th e Halloween. season black rkViaĉ a n-f ntTH-fnri/i b e r , ' Mr. Robt.*'r-Maonicol' is' in - earnest disoussion on th e 's 'ub< PRESENTATION OP DIPLOMAS ing.. A six-piece prcnestra ^ guests of B urrafd Chapter. No. order th a t , every unemployed been engaged and fun and joHm- j^^rth Vancouver a t their veteran will be given the* oppor- catioO' will reign supreme, "Birthday' Party- on Wednesday tunity^ of completing th e ques- ets are"35c.each and-may-be had - pypTnna- from Mrs;vSmall;^: phone West; 638 or Mrs. Forster; West-494-L. NORTH. VAN. FEDERAL f s S h : LIBERAL.MEETING charge; ;^Hurry up and - make-up tionaire --form - issued - by -^ t̂he authority of the commission. This commission is not a t the moment dealing with individual veterans but is ready to'receive representations from veteran ANNUAL TENNIS CLUB -1 d a n c e - - The Toronto Conservatory of Music held a presentation of f 'd ip lom as' andp^certificat^ <in; 4he^ Hotel Georgia last Saturday a f t ernoon and evening; Dr. Sedg wick Iteing the chairman. Pupils of Mrs; Charles Burbridge re ceived certificates for Grade 8 piano and theory with first class honors, honors d r pass. -- " A annual m eeting of the representations irom veteran your - Noyth Vancouver Federal Liber- ^ssociatJons th a t may selves for a very jolly evening. al Association was held on T ucs. > * "« s?ihethmg to suggest m d a y . n i g h t i n t h e K . P . H a l l . t h e r e ^ ' j e - e s t a b - ,= betog a large attendance. A. E. unemployed ex-ser- : 'M unn, ex-M.P. for this riding, s was endorsed as a candidate to "fill a vacancy in th e Senate, and maa+inor nn in operate With-the commission by W . support of th e "cmnpletion of the „ early, can be obtained from 'the which the meeting <Was nroposed^ coastToad^ to War V eteran/A ssistancen r i t n e propqsea coast roaa to CORRESPONDENCE The E d i t o r , ' , West Van News. To A ll. Ex-Service; Men in W est Yaiicbnver^; -" I t is essential th a t the un employed ex-service mdn do- The annual dance of the West Vancouver Tennis Club will take place tomorrow (Friday) in the _________ Orange Hall, when dancing will CONSERVATIVE s ta r t , a t 9 p.m. sharp, to the music of Garden's Orchestra, who have been engaged for the occasion. Refreshments will be served during the evening. Ad-' mission, 35 cents. ASSOCIATION The executive of the W^st Vanoduver Conservative Asspci- ation held a business session a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. A. TOWNSWOMFN^<! riT ir D Marine Drive y e s te r . 'iuwxNSWUMii#N o GUILD . (j^y evening. A fter considering , by..the hostess assisted by the ed in th eL e^ c in H aU m ".,^^ River. The elobtion of of- day last. .T ram sure th^t,- . . . fniinws* very representative gathering oi held in the Clachan on Friday/ ip^ipo nfocfSTi+ evening a t 7:45 p;m. J. R ichard^ ladies present. Commission will investigate the son of the "Westonian Club" will ex ten t of unemployment among- also give an oiutline of the Club's s t veterans in Canada. I t will . activities. I.O.D.E. STALL AT _ _ 1 HANDICRAFT EXHIBITION vÔ' JCL Xwl.*.-rAVX'rtwJtV.'CXl.̂Xvr̂s'.' X V711I out th e .^ O ^ in ^ g f ^ I t will report upon methods a t day evem ng"unto^ operation mban^so;muoh, ,especi-ri^.v^P^^^^ present . utilized .fo r , providing of the Guild was well attended ally to returned, mem and-1 hope' vice-president^ Jl. J. Farry, U-G. employment for veterans, includ- and and tru s t th a t more such meet- A^ams, Wm. Grieve; s e c r e t ^ , disabled veterans. I t will heal ings will be'^heldi.Thelm otto o f ' Holmes; treasurer, Ed the Disabled. Vetehaiis^Js "To / w ard Gamage. Someone w hose nam e is not known where possible. It will also in- these few