West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Oct 1936, p. 2

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A, I * ̂ ?i»«i. A >< -?H n* *■' f5 ,> 4 J* n "i , ̂ /* j™. . ,.„J. ,, . «™. ~̂~.„'».w. »»,-̂ . U.B"-,:Sê~'«-««'!3««)»«Ŝ^ "-r;n;'i'«'t'-»»'̂-?T""M<!?««->.'r-<."if>W.ro«Ŵ'i,'t:<»<ff«-'!5:'.*'S4't'̂K't»/W.'?.V"WV!<'.>'r̂rf"ia;,-.-,'.«? a it A WMStr r # f m m m , ^ M m Mmr» tf flU« W ii|^ t» lU nlit«r <, - i i ^ ii#jO0u#i.' f t i $ PM, " i p y u f m m . m ^ m u ^ a ^ 10 «.IHU S tr a n t tn Viiitora Wakotna. in introducing m r Steamer We are offering you onetreeScalp Treatment ̂ with every five. m m m o v e c h' ' fluV A WM'KMIiO JlMiiHfr ' ""j9%IAUwmB7 m m ^ p f t n,A n ■ - i Q ^ a.m 11 a.m Bum̂ mj BerfieM i<**-Ctodi '"Edbedl-î-mw"mm <wNfw> ■ w.ttj-ww'WF ' 'Sitl**"* elti4ia#'M itE €!•«# 4t f:30 p ,m ,^F rm th iM g ' Servkea. - fit ls»t- - -, '»V*xA'#1<" All derinutoloKiHtii «|free that •VontroIk*d ntoain" in the beat Holvtfrit for removinfc dandruff. Condition your hair and scalp with a Htcarner treatm ent a t th<s i;!!«'* i i S k ■ | l * t ' :,.,. '/' ■ ■' / f f Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive < Permanents. 1546 Marine Drive West 117 i jrf' »i> ! % }i.i .T1 !■ ■n i 'ii ; f D/i. G, D. H. S EA LE D.D.S.. L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to G'p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 HOLLYBURN HALL 14tb and Duchess FHIDAV EVENING, Orl. 16tli, a t 7:30 Voung People's Service " . Subject! "The Patriarch Abraham" IlJu^lrated by lantern views. Speaker: MK. WILLIAM KAE HCNDAY, Oct. 18th, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 GOSPEL ADDRESS Speaker: MB. ALEXANDER SIMPSON T( KHDAY EVENING, Oct. 20th at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study "I'lu* Epistle to the Ephesians" WJCmjA ViaJN LU U V Jill* Scieiice Sodety CEUKaBr'KDIP'ICE 20tli and EaanimaJt, Uollybam This Society la a Branch of ^ Th« Mother Church . The F irat Church of Christ, . , Sefentiat, in Boston, , " 1 ^ la a e b u s e tt i . iSttttday, S ^ irk e : 11 Sunday^ October,, ISih 8aliJ«ct:_ ' '■ " " ' "DOCTRINE OF ATONEM ENT" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services and meetings. STi ANTHONY'S CAteOUC CHURCH Rev. N. J . Corley, P asto r Phone W est 640 ..... 8rjpC$liS<lw You must see.the«._ We have, n fu ll atock la «t«ry.nize.,' x m musi Jiwe W4r««. •*« -- . f-ACE J 25.00SILK MOIRE FROCKS $M.05 (See Special in Velvets f. 814.95 and THE MOIRE SCHOOL .GIRL DANCE FRQCK f» here frem the East for $5.95; in all shades m d styles. f , THE ALPACA TUNIC BRIDGE DRESS Just in from the Eas't. BLOUSES in alJ the New Fall Shaded 81.96 and and 8B95. GWEN'S GOWN A P SI*0R#8HdPPE 1730 Marine Drive West 562 ■1 WEST VAN. BUaOERS' SUPPiy W est 560 i 2150 M arine D rive W est Vancouver BRICKS, L iM E, SA N D , G RA V EL A.G. TILE, V IT P IP E , H E A R T H TILES WOOD LATH, P L A S T E R an d CEM ENT CALIFORNIA STUCCO. UNITED CHURCH 2Lst & E squim alt Ave. " Rov: HilHs W righ t, M inister Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) IIARRON BROS. I/rD. ifu n e ra l B ir r e ta r s N orth Vancouver P arlo rs 122 West. S ix th .S tree t Phone N orth 134 Vancouver P arlo rs 55 T enth A venue E as t Rhone F a ir . 134 • ' r iL. ' S('i'vicos a t 11 a.m . and 7:16 p.m. Sunday School a t 10 a.m. "Du: mini.ster, will ))reach a t both servicecs.-next Sabbath and will have as his sub jec t in th e morning "W hat Does Being a Christian Im ply?" And in the evening his sub jec t will be th e answer to the question "A re Sin, Slckne>is and D eath Real?" Come all ye th a t.lo v e God and worship in H is presence. They th a t loved-the Lord spake often to orie ano ther and the Lord heard. The Senior Young Peoples' So-, Sunday Masses Low M ass -- 8:15 a.m. H igh M ass and Sermon-- 10:15 ....... Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. Cated'hism and Bible H istory every Satu rday-- 9:30 a.m. W eek-day Services Mass, daily-- 7:15 a.m. F rid a y s ;-- R oi^ry, Benediction, . ' 3':00 p.m;" S atu rdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. UBERAI. MElEtiNG In the LEGION HALL FRIDAY, Oct. 16th, at 8 p;in. Delegates to the Federal Annual Meeting ip, North Vancouver and othi.,. . vital matters will be discussed.' W. C. T, U. WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone W est 39 Furnace and' Range Repairs, ' Sawdust Burners HOL.L.YBURN Dressmakers "" Ladie.s' Tailoring,' Suits,. - Ovcrcoata and Tailort^ Dresses Remodelling a Specialty * MISS D, H. HORIE Phone West 583 1890 Marine Or, ^" "THe W est Varî ^̂ ̂ W.(D.T.U. held th e ir regu lar monthly metet- ing in th e yestry of the United Ghurch bn Thursday afternoon, October 8th, th e president, M rs.' ^ __ ______ __________ ________ . H ib b erd ; p res id in g . ' M rs. Geo.! ciety will hold its regu lar weekly Reid led the devotional exercises, m eeting in th e vestry of th e A fte r th e Business'session Mrs. church im m ediately following D. Chapm an gave the report of the evening service next Sunday-, the convention held in Chilliwack All young people a re g iv e n -a from Septem ber 15th to 18th. cordial invitation to attend these M arked progress was noted in teresting m eetings. ' along educational lines, scientific United Church W.M.S. tem perance noWrheing p a rt of th e The A utum n Thank Offering school curriculum . There is an meeting will be held on Tuesday increase in "Y " jgroups. A t th e Afternoon, October 20th, a t 2 :15 : close of th e m eeting M^s. R ush o'clock. Mrs. John Rejd, presi- and M rs. H ibberd served dain ty dent, in the chair. The special refreshm ents. Corporation o f The D istrict o f W est V ^ co u v er BONDS FOR SALE The Municipality of West Vancouver has a few of its own hnmi which may be purchased at a price that will yield five per c e n U n t^ ^ on the money invested. j ive per cent interest For further particulars apply to the Municipal Clerk - HoKyBurn;. J , C„ .14/10/36. ' . ..........^ ZiSBiEmmi. Friend of the Family ....the telephone R. B. MORISON BUILDING and REPAIRS Landscape . Concrete Gardening , Specialist 1276 KEITH P h o n e W est 590X U speaker will be Miss t . McGai gar, « worker^ am ongst th e C hineseln Vancouver, and a.very in teresting tim e is expected. The Home H elpers and all ladies cordially invited. Tea will be served a t th e close RECITAL BY MISS JOAN DURBIN Mother says, "I don't know what I d do without our telephone. I do , shopping by it and it takes away x •that isolated, feeling when I 'm alone' all day." , ' • Daughter says, "I know I wouldn't get half the invitations I do if we didn't have our telephone." ED. BLACK Swest:;'::: COAL - WOOD I DUMPWORK SLABS $ 4 .0 0 cord 2 cords $7.50 S T ..S T E P H E N 'S CHURCH Kov. F . A. Ram sey -Children's H I G G I N B O T H A M O p to m etris t O ptician October 18th, 1936 8:00 a.m .-- Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m .-- M atins and Sermon. « -x-- 7:15 p.m. -- Evensong and Ser~ technique and a thorough - knowledge of the a r t o f singing. She, was compelled on two oc- A num ber of m usic lovers a s ­ sembled on W ednesday evening, October 7th, in th e W est. V an­ couver U nited C hurch fo r th e - Son says, "I would sure miss a lo t' recital given there by Miss Joan ? , 8:ood times if my chums couldn't D urbin under the sponsorship of th e U nited Church W om en's As- ^ 4.u sociation. Miss D urb in R ad me^ns^^LIX^' chosen a lengthy reperto ire , sev- that in case of burglary, fire,'iccSSi't era! o f them very difficult, in sickness the quickest way to send W hich sh e d isp layed h e r m a s te ry . ^ -fu telephone, i -wouldn't n f r be without-it." VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEARLE '• Phone West 9 F ertilize rs of AH Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders*.' Supplies 10.30 a.m. to 4 Wednesdays 1522 Marine Drive EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED mon. Sunday School prize-giving*:. . S en io rs; F riday . 