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A hearty welcome to all T'hiH Im the roHult when you get a I'rc-heuted "Sommer'w Natural" Permanent; 2 to 4 minutce Hteaming" with one of those smart new hair cuts from Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of EacluMive Permanenta, 1040 Marine Drive ! West 117 HOLLYBURN HALL 14 th and Duchess PltlDAY EVENING, O c t 9th, a t 7:30 Young People's^Service Subject; "llirds of the Bible" Iliustrated by lontern views. Speaker; MU. W. WOODS SUNDAY, O ct n th , a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class ' SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 GOSPEL ADDRESS^ Speaker: MU. JOHN WILSON rUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 13th at 8 p.m. Prayer and Biblp Study '^W EStViilNCOUVEB C lim ^ w Science . r CHDiOU* EDIFICE 2Ptb and ;i^qalwalt, HolJybura This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The P irat Church of Christ, . Sclentlftti. In Boston, !' M aiitchusetts' Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, Oclober 11 th, Subject; ♦»AUE SIN, DISEASE, AND DEATH REAL?" Sunday School ot 10:00 o.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. ' The public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. 'SPECIAL! SPECi^lsdSlESipAL!m 0 m r n • W T W r r u i r f * , , , , , ,..... w ̂ M , -- -- . f y i w l e a - ' D a w i i e ^ ^ See Window Display WOOLEN DRESSES at $C.yf> and $9.96 and $10.96 and up, AilDreM erw¥;n7tlK"M ^ Taffeta Evening Dres.'^ps $1!?.96| Velvet Dresses $12.96 and up. Now is the time to buy your evening dress for the dance ' / u t 4' ' ' * G»®r's GOWN AND, s r .o .K a if iH 'E 1730 Marine Drive West 562 C C F . P U B L IC M K E llN G ' OCrOBEU 1 5 th . -- LEGION HALL ;8:O|0 p.m. Speaker: MUS. D. G. STEBVES^ E l .A., Subject; "Social Credit and Other Monetary Reform Fallacies." ■ . . J' . . . . . . . . . 1 .Ill ' ' . I l ^ y M ' . I a M ,« . I ^ lUk^ jM ' # 1 ' •U 'f' • ■!■. M ' ;also a .speaiier on "Youth Problems." DR. G. D. H. SEA LE D.U.8., L.D.S. DENTIST- Hay Block, 14th ond Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m.» - Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillis Wright, Minister ST. A N ltiO N Y 'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor • Phone West 540 Sunday Masses L6w Mass - - 8 :1 5 a,m. High Mass and Sermon-- 10:16 a .m .. .. ' .Rosary_antilH€nediction.,=X:.15_ p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday--9:30 a.m. Week-day Services Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfuitersl Bfrcctora North Vancouver Parlors 122 W est Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors .. 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair. 134 Harvest Thanksgiving will be held next Sabbath a t both morn- ; ing and evening services. The minister will occupy the p u l p i t d a i l y --7:16 a.m. in the morning while the speaker -"Fridays Rosary, Benediction, for the evening service will be 3:00 p.m. ' . . . the Kev. William Grahame,H.A., Saturdays -- C onfepons from B.D., of Hastings East United 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Ciuiroh. Special thanksgiving, -hymns and anthems-will be given------- - ...... by the choir under the leader- , Minister, Rev. W. L. McKay < I ' ' Ballroom Dancing B ETTY C A V E N D IS H 'Now ' organising a class in JModern Ballroom--Dancing--for- young people. WEDNESDAYS, 6;45 p.m. Gambian Legion Hall 6 Lessons, $2.50." ^ Phono West 308R ship of Mr. Addy. Contributions -of fru it and vegetaliles may be brought to ; the Church on Saturday morn ing at latest.. These will be dis- ' tributed to the needy families in the community. . ' Sunday School at the usual hour on Sunday morning a t 10 o'clock. ' Miss Clara Wilson of the Inglewood. High School staif, will be the guest speaker at the an nual .autumn tea and sale of home cooking, to be held by the Women's Association next Thurklay, October.15th, a t 2:30 p.m., in the Church hall. The ED. BLACK |yyEst,4;;;' ̂0 0 C O A L W O O D D U M P W O R K SLABS $4.00 cord 2 cords $7.50 H I G G I N B O T H A M idventures of this young woman and "her sister, who together "hitch-hiked" "around the wpiid^ will' make interesting arid in formative m aterial-for an ad dress. This is jthe first oppor tunity for an adult audience to hear Miss Wilson and will prove n gx-ea^ attraction. Mrs; Bert S'tockdale, a well-k+iown singer ,of Vancouver, will contribute solos/ All women of the bom- m unity are cordially invited to attend. The regular ^weekly meeting of the-S en ior Young People's Messages fitting to Thanks giving, wifi be brought on Sun day in song-,jgnd address. The* rriorning subject will be "The Spirit of Thanksgiving," and,in the evening. "Our Great Posses sions." The choir under - the leadership of Miss Winnifred