■ ; >r ■ V. Hu 'i* " ^ m*' T ALr i " m l Ilf T H tf t t e S T VAN NEW S ipiiii Phone West 46̂ ̂ RED & WHITE Phone We«t 46 Sm ith's HOKTlCUiTUKAt SOCIETY.................. ««i. ■ ... Ffidliy^aiid S a tu r d a y ^ " " O c t 16tE" an d ' 17 tir HONEV-- Clover, llrowo ilcsr llrand , 2 lb, tin ........................... ........... 27e Hed & Wblto Brand SOUPSa « TTfllW WidMMJ a,/ --- _ >/ romato, VegataWe, C U » C iw w ^ 2 lltw .... ................ ..........- .... -- IlOLLED OATS -- Uobln Hood .Tferge Pkt...... ................. . m FKi BAK8--Bed Arrow, Ideal Biscuit for School Lunches, per lb....... 18c CUT MACABONI, PEABL BABLBY, SOUP M IX ...........................2 lbs. 15c Bed & White Brand SALMON SiKkcye, '/js, tin ....................... I8c Bed & M'bite Brand CHICKEN HADDIE, Is, tin. .r 14c Bed & White Brand CBEEN BEANS Cut ...................................2 tins 23c Bed & While Brand BANTAM COKN 2h, tin .............. 13c . Bed & White Brand POBK & BEANS I,urge, 18-0/. Tin ...................... 8c CAKE FLOUB -- FalryllghI, pkt 23c AUSTBAUAN BAISIN8, 2 Il»«. 28c BBOOMS -- Blue & White 5-Ktrlng ....... 53c M eats < P hone W est 370 HOUND s t p ; a k r o a s t s . T he annual g e n e ra l m eeting o f th e W est Vancouver H orticu ltur a l Society-w ill he held a t 8 p*m* nex t T u e sd a y , Octol>er 20th, in the M unicipal Hall, w hen th e election o f directors will take ' pTac¥. "O ther' b u sin ess coming before th e m ee tin g will be the subm ission o f jh e reports of the tre a su re r an4 o th e r com mittees. A, cordial invitation is extended to all w ho a r e in te re s te d in the work o f the so c ie ty to be pres ent. . l i r r r t l i r D I I C r C *I fm I Lw l" I |«m J i l LpwVr : HAMS LAMB ■ fflM r -s-' 'P O tt COLD MEATS OF ALL EIHI^ V E A li D E O C l A m S E N I Store at Hollybum, next Theatre ■PHONE W E S T S '1 ^ " per III....... ...................... J ........ 18c HUMI* ROAST B E E F, J h * H e PRIME ROLLED RIBS, lb. 22c PORK SAUSAGE,.... per Ib. 20c Little Johnny: "Look,at that rhin- ocerous." . , Little Willie; "That's no rhlnocer- ou«; that's a hippojJoUmus. Can't you see it's got^(» radititor cap. LUMBER a n d ' - a i P w 'V- rb u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s SH O U IJ)ERS OF I.AMB (W hole), per lb................... H e Our M eats are of the Very Best Quality COOKING APPLES ... tl.N'IONS--Fine Co<»kcrH 10 II). .Sack ................... .10 lbs. 25c :............ 23c ' F irs t B urg lar: "Come on, L efty , le t's figure up w hat we made on th is haul." Second Bur^dar: "P m ' too tired . L e t's wait- and look in the m orning paptir.s." W EST VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . LTD. -FOR REAL SATISFAC'riON Phone West 115 1497 M arine Drive TEACHERS CONVENTION FRIDAY BARBARIANS AUXILIARY The Girls' A uxiliary to th e New trends in education will Barbarians Rugby Club will hold the ir first m eeting of the seasPn-- I LIM.JJ 11X01/ VX , ViX W OV.