West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Oct 1936, p. 3

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• I October 16» -Ŝs- -> ■to.' - - •̂'*»'j -> 1936. THE WEST VAN NJ iiiii>iiiniiti> N ?~ 1450 Marlrt* t ) t l¥ t / , i i j f ^ > i i l i f « V " "' ' ' Wioni Wt$t i*/ S p e c i « I » 'f l l I I > A # ? & 4 # 4 W M D A ¥ t ^ e r l ^ t h - l k * i 7 t l i * AUSTKAIJAH qR A N aE S.doz26^ I'lJ I BANANAS....... .....L.S lbs. 15c SUNKIST OIUNGlKS# 3 do«. m D'ANJOU PEARS........... doz, 25c " PS**-*!*** SWEET P O T A T O E S ™ X ibs..,9c .• OiK̂ C i^B A PP L E lbs, 25c CAL. LETTUCE, each.... ........... 6c ■ FLOKIDA g r a p e f r u i t , Large size ................................. .. each 9c KAHCy ROSE PO TA TO ES-G ood Cookers ............Z Z u bs. S c FIKLD TOMATOES (Firm) ....' " .L Ifv.** * ■ ** •*■ •*******«*«**»»**'«»*»*»«n**<******ni»«»*#ii««»**«.w •»»« «.VV| ............................................each 10c and 16c SPROUTS, Fresh L ocal.... ........................................................... 2 lbs 16c ( 'A I U I O T S ^ ^ ^ ...... .......................................................8 bunches 10? LOC'AL GREEN, BEANb ........ ...........................................................2 lbs. 15c .4 lbs. 'TOc aiiiJ P e r s o n ®- Mrs. L. McD0UBall and Miss ^ .W y .^ . .^ 6 J s r J .O B , .0 « y e ,_ h « a . ,^ i j , e y .M « D o u g a l l , a 7 th .a n d J M ^ A Good FaU Tonic ?<l < iU t!41 •< tjoio ,t, | no!OH>n >i< non fnm been included in a group selected from am ongst those com prising th e F if th A nnual B. C, A rtis ts ' E xh ib ition a t th e V ancouver A rt Gallery to be exhibited a t Chilli, waok O ctober 16th-20th. . 4< « 4> M r. and M rs. A, E. Shaw and fam ily, 825 2 ^ d S tree t, have le ft for th e ir homo oh Maync Island, • . 0 4i 41 Mrs. W alte r Gourlay aftd ine Drive, have mov0<L to V an­ couver. , 13 . ' * _ e ' ♦ ^ W. H., H om ing has moved in to a house a t 2670 Bellevue A venue. 4i 41 ♦ ' ' ' • C. I, B ark er has moved into a house a t 2104 Gordon A venue. * ♦ ♦ . Jack S tra tto n , who has been spending a w eek 's holiday w ith his p aren ts , Mr. and .M rs. J. M. S tra tto n , 1468 M arine Drive, Wampole's Extract of /V I t *tod Liver A TT E N T IO N I WEST VAN STA TIO N ERS T/ie Store o f Quality Bellevue Aye- le ft yeste rday to re tu rn to P o rt nue, have re tu rn ed from a v isit A lberni. Mrs. C. H; Talbot has ihoved into a house at 1928 Belleyhe to California. * Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop, l iOl Marino Phonot Drive W est »23 FREE DELIVERY OH'cr the Citizens, of West Vancouver a complete line of Stationery . AT CITY PRICES, including:-- .^SCHOOL: Scribblers, Exercise Books, Loose,Leaf Supplies, Pens, Pencils, Erasers,:, Mathematical Instrum ents, Paints, . Crayons, Drawing Materials. CORRESPONDENOE; Papetcries, Tablets, Envelopes, Picture Postcards Children's W riting Paper, Newspaper Wrappers, Correspondence Cards, Blotters. BUSINESS:- Ink of all kinds,'M ucilage,' Paste, Glue; Account Pads*, Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Minute Books, Counter Check Pads and Scratch Pads; Typewriter SupplieSj^Envelopes; Receipt Books, Note