. - I. , ® ir# E S T VAN-NEWS f j j | f ' ? ^ 4 _ ft », 1 f* ■** « ? j i r ; ! j^W t:,}} . ' '* ♦" c * i . '^ i i MM Flt(m« WiNit 4 # '/t»li"il WHITE " flKW# W m t # i : i p v N i w ' ; 4 t '% Itiflf tii t i l t tbovc club bcM iMMt ,^S?! Fridiy^'Mi*"Sitiiî fty?f*"*""̂"̂ '0ct#"2irf"*'iiid"3rf r,.i^; it " i ':s in Tomato Sttueo, 1«..............ttn BANOWICll FISH SFHEAOS Tun«« Crab, Salmon, " BPAGHET'ri, lUd 4k Whit« Brand 16 o*. tin .................................... With Chi'cae and Tomato Saueo. CKKAMHITES, B-o*. nkt............. 00 JEU.Y FOWDEKS, All Flavora Hod & Wfiitr Brand.......2 pkta. 9c CUSTAItl) POWDEU, Naimb let 0ti «e Van.,*Choc., BtandardL......2 pkta. 9c, CUAFENUTB FLAKES, 2 pkta. 19c' ̂U d* 1f* . f4> '!!.'■■' -I ■f" I 'ht' ( OKNEI) BEEFi................. 2 Una I9c FIN BAFFLE ..'. .S ..............2 tina 19c i'OMATOEB--Hod Jk Whilo Brand 2 tins ............V I9|! FIMJNEB--Sweet Santa Clara Valley 2 lb»............................................... 19c Huntley and Falmer^a BIBCUITH ........... '/, lb. pkt. 19c BED FLUM JAM ~ Nalwb ,f^r I j f 0 -•li 'if ip i! i t '■ k4'.U if f !", !> ' ':= :1 'H'A 'S , Uk I'A ' s% !.y /j ii'ii 4 i'll" 'I S f ?;.JV ;| 'i W'.f; livHl'i' ')i-K l i *; a'?, > : PH t! ! IHJ# 4 . I"' ify 'I i f 4 5 4 : ' i r i ' i l "l 4 - -to * ̂ m i ̂I 7 " *'fii f ii% 1̂ ' 1 Pure, .'J2-OZ. Jar ............ .......... 29« MELON AND LEMON JAM Nabob, J'urc, ;{2>oz. Jar........... 29c TKA--Aunt Mary'a.......1 Ib. pkt, 39c (;OLI)l SEAL lIEim iN G S 'T ̂ W *■« '1 -"k' ■■' ■ - -■(=,, . Iff 4 - ' ' C'l , 'i llATEl'AYEiRS' ASSOCIATION A meeting of the West V an - . M c f l i t t F h o t i e W e s t $ 7 0 " SFECIAL' SIDE BACON in the piece I»er lb.............. :4..... .......32c COTTAGE ROLLB, lb............23c ROLLED SHOULDER ROASTS VEAL, lb.............. ................ 18c SIRLOIN TIP ROAS1U Ib. 20c ROUND STEAK ROASTS^ per Ib....................18c and 20c BRISKET, Lean, Ib........ ...... 8c RUMP ROASTS, per Ib....... 17c All Meats Very Finest Quality. uuMvi Mie wWit drives fprtnlfirht- ly during th t coming winter. At f |h e l is t w hiit drive, prizes were «'«witfded'^#^oHow»?- F i r s t r - ^ - and Mrs. Morris; Consolation, 3teL^-toM«#and Mr. Waterman, Tht^ Mystery Prize was won by Mr* Bowman.' The next whist drive will be held a t the Legion Hall, Thursday, October 8th, a t S pM t ' " / ' ̂ ' • Business meeting every fourth Monday of the Month. JEFFERIES' HAMS *?• LAMB *^^ppl6F i | | | d A T i ^ E H leatre •COLD MEATS OF AliIi*'i 3®̂ ^Wt' T s t i r e a r r o n y f t n i l l i - ;r ' . p h o n e 'w m T fi ENGLISH RUGBY LUMBER The postponed annual meeting of the Barbarians will 1^' held in the Ferry offices on Friday a t ■ OUANUES, Juicy Bunkidt Family Size ........................doz. 29c Larjft* Size ..........................doz. 42c in the F e r ry . . 8 p.m,, when sweaters will be issued for the game against the North Shore All Black Seconds a t Confederation Park, Saturday at 2 o'clock. WEST VANCOUVER ------ FOR RliSAL SATISFAOTldN* • 1 . I ̂> s > ., CO. LTD. Phone West 115 .1407 Marine Drive CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST \v oouivei . .. ___________ _ will be held on Tuesday, OctoWr Gth, in Dundarave Hall a t 8 p.m. All will i)e welcome. MemborH and others who con template attending are asked to * kindly note th a t the night has b(?en changed from Thursday to Tuesday, October 6th, ' : LAWN BOWLING CLUB -*'UNREAUTY" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien- ' r*EGION NOTES Billiard Handicap The following members are re- que.sted to note their positions ' i n th e hah d icap'wh ich' have-been- i drawn in p a irs ; ' * First Round