>t4QV/iX be discussed a t the N orth Shore a t 8 p.m. nex t Tuesday, October ■ teachers ' annual fall convention '20th, a t the home of Mrs. J. T. on P riday a t 1 :30 p.m. in N orth \Val.l,-16th and E squim alt Ave- An ed ito r wa.s dying. When th e lector bent ever, placed his ea r on his breasi and sa id : "Poor m an! Circulation alm ost gone!" th e dying editor shouted: "You a re a lia r! We have the biggest circulation in the country I" C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Classified Adrertisemeiits is 2 cents per word, tninimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tlioiie having regular . accounts, all dassi. fieds are payable strictly in advance. ' ' Reniember Classifieds in the'W est Van News get immedlato results. Vancouver High School. Inspector William G ray will speak on "Changes in th e C ur; riculum ," followed by G. L im pus of K itsilano High School on "The Introduction of General Science Into the B. C. Schools." H. Hill, supervisor of m anual a r ts in the Vancouver schools, will discuss "Manual A rts in the N ew . C ur riculum ." He will b n n g several exhibits of work done in th e Vancouver Schools. William M organ, p residen t of the B. Teacher.^ "Federation, will discuss the T eachers' P ro fes sional Bill, which will bo p resen t ed a t th e next session of th e IjOgislaturc. ■ O ther fea tu res of th e a f te r noon will be a dem onstration of visual education devices, and a talk by Miss Clara Wilson, who has ju s t retu rned from a trip around th e world on tram p steam ers. ' . nue. All m em bers arc asked to attend. • >fi"""̂TTr-ri -r-.- -iir - Trr - . V.- V« « V Stfl it down na a fact to wf^tftb-.^^ducing ?" M cLean: "Why do I see you walking .so much lately?" M cClure: "Reducing." M cLean: , "Reducing? Why you 're not fa t. U'^hy are you re- AUCTION SALES -- W. E, Ekins. Auctioneer --■ Licensed for West Vancouver. Phone North 1338. EXCHANGE -- Garden Service for few laying pullets. Parkinson, Gardener, W est 28,6-R. ALTERATIONS -- General Repairs, odd jobs. Phone West 78. thfM'o are no exceptions,, that we' lalior for all we have, and that noth ing is worth possessing or offering to others, which cost us nothing.--John Todd.- M cClure: "Expenses." a' ' little more patience, a little more diiirity for all, a little more love, a brave .looking forward to the future with more faith in our fellows, and the race will bo ready for a groa], bui'st of life and light. "And what did the in.surance„age^nt say when he came, to the door while you were in your bath, madam?". "He wanted-to-know if I was fully.', covered." APPLICATIONS FOR LUNCHEON attendant at Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn Schools. Must be in the hands of H. B. Garland, Secretary, West Vancouver Board of ' School Trustees, • before Thursday, 22aid October. ALWAYS ON HAND ^ A very com. , . pleje line of, Judge. Ware, that nice Old Country enamelware, Crawlev *& Barker, Hardware. LET WINTER fallow mellow your soil. Get your garden, lawn, bord ers, beds, dug now. Phone West 632-L. FOR SALE -- Imperial O il, Stove. Burner, cross cut saw, lawn mower, garden hose. 196 18th'Street. • . GIVE WEBB'S .a tria l for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. The News „ Salesiuan: "Those stockings are the v(>ry latOiSt patterns, fast colors, hole- juoof, won't shrink, priced far lower than elsewhere, and a very good yarn." Co-ed: "Yes, and you tell it Well,"-- COMFORTABLY Furnished Home-:- Six rooms, modern. Phone West 42'6-R. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night Passengers fu lly insured. West 612 FOR SALE -- hens cheap. Nine Rhode Island Red Phone West 426-R. Sandy joined a golf club ajul w.aa.told by the professional tha t if his nam e was on his golf-balls and they wore lost, they would be returned to him when found. "Good," ■ said the Scoot, "put my name on th is ball." The pro did so. "Would you also p u t M.