West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Oct 1936, p. 3

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fVtober !♦ tH B .W tSi^^V A N NBWS ----------j 1̂ ® ». WM>»(|"Wiit 77._ -,, «â ' - - Fr^lN^fify ,„ w .., SpeciaiB '7 R l jp J i ; i i :^ S u $ i4 7 U B w i^ iX ^ ^ ^ ÎMW<̂M*(**î**.iMW«#*«*i*k*** ftUF«>».i>.«#tt%'Ail «»««.• .........2 dozen d5c tUIT -- ,SeedIea8^1^e^«l*e.„„, .,....... rs "for 25c SUNKIST. 01 FLORIDA Gd . ___ SUNKIOT GRAPEFRUIT eWr ^c G00j3 OOOKW ........„;..... '..:.j.v../ulO Hfs: 26c; per box 76c McINTOSH^EED. i ^ E E S . . . 4>h #!fWk1i4i#»»«iik»«»AA4>»A« :.iu-2» 8 Ibtt. *26c; * per box $1.20 RIPE CANTALOUPES -- Large size........... ................... . ..... 2 for 15c FIJI BANANASjr ̂Firm..™;............... :............................. 8 iba< I6c GRAPES........... ................ :.................. 2 lba\ 19cSEEDLESS and TOKAY UKAPES........... ................ !̂ ................. 2 Ib i 19c carrots and ............... ..,;....;V„,..... ........ .8 bunches 10c '*»EARLY ROSE I^TATOES -- ̂Good cooking,.......................... ..16 lbs. 26c T •WPP : ^ d ' ' ' | ^ e l i : ' s O j i M ~ Mra. A. Blacklock has moved from Cypress Park into a house ""ar2890'w !le?ttii*A ve«ur."^^ . * ' , * * * . Miss Carolyn * <JMarsh, 1478 Gordon Avenue, left last week' Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Addy and family, 20th and Gordon Avenue, a t 21st and Gordon Avenue.%, • « ' • 0 » ' , ' . . . * Mrs. Rye, who has been oc- for Boston, Massaehusets, where cupyinR a house a t 2267 Marine ......................... v er^she will a ttend the Perry Normal Drive, nas moved back Into her Kindergarten School. ' home a t 20th and Gordon Ave-•k ♦ * *..,«, \ F. C. Vernon has moved from nue. iw H inrE A siia ' ana"TOVVosas' Cdgatt*! . rebeoo . Listerine Euthymol AoUeside Pharmacy , W. L. KER, Prop. UOl Marino Phono: Driro Woot $28 FREE DELIVERY . J 1̂ OI< *ii >!< *i< »'< »;< »;i H.O2BI8I818Bo'U;Oi4llOi< r f* M |!^ a n d ^ O p e n in g T " .-- " e - ' o - N ' ^ ^ T K BytheiWESTONlA'NS' -*- Home Gas Optimists ;& Engliih-Bay Versatiles VIVYAN Presented by ; PRANK ANDERS wid .'V E Q B p-rT ^e W onder Dog s g *4'̂ 'M- in H O L L Y B U R N T H iE A tR E , 2226 Bellevue Avenue, and is oc- A serious head-on auto col- ' copying a house at 2160 Argyle lision occurred on Saturday Avenue. morning between 22nd and 28rd *' *• * , J Streets oh Marine Drive in H. Mackay has moyed from which the fron ts of both cars 1782 Marine Drive into a house were crumpled and one badly a t 2459 'Lawson Avenue. burnt before the fire brigade * * • * were able to put the blaze out. Mr, and Mra. libuks, 18th and Mr. Lomas and his daughter, W aterfront, have moved into a Miss Lorpas, in one auto, each house a t 25th and Bellevue Ave- received h broken leg besides.Md nue cuts and bruises, while Mr. ♦ ♦ Hunter of North Vancouver, in In connection .with the^recent__the„other_was__dut Jn ..the n.^k victory of th e Kitsilano Boys' and leg and severely bruised. All Band a t the Crystal Palace, it were taken to the North Van- should be noted tha t Bob Me- couver General Hospital. Cartney. John * W right, W alter . P a rk e r ,. S tan Patterson, Billy., Mr. and Mrs, Taylor and Barker and Russell Esccott, all .^.family have moved from 8063 of the West Vancouver . School"̂ Marine Drive into a h o u ^ a t Band, have been members of the 3601 Marine Drive, Sandy Cove. r »■ ■..: at,8.30 p.m, \ I-"... A) >̂.