'V̂̂"-ij."""-J" -- • - 'I ■■ V'« > . •- - -»»»... *-. -' .-7*».,- -i,. • THE WEST VAN NEWS-ii 1686. Phone West 469 RED; a ;wbite Phone .W«it 46 « c ^ t m c a t e o F CHRIST, , £ 0 ^ T I S T F r i d a y - a B d " ^ a t o p d « f * - ~ - -- ^ O c t r S t l i - i u i d i O t l i , „ ..................■■■ - - ..■ .......................... ^ , . . . , i . . . ^ i ^ ..... . . ........ ■ ■ . I - . ' >■ ■■■ • , l ie - MINCEMEAT ..... ..,.,..,..'.2 »b«. 2tc Ued ^ Whit4 ̂ Brand BUMBKIN 2}^ llr« tin -••jj »'«5 ited & White Brand BAKING 1'OWDKK, 12 OE. t in ................. 17c A 5c Stick of Candy Free with each tin. COBNSTAUCH...............2 packcU 19c Hed & White Brand MAKMABADB 32 OE. Jar . . .......................... 27c SHOrtTKNING -- HwirCa Creacent 2 Him. ...... ..................29c <1UICK OATS -- Buckeye n II) Sack ..................."'-•••'f...... 35c Bed & White Brand FASTUV FCOUft 7 lb. Sack .................................. 27c CBANBKKRV SAUCE, 12 oe. tin 21c JuHt like home made, IttMl & White Brand CATSUF Add zcHt to mcala .12 oz. bottle 16c AFFUK8--Klnjf'a ,.9 Iba. 25c; box 83c AI*I»UES - r MeIntoHh HedH.. .7 lb». 25c Box' ................... . nJ. $1,23.- Ked & White Brand AFUICOTS squat tin .................................... 17c MeatB Phone llVest 370 " I s p r a A i" " FOR THANKSGIVING ,MII,K FED BOILING FOWL per lb.................................. 22e ,MU,K FED ROASTING CHICKEN, per Ib............ 30c ( tl'ITAGE ROLLS, per lb, 23c SWIFT'S BACK BACON, skin on (by the^ piece) lb. 28c .SIDE BACON by the piece lb.......... ................... ........... ,32c CU AN b e r r ie s , per Ib...... 25c TOKAY GRAFEs ..................... Ib. 10c SWKPrr FOTATOES...........4 Iba. I9c ' S m / '© IS B A S B . 'A K 0 ' le sso n ̂ Sw am -: in all Chuttshea of Christ, Scien tist, on Sunday. "^^«%'o!deir'TeKt *1s the devil, and he will flee from, you, *Draw nigh to God, and He will »draw nigh to you." (James 4 :7 ,8 ) . Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us w ith benefits, even the God of our salvation." (Psalms 68: 19). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes ' the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Christian Science reveals God, not as the author of sin, sickness, and death, but as divine Principle, Supreme Be ing, Mind, exempt from all evil." i S o v a m e B l , J p i l ^ e 4 ^ J ^ MAMS ' •> LAMB -t- C O ^ MEATS OF A L L W M 1 s to re a t H o iiy h tti^ Ii* r n,,. .ijj I j,,, , . ,,,1̂ t\ '"ik -- O E U C ^ T p B B N TOW KSi£® ?V»AL h d X t ( r T h ( ^ t r e LUMBER : 'IB B lL O iN G/MATEi-iALS WEST VANCOUVp' ' ' I ■■ 1 i ' ' r . ( S -FOR UEA-L SATISFACTION Phone West 116 1497 Marine Drivt THU HUUNING BUSH By Subadar Shower honor of Miss Margaret w t was so. That also queers the O'Grady, 21st and Esquimalt In f^chances I thought I had of some Aveque, whose' marriage to Mr. del lull'd female m arrying me on Frank Bonar takes place shortly,;■■■._■ V* * ex 96 \ • v« . * v>4 * aa.̂4 a A "■*7 SJIJgi.iaww. ■■ v/31 ̂ .. . . _ _ According to the press there p the .score tha t I never stayed in Mr.s. Louis Vozza and Miss Rose iP.-vour nlfl ohioc.t mastmerad- , the house and never returned the Bonar were co-hostesses recent- CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Claesified Advertisementa is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regnlsur accounts, all clasd- fleds arS payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get immediate results. a 42-year old object masquerad ing as a man in San Francisco, whom 13,000 women wanted to marry sight unseen, some (if them even lending him money on account of the ceremony to comd, and all because of publicity al- riglit side 'of midnight. I \yas Iv a t the home of the latter on rather fancying myself as the Kitchener Street, at a miscel- soj't of man a ;modern female* . laneous shower. Gifts 'were pre- would consider a real pal, but seated by little Dorothy Vozza. realise what an ignorant baohel- Presiding a t the urns were Miss or I am. Which brings me to a ̂ Nellie and Miss P(3ggy Bonar, ' and voenl solos were given by EOR RENT -- Comfortably furnished modern cottage, good beach, reason-!' able. West 350-X. "5iv?wSi5ii youi. next shoe repairs: 2463, M arine Drive. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Bottles; sacks, rags, furniture, stoves, etc. ' North Shore Junk Co., North 481.: WANTED WORK L - JaiUtor, handy, man, watchman,' married ex-service m an ., Box 89, W est .yan .-News, t i i iu « u u u \ .u u n u WA m i- .......... . . . . . w . . utK vu t* ^ ------ i I V T I f i X H A IT ' P legedly given a .le tter he is said story, a true story, ladies, be- vwal solos were given by . "Meetings phone to have written a state goyor- cau.so I knew the man in his Nellie and Miss^ Peggy . Crosby; manager. nAv T-Ta miiuf liP wnmo lof.f Ar ' laltci'(ImvM. Thi.q p.han. n (mvAvn- Boiiar. MissMarcrai-pf flvonf LEGION H A LD -For Rent--Parties, phone West 122-R, Mr. nor. He must be some letter laltoi' (lay.s. This chap, a govern- Bonar, Miss^ Margaret Grant, writer and would be worth his men I official, in his unmarried Mrs. Louis Vozza and Miss Mar- ' ' ' ' ' ' " garet Nyland. VV I. 1 1 4 1 l U V V ' U U I M VV V/J. 4 * * 0 ; , . v v.f « | 4XAX7 i 4 4 I 4 A I C 4 X A. I V V i ,_weightljn- gold- to . the„.Leagu^ slate had been very much "one who arc badly in need of a man ' of the boys,"'never missed any■ . 1 ■ 1 i* . ■ # 4 • ' ' ' ■ J i 'I" ' ' i 4' L #'W 1%, i - -.I-," -- --A. ■-- i - 1 1 ' ' • ' 'iK.....capable of writing notes, th a t ; of the high spots, and knew more some one will pay. attention to. about painting the world red He stated he had a house and car to offer, but that would be neutralized by his saying he was a widower with two children, .at least in my bachelor ignorance tha t was my impression, having been repeatedly told that women don't fancy raising 'o ther wom en's kids except on the toe of their boots, Now I don't know, particularly as what seems to ' have turned the trick with 13,000.. women was his written wail for "a_home-loving--J:rue-blueT-pal,-- than Lenin or any of his gang. TIk.'m he married somewhat late In life and reversed the process, spcuKling all his time round the chimney corner. A pparently , you k rvife's skin: . them ?this got under his wife's skin. "Are you acquainted with any of the jury,?", the lawyer asked his witness. "Yes, sir, more than half of therh," waS the replj^. "Are you willing to swear that know more than half of AUTO TOPS,. Side Curtains, Uphol-, stery Repairs and Seat Covers. . John .„Fourchalk, 4th & Lonsdale, North Vancouver.' •........... .. >■ r.' WE BUY - Junk, Rags, Bottles, Metals, Furniture, Stoves: . Heaters. - Call West 91 and we ,will call any time convenient fo r you. Burrard , Juhk Co.'*' '4 r .Vu'; '■ MASON'S T A il Day and night. ' ^-dPassengers fully ."insured. ..^West 512 FOUND -- On Marine Drive, a valise. Phone West 55. FOR RENT -- 6 Room modern house, 18th and .Waterfront, Apply Mc Pherson 219 18th. LAWN -MOWERS SHARPENED - , Special machine; Repairs, Parts. W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. . ■ . , You see so many godly persons have told me personally that the hom e' was all; 'shot to piece.s thrtiiigh -the modern woman pre ferring to be any place else but there, tha t I naturally thought for one day she rose up and ptotd him she was sick of seeing his lace always round the house. So, being an obliging kind of an ammal, he went back to the boys and was never known to come home before midnight until he _died,_which_w as-a-m atter--of-- some twenty-five years later. I "If it comes to that," was the retort, "I'm willing to swear that I know more than all of them, put tdgetHer." FOR SLABS -- Alder, Second Growth Fir, F irst Growth Fir, Bark, als'6 Maple, McLeod River Coal." -Bob Black, West 527... , .. .. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat erial and workmanship a t Fox's. 14th atsgjerry. ' . ■ LOST -- Silver gray, cat with white paws .and chest. Kindly phone.WeSt 299-L. ' ■' ■ HAVE YOU JOINED the Perry Lend* : ing Library ? j; 60c; monthly, 3c day. am not prepared to say, how ever, whether his wife regretted her remark or not: __ It's not the kind of question a mere bachelor would . consider it safe to ask under tho circumstances. REAL ESTATE -_For-Servi.ce-in--buying-or-selling- * g00. A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD 833 Hastings St. West. (Ask for ,Mr. Hill) -Telephone: - Evenings, • Seymour 9131 West 574*L Proving Maw Wrong > Freddy, with a'determined look-on his, small countenance, marched into the front room and up to the ardent .suitor, of his pretty sister. "WhaVs them ? he • demanded; thrusting out a gnm y hand full of^ .small ,white, objects.' "W hat are-those?.' said,the young nuih, with an ingratiating smile. "Those are beans." "He does know 'em, maw," bawled Freddy triumphantly into the adjoin ing room, "You said he didn't:" $16.00 CYPRESS PARK -- (kimfoVti able cottage, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, • near bus and beach. Phone W est -- 148-L-2rr ■ GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic- itor, T447" Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings S t; Seymour 4199. after- •. 1 noons.":-. FOR SALE -- Interior oil stove burn er; cross-cut saw, Swedish \Tiand saw, sledg'e hammer garden hose, .lawn _mow_er_ practically new,. West ' 535-L. _ FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses-to Rent : ' Houses, lota, and sale. .Johnacreage for sale. . John Lawson, •̂7th and Marine. Phone West 55. LOST Keys on ring and chain on Radcliflfe A venue.R ew ard ., West 56J-L-3: ®5,BSSMAKING ---/L a d ie s ' Suits, Ghildren's- .Clothes,- Boy's ' Pants specialty. Mrs. Robbins,' 2791 Mar ine, Phone West 619-R ... Synopsis of Land Acl W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, HoIIybum Block; HEADQUARTERS,^ Tor All Popular Brands of Cigarettes rand Tobaccos; also Pishing, G adgits 'for local wat ̂ ers. Ambleside",Tea'Rooms. ntE-surrioNs . ■̂ AOANT, unresenred. turveyed Crown b.Tkwf? ' pre-empted by 'Britlsb THIS WEEK -- We haye ,a window of handy tools. Give -!era a glance as yya go by. Crawley- & Barker, . Hardware. ' ' RADIO REPAIRS --/Aerials, Tubes, , etc. J- L. Pettigrew , W est 145. This Sounds Familiar Guide: " Thi^ castle has stood for 600 years. Not a stone has been^ touched, nothing altered, nothing replaced." v - Y isitor: "Um, they must have the same landlord we have." i ! ! r ^ I, subjects over is y'eitfs' ot" ago7 , and by SIt.?-*.; declaring Intention to become Britlsb subjects, conditional upon resi dence, occupation and Improvement. Pull Information eoneernlng Pre-emp- of'J* Bulletin No. 1, LandSeries. *How to Pre-empt Land.*', copies of charge byaddressing the Department of Lands. Vlc- .^"reau of Provincial Informa tion. Victoria, or any Government Agent. i** xranied covering only lfi?M«*2l*®**** , •SXtojltural , purposeswl^in reaunable distance of road, school which Is "not fn?* ' * * over 5.000 board 8.000 feet per acre west, of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions' are to be Land Commissioner of to which the eltaated, on printed forms obtained from,the Commissioner. must'he occupied for five Inproremwita made to value of tacludlng desring and cultl- *5."** ■***•• t»eJore a CrownGrant-can be received. conditions of oeenpatloo are also granted. SOLVE THE BIRTHDAY PROBLEM by ordering a Gift Book or Library Subscription a t the West Van Sta tioners (next to Royal Bank).' City prices- guaranteed. INSTALLATIC)NS~EIectric Repairs, convenience outlets iiistalkd. J. H. Paterson; :West 108. - R- P. BLOWER & COMPANY, Real -Estate Brokers, Phone 21 -;^ 'F or . Rent'in main Business"Block,' Store with hying quarters, $22.50 per month, by year.