Brealey, with. Elmore Humph reys a t the organ, will lead in the worship of song. . ' The church -school meets at 10 o'clock. It is steadily grow ing. There are classes fo r all ages under capable teachers. The Young People's" meeting will be withdrawn Monday bn account of the holiday. y/Prayer meeting-on Wednesday - * a t 8 o'clock. :FULL GOSPEL MISSION Ambleside Hall Brother and Sister Collings, Leaders,, Phone North 771. Meetings every Sunday a t 11 a.m. and 7 :30 p.m. Also Wednesday at 8 p.m. Special .Young People's Rally Friday, October 9th, a t 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. - . O p to m e t r i s t Society will be held in the vestry / , . of the chdrch next Sunday, dir- u p t i c i a n ectly* following the evening ser vice. All young people will be KINGDOM CRUSADERS 10.30 a.m. to 4 Wednesdays ' 1522 Marine-Drive EYES EXAMINED CUSSES FIHED cordially welcome a t this meet Remember! Badminton on Monday evenings in the church hall.' The Club will be glad to receive increased membership. The Kingdom Crusaders will hold a meeting on Wednesday, the 14th instant, a t -the Hall, 25th and Marine Driye, a t 8 p.m. Phone West 516-L. Y. W. C. T. U. WALLY CRAIG (Over 14 years' experience) RADIO REPAIRS 2117 Argyle Avenue mu . ^The regular monthly meeting The meeting of the official of the West Vancouver Y W C _._Quarterly:i Board-, arranged -for--T.U .-will be held at-the home o f l^nday evening, October 9th, has Mrs. A. E. Brown, West Bav- been postponed until fu rther next Tuesday at 8 p.m. All veun^ notice.. ^^dies interested are cordially in vited to attend. ^ ST, STEPHEN*S CHURCH. Rev. P. A. Ramsey Wissi Van News Gravenstein apples weighing nearly a po_undjyere grownjthis year by M. E... Wright, 2534 ' Published Every Thursday , ' ..... ^ . e f c i i i w Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVE . Phone West 363 Buolneiu and; Editorial Office: I7th and' Marine Drive - (Next to Hollybtmi P. O.) Phone West 863 ^ Hail Address: P. 6 . Box 6i»'H((d]ybttm« B.C.' October 11th -- Tl'inity 18.- ^ - __. 8:0.0:a.m;--Holy Communion. Bellevue Avenue, who found the 11:15A.m.-r^Matins and Sermon, season an unusually, good one. 7 p .m .E ven son g and Ser- ___ mori. ' - . . .. Mrs. Pi-ost, 23rd . and Marine Tuesday, ;2*30 p.m:--W.A. Busi- ̂ to Al- nessiHeeting. Sti iP^ancis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild Suh:dafe.9:45 a:m.--Matins and . /?-Sewndn.: North 'Vaheouver OEIce: X23 L o n sd a le A ve . $1.00 a year b^carriw :. $2.00 a year nail. ; CARD OP THANKS The fam ily of the late Mrs, P e ter G i^ n wish to thank their many friends;; for.'^their .kindness. and bei^vemenL: W EST BA'Y M eat M arket .L H. GRIFFITHS RIBS ROLLED, lb: 18c X RIB ROA&TS, lb.--.,-.. 12%c gJjfpE roasts, Ib.:,...;._ MINCED BEEF, lb.' .......... lOc ■ STEWING BEER lb. ;::;;: io e , Free Debvery. i vs V •'V FOR C L IE N T S' F R O T E G T IO N WE ANNOUNCE A C Q U ISIT IO hO gr FIRE PROOF an d B U R G r A R P R O d t SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES at Moderate Rents Inquiries invited for - ' H om es, HomesitCs, T ax Sale Land W aterfront,- ---A creage, . . . Rentals # H om e, F urniture and A u to Insurance C J. ARCHER LTD West 225 Sey. 5954 ' W HY GO TO THE CITY? The Geo. W ooding Shoe Co.. Has opened up Business in West Vancouver.. C ity-PriceslandXess___ Cpurtesy and Service.. - _ ' Shoes'for the family We carry a large stock and \VilI increase according to demands, _ _ - ' -- We build 'our Shoes for better wear- -- ___ . • So each of usjtho_g_ojodjtnay_ share; , Give us a tria l; ' * FARQUHARSON'S OLD STAND 1462. Marine Drive •v^ W H Y GO TO THE FOR YOUR DENTISTRY? ' Experienced Operator Finest Materials Modern Equipment Very Reasonable Charges D r. George S. M acdonaid D E N T I S T Royal Bank Bldg., W est Vancouver ' ̂ ' IPhone VVest 446 THERE SHALL BE THE SHEEP A N D ^0̂ tough, the customers fa ll into « a re protected for their saw dust. supplies % dealer who has reserve supplies in.: storage, and ^ have been fooling around,;With .peddlers who -F ir4 a w d „ ? t^ - - ®»\4«sA-Pe__safeL._Line._uP- t i r Sawdust -■ Dependable Coal ^ Good W ood.-- Home Oil Fuels. WEST KNILL'S f u e l " ' ■3 9 9 4 W IST VANCOUVER U BH IA L; ASSN. ---------- '-- = y = ^ J H > E T I N G - In the LEGION^H^XL,at 8 p.m.. PRTH 2gates to Federal Annual Meet vital m atters will be discussed. A" p,m,, FRIDAYi p C T O B ^ Meeting in North ^ Vancouver and other EX-iMP*ERIAL VETERANiS' MEETING F R ID A Y . (T o m o rro w ) , a t 8 p iS ^ H : L m the DAWSON SCHOOL, Burrard Street, (Opposite StV jhul's. Hospital) ------------ J _________Ex-Imperials urged to attend; Burrard Laundry Ltd^ DEPENDABLE LAUNDRY' SER|̂ ICE' O ^iresehtative -- jyest 691-L or N6rth-13la . 'j . . . s<.'i y,' t ' , i ........... _.... |M|