7 :30 p.m.. ^P rim ary ; S atu rday 2 :30 p.m W ednesday, 2 :30 p.m. -- Ingle­ wood W. A. m eeting. S t. Francis»iii-the-W oods, Caulfeild ' Sunday, 3 p;m.-- Evensong and Sermon. B. C. TELEPHONE CO. Not in -the clamor of the sti*eet, nor in the shouts and plaudits of the throng but in ourselves are triumph and defeat. . , oasions to give encore num bers, and-^vas the recip ient of tw o b o i^u e ts and a beau tifu l sp ray of flowers. Gordon M anley, th e Vancouver pianist, w ho w as th e assisting artis t, gave tw o selec­ tions in m asterly ..style, being also c a l l^ on fo r an encore. posed th e v p te ^ f thanks. An account of the r ^ i t a l would hot be com plete w itlieut m ention of th e stege, which had been v e ry m FUEL SUPPLIES WOOD - COAL .- TRANSFER Inside Mill Fir::....:.... $5.50 cord Inside Bush-Fir:i.'.....:7:$5.50 cord Heater and Furnace . Blocks 'l..:.;....i..:„.;....$4.50 cord < Blabs and Edgings. .3 cords $11.00 " Heavy Fm Barlc.'....,$4.00 cord ■Alder, Maple, Fireplace Knots, Alberta Sootless and B.C. Coals , Sand[-^-Grav^--Cement Top Soil--^Manure Dump'T rack for Hire CHARLIE THOMPSON WES'? 582 i-Phoiie- WEST' 582 TH E______________ West Van News Published Every Thursday B A PTIST CHURCH , Minister, Rev. W, L. McKay A nniversary Services will be held (^ to b e r 3^8th, Rev, J . L.V r*'- « aa oeen very S lo a t B.A., B .Th., o f O livet Bap- beautifully decorated fo r th e oc- t is t C hurch, N ew W estm inster, w ith autum n foliage- wilj p reach in th e m orning. In ------ -̂---------------- th e evening th e p a s to r w ill speak A n A m ateur on t h e s u b j ^ t "A Revelation and be frank w ith you," said a Com m ission." T he choir will "be young-m an w hen th e em- f?i?se©i?5 ^ -- -- -Ex p e r t r e p a ir s oh any SERVICE . , Mio i: make ̂ any m o d e l - any year A M U N t O N -1542 ^Marine Drive Member, Ass<«iaUd Radio TW m ieians-„f b A W est 366 Publisher P. P. LOVEGROVE Phone W ^t 363 Business sad Editorial ORiM: 17th sad Marlhe Drive ♦(Next to HoUybam P.O.) Phone West 363 M sa Address: P. O. Box 6L Hcdlybom, BLC m _ ---- -- w*Av/4x- lYizj %.......•' ----o •■^'Wn-AY|v-ATYi- ' 7nnTii"<W'luiiMiint."H! 'iii"i' : ' AeChmC181lS'"of< B O be supplem ented by soloists "Y pn're n o t th e blSSed. i'. .... • ^ \ from the city both morning and girl I ever kissed, evening. The church school will , I'h be frank: with you " meet at 10 a.m. she answered. "You hav4̂ « W The . Young People's Society to learn." ̂ tla^e a lot will meetron Monday at 8 o'clock. -- EQ s s s s s a s s ^ 'I'um H pi w ill tak e th e devotional and. Miss M arjo ry Veimon will speak on Bolivia. - *Di® - m idw eek m eeting o f p ra y e r and p ra ise will he held on Vfednesday a t 8 o'clock. North Vandmver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave* II.IIQ a year by esrrisr: by aisiL #2.00 s year /*So Hinks took a course in first aid. Is he good a t i t? " "A little h a s ty sometimes. A man was n ^ I y yesterday, and the firs t tM ng Hinks did was to throw a glass of w a te r in his face.*' w e s t ; BA Y Meat M arket H. GRIFFITHS »t>T r̂T> West 62 Free Dellverv ™ S M E P AND j^e,eth«s who have been supplies in storage,,and don t OWN any Sawdust, Vith peddlers; who Sawdust D ependX le 'W ® t^ r̂TTr-Fir Sawdust WEST 3 9 KW llX's Filiet: s ^ e ! lane ujpi ^ t h KIHLL' Good Wood Home Dil Fuels > NORTH . . 9 4 FOR Phones -- W est cqi ^ Repiresentative ------ ------or North. 1310 .' . ■