-D. a fte r it? " said the new member;* "I'm a doctor." The pro obeyed; "There-.s ju s t one more th in g "- went on • the Scot. "Can you squeeze 'Hours^ 10 to" 3" on as w ell?" fMoney is' a bother a t any time, you haven't any, you won't be happy until you have; and if you have much you will be worried all the time about lo.siug it.--,'rrenton Courier-Advocate. TO OUR ADVERTISERS ____AND_REAbERS____ We would like to rem ind our advertisers and readers th a t all copy m ust be i n , by noon W ednesday to appear in th e issue of the following day. W hile we endeavor to include an y copy coming in la ter on W ednesday, w henever'possible, such action on our p a rt rend e rs it ex trem ely hard to get thcT paper out on tim e on T hursday afternoon, andj now th a t th e dark days are coming, on, m akes delivery by our^ boys m ore.dilFiculC AVe, therefore , ask th a t our ad v e rtise rs and readers would co-operate as m uch as pt^sibie w ith us by sending in th e ir fcopy by noon W ednesday. F O R S T ^ S N o r t h S H Q R E SALES, S E R V I C M ^ ^ _____ TO RENT -- With option of buying; moderate priced 6-room house, Ambleside. Box 41, West Van;News LAWN MOWERS iSHARPENED- Special machine; Repairs, Parts. W est Vancouver .Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Bottles, sacks,, rags, furniture, stoves, etc. • North Shore Junk Co., North. ,431. SHOE REPAIRS r--;.6 et the best mat* erial and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Ferry, LEGION HALL--i-For R en t-P arties;' Meetings, phone West 122-R', -Mr. ■ Crosby, manager. ' ' HAVE "YOU JOINED the Ferry Lend* ing Library ? 60e Monthly, 3c day. 66 Lonsdale Ave. North 525 1476 Marine Drive, Ambleside W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block.. GORDON ROBSONjV Barrister, Solic- . 1447' Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after noons. - . ------ ------- F o r SALE -- New Pump for Oil Drum, $3.25.. Apply 2125 Argyle. , FOR SALE -- Holland Bulbs,' Tulips, etc. Mrs. Allen, West 695-L. F U R N IS H ^ AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale.' JohnV-Eawson,„ 17th and Marine, Phone West 55. WE BUY -- Junk, Rags, Bottles, Metals, Furniture; Stoves, Heaters. ' Burrard Junk Co.. West 91: . HEADQUARTERS for ' All Popular Brands of C igarettes and Tobaccos; also Pishing Gadgits for local wat ers. Am bleside'Tea Rooms. Synopsis of land Aci CAPABLE GIRL WANTS HOUSE- WORK -- Sleep in. West 515-L. RADIO REPAIRS ^ Aerials, Tubes, etc. J . L. P e tti^ e w , West 145. Form No. 13 (Section" 89) LAND ACT Form No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Purchase Land In Vancouver division of the Lund Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Vancouver division of the Land - - PBErEHTTIONS ■y'ACAKT, unreserved, surveyed Crown u , " ay be p re-em pted by B ritish sub jects over 18 .y e a r s .of a g ^ and by aliens on declaring in te n tio n become B ritish subjects, ■ cond itional upon - resi dence, occupation an d Im provem ent. Full Inform ation eoneernlng Pre-em n- la B ulletin No. l, 'L a n d Series, "How to P re-em pt Land,*' copies of J*"' he o b ta in ed ; free io f 'C h arg e by addressing the D epartm en t of Lands, Vlc- torln. B.C.; B u reau ;o f P rovincial In fo rm a tion, v ic to ria , or a n y G overnm ent Agent. Records will be g ran ted c o v e rin g , only ' ®vltable fo r , ' a g ric u ltu ra l- purposes w ith in rea so