Books, Marking Tags; Gummed, Tape, Paper Clips, Bulldog Clips, Perfection Files, Stamp Pads, Rubber Bands, Pencil Carbons, Blotting Paper; Cardboard, Sealing Wax, Index Cards. HOUSEHOLD: Waxed Paper, Baking Cups, Plain and Fancy .Shelf Paper Gummed Labels, Luggage Labels, Paper Napkins and Doilies,. ■ Colored Twine,:'VisitingXards, White and Colored-Tissue, Crepe, Paper,. Cellophane., MISCELLANEOUS: Birthday Cards and^Candles, Colored.Chalk, Passe Partout Binding; .Linen and T ransparen t. Tape; Playing Cards, Bridge Tallies, Pencils, and^Score Pads; Autograph Albums, Stamp Albums, , Postage Stamps, Stamp Hinges, Ma*gazine Hangers, ,Model Airplane [its. WE SELL BOOKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS:--Give us your orders - Satisfaction Guaranteed. You can't do better elsewhere! ' MAGAZINES:v Aifull stock: carried. Old Country periodicals a specialty. Subscriptions or orders .taken for*"any magazine desired. 1680 MARINE DRIVE „(Next to the Royal Bank) T _________________ y ,, PHONE WEST 687 ffiia;B!Q;s:B!B:faisiap:aia.a:ra:aiaia;Q:a,siraKiHifaira:JMiieQMa oiuajv. 1443 M arine Drive.. A m bleside P hone W est 340 E v en in g ^ W est 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate LEGIO N NOTES 1 T h e -n ex t-reg u la r m eeting -of th e Canadian le g io n , W est V an­ couver Branch, will tak e place a t 8 p.m , tom orrow (PY iday), in th e j® L egion Hall. . *A fu ll a ttendance of m em bers is. asked for. D. Colquhoun has moved from V ancouver in to a hou.se a t 1747 Gordon A venue. ' M rs. J . L. Davidson of Van- ' coiiver, w as th e g u est over th e . holiday, week end of Mrs. S tu a r t Cam eron at.C aulfe ild . ■ ■ * * * A. Zegeil, w ho, is, s tay in g a t th e Clachan, is having a new house built a t 25th and Haywood Avenue. Id >d 4<. : ' ,1 ' ' Miss M adge F razer,' 2322 Bellevue A venue, is spending her annual vacation a t Kamloops. ■d ' >d >d M rs. and M iss. Edm onds have moved from 19th and W ater­ f ro n t to V ancouver.' ♦ M r. and M rs. A. Ibbetson of V ancouver, Island, have moved in to th e ir hew house a t 1262 K eith Road. • ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and M rs. S teed , have . moved from 2557 Bellevue^ Ave­ nue in to a house a t 2337 Law-, son A venue. ' M r. and M rs. R. P. G ruchy and fam ily, .V ancouver, have m oved into a Itiouse a t 15th and D uchess Avenue. < >d ■ ■ . Mr. and M rs. W l T. Sim s of S m ithers, B.C., have moved into th e ir new hom e a t 17th and 'Jngle_wo6_d .A venue. Avenue. J, B ray haw has moved from 2433 Bellevue Avenue into a house a t 2879 M arine Drive. Leer-- R ivers A qu ie t w edding was solem­ nized on M onday, October 12th, a t th e U nited Church m anse, Bellingham , by th e Rev. M r, W hitesm ith , w hen F rances Annie Doris, second d au g h te r of Mr. and M rs. F ra n k Rivers, 14th and M arine Drive, was united in m arriage to George, only son of M rs. S arah and- the la te Mr. F rederic G eorge. L eer of B urn­ aby. M iss Olive Douglas sup­ ported th e bride and th e groom was supported by h is cousin, Mr. R ich a rd H ed g es . Stratton's BAKERY Fruit and Meat Pics, ' All kinds of CookicH Apple Turiiovcra Doughnuts Eccles