Odoter 8.1986._______________ f t i « f - W r » ! f V i f M I ' X . .......................................... , « . , . . . , « » 4 . -■ - w . THE WEST VAN NEWS H. I^KBSSf il^ iJ M to rk e t p«^w « » r . ' / 1450 Marine ' Free Delivery Wwwe Wert 77 ' Special® ' AU8TUALIAN OMNGBS/<fofs5c SUNKIST ORANOES-l^dozen 19c a^K A Y GRAPES ..... ......... lb. 9c ,1. ITALIAN PRUNES....... 6 lbs. aSc FLORIDA G R A PE PR U m Seedless, large size....;........... ...............3 for 2Bc GOOD COOKING ^ P L E ..... ........................................ .............12 jK , 25c r ip e CAOTAJUJUP^ Large size .:............ ......................... .......2 for 15c ha HTLBTT P E A ^ rf rPency . -- ....................... ..............................dozen • 80c CAUIJB;I^WEB^ ................... ...................each 10c and 16c FIELD TOMATOES, fhm ^................................................................ 1$ lbs. iSc EARLY ROSE POTATOES, good cookers....,....;..........................15 lbs, 25c I.l'iEKS andi' PARSNUP ..... ............ »u.......................2 bunches 5c CARROTS and BEETS ...".... .';;."...i.......... ................... .............8 bunches 10c ' HOTHOUSE t o m a t o e s , No. l , firm ...I.... ..................... .............2 lbs. 15c Local ̂ ■ and'-'Pefsoiial s-West Van. Builders ̂ Supply Co. West 660 2153 Marine Drive West Vancouver We carry BHIC]KS, U M E, SAND, GRAVEL '^'k.G.TILE, VIT PIPE, HEARTH TILES WOOD LATH, PLASTER and CEMENT c At a f o r n iA s t u c c o . Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Lopatecki, Procter Avenue, have moved.into a house a t 2566 Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Stewart, , Mr. and Mrs. Cooper have ..J67|0 B e l l e v u t , , J ^ i j ^ ^ iw m .i8 7 a jJ i im M 4 .j te . moved to Vancouver, nue, into a house a t 27th ana * ♦ . * M athers Avenue. The University of B. C. Ski * # ♦ Club are going to locate on Hoily- Bernard Nash, son of Dr. and burn Ridge. They have a mem- Mrs. A. C. Nash, 1897 M arine . bership of one hundred students... Drive, has passed hts examina- * ♦ ' ♦ tions for B.A. a t the University Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gibson of ®7 Ottawa. ^ ̂ ^ Winnipeg; who spent last winter «r u i. i i * j here, were in West Vancouver We have been asked to advise on Sunday on th«jr way to Vic- ""3; members of the Royal M o n t toria, where they will reside in Regiment who may be resi- fu ture ® bronze tablet ̂ * is being erected in the regim ent- Mr. and IM^s. B. S. Chapman ' armoury to the m em oryv^ of Vancouver have^noved into *1® a house a t 18th and Marine Great War. Embodied m the de- Sign will be the crests of the 14th Battalion^ the Royal Mbnt9 Mrs. H. Beck has moved into ft® ^^rd Reserve a house a t l6 th and Fulton Ave- Battalion and the 28th W est- mount Rifles. CJontributipns ENGLISH RUGBY should be sent to the Honorary IVeasurer, Capt. W. A. Fowler, P.O. Box 362, Station B, Mont real. Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre have moved from 2436 BellevPe S tandard i S pan ish BANJO GUiTAR •i 4 * '* Chords Breaks -- Theory" 3-Months' Course $10 . ' Phone; W est 78 nue. Bob McCartney, who is witfi thcK itsilahdB c^s Band;^^r ̂ ly- wrote h i s h e r e , s ta t ing tha t the .band had been ;-- - playing a t the Bon Marche De- The Barbarians opening ^ame partm ent Store in London,'also last Saturday, played in a dbwn- a t the s ix 'd a y s ' international Avenue, into a house a t . 8277 pour- 'on Confederation Park bicycle race.' They had been against North Shore Seconds re^. guests a t a ban<iuet in connec- sulted in a pointless draw. tion with th is event, when The-next game on Saturday, am ong/those-present were Sir against Varsity, Seconds, will' be Malcolm Campbell and Kay Don. on Douglas West, Kick-off a t Torchy Peden of Victoria and 2:30 p.m.. his brother Douglas were also ;---------- there. The boys sailed on the Marine Drive.