Crickmay & . Weather permitting, it is the ;v "*• --o intention of the West Vancouver Sunday. Lawn Bowling Club to close the The-Golden Text is: "Vanity season with a men's open of vanities, saith the Preacher, tournament on Saturday, Octob-... vanity of vanities; all is vanity." er 3rd, commencing at 2:15 p.m. (Ecclesiastes 1 :2 ). All bowlers are welcome. Among the citations which This game should appeal par- comprise the Lesson - Sermon is ticularly to players whose greens the following from the Bible: have already closed for the "Thus saith thd' Lord the King :GrA"SSIFIED«4 ©.S The*rat« for Classified AdvjertiSfinentsJs'2 .cents.per-w ord, mininum 25 c ^ ts . Except in the case of thooe hoTinp regular accounts, all cl«n.i fiods are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get Immediate results Re-BUILDING CONTRACTORS pairs, alterations, plans^ and ^ecifl- cations furnished, We aim to sat- ■ Isfy." Phone West 112-L. i- ' GIVE W |»B4 a trial for y o j^ shoe repalra. 2468 Marine Drive. HAVE YOUR Rose Beds, Border^ Rockeries prepared liow. H. . A .j Millan, experienced gardener, .West. 161-L-2. . Metals; Furniture. Stoves, Heaters! CalL'Wcst 01, and we will call any ' Burrard. < .season.,, VIMY PILGRIM AGE PICTURES A joint invitation is extended ex-Service men only, byall of TsrUel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the |a^t; and beside Me there is no God." (Isaiah 44: 6). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science tex t book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy-r-' "Divine Science EXTRA FIRING NECESSARY for ' winter season calls for Fire Insur ance. See C. J. Archer Ltd. fori YPur insurance requirements. West 226. MASON'S TAXI ---.Day and night . Pa$sengers. fully insured. WestBlE LAWN MOWmS SRARPENED - FOR R!I!^T-T̂ Comfortably f u n ^ 'modern cottage, good beach, reason able. West 350-X. * . Special,, machine; Repairs, Parts! ept Vahjcouver Machine Shop, 1449 i T M w i n e i j . - -*--,,.,1 w s s s ;S S f L Wiffin .& - g 'S e ; 14th in t™; S n S posed ^material foundations of G r f e f aZ S 4 " ^ - -■ '̂' intelligence. It dooms theseToun"dra'jrcomplIS"he "■« »dof the Legion, will give a short talk during the showing of the dims. 1 J 'or this evening, th e , local branch of the Legit3fn.4?^ve kind ly cons,ented to turnyover the hall to the local Toe H grpui> who will, conduct the meeting. semi-finals and final will be run off. Members may select their own time, day or evening, 71c- oording to the list posted in the Club room. Next general meeting Fi-idav, October-2nd, idolatry. -A^belief in other gods, other creators, and .other crea tions must ,go down before Christian Science/f NO INTEREST -- NEW HOU^E -r- LOW PRICE -- Easy Terms without Interest -- ̂ Cream Stucco §emi- Bungalow with ba^m ent garage; good view location; attractive out side appearancce; up-to-date plumb ing; fireplace in living room. For price and terms ask foi ̂' Mr.cHill, A. E. AustinlCo. Ltd. a t Seymour 9131; West 574-L evenings. * ' ' ' SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat* .em r audcwdrlonansliip at Pox'i , 14th ht Ferry. HAVE YOU JOINED the Ferry Lend- jpg Library.?- 50c monthly. Sc'day. GORDON ROBSON. Barrister, Solic- itor, 1447 Marine, mornings; 510 , Hastinjjg St.;IBeymour 4199. after- noons. ' V. ^ HIGHEST PRICES PAID Bjwttles, , sacks, rags, furUitufe, sfoVe^, e tc .' ......... -Via BETTY GAVENDISH Dance Glasses mNow organizing a class ... Modern Ballroom Dancing * I ̂ School and University students. West♦jUo»K**4, VERNON FEED A. C. SEA RLE Phone Went 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds ̂ Wood, Coal, Hullders' Supplies For Service in'buying or selling -- 'see -- A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD 833 Hastings St. West. - - (Ask for Mr.