- Sole Ap-pnf MARCEL SHOP -- Thermiqne Steam Permanents, '(jhly.' best materials used. Expert •'^operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. : KENT -- Furnished; four room FOR RENT --̂ Five ,room bungalow; modern, partly furnished, garage, FIVE ROOMS, mbderii,'good location -, near/ferry.'}/ yX ■' " Also small place'near fe rry ; not mod ern. Phone W est-Sir-Ri TO JtENT AT WEST BAY -- Very large suite; open fireplace; sleeping porch. West 69-Y-2. PCBCHASB UBASB Applications aw ydeeiv^ for' purchase ^ wd unroMrred Oroum lands. timborlnad,' for agricultural i first-class(arable) land Is 8S -per aore. and seeond- tSfaalng) land. $8.50, per acre. Wrthw information la. given In Bulletin Series. *9arehase and Lease of Crown Lands.* . ' . r ^ * measure, reverted lands may be acqnlnd hyHKirehase In ten two.years, provided taxes are paid when due sad Improvements are ***5 jS"* of notless than 105 of me idniMlsad value. , factory or Jndastrlal sites on timber Irad, noi exceeding 40 seres, may be p u rc h a se «r lessad. the< eooditlons tpeluding payment oC stmhpage. , Cnsurvey^ ,ar«aiC not exoeedlng 20 acres, may be leased as homeslt^ condl- 'Ipaal upon, a dweUhtg.being erected in the^flrSt yeu.^ title'betnir obtained after ement-r'-' " " ............. DUNDARAVE LIBRARY -I- "White Banners," Lloyd D ouglas" latest - bookr - now available Ttb y- readers. Subscription 6Qc month. ■ CHIMNEY S W E K 'ING ~ Old Coun try way. G uaranteed.'. Brick and stone ' repairs;.?. Palm er,, Capilano, North 811-R.2.^' / ' INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG > A N de- any' kind,horseman. Box 49. Wesf-. -Vaji TSipn,; FOR SALE 4 jrooin,-,bungalow on large lot all in garden; garage, view of English Bay, near bu» and stores, quick sale $1,700;cash."W est 340 or -143. -r-'-" ' Re- gma, black hair, medium height . ^ llow complexion,, poor, health' wearing dark trousers," blue - sh irt' ' I t l beachjiuring Sum-"nier. Phone We.«it 325-X.- " HANDY ANN s h o p ; 2442 Marine -- School Supplies, sta tionery . Notions Work Gloves,.. Socks,."" etc. Your patronag&^^earhestly-Zrequested^ h a v e CHOICE Kitsilano Home to West V an /ii^p erty . have a client who to t e ? cash 'for cottage m West Vancouver. S e e ;^ ;a t o n S FOR RENT Partly 'furnished four- room cottage, ,Radcliffe'Avenue; oil burner, fireplac'e^r Phone B a y view 8967-L. ̂ ' ^ f o r R B N T ,.^ PuUy};mddern 7 room house -bn -W aterfroiSl^Por particu lars phene; W esriS9iY-3.- *»«•'*>•»* dbtotaed after eondlUons axeful|lUed'aad land hiul been , surveyed. , -G O N C ltE T E -'C C jJ^ T llA ef^ liaiui Clearing - Excavation Work' ̂ . First Growth Fir Stove, Wood ; Coal Dry Maple and Alder. Fireplace ;Wood J -•: /.r- : , Bd^uettes* ,Ror gTMlng and tadnsttlal purposes areas not axceedtng MO aena m t y l S leased by one petsco or'a'eomimay.' ..tSSSS'f "A«t tha Province la JUatrietM and the range administered m dey graxlng regula tions amended from tbne^to time to m eet! Taking e d i t io n s . ' Annual graxlng per mits are issued based <m certain -monthly rates i^ h e a d of stodfc. Priority in grax lng p r l^ ^ e s is ehren, ta resident stock ' owners. Btoek-owneti may ̂ form aasoeta- ; tioos for range managmaenL ' Jree or EXCHANGE Residence in Point Grev TAKE CAEBDoY Pi^iio "for use J lf^ U m v e rs ity area « n t ^ f S - ^ s a m e i , lil7 .l4 ih ^ S tf^ t: m o .exceedinoi' ap'^no' ^^N TED TO BUY--Used Furniture, Vanbouver^' s tS ? * ' ®* Hbllyb&h Auctioneersancqjiver. ^Balance - Exchange. 1476-MaThnh Drive. A f ^ 1 4 8 3 MARINE DRIVE : LLiH :,..' ' .. .......................... Value in West arranged. England ̂ sell fol^S viewwoms, large' attractive "fireplace,very S )k ^ th ..breakfast ̂ ■■ Seymour 8131 f o r SALE ■-- B o ^ '̂ Gray Overcoat, good COnditinn'--"'l«'if' Iwyit 1'a nr 14.good condition^' F it ■ boy 13 or W est 588. hy; '<-->/ FOR̂ . SAĵ I ' ^ ';* 6-pl^fiekl^^ fiff̂ ^ s s condition;\alad'?^.piatfo.' Appl.v ^ Van