n ab le 'd is tan ce of road, school and m arketing facu ltie s an d -which Is not um berland , l.e., carry ing over 6,000 board «* C oast R ange and 8.000 fee t per ac ra w est o f th a t Range. A pplications for p re-em p tions a re to be addressed to the L and Com m issioner of the Land Recording D ivision In w hich th e s itu a ted , on p rin ted ^o" 5 5.J°k ta |ned from tb e Com m issioner, ,• m ust be occupied fo r five l® Provem eats m ade to 'v a lu e of $10 per acre. Including clea ring an d cu lti v a tin g a t least five acres.'"befo re ,a Crown G ra n t can be received. *»art tim e condi tions of occupation a re also g ran ted . WANTED -- Cord or Stove Wood, Alder or F ir, state-price. Box 40, West Van News,. INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson, IO3.' : TO RENT -- Unfurnished four-room'^ house; open fireplace; full plumb- miT- Wet 148-L-2. . . " FOR RENT -- Cypress Park, comfort ably furnished cottage, two bed rooms, bathroom; near bus and beach. West 148-L-2. MARCEL SHOP --' TKermique Steam ■Permanents. Only best materials used; -Expert ' operators. Phone W est 304;;R oyal,Batik Building. HOUSES WANTED -- Rent or For • Sale -- Insurance in all branches, fire, auto, etc. Safety deposit boxes for rent. Moderate terms." ""-C. J, Archer Ltd., West 225; 1415 Marine Drive. f o r r e n t -- Five I room bungalow; modern,, partly furnished,' garage, . Dundarave.-r FIVE ROOMS,, ihoderii, good location near f eiry. . ' Also sm airplace,hear"ferry; not nuri- ern. Phone' West- 511-R. FOR RENT -- New Five Room Bung, alow, fully modern. West-. asi-Y CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun- _ try , w ay;' Guar^ Brick and stone ->ei»ir8'. '̂ Palmer, Capilano, N orth-811-R-2.. A uction Sale Kocordinit District of Ncr« Westmin- K e W S DisW ^^^^ -5?lstmT„ in the vicinity_of Port.Graves, (Long Bay), Take notice that we, M. R. Cliff & . Mills Towing. Co; _ Ltd. . and Young & Gore Tugboat Co. Ltd of 744 W. Hastings S t , Vancouver, B.C. occupation Tugboat Operators,- intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands;-- Commencing a t a post planted at the .south, w est .corner of Lot 3107 s i t ^ t e on Gambier Island ;. tlience East, 3.39 chains; thence South, 31.5 chains, more ot: less, to the north boundary of Lot 2519; thence, West, 22 chains, morp or-less, to the high water mark of Port Graves (Long Bav; thence Northerly, and following, the said H i ^ W ater Mark, to the point of cemmencemeht, and contain ing, 40 acres,; .fenoro or less. M. R. CLIFF & B. C. MILLS TOWING GO. LTD. AND YOUNO^fe-GOREJmeu^____ BOAT CO. LTD. Per Jam es William Hermon, Agent, Bated Sep^temher 1st, 1936. Bay), Gambier Island, and adjoining part of Lot 3107 and the vacant Grown • Land to the south. Take notice th a t M. R. Cliff & B. C. Mills Tuwing Co. Ltd. and Young & . Gore Tugboat Go. Ltd. of 744 W. H ast ings , Street, -Vancouver;.. occupation' Tugboat Operators, intends to apply -for a lease of the following described lands:-- , - . Commencing a t a post planted a t the" North West Corner of Lot *2519, -.. Gambier Island; thence West, 1,50 chains; thence Northerly, 58 .chains; thence East, 1.5 chains to the High W ater Mark o f 'P o r t Graves , (Long B ay ); thence- Southerly, and follow- , ing the High, W ater Mark, 58 chains,', ■ more or less; to the point of com- . ..mencement and .containing 84, acres, \ more or less. ;; M. R .X L IFF & B.C. MILLS' ' , , r TOWING CO. LTD,, and -----Y0UNG-&-60RE^eUGB0AT---------- V CO. LTD., _ PCBCHASB OB LEASE A pplications aM ' m e f v e d , fo r purchase or v acan t and nnreeerved Crown lands, n o t being tlmborUmd, fo r ' ag ricu ltu ra l purpfoses. M inim um price o f f irs t-c la ss (arable) land Is |8 - p e r acre, an d second- land . S3.50 per acre. *» Elven . la B ulletin No. 10, L and Series. **Purehase and-L ease of Crown Lands.