- Hill) ..... Telephone: Evenings, Seymour 9151 , West 574-L Ndrth Shore Junk Co., N o r ^ ASl WANTED -- Girl for hpusework, aft. ernoons. Apply 1952 Bellevue Ave FURNISHED' AND UNFURNISHED Housea 't'6 Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage fo r f ■sale; John. Lawson, 17th and Marine^^Fhone West 65. FOR SALE --- Singer Electric-Sewing Machine. Westi68. ---- DRESSMAKING -- Ladies' Snits, Children's Clothes, Boy's Pants specialtyr-Mrs;?Robbinsr279rM8r- ine, Phone? West: H19-R. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK of any kind. Phone West 78.. ■ ,.a . ' LADIES GREY TWEED COAT!^ Fur Collar, $10, cost $40; Workingman's Overcoat, warm, $4. Phone West 59-R-2. - . HEADQUARTERS for AU Popnlar Brands of .Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat- ers. Ainbleside Tea Rooms. • ' ̂ ~ RADIO R EPA IR S -- Aerials, Tubes, etc. J . 'L.-FetBgrew, 'West 145. WANTEH) --. (^apable girl td.\mind child occasiorial' eveningi,Ji^cihity ' Dundarave. Write, giving fulLpar .ticulars. - Box 40 .'W est Van. N ' INSTAL)pkTiDNS--]aectric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H. •Patersoft.'gWest 108. ews. CONCRETE GOI^TRACTORS f Land flCleariug_ ......o Excavation Work n ^ '.■' Wood . . . . . priAl Dry Maple and Alder Fii-eplace Wood Briquettes marine drive PHONE WEST 8 4 „i.u «.iuer rirepiace Wood TEAROE & SON.---------- -- ■ ■ - > V f "PHON Form N o n a : (Section 30) l a n d ACT' Notice of Intention to apply to Purchase Land i n . vVIIIICOUVAI'^ H y r Form No. 16 (Section 86) l a n d ACT ° nts-niinraoNs unreserved, ntrvejred Crown » lantU may be iMte-eiaDted by British yedW of age.^and by Brn?sh "S.ihte-i?'*®* tateatlon to become -.®ubl8cta, oondltlonal -upon ■resi dence, occupation and Inproyement.- - . *"*«" »tlon'. «oneemb&g Pre-emp- s l r ^ L »• Land ^ Pre-empt lAnd,'• conies of b® obtained free of charge by t?nn o* Provincial Inforsia-tlon, Victoria, or any Government Agent J** granted coverlbg only * w,*" osticultural purpos^ within reasonable ■ dletanee of' road "«ohn«i ■ ■ tlmhe^ffl**?* '»®3lti" ttd**hfch is'^n t̂ 8.000 feet per acre west of that Range " add?eMSrt" t?*'*t®/ P»^«niPttons are to be ^ ***"* Commissioner ol ihe^Land ̂ Recording iDlvlalon'-to which' the ■ orprlnt?dforms obtained from the Commissioner _ ^ occupied" for five WANTED. -- W aterfront Horned 2-3 bedrooms, by 1st November; state price and location. P. Foster c[o Rexall Drug Store, Marine - Drive, Amhleside/ > . : , MARCEL. SHOE -- Thermique Steam Permanents."' "Only, best* materials- used.- -' E ^ e r tM operators. Phone West 304', Royal Bank Building. --------------- m-- ------------------ --- ; COMFOmPABLE-ROOM--- ' 2-Minutes from f e ^ y ; ' two meals" if ^desired. Box 44, West Van News.' F()R SALE -- Bookcase,. Chinn Cab inet;, % Bed, Victor Console Badio good condition. W est 282-R. FOR. RENT - - Five room bungalow; modern, partly furnished, garage, PIVE.ROOM'B, modeni, goid location near fe rry ..' " Also sm all'place .n ^ r ferry; not mod- ern. Phone W est 5 il-R . ___ NEW HOUSE ON EASY TERMS -- CHIMNEY.'SWBBPING -- Old Coun try ,^ y . : 'Guaranteed. Brick and stone;:-,repairs;^l,"Palmer, CapDano, North 811-Er2; 'f room; all other-conveniences,-' close bathingbeach. Apply - owner, «1261 ' KeithKoad. - , FOR 'SALiS'«-^-:4;.r6bm bungalow on - large lot^^Lin garden, garage, view ,.] ' of 'EngIish~Ba^;\h<^aVbu» and stores, 1 quick sale $1,700'cash. i;\^st 340 or Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land ' In Vancouver division of the Land (Long and-*the vacan tr(> a^" U n d to the south. Bayl.