Cukes. Wedding Cukes a Speeialty Wo inako ovorything righ t on tho promises, Frosh Daily, from, lirst class ingrodionts. Note A d d re ss : ' 1468 M arine D rive, Phone W est 27 ^ Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY and FRIDAY, " October I6th and ICth CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SC IEN TIST NORMA SHEARER Smilin' Through" "DOCTRINE O F A TO N E­ M EN T" will* be th e sub jec t of th e Lesson _ Serm on in all C hurches o f' C hrist, ' Scientist, on Sunday. ' . ' The G olden ,T ex t is : "C h ris t is not en tered in to the holy- places, m ade w ith hands, w hich a re th e figures, of f he tiTie; bu t in to heaven itself, fiow to appear, in th e presence of God fo r us." .(Hebrews 9 :.2 4 ) . ----- ------------- A m ong th e c ita tions which The fifold medal winner for its - year , , (Once only a t 8:15) also "MISS PA CIFIC F L E E r ' , SATURDAY MATINEE "M I S r PA CIFIC F L E E T " and 1 hour of short subjects. - SAT. EVENING and MONDAY October 17th and 19th. CHARLES COLLINS -FR A N K MORGAN ♦ * '• M rs. J..G . Glover, 2478 Kings,, com prise .the Lesson - Serm on is still confined to h e r home - the following from , the Bible: th ro u g h sickness. ■ "Now th e God of patience and * * ■ * .{ ; consolation g ran t, you to be like- M rs. J. L. P e ttig rew and m inded one tow ard an o th er ac- The Dancing Pirate ' T he E nglish p ress ca rry notices of H ie re tirem en t o f A r th u r Collinsoh, A ss is tan t Sup­ erin ten d en t of th e N o rth -E as t­ e rn Division of th e L.N .E. Rail- P e ttig re w and dau g h ter, 27th and Q ueen 's Ave- co rd in g 'to C h ris t Jesus." (Ronr- .nue, .a re v isiting th e fo rm er's ans 15: 5 ). • p a re n ts a t S t. N icholas, ,B. C. The Lesson - Serm on 'also iii- ^ . eludes th e follow ing passage O, E. S. ; from th e C hristian Science te x t­ book, "Science and H ealth w ith ' (Corriedy in color) Also News, Cartoon, Scenic, etc. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Octeober 20th and 21st MAE WEST " Klondyke Annie" e rn iwvision o i m e 1. .1N.J!,. iw u - Sew ing Circle of Naom i Key to th e S crin tu res" bv M ary 'way-H-or tw enty years, du ring n 1? ^ S t tJSS •whiVL Vifltj hpph rpdTimmihlp C hap ter, U.ki.b., m et a t B aker E ddy : "I f T ru th is over- w hich he has been responsible D uncan MacMillan, 20th com ing e rro r-in you r daily walk S tree t, on Tuesday afte rnoon .fo r th e safe ty and punctuality of all Royal tra in s trav e llin g on th a t .line; th e superin tenden t be­ in g usually on vacation du ring A ugust;. Mr. C ollinson,, w h 'q .is an 'engineer by profession , i s 'a b ro th e r of E ric Collinson, 1196 D uchess Avenue. M U N ICIPA L V O TERS' L IST Standard S p an ish BANJO GUITAR Chords -- B reak s --:^.Tkeory. 