*»j, , \ As a p u t l a l re lie f m easure, r e v e r te d ' At 2 P.M. MONDAY NJ^XT October 19th. FOR SALE -7-,, 4 room bungalow on large-lot all in garden, garage, view of English' Bay,; near^bus and stores, quick sale $1,709 cash^ West 340 or 143. . T - . . , j Auction Rooms, corner 3rd & Loi^dale Avenue, from-instruc- HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - School Supplies,-Stationery, Notions W ork.,; Gloves, . Socks, . etc. Your patronage.-earhestly requested. lands may be acaulred by x>urcb'a8e In ten eu"»*_instal_ments,'with the first payment ; s h s p e n ^ d for tw o years, p ro v id ed ; taxes a re p aw when due a n d , Im provem ents a re .m ade during th a f i r s t tw o y ea rs o f n o t less th a n 10% of 'the ap p ra ised value. . . . fac tory « r ' in d u stria l s ites on tim b er land, n o t .exceeding 40 acres, m ay .bo purchased o r leased, tb e conditions Including paym ent o f stum page. Unsurveyed areas . • n o t exceeding ' 20 acres, m ay be leased a s h om eslU ^ condi tio n a l upon a dw elling being erected In th e ^ flrs t ycM. t t t ta being ob ta ined a f te r rettieat'- Pov y u to n , Axminster and turP Sitting :Ro6m:Furni- Suite, W alnut Bed Ostermoor Mattress, Wal nut D r^sing Table, 6. Old Countrv Chairs, Old Country Dressing TaWe. and a quantity of other furnf. FOR R : ^ T furnished four- room, cottage, ^Radcliffe A v e n q e ; ( burner,' fireplace.-^ Phone Bay view 8967-L. ' ^ ' ■ 7 room .. house ptt4W ateifronii;rF^ particu- - lars phone W est 159-Yr3. 'in iproveteeal e o n d lM o h s "'^ fulfilled a n d 'la n d h M b e a t soi veyed. Per James William Hermon, Dated, September 1st, 1936, F o r grazing a n d tn d u s trta l purposes M cas n o t exceeding MO a c re s m ay be .leased by one p o s o a .or a com pany. . .f in d e r th e G xasls« M t th e Rroviuee is d iv ided .' In to g raslng ; d is tr ic ts a n d th e ra n g e adm in istered u n d e r g ra s ln g regu la tions am ended tro m lt lm e to tim e to m eet vary ing conditions.' 'A n n u a l g rax ln s n e r- m lts a re Issued \based on - ^ e s T y r f a e ad o f stocle. W te rl ty In g r a ^ Ing, privileges i s l g l m tO re s id e n t stock Hewett Auctioneers Cor. 3rd and Lonsdale Ave. Phone North' 89. ;'W ipL L ';T lK E l'cffliiS jM ^ for-use of same: lH7>14th^ Street. ow ners, Stock-oivcaere. tnsjr fo rm associa tio n s fo r ' ran g o j-tesn ag em en t.- , F re e o r p a r tia lly free p e r a l ta ava llah le foir se ttle rs , cam pers an d b ao iilM A o p «» t s u head . S,.- iV; ^ 4W A|f;TE^;TO 'Dl|^ Range's, etc. 'Hollyburn A u c tio n e e rs Exchange, 1476 M anhe Drive. _ For Service in buying or selling , „ -- see -- ' 833 Hastings S t West. . tA sk fd r 2dr. ;HiU), f ' Telephone: "Evenings, Seymour 9131 . W est574-L -'-i' '■ FOR S A L E 'TEloys* Gray Overcoat good condition. F it ' boy 13 -or U- • West^SSSr^'^ ■ ' ' POR 'S a l e :.-^,'^^^ first T ^ s s condition,-also piano. Apply W est 358-R. - ' ■ kinds. of , phone . West Van ...... . i