♦ ♦ ♦ R. R. Horrex, who has been WHY Not Try. the F.D.Q. Cafe, for y o u r 'n e x t P rivate '"Party ? ' We specialize ' in , Individual Chicken Pie. y \ Phone W est 6is for reservations P . D. Q . C A F E i512 Marine West 616 RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Empress, of Britain for Canada, __ ; ____..... _________ - J . whi ch -Is-S c h e d u lc d -^ to -d o c k -at A deputation from the West Quebec today. Vancouver Ratepayers Associ- ♦ # ♦ Spending ...the; summer At. 2882 Belleyue Avenue, has returned ■ to Vancouver. ■■„ ♦ ♦ ♦ •Mrs." E. A. Garrard, 2879 Marine Drive, hAs moved in to a house a t 1800 20th Street. Mr. Grist has moved from 1109 Fulton Avenue, and is oc cupying a house a t 10th and NOW is the time to TO PLANT! ROCKERY PLANTS and PERENNIALS Moss for W alks, etc. RICHARDS NIIRBERY,- ;; A • ® 23rd, & Jefferson-. A choice collecction^ of . 25 Alpines fo r '..l.'.v..-- $3.00 ation headed by K. A, .Ray wait- The 7th Battalion will be the ed on the Council on M onday. invited guests next Sunday of week,, asking them to extend the the Home Oil D istributors' Avenue, period of redemption for all ..Broadcast .at the Lyric Theatre, land, sold for. taxes last Septem- for which tickets can be obtain- ber. fo r another year, as has ed a t headquarters, Room 102, been done by. other municipal- Angelas Hotel, ities. The-Council refused the * * ' * . The ferries will m ain ta in . a half-hourly . service throughout next Monday .(Thanksgiving request,, b u t sdid they would give;consideration to any quali fied owner who will come and re purchase the land again for the taxes against it. ■ * ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Hudson of Van couver have rented the Cusack house a t Cypress-Park and have now taken possession. )(< . Ik Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hallmark and family, 1075 Esplanade, FUELiSUPPUES WOOD - COAL - TRANSFER fpside'Mill F ir............$5.50 cord I Inside Bush F ir...........$5.50 cord. Heater-and.-Furnace' Blocks,..... ........... ;....$4,50 'cord Slabs and Edgings • - 3 c9rds_$Xl.t)0 Heavy F ir Bark..r...$4.00 cord Alder; Map.le, Fireplace Knots, Alberta Sootless and B.C. Coals Sand^--Gravel--Cement I Top Soil--^Manure Dump'Truck fo r Hire CHARLIE THOMPSON WEST 582 -Phone- WEST 582 R.-B.-MORISdN ■. ' BUILDING and EEPA IK S* ./-.Landscape ' Concrete ^-Gardening Specialist 1276 KEltH , Phone West 590X D ay), The first/:bpat will lea'V̂ ®?' have moved to P ort Mellon, B.C. Ambleside Dock a t 6 a.m., and * -- the last a t 11:30 p.m. The first 'Mr. and Mrs. Eric Makovski boatTrom - the-city-dock-will-be-- and--family-- have--moved--from - 6;30 a.m. the last boat leaving 2566 Marine Drive into a house there a t midnight. Buses meet, a t 2448 Bellevue Avenue. all boats. ♦ ♦ ♦ Alan Turvey,- 23rd and Hay- ' E :' H. fcurtis, 19th- and Belle- :* wood Avenue, had his foot badly vue Avenue, left here yesterday hurt last Saturday while riding VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds .Wood, Coal, Builders' S upp li^ on the S.S. Zealand. Niagara for New Mrs. W. Godfrey and her son, Wilfred Godfrey, and,M iss Nel- ■ ""son of Seattle, Washington, were the guests last week of Mr. and "" ' Mrs. S. Knight-Hodge, 1332 a bicycle, when he and a yeget- able wagon came into collision a t the com er of 22nd and Marine Drive. ', Mrs. Hal Symonds of Vernon, who. has been visiting her cousin Mr A J. U, Holt for the past tw o; Duchess Avenue. .Mr. arid Mrs., weeks, is leaving for her Home, (Godfrey. Were form er residents accompanied by Mrs., Holt who of W est Vancouver; CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ' will spend two weeks with her in Vernon. .' ♦ ♦ ♦ I SPECK & JACKSON Ltd. 1483jMarine Drive Heating and Ventilating Contractors L. S P E C K , J - / '. West 147-L-3 ' G. W. H, JACKSON, R.P.E., WestL641-R A Thanksgiving service will be "held in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Monday,. October 12, a t 11 :30 a.m. The subject of the Lesson - Sermo^ will be "THANKSGIVING" and the Golden Text is "I will praise the name of God with a. song, and -will"m agnify-H im -w ith"thanks-.