3-M onths' C ourse $10 P hone; W est 78^^ lifdividnal Chicken Pies Made fresh every day at the- , P. D. Q. CAFE .1512 Marine West. 616 A notice appears in th is issue fro m th e m unicipal Jiall^^that p er­ sons desiring > and embitred to have th e ir nam es placed, on th e V o ters' Li&t fo r 19.37 as house­ holders, licence or poll .tax hold­ ers m u st file a declaration , which^. m ay be m ade b efo re a n o ta ry public or th e m unicipal clerk , in fo rm provided on o r before , O ctober 31st. Form s m ay be ob­ ta ined a t th e m unicipal hall. / and conversation, you can final­ ly say, T have fo u g h t a good, f ig h t,. . . I have kep t the fa ith ,' because you a re a b e tte r man. This is hav ing 'bur p a r t in the at-one'-ment, w ith T ru th aind Love." • ' "(Once only a t 8:20) also ̂ ' "T H IR T E E N HOURS BY A IR " M r. and M rs. A. M .H arff have moved "from 2275 Gordon A ve­ nue in to a house a t 918 20th S tree t; CANADIAN LEGION, PO ST.60, an d LEGION W.A BOX SOCIAL in the Legion Hall. S A T U R D A Y , " O C T . I T t h All proceeds for renovating of the~Hall. The public are cordially invited C. C. F . N EW S L'E T 'S T R A D.E You_, Supply tHe",Junk'-- 'W e Supply the Cash. We buy Junk,-Rags,' Bottlesj Furniture, Metals, Stoves, Etc. bdrrard JUNK cd,- X puotte W est 9 1 West Vancouver , . . , * WEST VAN PRODUCE 1574 Marine Drlve,^. Phone" W est 186 Free Delivery Specials F riday a n S Saturday*^O ct; 16th an d 17th SUNKIST ORM 'G ES,^2\dbz. 35c F U I BANANAS,^ firm, per lb 5c^ SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT,.? fo r 25c . CAULIFLOWERS, each 5c & 10c SUNKIST LEMONS; a dozen- 25c "LOCAL CELERY, bunch 5c &. 10c BURRE D'ANJOLJ PB A R S^Fancy, la rge size...........................g c McIn t o s h r e d A PE L E Sr':.:................. .......... 8 Ibs. 25c; per box ?1.15 good EATING a n d COOKING PEARS .................................lbs. ^ c L0CAL"GRBEN and BUTTER iBEANS ................ ........... r-3 15c ca r r o ts and^ b e e t s * . ........................ s bunches for 10c ^local g e m POTATOES -- ____ ;.... ........................... ............ A t th e W hist D rive held Oc­ to b e r 8 th , in the Legion. Hall, th e following prizes w ere aw ard ­ ed ; _ls_t, M rs. C o rb e tt, a n d -M r. Bow m an; Low, M rs::M orris and M r. A ndrew s; M y k te ry ,' Mr. A ndrew s. M rs. D. G. S teeves will ad ­ d ress a W om en's M eeting to be held Monday, O ctober 19th, a t 2 :30 p.m. a t th e hom e o f M iss I. P ark y n , 1390 Clyde.-Avenue. All women welcome. ^ -- Do no t fo rge t th e p u b lic m eet­ ing ton igh t, T hursday , O ctober 15th," a t th e Legion H all. * AUSPICES T O W N S W O M E N S '. GUILD IL L U ST R A T E D L E C T U R E ■ by D R /W . H HATFIELD ; : . , S u b jec t-- " GONOUteST OF TUBERGULOSIS.' In the Orange Hall, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19th, a t 8 p.m. I Parents and the public generally invited. Mrte box a t the door for voluntary contributions to defray expenses. i if.; SI '̂1,: m ffA MiI ft' i i|" ■ ' jkyy; i . a :1 liiil i i l U " F 'lir Mi "■'■f.'il* ■. .11 ' ' ' » f Hw U f J * ■ M West Vancouver A nnual EXPERT. W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRiSTBIISON (formerly with Birks,Ltd., Montreal). 1522 3Iarine prfve In the ORANGE HALL,! a t 9 p.m. sharp FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 3 rd . G A R D E N 'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 3 5 c . Rejreshmenis SI II' i i pi; i i i fiVoi'i"*': i 1 / ' l i i l l i ■ni! *s' jtl fL ' v tM j/ 'V , a ! , J ' J _ n i f . ' l i