{i I winning aggregation^ on their English trip this^^i^ear. The band Word has been received here is expeoted back'here about the that. Aubrey Shellard, 22nd and 23rd October. ♦ ♦ Last Saturday afternoon at Bellevue Avenue, has reached Canada, a fte r a trip around the world on a British motor vessel, A D M IS jsiO P 4 2 5 c . . the tea hour- a number' of West accepted a position with Vancouver* girla held a reunion ^ BiiagBaiBaBiaRisigiaiaaiaiiRiBBiâ ^ in r nriva^^^ r ^ m a t engineers in the Pickle Crow Hursonfs-Bay..tea. Room. Those Marine Drive. present w ere; Mrs. Gilbert (nee f 1«vT "C. Cundill, Radcliffe Avenue^ Freda H errin), Mrs; E rP re tb . o°fw^?t,ooW has'rmoved. into a house, a t 1^57 (nee Blanch NeviUe), the Misses Port A rthur, after a two weeks ' ' - '? nj_' ̂ xn^i. _„j^TTiu_ w ii__ Vacation to take up his new pos- He's relieved to know his familv is Phone W est 62 W E S T BAY FRESH MEA<rS £»■ - Fjsee delivery: -JO S ^ .-G R IF F IT H S City Prices Clara, K itty and Hilda Wilson, uo L»Ke aP • Lom a Thomson, Lilias Davie, du ring his^ trip round the Helen Thompson, Edina Archer, world .®®̂w the late King Jessie Castell, Joan Durbin, and George lying in Ola MnrLfiflTi ^ transports going to Ethiopia, andUia iViacLi^n. ̂ ̂ ^ Queen Mary and the German Mr. Ind- Jorman, 2644 Bellevue AvehuC, have moved New York. He also went with his ship to Italian Somaliland, ® ^ ^ and WM w ithin a few miles of the fighting. ■,■ . , Mn.and Mrs. BlIiott, who have ir beenloccupying-a house.A TrAnii'o ' Vfliic6uv6r, ycars, su "When I'm away I like to know that my wife and kiddies have the protec­ tion of a telephone in '.'the house," said Robert'Renstone. . • 'My business k e e ^ m e on tha road K. W. Savory much of'the timej and .naturally^ I dike to feel that my family .is safe during - my absence. I t's a relief . to know ° that they ban telephone for help' in case of emergency such; as fire; or sudden illness," '„• ' at The telbj^hprie;is-> greist-protection a sm4itcV8^>V^^ ' ii^Sm"• '■'̂A V- ' <r-», f., if.-' s V'*' Wt-& > >• •'/, "'"W] B. C. fEtMONE CO. 'gsa;rai:i.fn a tKn< a a a a a a a a a a:a.a:aa ®i 1443 Marine, Drive Ambleside Phone Wesr'340 Evenings, Wrat. 143 . iS;.- Listings Wanted Finance and Bellevue Avenue, '̂ have moved back to Vancouv^er. i(e . Mr. and Mrs.. J. D. Rankin have moved from the city into the Hanna house a t 22nd and M athers Avenue'^. fered internal injuries and shock in a minor motor accident * last Tuesday, as a result of which she d i e d ; |^ r in.the North Vancouver G re n ^ ^ i^ sp ita l. At the time of the. mishap the de­ ceased was driving with her son, « w T 1 1 1 i when the car skidded on the Reeve J. B. I^yland was e^ct- gravel on Marine Drive and ed tp t.h€ executive of th^ U.B.C. jumped the ditch. The funeral M. a t the recent, convention of ^ a s held yesterday from Harron 1468 Marine Drive, Phone W est 27 th a t body in Vernon, B.C. -Mr. and Mr'î . Mercer have moved from; 8601 Marine Drive into a houi^'eVb^'.lEsquimalt- Ave­ nue. ' ' ' ; Mr. and Mrsl;. Tibbs, 2614 Lawson Avenue, have left here for the south. " Bros. Ltd. chapel in North Van­ couver. " ' '♦ * ♦ " M r.a n d Mr^. R. B. Morison have, moved from 1129 Esplan­ ade into a house a t 1276 Keith Road. ' F O R S T ' S KITCHEN RANGES O. E. S. $39.50 „ t . 1 , The Sewing Circle of Naomi Mra.