- Engagement Mr. and Mrs. P. Bradford an nounce the engagement of their second daughter, Celestine V. (Sally), to Mr. Kenneth Gordon MaeVean, orily son of Mr. and Mrs. R. MaeVean of 2355 Belle- , vue. Avenue. The wedding will take place quietly a t the home of the bride's parents on October" . 24th. H ot-W ater notrtes' NEW STOCK NOW t o HiDHD?: Ambleside fbarmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino Phone: Drlvo WoBt 828 .FREE DELIVERY i t , Ladies' Tailoring, iSuits, Overcoats and Tailored Dresses ' Remodelling a Specialty MISS D, H. HORIE Phone west 583 1 8 9 0 Marine Dr. giving." (Psalms 69: 30). Nothing,too small N 6thing:t6o large Highest Prices , paid for, Bottfes, , Rags, ^Metals, Furniture, Stoves, H eaters, e tc .^ 'C a l l W est 91 and we will call a t time convenient for'you. . BURRARD JUNK.CO. ̂ ^ West 'Vancouver Phone W est 9 1 Phone West 186 S p e c ia ls F r i d a y a n d O c t. 9 th a n d 1 0 th ScSUNKIST ORANGES, 2 doz. 3 5 c . F IJ I ,BANANAS; firm ,'per lb SUNKIST g r a p e f r u i t ;? for; 25c "̂ " CAULIFLOWjER, 5c and 10c SUNKIST LEM ONSr'i; dozen" 25c - LOCAL CELERY, bunchBc and 10c SEEDLESS and TOKAY, G R A PE S.......... ................... ............. "" 11 McIn t o s h RED APFLES:..:..:-..:-.-- Ibf. 25c; per box $1.16 good c o o k in g "A P P L E S 13 lbs. 25c; per box 65c good E l o c a l P^BROTS au u 4>xiEijL»3.-..-------- -----------------.*.............................. . ■ o lo c a l FIELD-TOMATOES:;...l..-.~-....:-A-r...................................^ ' ^ c/-.' .""t- i' One of the Scriptural passages in the Lesson - Sermon is from Psalms 100 : 1, 2: "Make a joy ful noise unto thevLqrd, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with glad ness: come before H^s presencie with singing." " '" ^ The Lesson - Seririon alsd in cludes the following passage- 'from the Christian Science tex t book, "Science and Health w ith Key-to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; "Are we really grateful for the good already re ceived? Then we shajr avail our- , selves of f he blessings we have, V and thus be fitted to receive more. ̂Gratitude is^ much^ more, than a verbal--expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech." ; EXPERT ; W atch and Clodk . REPAIRJNC^i ' . T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Bifka Ltd, Montreal) ' 1522 Marine .Drive - is D e FOREST CROSLEY **All'Star" Series F E A T U R IN G : W orld-wide Reception end A N ew Consoler-Type TuriiniR Panel w ith the "Piiy^Dial." Seven Metal Spray Tubes, giving 8r>tube performance. M U N tO N W est 366 Membeî B Associa^ Radio Technicians of B.C. 'i Hollybnrn theatre n •' • I. ' i| FRIDAY and SAT. MATINEE » ' m i -.1 1' l( October 9 th , and 10th. BUSTER GRABBE " DESERT GOLD" 1 (Znno Grey) also "GENTLE JULIA" ' ■ " ' I ̂ j SAT. EVENING and MONDAY October 10th and 12th, ■ ROBT. DONAT 1 Jr' ' Iv " THE GHOST ' ■ ■ ■■............ ! 1 GOES WEST" also .v.,«' ■ "J ; i '.r* : t .■( i ! g "THE PIRATE PARTY" "THE ORPHANS' PICNIC" ' fn " ■ fj'j .1 . . ri .3 TH A N K SG IY IN G M A liN BE__ SHIRLEY TEMPLE 1 "CAPTAIN JANUARY" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ' ' ' l lOctober 18th and 14th, , ̂ H" , SHIRLEY TEMPLE ■ 1 ' ' ' J i f **CAPTAIN I'li' i' JANUARY" ; - ' * rJ'Ail ' y j; r (Once orily a t .8:15) also ■ illSi "BOULDER DAM" ' fj '1 ' ll ____________ t k Stratton's BAKERY ■ --- ---- -------- ---------- ------ ----- -- F ru it.and Meat Pies, ' i ' " ' All kinds of Cookies Apple Turnovers - i f ' i r .1 I",;Doughnuts Eccles Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty We make everything right bn • *1 'ill 5 i4 'the premises, Fresh Daily, from first class ingredients. ' '■ ■ -"iJ','!! ■ ; |; i i , • ? |i Note Address: • 1468 Marine Drive, . • Phone West 27 - , Vi U, \ i i f c l ' . { HOLLYBURN . f i l lDressmakers 1) 'I iHm ■ki' iIff lif f:- ' T I .VI I r n V h •.wi'ift :, •'] jit','* P.