lines "may.bear a little ' w rote these words; ■ "Don^t find fa u lt vestigate the possibilities of fruit. - V ̂ . w ithH he man who l im p s or stum bles small holdings and community Tha:^ingv3^u* Mr, ̂ Editor, . f- unless you have worn R E G ^ A L D ^ p f E L O W E R , . • th e;sh oes he w ears, or struggled be- President p.Y-;AT"(1921) ̂ne^th his load." was the first of a series of. health talks * S y a C ™ . ' bfs rem arks w i t h - . S 'a l . ^ r a v i t o g th \"e^ tion of veterans into industry • The Duncan Lawaon Chapter, I.O.D.E., were in charge of the "England" booth a t the Exhibi tion of A rts and Handicraft h d d . last week in the Hotel Vahcdu- yer in connection with the Van couver Polk Song and Dance CORPORA'n O N OF" THE DISTRICT OF ; AYEST;'y>W O U V E R Person^^W irin'ff and W ti tM to have their names plarad on the Vpfes*;Lisfc7or. J937. a i Householders, Licence or Poll Tax Hdider$ymtfsfeifile,"^^^ ̂ (which may be made be fore a N otal^ Public d r tt ie un^ersikncd) in the form provided, on or beforb th e 3 Is t 1936. ^ -- r ' ' 1 cr- i' - ^.^ .^^^ij^ i^eipal Hall.^ ------.... ... WM. HERRIN, Mimicipal Clerk. Hatfield spoke of 'hea lth condi-, Vancouver. Mrs. J . W; Lang tions and death rate, comparing was the convener, a nd included those of the Dominion, British in the very beautiful exhibits Columbia, and Vancouver rela -̂ ; were old ohina, Bheflfield plate, tive to tuberculosis, cancer and . told jewellery, combination jewel heart disease. Explanation of , case, desk and work box in wood, administration was also given, ' ; tea', caddy, old dinner gong, iq conridereT"? S which it is hoped in time to candelabra, etc., etc. - ^ entirely eliminate tuberculosis.' There were forty-two booths Examination re v e a l^ 'th a t 20 9̂ ̂ :, which were displayed the of the children m Vancouver a t ' handicraft of th a t number of the age of six this year were m-̂ nations, and the English booth f^ te d with the germ. Three new attracted considerable attention. qlinics have been opened up m, ______________ the province, he^stated. Dr. H at-; TFC m iv w field enumerated methods where- " y ' by-fthe public m ight co-oi^rate % with the medical authorities to raise; the health standard of the community. centres and will report and m ^ e recommendations: in respect to the care and maintenance of veterans whilst unemployed. I t th a t veterans in their own inter e s t complete the forms, not la te r . than October. 31st. Hands in His Own P ocket A comic w riter w as delivering a lecture before a gathering o f p ro fes-, sional men and in: the course o f h is ta lk le t loose several w itty remarks.,^ An attorney who w as p resen t paced- back and forth in front o f th e speaker vnth his hands thrust d e e p ,in to h is . , trouser pockets. He finally rem arked A. The regular meeting of the W.A. will be held next Monday, th e 26th instant, a t 2:15 p.m. in .. th e Legion Hall. As th is is a A t the close several questiw s ,, m ost im portant meeting, all th at this w as the first tim e he had ^ d ans'wered by Dr, ^members are requested to make ever heard a comic w riter m ake a Hatfield. J. Porter Kindly assist- an effort to attend. The Armis- ed-durtng-tho-evenmgi----------- tice~TDay S^rvioes ahd~Poppy 1 ■If 'liH ■if;,'? ' ' 1̂1 t --- iff ' ; i | r r S i i" - "■ i i r ' If;- w itty speech . T The speaker cam e back w ith the - rem ark that th is w as th e first tim e, he had ever, seen a;:law yer w ith his hands in his, own pocket. The next address will be given Campaign will be arranged. An by Dr. G. F , Amyot of the Met-' executive meeting is called for ropOlitan Health Board, speaking. Friday, the*23rd instant, a t 2:30 bn November 2ri<i, p,m.