^ Hanna, .who has been- chap ter No. 26, O.E.S., met a t occupying her ho^se a t 22nd and the home of Mrs. C. B. Green- M athers. Avenue during the w ood,D uchessA venue,onTues- summer months, has returned to day afternoon. Vancouver. . ' _____ * ■ with Waterfront Plus your old range^ At. your local s to re \^ Hollyburn Furn iture Store . 1475 Marine Drive Hollyburn R E T pA L L TOWNSWOMENS GUILD The regular TO ALL EX-IMPERIALS All ex-Imperials are asked to Of the TowBswomen'e Build will S l e ? be held a t the Claclmh tomo'irbw rpĵ g meeting is being held ̂.petober 2nd, pu rpo^s of registration and T r i S m . o f Toe H will ™ z a t i o n . ROCKERY p l a n t s ; SHRUBS PERENNIALS Special This Week Only Spring Flowering Daphne 60c. Regular $1.00. RICHARDS, Nurseryman 23rd and. Jefferson Liberal discount to Jobbing Gardeners. ______ ______ W E D ELIV ER ^ 'mmmmsi W Ed e l i v e r give a short talk. Dr; A . C. Nash will conduct a dem onstration first aid. " . i / - M c N E IL 'S FiE2±idr, DRUG STORE 1402 Madne;. Drive; West Vancouver Phone West 628 Biirfaf4 vLaiindry LtdJ LAUNDRY SERVICEFORDEPENDABLE DAVE; ANDERSON;* West: Vancouver Representative V. Phones -- W est 6 9 t^ ^ o r North. 1310 DICKENS' BOOK CLUB TheUpickens Book. Club has commenced rehearsalsfor sketch­ es from *'Our MEutual. Friend," w hich 'are . to be: presented as usual early in December. I t has been suggested th a t a reading circle be started in connection with the book bu t quite, apart from the. sketches; Those in favor please riilgr W est 646-X. B.C. SOCIAL CREDIT League PU BLIC M EETING . LEGION HALL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7th, a t 8 P.M. SPEAKERS:--Dr. R. H. Smith; Ex-Mayor of Moose, Jaw, Sask. • Paul McD. Kerr, Barrister, Vancouver. . Nothing too small Nothing too large Highest Prices'paid for, B ^ les , Rags, Metals, Furniture,. Stores/Heaters,: etc; .".CaU West 91 and we will .call, at time; conr^enit.for you. _ BURB2iRD^|E^'^jC® WesfriVaiicbuver ihbne WestRL »csnf4»r-V',-'5'.3 \ . êX)^E!IT;;';/:\; •' W atch antf Clock REPAIRING, T. CHBISTBNWN (formerly .with J^irks Xtd., - ' Moqtreal) ■ 152? ,Majriiie;,I>rire.. □ USED RADIO □ ' A large sclĉ ction of thoroughly recondition^ Guaranteed ' R^ios to choose from. , Pric^ have been Greatly Reduced to clear. Models to suit every purse and every, home ̂from $ 9 .5 0 UP. BROW N & 1VIUNTON 1542 Marine- Drive West 366 Members Associated-Radio Technicians of B.C; □ ■1' 'S'.;' \, tfcSii I f II 1 «fll .Holiybura iheatre ■ ■1 • t THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE ' j; October 1st, 2nd and 3rd 4, LESLIE HOWARD ' Petrified Forest ' 1>1 ill. 1!also "THE SONG OF THE SADDLE" " ' ' ', 1 , i . ji»1 SAT. EVENING and MONDAY October 3rd and 5th,' • 1 CLARKE GABLE ■JEAN HARLOW til " WIFE VERSUS " "1 SECRETARY" ' ' 1 also % y ' ' ' ^ TWO SHOWS-l6;46 and 9.p.m. • ! ■' • ' i'i* TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ; i'. October 0th and 7th;^ MYRNA LOY ROBERT MONTGOMERY "PETTICOAT ,, ,i| j I T I T W D ^9 M: m i i w MUMm (Once only at 8:26) • ' I ! also , fir "RED SALUTE" ' Hi'l 1 ' 1 ....• - ■ • ̂ ' ■ I f Stratton's BAKERY i t- \ Fruit and Meat Pids, < All kinds of Cookies , ;:ff (II . Anple Turnovers - y- i'v___. - -yy-lii- ^ Doughnuts ' Eccles Cakes ' |i Wedding Cakes a Specialty . - We make everything right-on fel'llthe. premises, Fresh Daily, from first class ingredients. - Note Address; ̂ - 1 i- ,ii; ,|in| l|Vi. i l l ir:i w •l!i VilJ m i ■ ■ W l'i hmM';'iMii All I f * ' t t i m f e i f I K # " ' l # l : i i 'i .- s>--- : ' - V i . , 1 : .JI: I ' H*'V 11&>. -' 1!.# t ' ;! | r i 4 • N*". !>J'