____ ___________ Young & Gore IwSoat Cô Ltd if notice, that'M. R; Cliff & B. C. 744 W. Hastings ^Vancouver B C J<»wing..Oo>'Ltd. and Young & occupation Tugboht pperato?!, intend 744 W. Hast- «<* tapiwemenS made to value of SSSf ^L 'T ,£S^ £ ^ * " " r Pre-emptions e a rn tu part t1uv> condi. tlons of oeeupatioa .«aw alM granted.' rUBOHASS. OR UuisB W*«»WU for purchase OMMwred OvowS Jlojlwrlaad, f<w agricultural ***"• ®* first-class (uable) laud Is $s p u acre, and seconri. ..l»nA -iSS o^r-M rl- No Bulletin*v» laana Serleî , ^̂ P̂imhAsa and' of Crown Landar** ana Mase >2. gauge WiNCTES'TBlB'lte «ig for sale cheap. 2196 Math- ers Avenue-. TO RENT -- Furnished wa!terfront c o t^ e , 31st Street. Phone.Douglas WBST..^AN^TATTO -- Ŝ ool" Supplies, , Stationery, Magazines, . Books'^"-,City ̂ prices.'-' Our Lending . | Library subscribes to the Book-of* - theyMontK C l u b . _ of Crown*Ximds;' As a pMtlal ndlaf -^measure. -- A' wmdoW! of Brboms B ruges, Dust Mops and Wash Mop^ ' yo»wapproval / '̂ Barker: , HANDY ANn !s HOP;12442 Marine- School.SuppIies, Stationery, Notions IY®?ki ;̂GIoveS;, . Socks,,, etc. Your patronage, earnestly requested. _ reverted to apply for permission to nurcSS Vancouver; ' occupation the following described lands*--- ~ Operators, intends-to apply Commencing at a post planted at fSdsw®^ following described the south west corner ova« lauas. »e««l»d hy'purehaso in ten l■î the.'1tlr8t & d i r y " o ? L o t '& - t t e ^ : C , ? 22 chains, mow o 7 & to f t . w l l 1-8, chains to f te H fei W to r mark 5 P W t ^ r a W s r S S t ' ? * . ? " ' ' P ort Graves ( L o ^ , Bav: thence Norfteriy. and foilowin. i ( S q 'f e w a t S l ^ K M e S t n t ij me^ement anji containing H acres, 'iaWo)rt o r;l^$* , V/' / / ' i / ' ,/> M. & B.C^JIILLS ______________ ^ G U ^ & G O R E T ^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ to* am "p^im are-pajd when due smd ftaprovementii ar* ^ SStless than lo« the.uvpnthMd vmltoi. t i r ^ r -teftmrtol sites onumber land, not aTfuadlni to -- -- m.n ■ rT S y i i fiS},a."2«5S5f^J!: ^^?ION HALIr--For Rent--̂PartieF^J^etengs, phone West 1^-R, M? _ Crosby, managpr . ̂ mr. FOR RENT Partly fumished four-j , room cottage;'Radcliffe Avenue; oil burner,fireplace.' Phone Bay view A" 8967^Ls'̂ 5 ^ ̂ .1" y WANTED work lamd Jkegistry act 29; Zk 31, Block 15 District j_sieep in. W est 75-R-i:l:^V^ New, Westmm- the^first rear. ttUesnibBg ebtaiart'afte? umdlUons Me 148-L-2 'J*boUe West WHEREAS^'prbbf of loss of Orti* ----------- ii. r ^ f ^ iT i t le # N d ^ ^ 8 2 7 3 0 - K /to the> T>» : *i: waves (JUong followingthe said High Water Mark, to the commencement, and, contain- mg, 40 acre.s, more or less. ' , ' M. CLIFF & B. C. MILkiS ' o ' 52SSS? GO, LTD. AND ^ gore tug boat CO; ltd . Dated September 1st,/1986; fultiued and land hUlbSSi S f * S U ® : ? r s a 'leased by one • eompiut^^ . , Under .the Qraalni:** Um rrovinnit «• range administered luidar, graatog regalac tlons amended trooi.ttma totone t e i ^ t ̂varying ^dltlona, . ..>ASBoal griudng ..mlta are Issued baswl on'eertatn montuv rates per head ofJrt^^^^jwSrtS vJ'̂ il**®** waaagwmmt... -Free- or SSSSa SSf vt-'S'. m a r r ie d m a n ban ' _ cren^a. J a h ' f e W . ; ^ & » s " ^ f c e , ™«ce1=. .| FOR ~ Joyebytfi^ven.i^feil^hall, at the «x- I West^rt^Qf^?^® b e a d i n g (Try one mdni|i from the date J^ of the f i r s t 'Publication hereof, issue ---- y (poxt to Royal BanlfV >, ® provisional Certificate of Title i® 'FOR S A L E <./ '̂ l?5?-*-Ofrtfie|^d^ condition -^^o .o?eauUme^T^ ̂ be naade d V POHR)!^' -̂ r'-®oe,--Ymieoiiv |̂B;aS'tBis./.30th .day-.;̂ ■ &AS13